1st Assessment 2017-2019

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General instructions:

1. All questions are compulsory

2. Question no:1 to 10 carry one mark each

3. Question :11to 16 carry two mark each

4. Question:17to 22 carry three mark each

5.Question:23 and 24 carry 5 marks each

has the unit of time, then
1. If the velocity of light is taken as the unit of velocityand one year
how is the distance travelled measured .Give its value.
What is the shape of
2.When the average velocity is equal to its instantaneous velocity then,
displacement time graph?
% error in measuring a
3.The error in mneasuring M,LandT are1%,5%,and 3% respectively then
physical quantity with dimensions M''T' is
magnitude 5. What will be dot product of
4. Two vectors of magnitude 3 and 4 gives resultant of
two vectors?Explain
the highest point of
5. What is the angle between the direction of velocity and acceleration at
the trajectory of a particle.Show it graphically.
in asolid.
6.How is coefficient of viscosity in a liquid analogus to the modulus of rigidity
incompressible liguid
7. What is the value of bulk modulus for an

8.0n what factors does angle of contact depend.

9.If the length of the wire increases by imm under lkg wt will be the increase under. What will
be the increase under 2kg wt and 100kg wt.
smaller rain drop2)
10. Whya larger rain drop falls faster than a
11.The stress -strain graph for materials Aand Bare shown in figure


3tain strain
a)Which of the two materials has greater Young's modulus b)Which material is more ductile
c)Which is more brittle

d)which of the two is more stronger material.

12. Derive an expression for the excess pressure in a soap bubble.

13.A U
tube contains water and methylated spirit separated by mercury.The mercury columns in
two arms are in same level with 10.0cm of water and in one arm and 12.5 cm of spirit in the other
.What is the specific gravity of spirit?

14..The displacement of abody is given proportional to the cube of time elapsed. What is the
nature of the acceleration of the body.

15. WICh
Whichare the particles that initiate a)strogg nuclear forces and b)weak nuçlear forces.
ndepecen calacten stey hueleas {orces
16.A car accelerates from rest at a constant rate of a for sometime, after which it decelerates at
aconstant rate Bto come to rest.If t is the the total time elapsed then calculate the maximum
velocity attained by the car.

17.Explain Why a)the angle of contact of mercury with glass is obtuse, while that of water is acute
b)Why surface tension of a liquid is independent of the area of the surface?
18. .A sphere is dropped under gravity through afluid of viscosityn. Taking the average
acceleration as half of the initialacceleration ,showthat the time taken toattain the terminal
velocity is independent of fluid density.
19. .Derive an expression for the energy stored in a wire due to extension ?1f in a wire of Young's
modulus Y, longitudinal strain x is produced,then find the value of potential energy stored in it per
unit volume.

20. Deduce the following equation by the method of calculus v-u-2as.where the symbols have
their usual meaning.Plot the v-s graph for a particle starting from rest.
21.The depth xto which a bullet penetrates in a human body depends upon i)coefficient of
elasticitynand ii)kinetic energy E, By the method of dimensions derive a relation for the depthx.
22.A car travelling at 20 m/sec due north along the highway makes a right turn on to a side road
that heads due east. It takes50 sec for the car to complete the turn .At the end of 50 sec the car has
aspeed of 15m/sec along the side road .Determine the magnitude and direction of
acceleration over the 50 second interval with the help of diagram.

23.a)State and prove Bernoulli's principle.

b)A non viscous liquid of constant density 1000kg/m has a steam line motion along a tube of
variable crossection. The tube is inclined in vertical plane. The area of crossection of the tube at P
and Qat heights of 2m and
Find the work done per unit Sm are respectively 4x10 m' and 8x10m.The velocity at Pis
volume by the as liquid flows from Pto Q. (3+2)


d)wnat S the phenomenon of capillarity?Derive an evoression for the rise of liquid in

b)Abig drop is formed by coalescing 1000 small dronlets of
surface energy decrease. (3+2) water. In what ratio woula tne

24 a)Derive the equation of trajectory of a proiectile for

given angular projection .Find out the
maximum height and time of flight of the projectile.
b)Prove that the gun will shoot three times as high when its angle of
30",but will carry the same horizontal distance (3+2)
elevation is 60° as when it is


a)A person travelling eastward with a speed of 3km/hr finds that wind
seems to blow from north
.On doubling his speed ,the wind appears to flow from
north-east.Find the magnitude of the actual
velocity of the wind.
b)Write difference between free vector and fixed vector with examples.


F.M. 50 TIME: 2 HRS

General instructions:

Question no. 1to 4 carry 1 mark each.

Questionno. 5 to 8 carry 2 marks each.
Questionno. 9 to 14 carry 3 marks each.
Question no. 15 to 16carry 5 marks each.

1. Inthe equation (P+ a/v')(v -b) =const. Pand Vstand for pressure and volume respectively, a and b
are constants. Find out the dimension of a.

2. Draw the velocityversus displacement graph for a uniformly accelerated body.

3. Find out the value of modulus of rigidity for a perfectly rigid body.

4. Why is triple point of water considered as a unique point in temperature scale whereas melting and
boiling points are not?

5. Name the exchange particle of the force which governs the structure of atoms and molecules. Name
two quantities those are conserved in nature. (1+1)

6. The time period of vibration of a tuning fork depends on the length of its prong, density and Young's
modulus of its material. Deduce an expression for the time period on the basis of dimensions.


Find out the percentage error in the measurement of the focal length (f) of a spherical mirror with
object distance, u =(4 ± 0.5) cm, image distance, v =(16 ±0.5) cm, using the expression (1/) =(1/u) +

7. Plotthe stress-strain graph of a metallic wire. Label it properly. (1+1)

8. Write down the expression of critical velocity. rom the expression, state the conditions of a flow to
be streamlined. (0.5 +1.5)

9. Starting from rest a body accelerates at the rate of 1.1230 m/s'. Find out its velocity after 5.00 <
(ROundit off up to correct number of signiticant T3uG. ention two advantages of SI system. Define 1
parsec. (1+1+1)
10 Deduce the eçuation S= ut - (1/2)at oe o
hals are thrown uniformly accelerated body by calculus method Two
simuitaneousy, vertiral Dwards with a speed of 20 m/s from the ground. and 5
verticaly downwards from a
what point do the two bals
height of 40m With the ame soeed and along the same ine of motion A
11. Name one localized
vector and one vector. To a person moVing eastwards with a
velocity of 48 km/hr, rain
appears to fal non-localizeddownwards with a speed of 6.4 km/hr. Find the
maanitude and direction ot the actual velocityvertically
cf the ain. (1+2)
12.Define angle of contact.
Explain the lift of anairrraft wina. (1+2)

Apply Bernoulli'sS principe to determine the sneed f

afur from the side of a container when its top S

13. Define thermal conductivity. WWrite down its

unit what is the effect of pressure on melting
substance? (1+1+1) point of a

14. Wnat ís elastic hysteresis? Calculate the force recuired to prevent a steel wire of 1 mm
section from contracting when it cools from 60'C to 15°C. (Young's crOss
modulus of steel is 2x10* N/m,
linear expansion coefficient of steel is 1.1x10* C) (1+2)
15. Using triangle law of vector addition find out the
magnitude and the direction of the resultant vector
by analyticaltreatment. If |A + BË = 3, find out the value of (A -
B).(2A + B) (2.5+2.5)

Establish the geometrical interpretation of rOss product. What are the

directions of instantaneous
velocity and average velocity? A particle starts trom tne origin at t= 0 sec with a
velocity of 5i m/s and
moves in XY olane with a constant acceleration oT 101 4J m/s. At what time is the
x-coordinate of the
particle is 125 m? What is the y-coordinate at that time? (2-1+2)
16. Derive the expression of excess pressure insoe d soap oubole. n equal
rain droplets falling through
air with egual terminal yelocity 10 cm/s coalesce to o a big3er drop. Find out the
terminal velocity
the bigger drop. (3+2)


Derive ascent formula for the rise of liquid in capilary tube. An automobile back lifted by a hydraulic
j3Ck that consists of two pistons. The large pistonsmin diameter and the smal! piston is 10cm in
dameter. if Wis the weight of the car, how muchsmallerr aforce is needed on the small piston to lift the
car? (3-2)

TIME- 2 Hrs F.M- 50
1) Write the corect
sequence of taxonomic hierarchy.
2) Why are some fungi grouped under
fungi imperfectii?
3) Mention the number of fatty acid residues 1
4) Which type of celldivision found in one molecule of fat? 1
5) Mention the arrangement of helps in regeneration?
microtubules found in centriole
6) Namne the stage of cell division 1
with reference to meiotic cell division
a. Centromere splits and
chromatids separate
b. Pairing between homologous
c. Terminalisation of chiasma takes chromosomes take place
d. Chromosome numbers are reduced to
half (.5*4-2)
7) Illustrate the different nature of bonds
linking monomers to make polymers in case of
polysaccharides and proteins. (1+1=2)
8) Mention the rules followed
universally to write a scientific name of an organism 2
9) What is meant by diatomaceous earth? What is its commercial importance?
10)a. Name two cell organelles that are double membrane bound. (1+1-2)
b. State one function for each organelle.
11) a. What do the terms phycobiont and mycobiont
b. What kind of association is seen between them?signify?
c. Why is their association referred to as pollution
12) How are the lipids and proteins arranged in a indicator? (1+.5+.5=2)
13) a. What is the significance of S phase in the cellcycle?membrane?
b. Why is meiosis essential in sexually
14) a. What are the monomers present in a reproducing
organisms? (1+2-3)
b. What are the components of the mnonomer?
c. What is base pairing rule?
15) Name the organism that exhibits
a. (.5+1.5+1=3)
b. Why are blue green algae included under What happens in this phase?
Monera and not included under Plantae?

16) a. Butter is solid at room (.5+1.5+1=3)

temperature and oil is liquid at room temperature.
why? Explain
b. Differentiate between secondary structure
17) a Name the group of organisms having the and tertiary structure of proteins.(2+1=3)
The cellwall forms stiff cellulose platesfollowing characteristics.
The parasitic form causes diseases such as sleeping
III. They are saprophytic decomposer, parasitic or sickness
IV. coprophilous
Instead of a cell wall they have a protein rich layer
b. Differentiate between plasmodium and
Plasmodium (0.5*4+1=3)
TIME- 2HR F.M- 50
1)Define species 1
2)Name the kingdom of unicellular eukaryotes 1
3) Differentiate between the cis and trans face of golgi 1
4)Give the structural difference between a virus and a viroid 1
5)Mention the number of fatty acid residues found in one molecule of fat
6)What are heterocyst? Mention its function.
7)Give the importance of the following structure E.R Cristae
8a) Name the type of cell division which helps in regeneration.
b) Mention the significance of Sphase in cell cycle. (1+1=2)
9)what are lichens ? 2

10)Who proposed the cell theory? Write the main propositions of this theory 2
11)State economically important uses of
a) Archaebacteria
b) Diatoms (1+1=2)
12a) Write the universal rules of Binomial nomenclature.
b) Write the taxonomic hierarchy in ascending order (2+1=3)
13) A solutioD in a test tube contains enzyme A, substrate B1 in less concentration and substrate 82
which has structural similarity with substrate B in high concentration. What will be noticed in the
velocity of the enzymatic reaction and why? 3
14a) What do you mean by red tide?
b) Differentiate between the2n and n+n/cell conditions in sexually reproducing fungi. (2+1=3)
15a) Give a labeled diagram of a chloroplast.
b) Give the functions of Mesosome. (2+1=3)
16a)Show how the two monosaccharide units and two amino acids are joined together.
b) what is base pairing rule? (2=1+3)
17a) If the enzyme salivary amylase enter the stomach along withthe food can it act on the substrate to
give the product. Give reasons for your answer.
b) What is meant by saturated fatty acids? (2=1+3)
18a) How is the tertiary structure ofa protein molecule attained? b) Give the mode of action of the
enzymes ligase and lyase. (3+2=5)
19) Draw alabeleddiagram of metaphase stage of mitotic cell division and metaphase Istage of meiotic
cell division
20a) Name the stages with reference to meiotic celldivision
i) Terminalisation of chiasma takes place
i)Chromosome number reduced to half
ii)Complete absence of nuclear membrane and nucleolus
iv) Pairing between homologous chromosome takes place
v) Centromere splits and chromatids separate
vi)fourhaploid daughter cells are formed
b) What are the importances of formation of haploid daughter cells and recombinant varities of gametes
in meiotic cell division? (3=2+5)
Ist Examination-2018
Chemistry Theory
Class XI Science

Time:- 2hours Maxirnum marks: 50

General Instructions:
All questions are compulsory.
i. Questions 1 to 5ore veryshort question of one mark eoch
ii. Questions 6 to 12 are two marks each answer in about 30 words edtr.
ii. Questions 13 to19 ore three morks eoch. Answer in obout 40 words each
iv. Questions 20 &21 ore offive morks each. Answer in about not more than70 words each.
V Use Log tables, if necesSary.

1. IVritedown all the four quantum numbers for the 19h electron of calcium. (Z =20)
2. 'redict the position of element with Z = 47 in the periodic table.
3. Afrange the following in order of increasing ionic radi
u,Na, AI,F,Mg,o
4 1Why are the tyres of automobiles inflated to lesser pressure in summer than in winter?
5 1Vrite the structure of 2-chloro-5-methylhex-5-enoyl chloride
An electron and a proton are possessing the same amount of KE. Which of the two has greater wavelength? Give

(tate Charles' law. Why in terms of Charles' law -273.15 °C is the lowest possible temperature?
8. ¿) Onthe basis of quantum number justify that the sixth period of the pericdic table should have
32 elements.

t Give reason- Alkali metals acts as good reducing agent.

9 a) Can Dalton's law of partial pressure be applied to a gaseous mixture of CO and O,?
Give reason for your answer.

t)If volume, mass and temperature of two gases H, and O; kept in separate vessels are the
same, in which vesselthe pressure will be greater and how many times.
10. " hat transition in hydrogen spectrum would have the same wavelength as in the
Balmer transition n = 4 to n = 2 of
He spectrum?
11 Calculate the number of SO,. ions present in 200ml of 0.025M H,SO. solution.
12. Calculate uncertainty in the velocity of an electron of mass 9.1x 10 *" kg, if the uncertainty
in position isof the order of 10Gm. (h= 6.626x10" Js)
13. A essel of volume 8.0x 10m'contains an ideal gas at S0OK and 210 kPa. The gas is allowed
to leak till the pressure falls to 135kPa. Calculate the amount of gas (in moles) leaked
th: temperature to remain constant.
1'" a) Why NaCl oconducts eletricity in aqueous solution
à molecule PH, Wite the tvDe of bond formed between hem
the molecule
|oelementIndicsate and
P H combine to form
the lewis structure of

15 a) Asample of 45g of CaCO, s added to 250 ml HCl containing29,o

HCI by mass
25.71 Whh6the
limiting reactant? (atomic mass of Ca = 40u:C= 12u; H=lu; having density 1.13p/ml
b) txpress the following in scientific not ation i) O.0048 ii) 500.0
16. a)What is the difference between electronegativity and (2+1)
b)Elements of
electron gain enthalpy.
group 3-12 are not called representative elemente
electronic configuration. Explain! Write their general
c) Show by achemical reaction with water that Na,O is a bàsic oxide
i7. a) out of 7s and 5d
which is higher in energy. Write the (1+1+1)
b) Calculate the
number of angular nodes in 4p orbital.
electronic configuration of Cu' Z=29).
Draw the shape of
c) What is the
significance Heisenberg's uncertainty principle?
of d.y2 orbital.
18. An athlete takes 20 (1+1+1)
breathes per minute at roonn
200ml which contains 20% Oxygen by volume whiletempeatae.
Tne air inhaled in each
breathe is
exhaled air contain 10%0, by volume.
Assuming thatall Oxygen consumed is used for converting glucose
intto CO,g) and H20
much glucose will be burnt in the body in one
hour? (0).How
19. a)Calculate the mole
fraction of Benzene in a solution of CC,
b) 1.£. of Mg is higher than both its
Containing 34% Benzene bv mass.
neighbours. Give reason.
20. a) Write the bond line (2+1)
representation of the following compound CH,
b) Draw the structure and correct the name of the folowing (CH,):c(CH),COOH.
c) What massof AgCl will be
compound 5,5-dimethyl-3-ethylhexane
precipitated when a solution containing 4.77g of NaCl is added to a solution
containing 5.77g of AgNO (At. Mass of Na = 23; Ag = 108; Cl=35.5; N=14;
0=16) (1+1+3)
21.a) Why is the energy of an electron in
Hydrogen atom negative?
b) Differentiate between 1ls and 2s
orbital by plotting radial piobability curves.
c) Howdid Bohr explain the
atomic spectrum of Hydrogen atom.

1) Give the structural difference between a viroid and a
2) Show the formation of a peptide linkage between twovirus.
amino acid molecules?
3) Name the structure of the bacterial cell which confers antibiotic resistant
propery to us
4) Mention the role of stroma and grana in the
S) Why does Golgi apparatus remain in close association with Endoplasmic Reticulum?
GR B(2*6=12)
6a)What is the reason of reduction in chromosome number in the daughter cells in meiotic
cell division?

b) Nam the stages in which the following events take place: chiasma formation,
pairing of homologous chromosome (1+.5+.5-2)

7)Give the diagrammatic representation of 9+2 arrangement of the microtubules in flapella.

8) a) What is meant by diatomaceous earth?
b) How is it helpful to mankind? (1+1=2)
9) Mention two conditions essential for the formation of ATP molecules during
10) Give the mode of action of the following enzymes : a) transferase b) lyases
1)What are the taxonomical ranks mentioned while writing a scientific neme. Explain with
an ex inple.
two kingdom classification.
12) Mention the three drawbacks of
photophosphorylatioa in plants
13)Give a schematic presentation of non-cyclic
plasma membrane? Mention th: role dayd by them in a
14) How are the proteins arrangedin a
Why is it knownas wasteful process?3)
15) What isphotorespiration?

16)a)What are the monomers present in a DNA molecule?
b) What are the components of monomers?
c) What is base pairing rule? (,5+1.5+1=3)
17)a) Why are deuteronycetes considered as fungi imperfecti?
a) Name the type of organism that show dikaryophase
b) What happens in this phase? (1+.5+1.5=3)

GR D( 5*3=15)
18)a) Give a labelled diagram of mitoticmetaphase and metaphase I of meiotic celldivision?
b) What are the importance of formation of haploid daughter cells and recombinant varieties
of gametes in meiotic cell division? (3+2)

19) a) Enzyme salivary amylase is extracted and heated at a very high temperature. After
cooling it is added to starch solution. What is the effect on starch? Explain with reasons.
b). What do you understand by the substrate specificity of an enzyme? Explain with an
example. (3+2)

20) a) How are the C4 plants adapted to overcome the process of photorespiration ?(4)
b) What do you understand by reaction centre of photosystem? (1)
Chemistry Theory
Time: 2 hours XIScience
M.M. :50
(1) 4llquestions are
(2) 0. Nos. Ito l0 carry one mark each.
(3) Q. Nos.l1 to 17 carry two
(4) Q. Nos. 18 to 24 carry three markseach.
(5) Q No 25 carry five marks.
(6)Use log tables if necessary
1. Assign the position of the element having electronic configuration [Kr]4d° 5s° in the periodic
2. State Gay Lussac's law of gaseouS volumes.
3. Arrange the following in the increasing order of wavelength: visible, microwave, ultraviolet,
4. The number of electron having the quantum numbers n=4, I-0, s=-1/2 in Zn" ion is /are=
5. If nitrogen atom had electronic configuration 1s', it would have energy lower than that of the
normal ground state configuration 1s"2s2p, because the electrons would be closer to the nucleus
yet 1s' is not observed why?
6. 525g of the higher oxide of a metal on heating gave 5.225g of lower oxide. The lower oxide on
reduction gives 4.925g of the metal. Prove the law of multiple proportion.
7. Write the structure of the following compound
5-(3-methylcyclopentyl) hex-3-yonyl chloride
S. If the density of a solution is 3.12 g/mL, then the mass of 1.5 ml solution in significant figures
IS..... ....

9. In which of the orbital diagram is the Aufbau's principle violated.

10. Ir terms of Charles' law explain why -273.15C is the lowest possible temperature.
11. What should be the % increase in pressure for a 100/32 %decrease in volume of gas at constant
12. The circulation of blood in human body supplies 0; and releasses CO,. The concentration of O,
and CO, is variable but on the average, 100 ml blood contains 0.02g of O, and 0.8g of Co,. Calculate
the ratio of volume of 0, to CO, at 1 atm and body temperate 37 Cassuming 10 litres of blood in
human body. (R= 0.083 Latm/K/mol)
13. Hydrogen atom thas only one electron, yet we see a large number of lines in the emissi on
spectrum of hydrogen explain.
14. a) How do you account for the blue colour of alkali metal solution in liquid ammonia?
t) How would you explain the fact the first ionisation enthalpy of sodium is lower than that of
magnesium but its seCond ionisation enthalpy is higher than that of Magnesium.
15.Complete the reaction..a) Li,CO, ’ b) RbO2 + H,0 ’
16. 25.3 g of Na,CO, is dissolved in enough water to Torm 250 mL of solution. If Na,Co, dissociates
completely. find the rnolar concentration of Na and Co," ions. (at mass Na =23u)
17.Write the conditlon favourable for the formation ofa coordinate bond. Discss the formnation of
Dond in ammonlum lon.
18.a) An atomic orbital has n=2. What are the posslble values of Iand n
b) What is lowest valueof nthat alows gorbitals to exist and why?
c)Draw the shape of d,2:y2 and dy orbital.
19. Write the lUPAC names of the following:
a) b)
20. Ajar contains a few drops of water. The pressure in the jar is 830 mm of Hg The termperature of
the jar is reduced by 1%. The vapour pressure of water at two temperatures is 30 and 25 mm of Hg
respectively. Calculate the new pressure in the jar.
21.a) An element of group 2forms covalent oxide which is amphoteric in nature and dissoBves in
water to give an amphoteric hydroxide. Identify the element and write chemical reactions of the
hydroxide of the element with an alkali and an acid.
b) Li resembles Mg in some of its properties. Mention two such properties and give reason for this
22. Hydrogen obtained by the reaction of 20 g of Mg with dilute HCl reacts completey with C,
liberated by the action of concentrated HCl and 90.625 gof pyrolusite (Ore of Mn). Calculate the %
of pure MnO, in pyrolusite. (Mn=s5u, Mg=24u, H=1u,Cl=35.5u).
MnO,+4HCI MnCl,+Cl,+2H,0
23. a) Acoating of cobalt that is 0.005 cm thick is deposited on a plate that is 0.5m?in total area
How manyatoms of cobalt were deposited on the plate (density of Co = 8.9 g/cc, atomic mass of Co
- 59u).
b)lf 0.5 mole of BaCl, is mixed with 0.2 mole of Na,PO4.What will be the maximum number of moles
of barium phosphate that can be formed.
24.a)The last electron in both Mg and Al is present in the 3" energy level. which case wilithe
effective nuclear charge be more and why?
b) Calculate the number of angular and radial nodes in 4d subshell.
c) Draw the radial probability density curve fora 4s orbital.
25. a) Draw the structure of BeCl, in vapour phase.
b)Arrange the following in decreasing order of size: Mg, Mg, AI, A
) Compare the solubilities of the carbonates of alkali metals with those of the alkaline earth metals.
d) Why alkali and alkaiine earth metals are not obtained by hemical reduction method.
e) be and Mg do not impart colour to the Bunsen flame. Explain

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