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Possible Questions as per my knowledge could also focus on other languages and some

programs for you to write. Also your resume is good and has several keywords so be prepared
for all keywords and concepts including Git.

1. Tell me about your project that performs Question Answering?

2. Why did you use flask specifically but not other frameworks such as streamlit or Django?
3. What is API and how do you create your own API?
4. What functionality did your API do and what was the logic behind it?
5. Have you ever used the Postman application? What is it used for and what are the functions
or buttons on the screen of postman (Asked for a friend in Ninja)
6. What’s the difference between Java and C++. Which is your favorite language and why?
7. You have said you won 2nd prize in the National Level Hackathon what was it about and what
did you do there?
8. What do you know about cloud and all possible qns they can get their hands on from google
on oracle cloud infrastructure. Also focus on the founders of the cloud platforms too.
9. In your sentiment analysis project how did you collect your data from twitter. If you used
scrapping you could get qns about the tools and packages used
10. Why did you use those specific algorithms and for what purpose.
11. You have mentioned Power BI how do you create a timeline and also what are the tools and
languages used in Power BI.
12. So what is JDBC and what is its use.
13. You could get any qn from SQL and other databases since its in ur resume.
14. How proficient are you with new technologies and tech stack?
15. Have you worked on any projects on them?
16. You have a lot of projects on ML but what if we assign you into roles that require you to focus
on development instead of ML? Would you be ok working In other areas and would it affect
ur performance.
17. So have you ever worked in a team? If so where?
18. What do you think is an important quality for a leader.
19. If you were leading a team how would you resolve conflicts.
20. What do you think is best working individually in separate tasks or work as a team together
to attain the objective.


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