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Diabetes in the Caribbean: results of a population

survey from Spanish Town, Jamaica
R. Wilks*, C. Rotimi², F. Bennett*, N. McFarlane-Anderson*, J. S. Kaufman²,
S. G. Anderson*, R. S. Cooper², J. K. Cruickshank³ and T. Forrester*

*Tropical Metabolism Research Unit, University of Aims To characterize the prevalence of diabetes and associated risk attributes
the West Indies, Mona, Jamaica in the Jamaican population.
²Department of Preventive Medicine and Methods A random population sample was recruited by door-to-door
Epidemiology, Loyola University Stritch School of
Medicine, Maywood IL, USA
canvassing (n = 1303). A ®nal participation of 60% was achieved. Oral glucose
tolerance testing was conducted after an overnight fast and standard
³Clinical Epidemiology Unit, School of anthropometric and demographic data were collected.
Epidemiology and Health Sciences, University of
Manchester, Manchester, UK Results The prevalence of Type 2 diabetes mellitus was 9.8% (95%
con®dence interval (CI) 7.2±12.4) among men and 15.7% (95% CI 13.1±18.3)
Supported in part by grants from the US National
Institutes of Health, the European Commission among women with an overall prevalence of 13.4% (95% CI 11.5±15.2).
and the Wellcome Trust Impaired glucose tolerance was found among 12.3% of men and 14.7% of
women. The sex patterns were consistent with a fourfold excess of obesity in
Received 20 October 1998; revised 9 March 1999;
accepted 7 June 1999 women compared to men. The odds ratios for diabetes, fourth vs. ®rst
quartiles were 5.42 (95% CI 2.02±16.88) in men and 3.32 (95% CI 1.73±
6.63) in women for body mass index (BMI) and 17.39 (95% CI 3.86±78.27) in
men and 5.48 (95% CI 2.84±11.00) in women for WHR in a logistic model
controlling for age. The population attributes risk percentage, for diabetes, of
being overweight and having waist-to-hip ratio (WHR) greater than the
median (0.80) were 66% and 80%, respectively. The contribution of central
obesity, as characterized by WHR, was also signi®cant in sex-speci®c
multivariate models that included age and BMI. Prevalent hypertension and
family history of diabetes were likewise associated with increased odds of
having the disease.
Conclusions The prevalence of diabetes in Jamaica now exceeds that observed
among European-origin populations and re¯ects the emerging epidemic of
obesity. The excess risk for this population could not be attributed entirely to
relative weight. The pronounced sexual dimorphism in diabetes prevalence
most likely re¯ects the substantial excess of obesity among women compared
to men. Like many other island nations, Caribbean societies now appear to be
at substantial risk of diabetes.
Diabet. Med. 16, 875±883 (1999)
Keywords Caribbean, Jamaica, obesity, Type 2 diabetes mellitus

Abbreviations BMI, body mass index; FPG, fasting plasma glucose; IGT, im-
paired glucose tolerance; NGT, normal glucose tolerance; OGTT, oral glucose
tolerance test; OR, odds ratio; PAR%, population attributable risk percentage;
WHO, World Health Organization; WHR, waist-to-hip ratio

Correspondence to: Dr Terrence Forrester, Tropical Metabolism Research Unit,

University of the West Indies, Mona, Kingston 7, Jamaica 4, West Indies.

ã 1999 British Diabetic Association. Diabetic Medicine, 16, 875±883 875

876 Diabetes in Jamaica · R. Wilks et al.

census was used to ascertain the number of persons residing

Introduction within each cluster. A random sample of clusters was then
Recent evidence from epidemiological studies in the selected giving larger clusters a higher probability of being
Caribbean show that the burden of chronic noncommunic- selected. After selection, all individuals residing within the
selected clusters were approached to participate in the study.
able diseases, especially diabetes and hypertension, is
Households were visited numerous times to increase the chance
increasing rapidly [1±8]. The rise in the prevalence of
of ®nding individuals at home. Eighty-three of 219 clusters were
chronic conditions has resulted in the change in the pattern selected and the aim was to enrol equal numbers in the ten age/
of mortality over the last several decades and the leading sex categories. Among the 2171 persons contacted, 1303
causes of death in the English-speaking Caribbean persons were enrolled and examined, for an overall participa-
countries now mirror those found in industrialized tion rate of 60%. The lowest response rate was in the 35±49 year
societies [3]. Heart disease, cancer, cerebrovascular age group, men worse than women. The protocol was reviewed
diseases, diabetes and other diseases of the circulatory and approved by the Institutional Review Board of the
system represent the ®ve leading causes of death in most University of the West Indies, Mona.
Caribbean countries [3]. Some reasons advanced for the
observed increase in chronic diseases include economic
development and improved health status leading to Measurements
increased longevity [9]. Improved living conditions have Subjects completed an interviewer-administered questionnaire
been accompanied by rural to urban migration and covering personal, medical and social history and family history.
increased pressure to adopt a consumer life-style. The diet Smoking status de®ned as `ever smoked' identi®ed the number of
typical of Westernized societies, which is high in fat and persons who had ever smoked 100 or more cigarettes. Current
sugar and low in ®bre, leads to increased caloric density smokers were also identi®ed. Alcohol drinkers were de®ned as
thereby increasing the likelihood of excess intake. In those individuals who had consumed at least 12 drinks in the last
combination with increasing access to labour-saving 12 months. A drink was de®ned as 340 ml beer, 113 ml wine or
devices and a sedentary lifestyle, the problem of chronic 28 ml spirit (e.g. rum).
positive calorie balance is manifested in metabolic dis- Blood pressure (BP), height, weight, and arm, waist and hip
circumference were measured using a standardized protocol
orders of epidemic proportions.
[13,14]. All blood pressures were measured to the nearest
The systematic documentation of changes in the
2 mmHg as the ®rst and the ®fth Korotkoff phases by using a
prevalence of obesity and related risk factors in the standard mercury sphygmomanometer. Three BP measure-
Caribbean has been inadequate. Few population surveys ments were taken 1 min apart after 5 min in the sitting position.
have been conducted to estimate the magnitude of the BMI was calculated as the measured weight in kilograms divided
problem of diabetes, hypertension and related risk factors, by height in metres squared (kg/m2). Waist and hip circumfer-
making the development of public health policy dif®cult. ence were measured twice for each participant to the nearest
The present study was undertaken to begin to provide 0.1 cm using a hand-held steel retractable tape. WHR was
additional information on the prevalence of diabetes in the calculated as waist divided by hip circumference measured in
Caribbean at the population level and to evaluate the centimetres.
association with two primary indices of fatness ± body Participants were invited to a centrally located clinic in the
Spanish Town Community Hospital after an overnight fast of
mass index (BMI) and waist-to-hip ratio (WHR).
12±14 h. Fasting venous blood samples were obtained from each
participant by trained ®eld staff into heparinized and ¯uoridated
tubes. Subsequently, each participant consumed 75 g oral
Patients and methods glucose load (over 2±3 min). Another blood sample was taken
after 120 min for the oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT). Plasma
Participant recruitment
glucose was estimated using the glucose oxidase method.
A cluster sampling technique known as probability propor- Glucose tolerance was de®ned on the basis of WHO recom-
tionate to size [10±12] was used to enrol equal proportions of mendations [15] as follows: a participant was classi®ed as
men and women in ®ve age strata (25±34, 35±44, 45±54, 55±64, diabetic if fasting plasma glucose (FPG) was > 7.8 mmol/l or if
65±74 years) from Spanish Town, Jamaica. Spanish Town, the the 2-h post-load plasma glucose concentration was > 11.1 m-
former capital of Jamaica, lies 15 miles west of Kingston (the mol/l. Individuals with a veri®ed history of diabetes (i.e. on
present capital) and has a population of 110 000 of which insulin or oral hypoglycaemic agent or diet) were classi®ed as
45 000 individuals were in the age range of interest. This known diabetic. The prevalence of impaired glucose tolerance
community was selected on the advice of the Statistical Institute (IGT) was estimated among participants with FPG < 7.8 mmol/l
of Jamaica (STATIN) as being most representative of the and a 2-h post-load plasma glucose concentration between 7.8
demographic pro®le of urban Jamaica and is known to be stable and 11.0 mmol/l. Participants with both fasting and 2-h plasma
with little external migration. STATIN has an enviable record glucose < 7.8 mmol/l were classi®ed as normal glucose tolerance
for producing reliable population data. Enumeration districts (NGT). Although WHO does not have a NGT category, we use
derived from the most recent census (1991) represented the term here, as have others [16], to mean the absence of IGT
appropriate clusters in Spanish Town. The island's most recent and diabetes. Diabetes was also de®ned by the new diagnostic

ã 1999 British Diabetic Association. Diabetic Medicine, 16, 875±883

Epidemiology 877

criteria as follows: FPG > 7.0 mmol/l (126 mg/dl) or 2-h post- association is one of cause and effect [22]. Therefore, PAR%
load plasma glucose concentration > 11.1 mmol/l (200 mg/dl) represents that proportion of disease in the total population that
or on treatment for diabetes (i.e. insulin or oral hypoglycaemic could be eliminated by removal of the harmful exposure [22].
agent or diet) [17]. Hypertension was de®ned as systolic For example, the PAR% for BMI could be interpreted as the
BP > 140 or diastolic BP > 90 or current use of anti-hyperten- proportion of diabetes that could be eliminated if individuals
sive medication, were encouraged and succeeded in reducing their BMI to below
25 kg/m2.

Statistical analyses

Statistical analyses were performed using programs available in Results

SAS [18] and Intercooled Stata 5.0 (College Station, TX). The
Student's t-test and ANOVA were used to assess differences in A total of 1303 persons (520 men, 783 women) partici-
continuous variables while the chi-square test was used for pated in the study (Table 1). Men were slightly older than
categorical variables. Prevalence estimates were age-standar- women (47.2 vs. 46.2 years; P = 0.2). Female participants,
dized to the total Spanish Town population and also to the both shorter and weighing more, were signi®cantly more
standard world population of Segi [19,20]. Multivariate logistic
obese than their male counterparts (BMI = 23.8 vs. 28.0 kg/
regression analyses were used to model the relationship between
m2; P < 0.001; for men and women, respectively) and had
diabetes status and known risk factors. Population attributable
risk percentage (PAR%) was determined from a maximum larger waist and hip circumferences. Females also had
likelihood estimation of the attributable fraction (AF) from consistently higher BMI and lower WHR than men across
logistic models (age and sex included) where the exposed the categories of glycaemic status (Table 2). Over 60% of
proportion was de®ned as having a BMI > 25 kg/m2. Standard the men reported ever smoking cigarettes and using
errors and con®dence intervals are based on asymptotic alcoholic beverages compared to 20% of the women.
approximations calculated on log(1-AF) scale after Greenland Current smoking was reported among 36% and 11% men
and Drescher [21]. The OR is the odds ratio comparing persons and women, respectively (21% total). Current smokers
with BMI > 25 kg/m2 and persons with BMI < 25 kg/m2, adjust-
among those with diabetics was 27% and 8% among men
ing for age and sex [22]. Similar analyses were performed for
and women, respectively, compared to 37% and 13%
WHR, where the exposed proportion was de®ned as those
subjects above the median (WHR > 0.8) and the OR is the odds
among normoglycaemic subjects. These differences were
ratio comparing persons with WHR > 0.8 and persons with not statistically signi®cant. The prevalence of hypertension
WHR < 0.8 in a logistic model including age and sex. The was 21% among men and 28% among women and
attributable risk provides a measure of the public health impact increased with increasing age in both men and women.
of an exposure (in this case BMI and WHR), assuming that the Hypertension prevalence rose to 52% and 35% in women

Table 1 Basic characteristics of study participants

Men Women Total

Variables Mean (95% CI) Mean (95% CI) Mean (95% CI)

Age (years) 47.2 (46.0±48.4) 46.2 (45.2±47.1) 46.6 (45.8±47.3)

Height (cm) 171.9 (171.3±172.4) 160.8*** (160.3±161.2) 165.2 (164.7±165.6)
Weight (kg) 70.2 (69.0±71.5) 72.4* (71.3±74.0) 71.7 (70.7±72.6)
BMI (kg/m2) 23.8 (23.2±24.2) 28.0*** (27.6±28.4) 26.3 (26.0±26.7)
Waist (cm) 80.8 (79.8±81.9) 83.4*** (82.5±84.2) 82.4 (81.7±83.0)
Hip (cm) 95.7 (94.7±96.6) 104.4*** (103.6±105.2) 100.9 (100.3±101.6)
Waist/hip ratio 0.84 (0.84±0.85) 0.80*** (0.79±0.80) 0.82 (0.81±0.82)
Arm circumference 29.3 (28.9±29.7) 31.1*** (30.8±31.4) 30.4 (30.1±30.6)
Pulse (30 s) 34.0 (33.6±34.1) 36.7*** (36.4±37.1) 35.6 (35.4±35.9)
Hypertension1 0.21 (0.17±0.24) 0.28*** (0.25±0.32) 0.25 (0.23±0.28)
Hypertension2 0.16 (0.12±0.19) 0.21* (0.18±0.24) 0.19 (0.17±0.21)
Ever smoked 0.61 (0.57±0.65) 0.20*** (0.17±0.22) 0.36 (0.34±0.39)
Current smoker 0.36 (0.32±0.40) 0.11*** (0.09±0.14) 0.21 (0.19±0.23)
Ever drank 0.64 (0.60±0.68) 0.21*** (0.18±0.23) 0.38 (0.35±0.41)
Overweight² 0.33 (0.28±0.37) 0.67*** (0.64±0.71) 0.54 (0.51±0.56)
Obese³ 0.086 (0.06±0.11) 0.34*** (0.31±0.37) 0.24 (0.22±0.26)

BMI, body mass index. Hypertension1: systolic BP > 140 or diastolic BP > 90 mmHg or anti-hypertension medication. Hypertension2: systolic BP
> 160 or diastolic BP > 95 or anti-hypertension medication.
²BMI > 25 kg/m2. ³BMI > 30 kg/m2.
***P-value < 0.0001 and *P-value < 0.05 for difference between two means or proportions (men vs. women).

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Table 2 Mean (95% con®dence intervals) of selected variables strati®ed by glycaemic status and sex

Normoglycaemic Impaired glucose tolerance Type 2 diabetes P-value for differences

(n = 950) (n = 179) (n = 174) between means*

n (male/female) M/F 405/545 64/115 51/123

Age (years) M 44.6 (43.3±45.9) 57.9 (54.7±61.1) 54.1 (50.7±57.7) P < 0.0001
F 43.2 (42.1±44.3) 50.8 (148.4±53.2) 54.9 (52.6±57.0) P < 0.0001
Body mass index (kg/m2) M 23.5 (22.9±24.0) 24.4 (23.0±25.8) 25.4 (23.8±27.0) P = 0.004
F 27.5 (27.0±28.0) 29.1 (28.1±30.1) 29.3 (28.3±30.3) P = 0.003
Systolic BP (mmHg) M 119 (117±121) 134 (129±139) 131 (125±137) P < 0.0001
F 117 (116±119) 129 (125±132) 135 (130±137) P < 0.0001
Diastolic BP (mmHg) M 68 (67±70) 75 (71±79) 72 (68±76) P = 0.003
F 68 (67±69) 73 (70±76) 71 (68±73) P = 0.003
Waist-to-hip ratio M 0.83 (0.82±0.84) 0.87 (0.86±0.89) 0.90 (0.88±0.91) P < 0.0001
F 0.79 (0.78±0.79) 0.80 (0.79±0.82) 0.84 (0.82±0.85) P < 0.0001
Fasting glucose (mmol/l) M 4.8 (4.7±5.0) 5.5 (5.1±5.9) 10.3 (9.8±10.7) P < 0.0001
F 4.8 (4.7±4.9) 5.5 (5.2±5.8) 9.0 (8.7±9.3) P < 0.0001
2 h glucose (mmol/l) M 5.2 (5.0±5.5) 8.9 (8.4±9.5) 14.8 (14.2±15.5) P < 0.0001
F 5.8 (5.6±6.0) 8.4 (8.4±9.3) 14.1 (13.7±14.5) P < 0.0001
Prevalence of hypertension1 (%) M 16.1 (12.5±19.6) 40.6 (28.3±53.0) 35(21.7±48.9) P < 0.0001
F 20.9 (17.5±24.3) 38.6 (29.5±47.7) 52.0 (43.1±61.0) P < 0.0001
Prevalence of overweight²(%) M 29.8 (25.3±34.3) 36.5 (24.2±48.7) 53.1 (38.6±67.5) P = 0.004
F 62.5 (58.4±66.5) 77.4 (69.6±85.2) 80.5 (73.4±87.6) P < 0.0001
Prevalence of obesity³(%) M 6.4 (4.1±8.8) 15.9 (6.6±25.2) 16.3 (5.6±21.1) P = 0.006
F 31.2 (27.3±35.2) 40.0 (31.0±49.1) 41.5 (32.6±50.3) P = 0.035
Prevalence of current smokers (%) M 36.8 (32.1±41.5) 37.5 (25.3±49.7) 27.4 (14.8±40.1) NS
F 13.0 (10.2±15.8) 7.0 (12.2±11.7) 8.1 (3.2±13.0) NS
Prevalence of ever smokers (%) M 61.1 (56.3±65.9) 68.7 (57.0±80.4) 52.9 (38.7±67.1) NS
F 21.1 (17.7±24.6) 17.4 (10.3±24.4) 15.4 (8.9±21.9) NS
Prevalence of alcohol drinkers (%) M 61.1 (61.7±71.0) 68.7 (47.0±71.1) 50.9 (36.8±65.2) NS
F 22.6 (19.1±26.1) 20.0 (12.6±27.4) 12.3 (6.4±18.2) P = 0.039

Hypertension1: systolic BP > 140 or diastolic BP > 90 or anti-hypertension medication. *Differences between three means were assessed using
ANOVA and the c -test for categorical variables.
NS, not signi®cant. ²BMI > 25 kg/m2 and ³BMI > 30 kg/m2.

Table 3 Prevalence of impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) and diabetes (DIAB) by age and sex

Men Women Total

Ages n IGT(%) DIAB(%) n IGT(%) DIAB(%) n IGT(%) DIAB(%)

25±34 134 3.0 2.2 197 8.6 2.5 331 6.3 2.4
35±44 113 4.4 6.2 192 13.0 10.4 305 9.8 8.8
45±54 105 17.1 13.3 182 17.6 18.7 287 17.4 16.7
55±64 87 14.9 21.8 126 15.1 30.2 213 15.0 26.8
65 + 81 29.6 9.9 86 25.6 30.2 167 27.5 20.4
Total 520 12.3 9.8 783 14.7 15.7 1303 13.7 13.4

and men with diabetes compared to their normoglycaemic increased with age with a slight downward trend for the
counterparts (21% vs. 16%, respectively; Table 2). last age group (65±74 years). The increase in the mean 2-h
Although mean FPG was the same for men and women level with age was much steeper than was FPG for both men
(5.5 6 2.3 mmol/l), women had signi®cantly higher 2-h and women.
post-glucose values (7.5 6 3.9 vs. 6.6 6 3.7 mmol/l; Based on the WHO criteria [15] the prevalence of
P < 0.001). When persons on insulin or oral hypoglycaemic diabetes was 9.8% (95% con®dence interval (CI) 7.2±
agents were excluded from the analysis (14 out of 78 people 12.4) for men and 15.7% (95% CI 13.1±18.3) for women
on insulin or oral agent), the 2-h post-load glucose level (Table 3), with an overall prevalence of 13.4% (95% CI
dropped to 6.2 6 2.8 mmol/l for men and 6.9 6 3.0 mmol/l 11.5±15.2). When age-standardized against the overall
for women. Mean FPG and 2-h post-load concentration population of Spanish Town the rates were 7.6% (95% CI

ã 1999 British Diabetic Association. Diabetic Medicine, 16, 875±883

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Figure 1 Prevalence of diabetes mellitus by quartiles of body mass index (BMI) among Jamaicans, by sex, c2 for trend P < 0.001. Inter-quartile
ranges for men (1st to 4th, respectively): 14.1±20.7; 20.8±22.8; 22.9±26.5; 26.6±48. Inter-quartile ranges for women (1st to 4th, respectively):
14.3±23.5; 23.6±27.5; 27.6±31.6; 31.7±56.2.

Table 4 Age-adjusted odds ratios and 95% con®dence intervals for diabetes by sex-speci®c body mass index (BMI) quartiles

Men (n = 514) Women (n = 782)

BMI² OR³ 95% CI P-value§ BMI² OR³ 95% CI P-value§

14.1±20.7 1.00 ± ± 14.3±23.5 1.00 ± ±

20.7±22.8 2.55 (0.82±8.65) 0.114 23.6±27.5 1.93 (1.00±3.71) 0.049
22.9±26.5 3.17 (1.21±9.40) 0.026 27.6±31.6 2.81 (1.46±5.41) 0.002
26.6±48.0 5.42 (2.02±16.88) 0.002 31.7±59.2 3.32 (1.73±6.63) 0.000

²Sex-speci®c empirical quartiles.

³Age-adjusted odds ratios from sex-speci®c logistic regression models.
§P-value for null hypothesis that adjusted OR = 1.

Figure 2 Prevalence of diabetes mellitus by quartiles of waist-to-hip Ratio (WHR) among Jamaicans, by sex, c2 for trend P < 0.001. Inter-quartile
ranges for men (1st to 4th, respectively): 0.68±0.79; 0.80±0.83; 0.84±0.88; 0.89±1.07. Inter-quartile ranges for women (1st to 4th, respectively):
0.64±0.76; 0.77±0.79; 0.80±0.84; 0.85±1.35.

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880 Diabetes in Jamaica · R. Wilks et al.

5.5±9.7), 12.0% (95% CI 10.0±14.0) and 10.2 (95% CI As expected, the prevalence of diabetes increased with
8.7±11.6) for men, women and the total population, age for both men and women, with the highest prevalence
respectively. When age-standardized against the standard occurring in the 55±64 years age group. This is maintained
world population of Segi, the rates were similar at 9.5% in the 65+ age group among women but falls sharply
(95% CI 7.1±12.0), 15.2% (95% CI 12.8±17.5) and among this oldest group of men. With the exception of the
12.8% (95% CI 11.1±14.5) for men, women and the total youngest age group (25±34 years), women had a higher
population, respectively. Seventeen individuals who re- prevalence of diabetes in all age groups. The distribution of
ported a history of diabetes and were not on any form of IGT followed similar patterns of increasing prevalence
treatment (i.e. oral, insulin or diet) were classi®ed with age. The sex-speci®c prevalence of IGT was 12.3% for
according to their FPG and OGTT values. Fifteen of the men and 14.7% for women, with a combined prevalence of
17 had normal blood glucose levels (i.e. both FPG and 13.7%. The IGT : DM ratio was greater among men at 1.3
OGTT values below 7.8 mmol/l) and the remaining two compared to 0.94 in women.
demonstrated impaired glucose tolerance. Prevalence of Based on the sex-speci®c empirical quartiles, there was a
diabetes increased to 11.5%, 17.0% and 14.8%, respec- consistent trend of increasing risk with increasing BMI for
tively, for men, women and all persons combined based on both men and women (Fig. 1; Table 4). Comparing all
the new American Diabetic Association (ADA) diagnostic other quartiles to the lowest quartile, there was a two to
criteria [17]. The mean FPG and 2-h post-load glucose ®vefold increased risk of developing diabetes as estimated
concentration for the additional 19 persons classi®ed as from age-adjusted odds ratios obtained from sex-speci®c
diabetic using the new ADA criteria were 7.2 6 0.2 (range logistic regression models. The absolute contribution of
7.0±7.7 mmol/l) and 8.7 6 1.8 (4.6±10.8 mmol/l) respec- BMI (>25 kg/m2) to the prevalence of diabetes as measured
tively. The prevalence of impaired fasting glucose (IFG) by the PAR% was 66% (95% CI 52±76).
using the new ADA diagnostic criteria was 5.1%. From this Similar analyses were performed using WHR for men
point on, all discussion refers to prevalence estimates based and women (Fig. 2, Table 5). As with BMI, the risk of
on the earlier WHO criteria. diabetes increased monotonically with WHR for both men

Table 5 Age-adjusted odds ratios and 95% con®dence intervals for diabetes by sex-speci®c waist-to-hip quartiles.

Men (n = 519) Women (n = 782)

Waist/Hip² OR³ 95% CI p-val§ Waist/Hip² OR³ 95% CI p-val§

0.68±0.79 1.00 ± ± 0.64±0.76 1.00 ± ±

0.80±0.83 2.45 (0.52±17.36) 0.290 0.77±0.79 1.22 (0.54±2.78) 0.635
0.84±0.88 7.47 (1.89±50.15) 0.012 0.80±0.84 2.71 (1.43±5.35) 0.003
0.89±1.07 17.39 (3.86±78.27) 0.000 0.85±1.35 5.48 (2.84±11.00) 0.000

²Sex-speci®c empirical quartiles.

³Age-adjusted odds ratios from sex-speci®c logistic regression models.
§P-value for null hypothesis that adjusted OR = 1.

Table 6 Age adjusted Mantel±Haenszel odds ratio and 95% con®dence intervals by hypertension status and family history

Men Women

Normal vs. IGT or diabetic

(140/90/Meds) 1.93 (1.18±3.17) P = 0.009 1.73 (1.19±2.51) P = 0.004
(160/95/Meds) 1.88 (1.10±3.22) P = 0.021 2.04 (1.38±3.01) P = 0.000
Family history 2.59 (1.54±4.35) P = 0.000 1.66 (1.18±2.34) P = 0.000
Normal. vs. diabetic
(140/90/Meds) 1.83 (0.93±3.59) P = 0.079 2.00 (1.25±3.18) P = 0.004
(160/95/Meds) 1.43 (0.67±3.05) P = 0.351 2.47 (1.54±3.96) P = 0.000
Family history 4.40 (2.18±8.87) P = 0.000 2.38 (1.52±3.73) P = 0.000

IGT, impaired glucose tolerance.

ã 1999 British Diabetic Association. Diabetic Medicine, 16, 875±883

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and women. In contrast, however, the increase in risk was indicate greater awareness of diabetes resulting in early
much greater for each subsequent quartile, with a 17-fold screening and diagnoses in the general population.
and ®vefold excess for men and women, respectively, for However, the proportion of newly diagnosed cases is still
the highest compared to the lowest quartile of WHR. The very high, an indication of a large reservoir of undetected
absolute contribution of WHR (> 0.8) to the prevalence of cases similar to that reported in the United States [26] and
diabetes as measured by the PAR% was 80% (95% CI 69± elsewhere [19]. Furthermore, among the 78 known cases
88). receiving pharmacological treatment (i.e. insulin and/or
The contributions of family history (i.e. any grand- oral hypoglycaemic agents) only 14 (18%) had values for
parent, parent or sibling) and of concurrent hypertension FPG below 7.8 mmol/l or 2-h post glucose load below
are displayed in Table 6. A logistic analysis comparing 11.1 mmol/l.
people with diabetes to people with normal tolerance The participation rate in this population survey was 60%.
indicated that family history of diabetes was associated While it is recognized that this relatively low rate may reduce
with approximately a fourfold increased risk among men the generalizability of the study ®ndings, it is however,
and a twofold increased risk among women. higher thanthe estimate of57.9% fromprevious population
Approximately half (82/174) of the diabetic people were survey in Jamaica [8]. Given that each participant was
also hypertensive. The OR from the logistic models expected to undergo an OGTT, the participation rate of
evaluating the association between hypertension and 60% at the population level will be considered a success by
diabetes status were 1.8 for men and 2.0 for women. The most investigators in this line of scienti®c endeavour.
corresponding risk values were 1.4 and 2.5 for men and Furthermore, studies that require venepuncture will gen-
women when hypertension was de®ned as systolic BP erally become less attractive in Jamaica because of the
> 160 or diastolic BP > 95 or currently taking anti- unfounded but widely held belief that one is at risk of
hypertension medication. The association of diabetes and acquired immune de®ciency syndrome (AIDS).
hypertension is signi®cant at both levels of de®nition in The pathophysiological signi®cance of the high rate of
women and in both comparisons, that is, diabetes vs. IGT observed in this population (12.3% for men and 14.7%
normal and diabetes and IGT vs. normal. Among men the for women) is not clear. Some investigators have suggested
association is not signi®cant in the diabetes vs. normal that it may indicate an increase in the public health impact of
comparison where the sample size is smaller. diabetes in the future [16,19,26,27]. It has also been
suggested that the ratio of IGT to Type 2 diabetes mellitus
may indicate the stage of an epidemic of glucose intolerance
within a population [28]. The ratio in this study is similar to
Knowledge of the prevalence of diabetes and associated risk that observed in industrialized societies, an indication that
factors at the population level is essential for proper diabetes is not an emerging disease in Jamaica. Thus, by all
planning and implementation of public health policy aimed criteria, the problem of diabetes has reached epidemic
at prevention and control. Knowing the magnitude of the proportions in this and other communities in the Caribbean.
problem will also facilitate rational planning of research A caveat is, however, in order. Given the relative leanness
activities directed at understanding the aetiology of diabetes (meanBMI = 23.8 kg/m2)ofthemeninthiscommunity,IGT
and implementation of programmes to promote health. The may not necessarily mean deterioration of carbohydrate
present study used WHO standardized criteria [15] to de®ne metabolism since on repeat testing IGT often reverts to
diabetes and IGT status of a representative sample of men normal tolerance in lean and physically active populations
and women in Spanish Town, Jamaica. The prevalence of [29±32]. It may be that the impact of obesity on diabetes
diabetes for these participants with a mean age of 47 years prevalence has reached a plateau among women while it is
was 9.8% and 15.7% for men and women, with an overall still increasing among men. This question was not examined
prevalence of 13.4%. These estimates are similar to directly in the present study.
previously reported rates from Caribbean countries [2± There is limited evidence on the secular trends in the
8,23±25]. The adjustment using the standard world prevalence of diabetes in Jamaica. Florey et al. [33] reported
population of Segi made little difference to the prevalence aprevalenceof8.1%inbothmenandwomeninthesameage
estimates and this may be reassuring. There is however, a 2± group using criteria suggested by FitzGerald and Keen [34].
4% fall in prevalence when adjusted for the overall Diabetes was de®ned as a 2-h post-prandial glucose in
population of Spanish Town. As diabetes prevalence venous blood of greater than 6.7 mmol/l or greater than
increases with age this suggests that our sample was older 8.9 mmol/l at some other time point during a glucose
than the general population of Spanish Town. Among tolerance test. These criteria would include as diabetic some
persons classi®ed as diabetic in this study, 32% were newly of the subjects classi®ed in our study as having IGT. The
diagnosed cases, which is lower than the estimate of 48% prevalence of diabetes mellitus in this study at 9.8% and
from an earlier population survey conducted in Jamaica [8]. 15.7% among men and women, respectively, is by
The observed lower rate of newly diagnosed cases may comparison an underestimate. Using similar criteria the

ã 1999 British Diabetic Association. Diabetic Medicine, 16, 875±883

882 Diabetes in Jamaica · R. Wilks et al.

increase in prevalence of diabetes over the last 25 years women (OR = 3.24 (95% CI 1.76±5.97); P < 0.0001),
would have been more marked than the 9.8% vs. 8.1% supporting the data of Perry et al. [39] and Colditz et al.
among men and the 15.7% vs. 8.1% among women [40]. As has been suggested [41], increases in the prevalence
suggested by this comparison. of obesity within a population often precede a rise in the
Similar to results from other Caribbean countries and the incidence of chronic diseases, most notably diabetes and
USA, there was a signi®cant rise in FPG with age. The oldest hypertension.
age group (65±74 years) showed a lower rate of rise relative While obesity, which undoubtedly has environmental as
to those who are younger. The prevalence of diabetes among well as genetic causes, contributes signi®cantly to the
men in this age group was also signi®cantly lower. Some of incidence of diabetes, it accounts for only a small proportion
the reasons that have been advanced for these observations of the variance in glucose tolerance. The signi®cant
include differential exposure by age group and decreased independent contribution of family history of diabetes
availability of susceptible persons in the non-diabetic observed here and in other studies [16,42,43] suggests the
population with age. Selective mortality prior to this age presence of genes that may increase susceptibility to
group may have accounted for this. A clear example of a diabetes. Another important risk factor that was not
cohort effect may be an increased energy intake and measured in the present study is the level of physical activity
declining physical activity for more recent generations [44,45]. Our research group is in the process of testing the
[16]. Cohort effects may also have a signi®cant impact on hypothesis that the difference in diabetes rate observed
known risk factors, including relative weight, as measured between Jamaican and Nigerian men, who have similar
byBMIandfatdistribution,measuredbyWHR.Therewasa levels of obesity, is a result of, in part, differences in physical
clear and consistent gradient between diabetes prevalence, activity and different body composition [46]. Preliminary
BMI and WHR for both men and women. Independent of ®ndings of a on-going study indicate that for a given BMI,
BMI, the OR for WHR was 1.6 (95% CI 1.4±1.8), lending Nigerian men have 50% lower levels of body fat. Parallel
supporttothenotionthatapartfromtheriskassociatedwith studies measuring resting metabolic rate and total energy
overall heaviness, fat distribution, especially around the expenditure using double-labelled water in Nigeria,
waist, adds to the risk of diabetes [35±37]. The PAR% was Jamaica and the US suggest group differences in physical
66% and 80%, respectively, for BMI and WHR, suggesting activity.
the need for vigorous prevention efforts among even those in In summary, evidence presented here con®rms previous
the normal range of relative weight. reports that the prevalence of diabetes and associated risk
The epidemic of obesity in the Caribbean, especially factors, especially obesity, has reached epidemic propor-
amongwomen,isbeginning toreceivedeservedattention,as tionsin theCaribbean. Rates,atleast amongwomen,exceed
evidence by the recent conference on the origins and those for most European-origin populations [19]. While it is
consequences of obesity [38]. Using the National Institutes imperative to re®ne our understanding of the epidemiology
of Health consensus values (BMI > 27.8 kg/m2 for men and and genetics of diabetes, the implementation of coherent
27.3 kg/m2 women), Forrester et al. reported that females public health policy advocating preventive practices ±
have twice the rate of being overweight as males in Jamaica, including reduction in the level of obesity through nutri-
Barbados and St Lucia [9]. For women the rate of obesity, tional education and increased physical activity, an under-
de®ned as a BMI > 31.1 kg/m2 for men and 32.3 kg/m2 standing of family history and early detection programs for
women, was four times that of men in Jamaica (3.9 vs. high risk groups ± has become an urgent challenge.
15.6%). In Barbados, the rate of obesity for women was
three times that of men, with over 30% of the women
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