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Term End Examination

Grade: III Common Revision Worksheet Subject: Mathematics

I. Fill in the blanks:

1.800g +___g = 1 kg
2. 1 century = ___ years
3. 15 five-rupee coins are the same as ___ rupees.
4. The next leap year after 2016 is____.
5. A ___ is a curved closed figure with no sides and vertices.

II. Do as directed:
1. Find the total amount to be paid for the given items.

2. Convert 7075p to rupees.

3. If the time is 1:20.What was the time 10 minutes ago?
4. Name the diagonals of the given figure.
5. Fill in mm / cm / m /mL / L / kg / g in the blanks.
a. The phoenix Market city mall is 750______ from your house.
b. The distance between Bengaluru and Chennai is 346_______.
c. Priya’s thumbnail measures 15_____________.
d. The capacity of the tea cup is about 500 _______.

6. Write the time shown on the clock given.

7. Draw three closed figures and three open figures.

8. Draw the hour and the minute hands.

9. Solve the following.
a. ₹ 50.00-₹ 24.50
b. ₹ 65.85 X 12

III. Solve the following:

1. Anisha gets ₹25 as pocket money every week. How much will she get in a month of 4 weeks?
If she buys 6 biscuit packets costing ₹7.50 each for her dog, how much does she spend on
biscuit packets and how much money is left with her?

2. One person is allowed to carry 20 kg of luggage in a plane. How many kg can 5 people carry?

3. Jake recorded the number of pizzas sold over 5 days.

Study the pictograph and answer the questions.

a) How many pizzas did he sell on Thursday?

b) How many pizzas did he sell on Monday and Wednesday?
c) How many fewer pizzas were sold on Friday than Thursday?
d) How many pizzas did he sell in 5 days?
4. Rohan bought the following vegetables from a vegetable vendor. The vendor is preparing a
bill for Rohan. Help him complete the bill to find out the total amount to be paid.

5. In 2018 the Indian Premier League (IPL) cricket series started on 7th April and ended on
27th May. For how many days did the IPL cricket series last?

6. A rope is 240 m long. 8 pieces, each measuring 14 m, are cut from the rope. Find the total
length of all the pieces that are cut and the length of the remaining rope.

7. Bottle contained 2L of juice at first. David poured out the juice to fill 5 cups. Each has a
capacity of 150 ml. What volume of juice is left in the bottle?

8. Maya bought a pen and a notebook. She gave the cashier ₹ 70 and received a change of
₹2.25. The notebook cost ₹37.50. How much does the pen cost?
Term End Examination
Grade: III Revision Worksheet- Metric Measures Subject: Mathematics

Q.1 Fill in the blanks:

a) _____ m = 900 cm b) _____ km = 4000 m

c) 3 L = ______ mL d) 6 kg = _____ g

e) _____ mg = 7 g f) 5 g = _____ mg

Q.2 Use greater than (>), less than (<), or equal (=) to compare

a) 200 m 1m b) 5 m 600 cm

c) 8 L 5900 L d) 1200 g 1 kg

e) 9 g 9000 mg f) 4000 mL 5L

Q.3 Choose the correct answer:

1. A train travels from P to S as shown below:

What is the total distance from P to R?

A. 125 km B. 200 km C. 250 km D. 325 km

2.The distance between Mumbai and Kolkata can be measured in:

A. cm B. km C. m D. L

3. Which capacity is greater: 7L or 7400 mL?

A. 7400 mL B. 7 L C. both are equal D. can’t say

4. The mass of an elephant can be measured in?

A. cm B. g C. mg D. kg
Q.4 Do as directed:

a) Sonia went to the market and bought 4 packets of chips. If the weight of each packet is
450 g, what is the total weight of the packet?

1. A string of 30 cm long has been cut into 3 equal pieces. What is the length of each piece?

b) A string of 30 cm long has been cut into 3 equal pieces. What is the length of each piece?

2. A string of 30 cm long has been cut into 3 equal pieces. What is the length of each piece?

c) Henry wanted to learn baking. He practiced baking one variety of cake every week. Choose
the correct unit of measurement he will use to measure each of the following ingredients for
making a cake.

____ _____ _____ _____ _____

kg m g cm mg mL L km
Term End Examination
Grade: III Revision Worksheet – Money Subject: Mathematics

A. Select the correct options:

1. The symbol of Indian currency is
a. $
b. ₹
c. £
2. How many 2-rupee coins form a 10-rupee note?
a. 5
b. 2
c. 3
3. Product of ₹ 8.50 x 4
a. ₹ 34
b. ₹ 36
c. ₹ 38
4. Find the cost of 5L of milk if the cost of 1 L of milk is ₹ 20
a. ₹ 100
b. ₹ 50
c. ₹ 20
5. Write in figures sixteen rupees and twenty paise
a. ₹ 16.20
b. ₹ 60.20
c. ₹ 16.02

B. Convert the following into rupees

1. 920 P = _______________
2. 1000 P = _______________
3. 2560 P = _______________
4. 5500 P = _______________
5. 7475 P = _______________

C. Convert the following into paise

1. ₹ 64 = _______________
2. ₹ 12.45 = _______________
3. ₹ 72.75 = _______________
4. ₹86.27 = _______________
D. Solve the following:

1. ₹ 523 + ₹ 423.75
2. ₹ 709.68 + ₹ 614.32
3. ₹ 226.08 - ₹ 78.75
4. ₹ 5972.25 - ₹ 3927.75
5. ₹ 98.75 × 5 = ____________.
6. ₹ 22.25 × 100 = ____________.
7. ₹ 26.70 x 10 = ____________.
8. ₹ 225 ÷ 5 = ____________.
9. ₹ 684 ÷ 3 = ____________.
10. ₹ 492.00 ÷ 4 = ____________.

E. Application-based problems:

1. Ryan got ₹ 635.75 from his grandfather, ₹ 510.25 from his grandmother, ₹ 355.65
from his father, and ₹ 265 from his mother. How much money did he get?

2. A man had ₹ 2500 with him. He went to the market and bought groceries for ₹
885.75, vegetables for ₹ 102.40, sweets for ₹ 232.60, and spent ₹ 22.00 on
transportation. How much money was left with him?

3. Mr. Tom had ₹ 3525.75 in his money purse. He bought a shirt for ₹ 1122 and a pant
for ₹ 978.50. How much money was left with him?

4. If the cost of 1 fan is ₹ 690, find the cost of 5 fans.

5. Bob bought 6 pens costing ₹ 16.00 each and 20 pencils costing ₹ 6.75 each. How much
will he get back if he pays the shopkeeper ₹300?

6. I bought 8 pens for ₹ 720. How much did each pen cost me?

7. John spends ₹ 14.25 for breakfast, ₹ 19.20 for Lunch and ₹ 22.50 for dinner. How
much he spends for a month? (1 month = 30 days)
Term End Examination
Grade III Revision worksheet: Time Subject: Mathematics

I. Choose the correct option:

1. How many months have 31 days?

a. 7 b. 4 c. 6 d. 1

2. How many minutes make 1 hr?

a. 30 minutes
b. 60 minutes
c. 10 minutes
d. 40 minutes

3. When the minute hand is at 3, the time is ______ hr.

a. Half past b. quarter past c. quarter to d. O’ clock

4. If today is Tuesday, what will be day after tomorrow?

a. Friday b. Wednesday c. Thursday d. Monday

II. Fill in the blanks:

a. 1 year = _______ days

b. 1 week = _______days
c. 1 day = ________ hours
d. 1 year =_______ weeks

III. Identify the leap years.

a. 2000 b. 2003 c. 2004 d. 2010 e. 2017 f. 2016

IV. There are 24 hours in a day.

a. How many hours are there in 4 days?

b. How many hours are in the month of 28 days?
V. Look at the calendar for the year June 2023 and answer the questions:

a. Which month has more Sundays? __________

b. 14TH of June falls on _________
c. The first Monday of July 2023 falls on which day? _________
d. Is year 2023 leap year or not? ___________
e. The total number of Thursdays in June 2023 __________

VI. Tell the time in words and in numbers:

VII. Draw the hands on the clock showing the time.

a. 10: 30 b. 2:55

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