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Term End Examination

Revision Worksheet-1
Grade: III Subject: English

Shivaji - The Great Warrior

Shivaji was born at Shivaneri in 1627 CE. His parents were Shahaji Bhonsle and Jijabai. Shahaji
served under the Sultan of Ahmednagar and later the Adil Shahis of Bijapur as a general in
the army.

Shahaji had been granted the Estate of Poona. It was looked after by Jijabai, while Shahaji
himself stayed at his other Estate in Bengaluru. Jijabai, a lady of courage and pious
temperament, infused in her son heroism, spiritualism, and chivalry. She narrated stories from
the epics of Ramayana and Mahabharata which made him courageous. Shivaji’s tutor and guide
was Dadaji Kondadeva. He trained Shivaji in the art of administration and warfare. Shivaji was
also influenced by saints like Ramdas and Tukaram. The Mavalis living in the hilly tracts became
his friends and followers.

Shivaji entered into a military career even before attaining the age of 20. He captured fort
Toran with the help of Mavalis. He also captured many forts like Chakana, Simhagad, Kondana
and Purandar from Adil Shah of Bijapur. The Sultan of Bijapur, having incurred heavy losses
imprisoned Shahaji. Shivaji through his diplomatic intelligence got the release of his father.
Then Shivaji tuned his attention to Konkan coast and occupied the region of Javali. Here he
built the new fort of Pratapagadha.

Shivaji was crowned as King in 1674 C.E. His coronation took place at Raigadha with pomp and
as per the Vedic rites, he took the title “Chatrapati”

A. Read the given passage and answer the following questions:

1. Who were the parents of Shivaji?

2. What made Shivaji courageous?

3. Who was Dadaji Kondadeva? What did he train Shivaji in?

4. Who were the Mavalis ?

5. How did Shivaji manage to get his father released from the Sultan of Bijapur?
The River Bank

A. Reference to context
“As he sat on the grass and looked across the river, he saw a dark hole in the bank opposite,
just above the water’s edge.”
a. Where did the Mole sit and where was he looking?
b. What was strange about the dark hole he saw on the opposite side of the bank?
c. How did he get to know that it’s not a glow- worm?

B. Read reflect and write.

1. Where did the Mole live?
2. What did the Mole use to clean his house?
3. Why was the Mole fascinated by the river?
4. Describe the boat.

C. Write meanings of the given words and frame sentences for the same.

1. messing ___________________________
2. fascinated ___________________________
3. bolted ___________________________

D. Fill in the blanks using suitable words from the box.

bolted suddenly winked smartly

1. Rat rowed _____________ across the river.

2. Then jumping off all his four legs at once, he __________ up the steep tunnel.

3. look out”! cried the Mole ____________.

4. Then as he looked, it ____________ at him.

Term End Examination
Revision Worksheet-2
Grade: III Subject: English

I. Write a paragraph consisting of six-seven sentences about your favourite

game. Use the following points:
Which is your favourite game and why?
Is it an outdoor or indoor game?
Rules in the game.
Since when are you playing this game?
Where do you play and with whom?

II. Conjunction (GP pg. 42 Ex F, GP page 43 Ex G)

III. Identify the conjunctions in the following sentences –

1) Ram is smart and handsome.

2) Some people are rich but selfish.

3) You can have noodles or cake.

4) Akash is very happy because he got a new bicycle.

5) He is very intelligent but careless.

6) I have a book and an umbrella.

7) We wanted to play but it is raining.

8) Tomorrow is my friend’s birthday so I am buying a gift for her.

IV. Read these lines and answer the questions that follow:

The moon has a face like the clock in the hall;

She shines on thieves on the garden wall,

On streets and fields and harbour quays,

And birdies asleep in the forks of the trees.

a. What is the face of the moon compared to?

b. On whom does the moon shine on the garden wall?

c. Where are the birds found asleep?

V. Answer the following questions.

a. How does the poet describe the sounds of cat, dog and mouse in the poem?

b. Who wrote the poem ‘The Moon’? How has the poet described the moon in the poem?

VI. Write meanings and frame sentences:

a. squalling b. quays c. cuddle

Term End Examination
Revision Worksheet-3

Grade: III Subject: English

I. Reference to context:
1. ‘Oh! You already have a big hole at the bottom!’
a. Who is the speaker?
b. What is the speaker talking about?
c. What is the name of the story?

2. ‘Penguins enjoy the company of each other and they live in groups.’
a. What is a group of penguins called?
b. In what way do you think penguins are like us?

3. ‘I should throw that bucket away,’ the gardener muttered as he tripped over
a. Why did the gardener want to throw Tucket away?
b. Where did the gardener toss Tucket?

4. Emperor penguins do not build nests like most other birds do. The mother penguin
lays a single egg and then leaves it behind to go on a long hunting trip. That lasts
almost two months!
a. Where do most birds lay their eggs?
b. Why does the mother penguin go on a long hunting trip?
c. How is the penguin egg kept warm while the mother is away?

II. Answer the following questions:

1. What did Tucket do to show his friends that he was happy?
2. What is a huddle?
3. Who tried to cheer Tucket up?
4. How are the wings of the penguin useful?
5. Describe the bucket when it was new?
6. What is a colony?
III. Fill in the blanks:

1. ________ was the saddest bucket in the world.

2. When the cold winds blow, penguins __________ together to keep warm.
3. _______ means to shed old feathers and get new ones.
4. ________ means to ‘complain in a quiet voice’.
5. Penguins have thick layers of fat called _________.
6. After the mother penguin lays eggs, the mother penguin goes on a long ________

IV. Write the meanings of :

1. bellies
2. pack ice
3. tripped
4. hose

V Make sentences with:

1. proud
2. favourite
3. edge.

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