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evious Years' CBSE Board Questions

12.1 Magnetic Field and Field Lines (b) Magnetic field are closed curves.
MU.\W (1 mark) (Board Term I, 2016)

1. Why do two magnetic field lines n~t intersect each (4/5 marks)
other? (2021C) A student fj)(e$ a sheet of white paper on a drawing
.,_~.,.... (2 marks) board using some adhesive materfals. She places
a bar magnet in the centre of it and sprinkles some
2. (a) Name the poles P, Q, R and S of the magnets in iron filings unjformly ar0und the bar magnet using
the following figures 'a' and 'b': · a salt-sprinkler. On tapping the board gently,
she observes that the iron filings have arranged
themselves in a particular pattern.
• p Q• (a) Draw a diagram to show this pattern of Iron
(b) What ~oes this pattern of iron filings
Figure 'a' demonstrate?
(c) (i} How is the direction of magnetic field at a pol"$
determined using the fleld lines? Why do two
magnetic field lines not cross each other?

1 OR , ,.
Figu·re 'b' (ii) HowI are the m~gnetic field lines.of ii bar
(b) State the inference drawn about the direction , I j r)f
magnet drawn using a small compass needle?
of'the' maghetic'fie ld lines on the basis of these
Draw one magnetic field line ea(:h on both sides
diagrams. (Term II, 2021-22) ~ '
ofthemagne t. . (Term II, 2021-22) ~
3. Dra~ m~ netic field lines around a bar magnet. Name \ . ~
the' device wnich is used to draw magnetic field lines.. I 12.2 · Magneti c Field Due to a--"
(Board Term I, 2015) '
Current- Carrying Conduc tor
Af;iijM (3 marks) - Magnetic Field due to Current
4. Study the diagram given below and answer the
through a Straight Conductor
questions that follow:

8. As,ertlon (A) : The magnetic field lines around a
current carrying straight wire do not intersect each
Reason (R) : The magnitude of the magnetic field
' · produced at a given point increases as ·the current
. :I. -~~~i -
::~~ ' '·"'°•
through the wire increases.
(a) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true and
'o;.. ~ l.i¼l.

(a) in
Why,do the iron filings arrange such'a pattern? Reaspn (R) is the correct explanation of the
(b) What does this pattern demonstrate? ~ Assertion (AJ .
(c) Why do the iron filings near the bar- magnet seem (b) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true, but
to align in the shape of closed curves? Reason (R) is not the correct explanation of the
(2020C)(]j Assertion (A) _
(c) ~sertion (A) is true, but Reason (R) is False.
5. D es1· gn an activity fo d~monstrat
e' that a bar magnet
(d) Assertion (A) is false, but Reason (R) is true.
has a magnetic field aroun it. ~
(Board Term I, 2017) ~ (2023) (]j
6 _ What'are magnetic field lines? Justify the~foll~wing ""71tM.('1 mark) I •

statements: . . h
(a) , Two magnetic field Imes never , intersect eac 9. Name the instrument used to detect the presence of
other. ·a current in a circuit. (2021:c) (ru
16. (a) State Right Hand Thumb rule to find the direction
-m■ (2 marks) of the magnetic field around a current carrying
10. List two factors on which the strength of magnetic straight conductor.
field at a point due to a current carrying straight (b) How will the magnetic field be affected on:
conductor depends. State the rule that determines (i) increasing the current through the conduct~r
the direction of magnetic field produced In this case. (ii) reversing the direction of fl~w of current m
(Term II, 2021-22C) the cond~ctor? (Board Term I, 2015)~
11. A compass needle is placed near a current carrying
straight conductor. State your observation for the
Magnetic Field due to Current
following cases and give reasons for the same iri'each through a Circular Loop and Solenoid
(a) Magnitude of electric current is increased.
(b) The compass needle is displaced away from the 17. For a current in a long straight solenoid, N and S
conductor. (Al 2019) ~ poles are created at the two ends. Among the
12. State how the magnetic field produced by a straight following statements, the ipcorrect statement is :
current carrying conductor at a point depends on (a) the magnetic field lines insid~ the solenoid are
(a) current through the conductor (b) distance of in the form of straight lines, which indicates that
point from conductor. (Board Term I, 2014) the magnetic: fi~ld is 4niform at all points inside
the solenoid.
Right Hand Thumb Rule (b) the strong mag6etlc field produced inside the
solenoid ·can m'agnetize the soft iron placed
inside it ·
13. The correct pattern of magnetic field lines of the (c) the pattern of the 11),agnetic field associated with
field produced by a current carrying circular loop is , a,. purr,ent ep~cy,ing $Oj~n<;>id is_ different from
the. pa.t tern of the, magnetic field around a bar
(a) N S (b) N (d) The N .an,~ S poles exc~an'ge positions when
the direction
• ,,
of current
' •
I •
the solenoid is
rever,se~\, (2023)
• (1 mark)

18. What is an electromagnet? (20i1C)
(c) N~JJ~J::...S (d) N--+--+-- S
4\IM (2 marks)
19. (i) What is a solenoid?
(2023)@ (ii) Draw ,tfle pattern of magnetic field lines of the
4flM (2 marks) magnetic field produced by a
~olenoid through
which a steady current flows. (Tenn•II, 2021-22)~
14. (i) A magnetic compass shows a derlection when
placed near a current carrying wire. _How will .....f"'j"'ji• (3 mar~)
the deflection of the compass get affected if the 20. For the current .carryi'ng solenoid as·- shown draw
current in the wire is increased ? What does it magnetic field lir1e~r a.nd give. r~,a~o.n. t,9,;~ plain that
indicate? Q4t qf th~ three PO!fltS A, ~ 1apd C, ap ~ flich point the
(ii) State Right Hand Thumb rule. field strength is maximum ,and at which point it is
(Term II, 2021-22C) minimum?
,B _1it
Aiiil (3 marks)
15. Draw the pattern of the magnetic field produced
around a vertical current ca·rrying straight conductor
passing through a horizontal cardboard. Mark the (2023)
direction of current and the magnetic fie!cl lines, 21 · ~~at}s,~ ~olenpid? Dr-.3.w tne p·a ttern of thE; magnetic
Name and state the rule which is used to determine field lniles around a current carrying.sol~noid. Mark
the direction of magnetic field .associated ,with a
on .th e pattern the region where th~ magnetic field is
current carrying conductor. (2023)@ (Term II; 2021-22)
22. Give reason for the following 29. Draw the magnetic field tines through and around a
(i) There is either a convergence or a divergence of single loop of wire carrying electric current. ,,:,
magnetic field lines near the ends of a current (215, Board Term I, 2016) L!l..J
carrying straight solenoid.
30. What Is a solenoid? Draw a diagram to show field
(ii) The current carrying solenoid when suspended
freely rests along a particular direction. lines of the magnetic field through and around a
current carrying solenoid. State the use of ri1a~~lc
(213, 2020) ~
field produced Inside a solenoid. List two properties)
23. Find the direction of magnetic field due to a current of magnetic lines of force. (Board Term I, 2015
carrying circular coil held:
(i) vertically in North - South plane and an observer 12.3 Force on a Current-Carr ying
looking it from east sees the current to flow in
anticlockwise direction, Conductor in a Magnetic Field
(ii) vertically in East - West plane and an observer
looking it from south sees the current to flow in

anticlockwise direction, 31. An alpha particle enters a uniform magnetic field as
(iii) horizontally and an observer looking at it from ~hown. The direction of force experienced by the
below sees current to flow in clockwise direction.
alpha particle is
(Board Term I, 2017) (]j (a) towards right Magnetic field
24. (a) State three factors on which the strength of (b) , towards left
magnetic field produced by a current carrying {c) into the page a-particle
solenoid depends. (d) out of the page (~023)
(b) Draw circuit diagram of a solenoid to prepare an
32. A constant current flows in a horizontal wire in the
electromagnet (Board Term I, 2016) ~ plane of the1paper from east to west as shown in the
25. Diagram shows the lengthwise section of a current figure. The direction of the magnetic field will be
carrying solenoid. ® indicates current entering into north to south at a point
the pag~. 0 indicates current emerging out of the N
page. Decide which end of the solenoid A or B, will
behave as north pole. Give reason for your answer.
Also draw field lines inside the solenoid.


_,._t------ E

._.;___ _ _ _ _ _ _ E

(a) directly above the wire

(Board Term I, 2014) ~ (b) directly below the wire
(c) •located in the plane of the paper on the north
~ (Smarks) side of the wire
(d) . located in the plane of the paper on the south
26. (a) What is an electromagnet? List any two uses. (2023)
side of the wire
(b) Draw .a labelled diagram to show how an
electromagnet .is made. 33. Assertion : A current carrying straight conductor
(c) State the purpose of soft iron core used in making experiences a force when placed perpendicular to
an ele.ctroma.gnet. the 'direction of magnetic field.
(d) List two ways of increasing · the stren~h Reason : The net charge on a current carrying
of an ele,ctromagnet if the material of the conductor is always zero.
electromagne~ fixed. (2020)@ (a) Bo~h A and R are true and R is th c~,rrect
explanation of A ,
27. What is solenoid? Draw the pattern of magnetic field
lines of (b) Both A and R are true and R is not the 26rrect
(i) a current carrying solenoid and explanation of A ' ··l 1
(ii) a bar ma~net. (c) A is true but R is false.
List two distinguishing features ,between the two (d) A is false but R is true. (2023)
fields. (Delhi 2019) (]j
34. Hans Christian Oersted (1777-1851) observea that
28 What are magnetic field· lines: ~ist _three a compass needle suffers a deflem:ion when1placed
· h cteristics of these lines: Describe m bnef an near a metal wire carrying an electric currenl:-.t This
~~~ty to study the mag~etic field lines due to a discovery ,gave the first evidence of a connection
current carrying circular coil. )
(Board Term I, 2017, 2016 between electric and magnetic phenomena. 'Andre
Ampere (1775 - 1836) gr;isped the significance of fii;W (1 mark) · , .
Oersted's discovery. He carried out a large series 35. s't~te ,t he ~ffe~ of a magnetic fiel~ on the path of a
of experiments to explore the relationship between
moving charged p_a rticle. · (Boa,d Term 1•2014J(]J
current electricity and magnetism. On the basis
of ~periments, he hypoth.esisE:~ tha~ all magnetic A1+1M (2 marks)
phenomena are due to circul~\ t:i~ electric currents. 36 When is the force experienced by a current - c~r~ing
Later on many devices ?uch qS electromagnets, " straight conductor placed in a uniform magnet~c field
electric motors, microphones,· electric generators, (i) . Maximum ; ' . , , .~
etc. were developed on the basis of magnetic (ii) Minimum? (Term/I, 2021-22)
phenomena. 37.- (i) Name an,d ,state tbe rule tq determine the
direction of force experienced· by a current
(i) A magnetic needle is a/an :
carrying stra,ight'conductor- placed in -a u'n lform
(a) isolated north pole pivoted at its centre of mass.
•magnetic-field which is perpendicular to it.
(b) isolated south pole pivoted at its centre of mass.
(ii) An alpha parti¢I_e while- passing throu~h a
(c) ordinary needle made of soft iron' and piv~ted at magnetic ,f ield gets projected towards north. In
J I f '

its centre of mass. which direction wll Pan electron project when it
• I
(d) small bar magnet pivoted at its centre of mass. ' passes thro~gh the same magnetic field?
(ii) A freely suspencjed magnet always - rests in , · , . •(Termll,2021-2~)~
geographically north and south directibn·because: &till (3 marks)
(a) the Earth has two poles.
38. 0) A .sfraight cy.lindrica{. condu~tor is suspended
(b) the Earth beh ijves as ,a1~uge magnet.
, with its ,s1~js•perpendicu,lar to the-lTJagnetic field
(c) the magnetic north p0le of t~e Earth's magnet is
of ~ ,~.i ~e-sh9.~ 1rnagn t ; The f On,?IJ.<;,~or gets 3
locatetl very close fo its south pole. dJ,~µ,la,<:~9J q~ardl le~ when? curre_nt is passed
(d) the magnetic south 1pole ofthe Earth's magnet is througli it. Whatwlll happen to the d1spJacement
l) "\ Jn"
ti •, .. I ~i~ J..,

located very close to its south pole. of ,~e,condu~9r: lf t)m ,. .

(iii) When a current flows through a straight conductor, (1) cu~r~.nH hr-:ough,it is incr~a.s~d 7
' ·'
a magnetic field is produced around it. Consider the (2) horse-shoe magnet ds re'~laced :by another
following statements about this field : stronger, hor~e-~hQ~. magn_eJ:?
I. The direction of_'the magnetic field of a current (3) direction·
,. ;• •
of current through it isI reversed?
carrytng str~ight con c!!J..g:Qr is determined by (ii) Name ! and state the rule for deter.mining
right-hand thum,~.r,ule. the direction of force on a current carrying

II. A charged body_plaf e.d, in t,E:~P_~rje!l,ces a cpnducf o/ in ; rria-griet ic field. - (2023) (]j
, : ~ 'i ~ i ~ •"'"-Y r • t.
force whose direction, is given py Fileming's left· ■
• •f,..M• (4 / 5 m~rks) ·
hand rule.
39. A student w~s asked to perform an experim~nt to
111. The magn~tic field lines ~round a current carrying
·st1:1dy th_e f~f !=e,on a current carrying conductor in a
straight conductor are in the form of concentric
r, mag111;!ticJ.t~fd: He:t ook a small ~luminium rod AB, a
circles with th~ cord':Lctor, a_s the centre.
strong horseshoe i:nagnet , ·some connect_ing wires, a
The correct statement(s) is/are ; ' ba ftery-aricta switc~ aircl'co'Rhected the'n{ as ~hown.
(a) I only (b) 111 only He obs~rv~ ·that . 011 passi'~g cu i:reil t he rod gets
(c) I and II (d)' I and Ill d~~pla~~~-,~ f.1-_r,~ver,s'i Qg°'th~ ection g_f ~Jrirent, the df
(iv) The strengt_h of magnetic fi~lcl'of a·cu~rent carrying
d1re,ct1i:m qt s:hsplace.n;ient gets reversed( On the
basis 9f y9ur, 'understanding 'of t fi1s .phenomenon,
solenoid is
answe,r th~ following qb es!ions : ·
(a) minimu~,~~ /ts en?s ,
(b) uniform inside it at all points ,
(c) maximum at its centre
(d) zero at its centre
(v) Which one of the following particles, would not
experience a force whil.e r:noving perpendicular to a
uniform magnetic field ?
(a) A neutron (b) , Ao alph~ particle
(c) An electron (d) A proton (2021 C)
{aJ Why does the rod · get dlsplaced I on passing
current,through it? ..
i atjj i
(3 mark~l - _. - - - - _
{b) State the, rule that determine's the direction of \ 45. (1) Why is an
alternating current (AC.) considered
the force on the conduc tor AB. · \ to be advantageolis over direct current (D.C.)
{c) If the_~ straped ~agnet Is h~ld've~ jcally arid the
aluminium rod 1s suspended horizon tally with
ifor the long distance transmission of electric
its end B, towards due north/ then on passing (Ii) How Is the type of current used In hous'ehold fthroug h the rod B to A ~s shown, in which • supply differen t from the one given by a battery
directio n will the rod be displac~d? of dry cells?
OR (iii) How does an electric fuse prevent the electric
Drawth epatter nofmag neticfie ldlinesp roduce d circuit and the appliances from the possible
around a current-carrying straight conductor damage due to short circuiting or overloading.
held vertical ly on . a horizontal cardboard.
Indicate the directio n of the field lines as well
) (]j
as the directio n of current flowing through the ! 46. Define alternating current and direct current .
conductor. · · · (Term II, 2021-22 ) 'C('
' ~
; ,. ~ ,! I
Explain why alternating current is preferred over
direct current for transmission over long distances.
40. A current1carrying conductor is' pla~ed in ama'gnet
ic I! (Board Term I, 2014)
field. Now answer the following. ,t I \

(i)i List tfte factors on which 'the magnitude of force 112.4 Domestic Electric Circuits
exper:ienced by condl!lctor depends.
{ii) When is the magnitude of this force maximum? !i •Mti•..i '
(iii) State the rule which helps in finding the direction ! 47. At the time of shprt circuit, the electric current in the
of motion of conductor.
{iv) lf initially t~is fqrce was acting fro,m right to left,
! cir:cuit
1 {a) vary cofltin1,1ously (b) does not change
.hoyvwil ! \he di,r~ction of force change if:
. (a) djrecti9 n pf m~gnetic ! ield is reversed? ,
! (c) 1- r,educes,substantially (d) increases heavily.
{I;>) , .direction of cµrrent is reversed? _ i I I I (2020) (]j
(Board Term I, 2017) ! At(i l c3 mar~ )
41. State whethe r an ·alpha particle will experience
any force in a magnetic-field if (alpha particles are
i 48.
Give reason for the following :
The burnt out fuse should be replaced by another
positively charged .particles) · .
~i) r, it-is placed in the field at rest. ,,\
fuse of iaentical rating. (1/3, 2020) (]j
(ii) , it moves in .the. magnetic fi~ld parallel to field 49. Justify the following statements:
lines. . (a) Tungsten is used exclusively for filaments of
. (iii) it moves in the ma~netic fiel_fp~rpendicular to I 1, , ejectric lc!,IT)ps.
field lin-es. i (b) ~r[es 1,arrangement is not used for domestic
Justify your answer in each case. · ! circuits.
. ; (Boa! d·Term I, 2016) ~ ! (cl 1Copper ,al')d . aluminium wires are usually
42. Describe· an activity with labelled ·c:l°i.agram to show i employep for ~lectricity transmission. (2019C)
that a force act~ o~ ' cur rent ·carrying conductor j 50. Give reasons for the following:
placed in..a magneticf iell~nd its.dir~ction of current i (a) , It is clangerous to touch the live wire of the main
through conductor. Name 1the rule w,nich determines l, supply rather than neutral wire.
the directio n-of t"1is force. (13pard Term I, 2016)
(bl In household circuit, parallel cpmbination of

Electric Gene rator' (A.C resistances is used.

andJ>.C) (c). Using fuse in a household electric circuit is
Ai;IM (2marks) J,mpor!:ant.,, (Board Term/, 2017)
4~. Write tbe freque,;1cy qt alternatin~..c~rrent (~C) _in 51. (a)., Fuse aGts lik~ a watchman in an electric circuit.
· India. How many. times per secof)d_:1t c~an~~s its Justify, thi_s statement.
direction? . (Board Term I, ~015) (b) Mention the vsual current . rating of the
44. How is the type of cur rent , that we receive in fuse wire in the line to· (il I lights and fans
domestic circuit differ:ent from the one that r:un~ (ij) appliance.of 2 kW or more power.
clock? (BoaJa Term I, 2014) u!J • '(Board Term I, -2014) ~
· 'This topic has been deleted from latest CBSE syllabus but subtopics (AC and nrP
(b) What pre<!aution should be taken to avoid the
(5 marks)
overloading of domestic electric circuits?
52. {a) State Fleming's Left-hand rule. (Board Term I, 2017)
{b) List three characteristic features of the electric I

54. (a) Draw a sc;;hema~ic diagram of a. common

current used in our homes.
domestic dr~uit showing provi~ion of
{c) What is a fuse? Why is it called a safety device?
(i) · E~rth w_ire. (ii),..Main fuse
{d) Why is it necessary to earth metallic electric
(2020 )~ (iii) Electricity meter and (iV) Distribution box.
(b) Distinguish I between short circuiting and
53. {a) Name two safety measures commonly used in (Board Term I, 2015 )@
an electric circuit and appliances.

I • • _.,

' '. ~
. , •l:~

i • '-"•
(c) A js true but R is false.
12.1 Magnetic Field and Field Lines (d) false but R is true. (2022-23)

Affilil (3 marks) R~a.d !he following _ari~ answer,al)Y, ,t our q~~ti ons from
4(1) to 4(v).
A student fixes a white sheet of paper on a drawing
1" ,
4. A .solenoid is _a ' foog hellcat· .coil', of wire through
board. He places a bar magnet in the centre and
which a curr~nt-is run jn,or,der-to cr:eate a magnetic
sprinkles some iron filings uniformly around, the bar
tieid. The·, rf]agnetic, ·fieldt of 1he::- solenoid , is the
magn et Then he taps gently and observes that iron
· superp.ositiorn of the ·· field ' due to , the current
filings arrange themselves in a certain pattern. r '
through each coil.
(a) Why do iron filings arrange themselves in a
It is' nearly· uniform inside t ~e sole'ndicJ a~d close to
particular pattern?
zero outside aria is simila7 t o ttie'fteia•of a bar magnet
(b) Which physical quant ity is indicated by the encl aftd 'a:sout orie
h pole at
having a north 'pole at
patter n of field lines around the bar magnet?

the other d~pending upon·t He ~1:iire~ ionl of current

(c) State any two properties of magnetic field lines.
flow. The ·magnetic field produced in- the solenoid
•. is .qependent :on {I few f~ctors sueh ~as, the· current
in . the ,coil, nµmber:· of!i tt!lr;n's: per , unit'-length etc,
12.2 Magnetic Field Due to a The followi~g graph isl-obta1ne.!:L oy a researcher
Curr ent- Carr ying Conductor while doing an experiment to see· the, variation of
the magnetic field with respect to the· current in the
IUi•I solenoid. ·

Which of the follow ing pattern correctly·describes

(I '1 1,1 • • '


I=' 18 .
the magnetic field •around a long straight' wire E 16 ,. / ,.
-14 .. -/
carrying current? ~ 12 l /
(a) straig ht lines perpendicular to the wi're. ~ 10 I /
(b) straig ht lines parallel to the wire. .~.c~B ",I/·
(c) radial lines originating from the wire.
tc .·•c6 ,/ ' - ..,, ,, "}'1',t
l (

~ 4 •.,v lC .J,A iJ~ .....

(d) concentric circles centred around the.wire. ~ 2 '

(2022-23) I/ ,,·41 l
0 '
o.o 0.2 o.4 o.~ 9.a: 1.0 1.2
3. Assertion : On freely suspending a current - carrying Current I (A)
solenoid, it comes to rest in Geographical N-S The unit of magnetic fiela :-as•. given in the graph
direction. a~ac~ed. is in milli-Tes~a (inn and the current is
Reason : One end of current carrying straight given mAmpere. ·

solenoid behaves as a North pole and the other end (I) -~ ~at :tY~e } >t, en·ergy conver sion is observed in a
as a South pole, just like a bar magn et hnear solenoid? • '
(a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct (a)' tv1echanic~I to·magnetic
explanation of A (b) Electrical ito magnetic
(b) Both A and R· are true and R is not the correct (c) Electrical to mec~anical
explanation of A (d) Magnetic to mechanical
(ii) What will happen if a soft Iron bar Is placed Inside (a) State how the magnetic field pattern Indicates
the solenoid? regions where the magnetic field Is stronger.
(a) The bar will be electrocuted resulting in shortp (b) What happens to the magnetic field when the
circuit. current in the circuit Is reversed?
(b) The bar will be magnetised as long as there Is (Term II, 2021-22) ~
current in the circuit.
(c) The bar will be magnetised permanently.
41411 (3 marks)
(d) The bar will not be affected by any means. 7. A compass needle Is placed near a current carrying
wire. State your observ~tions for the following cases
(Iii)_The magnetic field lines produced inside t he solenoid
and give reasons for the same in each case-
are similar to that of
(a) Magnitude of electric current In wire Is
(a) a bar magnet
(b) a straight current carrying conductor (b) The compass needle is displaced away from the
(c) a circular current carrying loop wire. (2022-23)
(d) electromagnet of any shape
(5 marks)
(iv) After analysing the graph a student writes the
following statements. 8. PQ is a current carrying conductor
I. The magnetic fielc;I produced by the solenoid i~ In the plane of the paper as shown In
the figure here. ~R
inversely propqrtional to the current.
(i) Find the directions of the
II. The magnetic field, produced by the solenoid is
magnetic fields produced by it at s~
directly proportional to the current.
points Rand S. Q
111. The f11agnetic field produced by the solenoid is
(ii) Given R1 > R2, where will the
directly proportional to square of the current.
strength of the .magnetic field be
IV. The magnetic field produced by the solenoid is larger? Give reasons.
independent of the current (iii) If the polarity of the battery connected to the
Choose from .the following which of the following wire reversed, how would the direction of the
would be t he correct statement(s).
., I magnetic field be changed?
(a) Only IV. (b) I and Ill and IV (iv) Explain the rule that is used to find the direct;on
(c) !ard II (d) Only II of the magnetic field for a straight current
(v) From the graph, deduce which of the following conductor. (2020-21) ~
, statements is corr~ct.
(a) For a current of 0.8 A, the magneticfield is 13 mT. 12.3 Force on a Current-Carrying
(b) For larger currents, the magnetic field increases Conductor in a Magnetic Field
(c) For a curr~nt of 0.8 A, the i:nagneticfield is' 1.3 mT. IM••I
(d) There is not enou~h information to find the 9. A copper wire is held between the poles of a magnet.
magnetic field corresponding to 0.8 A current

Mi;W (1mark)
5. Draw the mag_netic field lines around a straight
current carrying conductor. (2020-2021)

W1£1M (2 marks)
The current In the wire can be reversed. The pole of
6. A circuit contains a battery, a variable resistor and a
the m~gnet can als9 be changed over. In how many
solenoid. The.figl!re below ,shows the magnetic field
of the four directions shown can the force act on the
pattern produced by the current in the solenoid.
(a) -1 . (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 4

12.4 Domestic Electric Circuits

Magnetic Afflil (3 marks)
field line 10. The diagram below is a schematic diagram of a
household circuit The: house shown in the above
diagram has 5 1 usable spaces -wheret electrical (a) -, What is the ·mode • of connection to all the
connections are made. For this house, ,the mains spaces in the house from the mains?
have a voltage of.220 V and ·the net current coming (b)· The spates 5 ahd 4 have the same resistance and
from the mains is 22 A. spaces 3 and 2 have respective· resistances of
I t" ,-~: ') ... tft ~.- ~ .
20 Q'and 30 Q. Sp;:lce 1 has a resistance double
that of space 5. What is the net resistance for
~p,ac~. 5? · ·•., ·
, I t •

(c) What is the current in space 3?

(d} · What 'sho61d · be placed betweer:.1 the main
connection and "the rest the house's electrical
ai;> !;ave them from accid~ntal high
electric.current? (2022-23)

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