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Fish Cruising Machine

In this picture , we were assigned to keep watch of this fish cruising machinery, we also asked the
fabricator on what other materials were needed in order to boost the refinement of the machine. As
well as considering other suggestions for the machinery's schematics to apply enhancements.

At this point further, we were now going in search for the materials needed for the machine. Leaping
through multiple local faculties that would possibly have the materials that we needed, although at
some point, some of these faculties fail to have some specific materials such as nuts and bolts because it
is unobtainable at a conditional grade unless we get access through actual retail establishments that
would have these materials. Once we were done on collecting what's needed, we headed back to the
fabricator to start on the development process.

After the development was finished, the machine will then be brought unto our school for it's first
testing the following day. Although time is not at the essence yet. It spends itself quite unexpectedly and
you'll see by the skies on how long it took to completely finish every step needed. However it wouldn't
be a waste to foreshadow for tomorrow's verbaximine process.

After the fabricator was done tinkering with the fish cruiser. It was time to perform some tests if the
machinery is working without any fallacy. After the testing process. It seemed that the machine was
working quite fine as we anticipated it to be. We then gave the machine a good scrub, because we wish
to give our beneficiaries a good impression on the work done.

Once the machine was ready to make it's send-off. We started to set foot on final preparations before
we turnover the machinery to our beneficiaries on the town of Cabangan. Although we didn't manage to
come with on the trip because of liminal space of transportation, I figured that it would still be necessary
to add this part of the portrayal.


This was the next project that we had to get a move on for after the turnover of Fish Cruising machine
on its Benificiaries in Laoag, Cabangan, Zambales last October 14, 2022. We started by moving the asset
of machinery from our current location onwards to the workshop so the development could officially go
under way.
We set foot to conduct a survey on the residents of Dampay on how much they actually needed the
machine or how necessary it is to proceed with the project as to this is their main source of income.

Stopping by to check up on the modifications and improvements made on the stick polishing machine.
To simplify, just checking up on the machine's current condition and progress.

Partnered with our dearest governor , solicited and given financial support that would provide a big help
for the students, beneficiaries and all of the partaking members of the outreach program.

Of course we can't let our guests arrive with an empty stomach, so we also took the liberty of preparing
some snacks that would keep them attentive and appeased during the rundown of the outreach.

We won't go on our departing leaving everyone empty handed, like people need clothing as much as
food and water, we did just that for the same people that participated on our charity as a keepsake, it
might not be the biggest help that we could provide but it'd sure be an aid better to accord to.

We continued onwards and started writing and giving the letter to all of our guests and public speakers.
Aswell as going through centre Capitol, Municipality of Palauig, and Barangay Salaza to make amends for
the venue in which the outreach would be carried out on. This was taken as precaution so once the day
of the outreach has arrived. We already have grant of permission.

Once proper permission has already been given prompt and given access to the location. We made
haste the following day and settled up the tarpaulin for further preparations because the outreach will
simultaneously draw nigh on the following day.

This is the day that the program has arrived , we were packed full of a crowd , we assisted all of our
guests with equal treatment so everyone would have the same satisfaction as the rest, we made sure
that they felt enjoyed and have ate to their contents. As well as taking the time to have open ears and
listen to all of our guests speakers as they made their speeches. Goes to show, that the rest of the event
was a complete success.
Once everything was finished , all was going directly into place and the continuing process proceeds on
our demonstration, we gave our all to expound an airtight explanation on how to use the machinery,
what are the do's and don't aswell as other several questions that by giving an answer into will make the
machine as an effective and efficient contraption that would benefit the sake of other people in need.

To summarize the aftermath of the event, we made some assessments and evaluations on the entirety
of numbers of all of our guests that has participated on the outreach.

Everyone until this very moment have brought a joy of miracle even if the sprout wasn't a big one, even
the simplest of help can be a single or more person's treasure to cherish. We made alot of progress and
maybe alot of expense that had immense costs. But the worth just bring those smiles to those in need
was worth every single piso coin that our group spent. Every choice a person makes can affect even
strangers. We used to be those strangers that was oblivious to the world and didn't even know that each
of our names existed until we crossed paths on something great. We helped each other to progress
through the past few days just to finish on what we have begun because something as small as a candle
flame attracts the attention of a million moths, which could sound bad at first, but in retrospect, it's
actually a good thing. We now know that others who shares the same goal exists, to make the world
better for not just ourselves but for everyone else's. And the good of other people who we have met
willing to help is just a wonderful wish we have been granted. We may not cross paths again but just
remembering their physiognomy will be enough to write upon them a thousand words, on a tree with a
thousand unwilting leaves.

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