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Chapter 1: Introduction

1.1 Background
The Summer Project report is written in accordance with the academic guidelines established by
Tribhuvan University's Faculty of Management. This task is an experience investigation in which
Students reflect on and integrate the knowledge they have gained during their five semesters of
academic pursuits via their work in the field and outside of the classroom. The mission of
Tribhuvan University is to train IT professionals who are adept at using computers and
computational methods so they can create information systems that solve practical problems in
organizational settings. The primary objective of the Summer Project is to provide students with
fresh ideas and innovative approaches to the actual world. It's a chance to expand your network and
improve your public relations. Students are exposed to both real-world working circumstances and
the qualitative data and information that are essential to organizational processes through the
summer project. In addition to being ready for upcoming internship programs, students who
explore the system's complexities are also developing their critical thinking and problem-solving
skills as well as their comprehension of the dynamic working environment that exists inside
educational institutions. As a result, it is crucial that the students work on this project to experience
the working world and improve their communication skills.
Sunsari Technical Collge is in Dharan-12, Pani Tanki which serves as the backdrop for this report.
It has been developed based on the inside learnt and observed information during the visits to the
institution. The existing manual processes posed challenges in terms of accuracy, timeliness, and
transparency. To address these issues and enhance the overall academic experience, the decision
was made to embark on the development of a web application for the institution.
The primary objectives of this web application are as follows:

 The objectives of a library management system is to operate a library with efficiency and at
reduced costs
 The library management system software helps in reducing operational costs. Managing a
library manually is labor intensive and an immense amount of paperwork is involved. An
automated system reduces the need for manpower and stationery. This leads to lower
operational costs.
 The system saves time for the librarian. With just a click the user can search for the books
available in the library. The librarian can answer queries with ease regarding the
availability of books.
 Adding, removing or editing the database is a simple process. Adding new books or
deleting existing student details can be done with ease.
 The library management system software makes the library a smart one by organizing the
books systematically by author, name and publication. This enables admin to search for
books quickly and effortlessly.
 The main objective of the Project of Library Management System is to manage the details
of students as well as books.
In the current digital world, having a web application(LMS) for educational sectors is crucial since
it provides a host of advantages for record keeping, secure data, easy access, and reliable
information about related topics.

1.2 Introduction to Organization

Located in the center of Dharan Sub-Metropolitan City, Ward No.-9, Sunsari District, Nepal,
Paramount International Education Pvt. Ltd. was established in 2007 with the goal of significantly
improving educational level across a range of fields. This well-known consultancy has gained the
support of many students seeking a superior international education and has been providing
thousands of clients looking to expand globally with a variety of educational services. It has been
authorized by the Ministry of Education in Nepal and is registered under the Company Act 2007the
Company Registrar Office in Kathmandu, Nepal. It participates in ECAN as well.

1.2.1 Mission
Our goal is to equip institutions and individuals with the information, direction, and tools necessary
to successfully negotiate the challenges posed by the changing nature of higher education. Our
commitment is to offer individualized, creative, and moral consulting services that promote lifelong
learning, personal development, and academic success. We aim to positively impact the lives of
students, parents, educators, and organizations through our expertise, integrity, and client-centric
approach, ultimately advancing education and society at large.

1.2.2 Current situation of the organization

The company has always offered its customers high-quality services. However, because the quality
of the services was limited to offline delivery, the internet was not fully exploited. The company
appears to lack a website or blog, despite having pages on social networking sites including
Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok. Customers used to contact us via social media, phone calls, or
in-person visits to inquire about our services. The solution to the issue is the creation of a system
that lets users see the prerequisites they must meet to study overseas. Services Provided

• Education Counseling: Providing personalized guidance to students in selecting suitable

academic programs, universities, and countries based on their interests, qualifications, and
career aspirations.
• Admissions Assistance: Assisting students with the university application process,
including completing application forms, preparing necessary documents, and adhering to
application deadlines.
• Test Preparation: Offering comprehensive preparation courses for English language
proficiency exams such as IELTS (International English Language Testing System) and
PTE (Pearson Test of English), including practice tests, study materials, and strategies to
improve scores.
• Study Visa Guidance: Advising students on visa requirements, assisting with visa
applications, and providing support in preparing necessary documentation for visa
interviews. Technology Adapted

The company appears to lack a website or blog, despite having pages on social networking sites
including Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok. Targeted Audience

• Prospective Students: Individuals who are interested in pursuing higher education abroad
and require assistance with university selection, application process, and English language
proficiency exams (such as IELTS or PTE).
• Parents/Guardians: Parents or guardians of prospective students who seek guidance and
support in understanding the study abroad process, financial planning, visa requirements,
and ensuring their child's well-being while studying abroad.
• Educational Institutions: Universities and colleges abroad seeking to recruit international
students, who may collaborate with educational consultancies to attract qualified applicants
and facilitate their enrollment process.
• Language Learners: Individuals who are preparing for English language proficiency
exams like IELTS or PTE, whether for academic purposes or for immigration and work-
related reasons.
• Employers: Employers seeking to recruit international talent or sponsor employees for
overseas assignments, who may require language proficiency certification as part of the
hiring process.

1.3 Problem Definition

Not having a website or blog as an educational consultancy specializing in sending students abroad
via exams like IELTS and PTE presents several significant challenges. Firstly, there's the issue of
limited visibility, as the consultancy may struggle to reach potential clients and students who are
searching for assistance online. Additionally, the lack of an online presence can lead to questions
about the consultancy's credibility and legitimacy in the eyes of potential clients. Without a website
or blog, it becomes challenging to effectively communicate key information about the
consultancy's services, expertise, and success stories, hindering its ability to attract and engage with
its target audience. Overall, not having a website or blog significantly hampers the consultancy's
ability to showcase its expertise, attract clients, and thrive in the digital age.

1.4 Objectives of the project

The objective of this project is to develop a website that allows the clients to view requirements
needed to study abroad from their home or anywhere. The following points simplify the objectives
of this project more clearly:
• To increase the consultancy's online visibility.
• Providing a comprehensive suite of test preparation.
• To ensure a seamless user experience across all screen sizes and devices.

1.5 Methodology
A review of the ideas and concepts that guide the techniques must be included. The methodical,
theoretical examination of the study's procedures is known as methodology. It jeopardizes the
theoretical examination of the collection of practices and guidelines connected to a certain brand of
understanding. There exist several techniques for acquiring the necessary data for a specific study
subject. Research design, methodology, sample size, sampling procedures, criteria, tool
descriptions, and other elements are all included in research methodology. These elements are then
utilized to analyze data and provide conclusions related to the study topic. Here, a series of
interview questions were created based on the objectives, and thorough observation was made,
which is a crucial step in the software development process.

1.5.1 Project Framework

A project management framework is a collection of procedures, assignments, and resources that
offer direction and organization for carrying out a project. Organizations can use the framework to
plot the sequence of each project stage from start to finish.

Figure 1: Project Framework

• Project Initiation
Since the Project Initiation includes launching a new project, it is the initial stage of the Project
Life Cycle. During this stage, I determined the organization's concerns and challenges and
offered recommendations for solving them based on the data that was gathered. The project
begins with a description of its goals, parameters, and purpose. A proposal is then provided
with comprehensive details.

• Project Planning
In the Project Planning phase, various planning activities have been conducted, which includes
the planning of work, schedule, budget, gathering resources, etc. Those proper planning
activities help me to complete the project on time and within the budget.

• Project Execution
The plan is put into effect during the execution phase. I have finished the development tasks
that were specified at the planning stage in order to meet the project's requirements. After the
testing procedure, this phase comes to a close with the project being finished.

• Project Closure

Project Closure is the last phase of Project Life Cycle. In this phase I formally closed my
project and then report the overall level of success and findings, lesson learned from the
project, as well as plan and conduct transferal activities. In this phase I have done analyzing of
project, documenting project closure and conducting post-implementation reviews.

Waterfall Model
The most basic development life cycle model is the waterfall model, commonly known as the
linear-sequential life cycle model. There is no overlap between phases in this paradigm,
meaning that each phase can be finished before the next one starts. Using distinct process
phases like requirement definition, design, implementation, testing, and so forth, this model
depicts the essential process activities of specification, development, validation, and evolution.
The first widely used SDLC model in software engineering to guarantee project success was
the waterfall technique. "The Waterfall" approach divides the entire software development
process into discrete stages. Typically, in this Waterfall paradigm, the result of one phase
serves as the sequential input for the following phase. The figures illustrate the waterfall

Figure 2: Waterfall Model

1. Simple and easy to understand and use.
2. Development progress is easily estimated.
3. Phases are processed and completed one at a time.
4. Clearly defined stages
5. Works well for smaller projects where requirements are very well understood.

1.5.2 Data and Information

Data is collected through interviews, observation and the internet. It is collected for the purpose of
analysis. Information consists of facts that define the relationship between pieces of data. Data
becomes information after being processed, information gives off facts when data supports it and
facts are what data reveals.
The data and information are collected from two major sources:

a) Primary Data
In this project, data has been collected directly through interview and observation. Direct
interview was held in an organization which is founded by Mr. Bhim Bahadur Lingthep and direct
observation in organization.

b) Secondary Data
In this project, the data and information are also collected through secondary sources like the
internet, newspaper, magazines, books, reports, etc.

c) Work Process Observation

The working mechanism of the organization was observed closely. It gives the idea about the
working system of organization.

1.5.3 Tools used for Data Collection

It is the stage of the development process that is most crucial. It gives details on the requirements
that users have set for the system or are hoping to have. The prerequisite has been obtained by a
variety of methods. Here are a few of the techniques:

• Interview
An interview is a qualitative research method that relies on asking questions to collect data.
Interviews involve two or more people, one of whom is the interviewer asking the questions. It
is the most used requirement gathering technique where we interviewed Mr. Bhim Bahadur
Lingthep, the founder of the organization, and gathered the information that he wants in the

• Observation
Observation is another technique for gathering information. This research technique is
primarily used for qualitative research to gather data about people, objects, events,
behaviors, etc., in their natural setting. Researchers watch, listen, take notes, and record
video/audio in their surroundings to get first-hand information on the research topic. The
activities of the organization were observed and analyzed accordingly. I have visited the
organization to observe and find out the reliable information that will be useful for the project.

• Internet Research
One excellent resource for research is the internet. It makes it possible to collect data
effectively and economically and makes a big sample of data easier to access. The internet is
essential to this project.

Techniques of project report Analysis

Gantt Chart:
A Gantt chart is a project management tool that illustrates work completed over a period in
relation to the time planned for the work.
A Gantt chart is defined as a graphical representation of activity against time; it helps project
professionals monitor progress. Gantt charts are essentially task scheduling tools: project
management timelines and tasks are converted into horizontal bars (also called Gantt bars) to
form a bar chart.
Gantt charts help teams to plan work around deadlines and properly allocate resources. Project
planners also use Gantt charts to maintain a bird's eye view of projects. They depict, among
other things, the relationship between the start and end dates of tasks, milestones, and
dependent tasks.

S. Work Weeks 1st 2nd` 3rd 4th 5th 6th

1 Planning

2 Analysis

3 Research and data


4 Coding and design

5 Testing and

6 Preparation of report

Table 1: Gantt Chart

Chapter 2: Task and Activities Performed

2.1 Analysis of Task and Activities

Numerous tasks and activities were completed that contributed to the project's primary goal
being achieved. The project's main goals were to gather data regarding the employment of
technology in each nation's organizations. Here are a few of the duties that are completed:

 Organization Selection

Choosing an organization is a crucial step in the project since it determines most of the
requirements for the website. Following a thorough investigation and several visits to various
local groups, "Paramount International Education" was chosen for the project.

 Getting the Information about the Organization

The next duty was to obtain pertinent information on the organization after it was chosen.
Direct observation of the procedures carried out by each member of the organization's staff
served as the primary technique used for this goal. Additional data was gathered by asking
pertinent questions during in-person interviews with the organization's owner and employees.

2.2 Analysis of Problem

The organization is facing certain problems. The main problem of this organization is that there
is not any website. Without a website, the consultancy may struggle to reach potential clients.
In today's digital age, many people turn to the internet to search for services, including
educational consulting. Without an online presence, you may miss out on opportunities to
connect with individuals seeking your expertise.

2.3 Analysis of Possible Solutions

The most important solution for the analyzed problem could be a website i.e. System in the
form of web application. The user-friendly website showcases services, expertise, success
stories and contact information. We should Integrate social media plugins or links to your
consultancy's social media profiles on your website. This allows visitors to easily connect with
you on platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook, or Twitter, and helps expand your online presence
and engagement with potential clients.

2.4 Feasibility Analysis

We can make an informed decision about whether developing a website for your educational
consultancy is viable and advisable. If the analysis indicates that a website is feasible and
aligned with your business goals, we can proceed with implementation while addressing any
identified challenges or risks. Alternatively, if the analysis suggests significant obstacles or
limitations, we may need to explore alternative solutions or reassess your approach to
establishing an online presence.

2.4.1 Technical Feasibility

Usually, the technical problem surfaces during the investigation's feasibility phase. Technically,
the existing system development is possible. Therefore, maintenance costs will go down. Users
may easily access it, and it offers a technological guarantee of dependability and accuracy.
Since the organization has the funds available, all the hardware and software needed for system
deployment. There aren't many software and hardware prerequisites for this project's
development, and they are already freely accessible as open-source software. Additionally,
software can be readily updated to meet the needs of users. The system's foundation is a real-
time database that offers updates to the information in the database in real-time. I chose to
utilize WordPress, a free website builder program, to finish the project because of its simplicity
and affordability. The public can simply access all of them.

2.4.2 Operational Feasibility

Operational feasibility for developing a website for an educational consultancy involves

assessing its practicality and sustainability within the organization's existing operations. This
website offers more effective and efficient ways to deliver services. The suggested system is
It is therefore operationally possible.

2.4.3 Economic Feasibility

Economic feasibility assesses whether developing a website for an educational consultancy is

financially viable. This analysis involves comparing upfront costs with potential benefits,
considering factors such as ROI, budget allocation, revenue generation, cost reduction
opportunities, and risk management. It helps organizations determine if the investment aligns
with their financial objectives and long-term sustainability goals.

2.5 Requirement Analysis

Analyzing, documenting, validating, and maintaining software or system requirements are the
main duties of requirement analysis. This process takes into consideration the potentially
competing requirements of the many stakeholders and determines the needs or conditions to
satisfy the new or updated product or project. There are two categories of requirements:
functional requirements and non-functional requirements.

2.5.1 Functional Requirement

The state of services the system should offer, how it should respond to a specific input, and
how it should operate in a specific circumstance are all considered functional requirements.
Typically, a functional need will have a distinct name and number, a synopsis, and an
explanation. This data is used to follow the need during the system's development and to assist
the reader in understanding why the requirement is necessary. Functional requirements of the
website includes the following.

 Provides user-friendly interface.

 Implements security to ensure the confidentiality and integrity of student data.
 Admin should be able to manage all the data inside the website.
Functional requirements include:

1. Homepage

 Display an overview of the consultancy's services, mission, and key information.

 Navigation menu for easy access to different sections of the website.

2. Service Offered

 Detailed descriptions of the educational consultancy's services, including academic

advising, college admissions counseling, test preparation, and tutoring.

3. Test Preparation

 Access to online test preparation materials, practice tests, and study guides for
standardized tests such as IELTS, PTE, JLPT etc.
 Integration with third-party test preparation platforms or tools. Use Case Diagram

Use-case Diagram is the interaction between system and actors. In the given use-case diagram
shows the interaction website and actors i.e., Admin and
clients. Use-case diagram shows which actors can perform which functions of the system and
the relationship between them as well.

Figure 3: Use-case diagram

2.5.2 Non - Functional Requirement
Non-functional requirements for an educational consultancy website are attributes that describe
how the website operates, performs, or behaves, rather than specifying what features it provides.
Here are some non-functional requirements specific to an educational consultancy website:

 Performance: The website should load quickly and respond promptly to user
interactions, ensuring a smooth browsing experience even during peak traffic periods.

 Scalability: The website should be able to handle increases in traffic and content volume
over time without sacrificing performance or user experience.

 Reliability: The website should be available and accessible to users at all times, with
minimal downtime or service interruptions.

2.6 System Design

The process of specifying a system's components, including its architecture, modules, and
interfaces, as well as the data that the system processes, is known as system design. Its purpose is
to meet the unique demands and specifications of a company or organization by designing a system
that functions smoothly. The software requirement analysis is a key element in software design.
The information of clients who utilize the inquiry form is stored in a single database for this

System Architecture

The system architecture for an educational consultancy website should be designed to

accommodate the functional and non-functional requirements of the site while ensuring scalability,
reliability, security, and performance.

Figure 4: Architecture design for my website


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