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Name: VHEA S.

LASERAS Date: May 21, 2024

Course/Yea/Section: BSED MATH 3A Rating:

GED 11: Gender and Society | Reflective Essay


Reflecting on the lessons I have learned in regarding gender and society, sex, gender,
what determines sex and gender, and gender roles has basically shifted my perception of
these interconnected and complex topics. I now have more understanding and relevant
knowledge that I can apply to a broad range of aspects of my life. When it comes to these
lessons, one of the most crucial takeaways is the significance of witnessing and embracing a
range of gender identities. Now, I comprehend that gender is a spectrum, not just a binary
variable that extends far beyond traditional male and female identities. I have become more
aware of the unique hardships and challenges faced by those whose gender identification
does not fit into social norms.

Awareness of the individualities of gender roles highlights the great influence of these
social constructs on setting our opportunities, anticipations, and responses. Knowing how
gender roles originate and spread enables me to disrupt gender norms, minimize gender
disparities, and enhance integration in my individual interactions and societal environment.

In real life, I am dedicated to applying the deep knowledge of gender and society I
have obtained throughout the course to work and act in the direction of empowerment,
equality, and inclusiveness. I am dedicated to making this society better through my
involvement and being an agent for good change. I always strive to provide a world where all
gender identities feel accepted and appreciated. I believe that, regardless of my gender, I can
contribute to the creation of a framework that makes people feel valued and recognized for
their nature by enhancing an inclusive and supportive culture in any way. I hope to contribute
to the development of a society that values diversity, tolerance, and respect for all gender
identities. My intention is to support the development of a society in which people are free to
fully embrace their gender identity, making it a better and more open place for all.

A central feature of this undertaking is an appreciation for the fact that we experience
the world in different ways. Gender as a social construct is multidimensional in nature and
cannot be limited within the severe borders of the masculine and feminine dimensions.
People may refer to themselves as men or women. They may think of themselves as
transvestites, lesbians, homosexuals, bisexuals, homophilics, gender benders, or any of the
many other classifications with which some people choose to label themselves. Sexual
orientation: Sexual orientation can be understood as sexual interests or attractions towards a
person of the opposite sex (heterosexual), the same sex (homosexual), both sexes (bisexual),
or none at all (asexual). This does not mean merely accepting the fact that one is different in
certain respects; rather, it is a deference to the right of a person to be decisively independent.

Learning these kinds of things helps us to be better equipped to deal with the
difficulty of gender sensitivity and find the best way to promote positive change. It includes
actively identifying and accepting the differences between the genders in a society today and
then engaging towards creating an environment that is free from discrimination. This
sensitivity is not limited to the perception on the part of the individual but on the broader
level of the system and institutions that we understand must be looked at and changed, for
they can support and promote homosexuality.

Besides, exposure to these issues allows us to criticize the set outlines of men and
women characteristic of our society. These roles help in understanding how these roles are
socially created and reinforced in society so that we can work towards ending this up for
good and people can be who they truly are. This means that the entire journey of unlearning
may not be bound to a specific amount of time, nor is it over once individuals have managed
to counter certain racial stereotypes.

The most important aspect of the course is probably the definitions of the concepts of
gender sensitivity, dimensions of gender, types of sexual orientation, sexual harassment, what
it means for us, and how one can stop and respond to gender-based violence and
discrimination. On the other hand, sexual harassment remains the most problematic one,
which means that male and female students are exposed to very negative experiences while
attending institutions

of higher learning, and such experiences have negative impacts on their physical and mental

It is therefore wise to understand the concepts in terms of gender sensitivity and

dimensions of gender, types of sexual orientation, and sexual harassment, among others, as
useful models for making the world a just and equitable place. Through these topics and by
implementing what we have learned in our lives, it becomes possible to at least move towards
a state of affairs in which all human beings would be treated equally no matter what their
gender identity or sexual orientation is. This is an ongoing process that we will continuously
engage in through learning, unlearning, and relearning throughout our entire lives; however,
these changes cannot be achieved by the individuals alone but rather by the entire society.

One of the most important things that I have learned in my life is that love is not only
a single, well-defined concept but a unique and separate phenomenon with numerous aspects.
While love can indeed be passionate and romantic, like the love portrayed in movies or other
forms of entertainment, it can also simply be a long, slow burn, as in the case where two
people may have grown to like each other over time and begin to develop deep affection for
each other. Thus, the differentiation of the nature of love made me conscious of the fact that
all the types of love are beautiful in their own way but equally difficult to cope with, and it
modified my perspective towards relationships.

Intimacy, as well, is an aspect of human relationships that is often either misrepresent

or limited to mere sexual contexts. In fact, love and intimacy are much deeper, richer, and
more complex than simply the physical contact that is usually depicted in films. Authentic
relationships also require the aspects of trust and willingness to open several layers on one
and allow the other to look deep into them. Reflecting on the concept of intimacy and the
understanding of how intimacy can be built and developed over the course of a relationship
has assisted me in the process of building and enhancing the quality of relationships in my
own life. Families, of course, are the basis of love and intimate partnerships. The word
“relationship” is where it all starts. All sorts of relationships, whether a man and a woman
infatuation, boy/girlfriend, or parent/child, are bound to be very complex, thus calling for
regular effort, time for discussion, and exchanging.

Understanding the process of relationship formation, the typical issues that may arise,
and the ways of handling conflict that can strengthen bonds has helped me acknowledge the
significance of the ability to cope with difficulties to stay loyal and work towards success in
relationships. They say love, intimacy, and relationships are not as simple as pie; rather, they
are works of art that call for courage, tolerance, and the naked truth. I also know there are no
greater pleasures than having people in your life. The warmth of companionship, the
blessings of the embrace, and the sheer happiness of unity.
For the years to come, I will always remain open to love, as well as sexual intimacy,
and be eager to explore romantic companionship. In particular, I will endeavor to act

professionally, be transparent and engaged in full disclosure, show active and attentive
listening and respect, and demonstrate constructive conflict-solving mentality and practice. I
will also set goals to raise a supportive and satisfying collection of affiliate relationships or
relationships that benefit me emotionally, intellectually, and spiritually. And it’s a journey
that I will never forget—that love of any kind is not a smooth sail but a roller coaster ride
that’s definitely worth boarding on.
Gender and Society

All the lessons I had throughout the Gender and Society course deepened me and
improved my understanding of some of the most reflective concepts including sex, gender,
gender roles, and non-binary genders. I understand that gender is not a binary of male and
female, but it is a massive spectrum involving various categories. Even though I can claim
that I have known about the existence of trans people and their struggles, my recent study has
made me realize the struggles that everyone who does not fit the mold of the dominant gender
experience in society face and cemented my belief that everyone, no matter how they
identify, deserves to have their identity celebrated.

Regarding the lessons taught on gender roles, I would like to say that they were quite
informative. Realizing that these roles are societal expectations and enforcements, it has
made me aware of how deeply they influence the granting of opportunities, the perception of
expectations and, in extension, the behavioral patterns embraced by society’s members. The
difference in gender and sex, giving rise to a many of orientations such as straight, gay, bi, to,
ace, amongst others, further compounded this reality. This understanding requires much more
than mere tolerance; it requires recognition and, indeed, respect of each person’s right to be
who they are.

Gender sensitivity was emphasized as a basic aspect of the course and this was
defined as the acceptance of the fact that there are different genders in the society. This
expands sensitivity not only in the perception of people with disabilities but also in the realm
of systemic and institutional discrimination calling for social change. Encouraging and
promoting the questioning or even denying of the stereotyped roles of gender, one can
encourage change and make people live the life they want to live without forcing them to act
like a man or a woman.

This course has opened my eyes to seeing gender and society in a different light and
how human relate with themselves. Of course, it has helped me to gain the knowledge and
kind of sensitivity that can be useful in attempting to change the world for the better - to
make it fairer, kinder, and more tolerant. Through the application of these lessons to my daily
life, personally, I am determined to help to raise positive change in order to build a world in
which everyone and anybody can be and become whoever and whatever they choose.

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