Math 29 Compiled Activities Midterm Module 2

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Name: VHEA S.

LASERAS Date: April 2024

Course/Year/Section: BSED MATH 3A Rating:
Lesson 1: Characteristics of Good/Appropriate IMs and Technology tools
Activity: Instruction. Read the paragraph below and fill in the blanks with the correct answer.
It is important to acknowledge that students are already interested and engaged in using
some of the main benefits of using technology in the classroom.
Analysis: Consider the question below:
 Based on your past experiences, how can you say that IMs and technology tools that
were used in the learning process were appropriate and suitable?

Mathematics, often perceived as a subject best learned through pen and paper,
can be surprisingly strengthened by the strategic use of technology. My own
experiences have shown that IMs and different technological tools, when
implemented effectively, can be highly appropriate and suitable for enhancing
learning outcomes in math.
In our statistics class, we used a collaborative platform to work on group
projects involving data analysis. This platform allowed us to share data sets, build
spreadsheets collectively, and communicate efficiently in real-time. The ability to
seamlessly work together on complex calculations and visualizations significantly
efficient the project and adopted a sense of teamwork. This collaborative
environment led to a more comprehensive understanding of statistical analysis.
It is important to acknowledge that the teacher plays an important role in
maximizing the benefits of technology in the math classroom. The most effective
learning experiences I've had involved teachers who carefully selected technology
tools that aligned with specific learning objectives. They provided clear instructions
on how to use the tools effectively and ensured that technology complemented
traditional methods like problem-solving practice and theoretical explanations
My experiences have shown that IMs and technology tools, when integrated
considerately and strategically, can be powerful assets in learning math. Adopting
collaboration, technology offers a multitude of benefits that can enrich the
educational experience for all students. Technology should not replace traditional
methods, when utilized effectively by teachers and embraced by students, it can
unlock a deeper understanding and appreciation for the world of mathematics.

Application: Instruction: Make a rubric that will assess the appropriateness of IMs and
technology tools in the learning process.
Criteria Excellent (4 Good (3 Fair ( 2 points) Poor (1point)
points) points)
Alignment The IM/tool
The IM/tool The IM/tool has The IM/tool has
with Learning somewhat
directly supports a vague no clear
Objectives aligns with the
and enhances connection to connection to
the specific the learning the learning
objectives, but
learning objectives, or objectives and
the connection
objectives of the its purpose is may distract
could be
lesson/unit. unclear. from learning.
The IM/tool
The IM/tool
fosters active
promotes some The IM/tool has
engagement and The IM/tool is
engagement and limited
interaction with not engaging
Engagement interaction with engagement
the learning and may hinder
and the learning potential.
material. learning or
Interaction material, but Students may
Students are cause
participation find it passive
highly frustration.
could be or confusing.
motivated and
The IM/tool
The IM/tool
facilitates The IM/tool The IM/tool
collaboration allows for some provides limited
Collaboration collaboration
and collaboration opportunities
and and
communication and for
Communicatio communication,
among students, communication, collaboration
n or may not be
promoting but could be and
suitable for
teamwork and improved. communication.
group work.
The IM/tool is The IM/tool has
The IM/tool is The IM/tool is
accessible to all limited
somewhat inaccessible to
Accessibility students, with accessibility for
accessible, but some students
and options for some students
may have and may create
Differentiation diverse learning with diverse
limitations for barriers to
styles and learning styles
some students. learning.
abilities. or abilities.
The teacher
effectively The teacher
integrates the integrates the The teacher
IM/tool into the IM/tool does not
The teacher's
lesson, somewhat effectively
integration of
Teacher providing clear effectively, but integrate the
the IM/tool is
Integration instructions and could improve IM/tool, and it
unclear or
ensuring it instructions or may disrupt the
complements alignment with learning
traditional traditional process.
teaching methods.
Lesson 2: Learning Resources (Digital and Non-digital) Production
Activity: Instruction. Classify the words in the box.

Books E-books
Video Podcast
Audio Lecture slides
Personal notes Hand outs

Digital Resources Non-Digital Resources

E-books Books
Video Personal Notes
Podcast Hand Outs
Lecture Slides
Analysis: Consider the question below.
 Based on the activity above, what do you think is the difference between Digital and
Non-Digital learning resources?
Digital: Presented electronically on devices like computers, tablets, or smartphones.
Examples include websites, online courses, educational apps, E-books, digital
simulations, and educational games.
Non-Digital: Presented in a physical, tangible format. Examples include textbooks,
printed workbooks, maps, globes, physical models, charts, and traditional classroom
tools like whiteboards and markers.

Application: Instruction. The students will have to collect materials, 5 samples for non-
digital learning resources and 5 samples for digital learning resources that can be used as
learning materials that are appropriate in teaching and learning mathematics. (Material can be
a software or a tangible thing).
5 Samples for Non-Digital Learning Resources
5 Samples for Digital Learning Resources

Lesson 3: Productivity Software Applications/Tools for Teaching and Learning

Activity: Instruction: Match Column A to Column B.
C 1. Spreadsheets
A 2. Microsoft Word
B 3. Powerpoint/Prezi
D 4. Publisher
Analysis: As a future educator, how will utilize the productivity software application as a
tool for teaching and learning?
Use presentation software like Google Slides or Microsoft PowerPoint to create
engaging and interactive lectures with multimedia elements like images, videos, and
animations. Utilize word processing software like Google Docs or Microsoft Word to create
clear and well-organized lesson plans and study guides that students can easily access and
reference. Employ collaborative tools like Google Docs or shared spreadsheets to allow
students to work together on projects, assignments, or group brainstorming sessions in real-
time. Utilize safe and monitored IM platforms for quick communication with students outside
of class hours to answer questions and provide clarification. This can be particularly helpful
for personalized learning or remote students. Leverage online grading rubrics and feedback
tools to provide students with detailed and timely feedback on assignments and projects,
allowing for self-reflection and improvement. Utilize online calendars like Google Calendar
or shared calendars to schedule classes, assignments, deadlines, and important events,
promoting organization and time management for both you and your students. Employ cloud
storage services like Google Drive or Dropbox to create a centralized repository for storing
and sharing learning materials, assignments, and student work, making them easily accessible
anytime and anywhere.
Always ensure the chosen productivity tool aligns with your specific learning
objectives and enhances the learning experience. Integrate technology seamlessly into your
lessons, providing clear instructions and ensuring it complements traditional teaching
methods. Foster responsible digital citizenship by teaching student’s proper online etiquette,
safe practices, and responsible information use. By strategically utilizing productivity
software applications, you can create a more engaging, interactive, and efficient learning
environment for your future students.
Application: Instruction: Students will create sample outputs using Microsoft Word,
Spreadsheets, PowerPoint and Prezi, and Publisher as productivity software application/tools
for teaching and learning Mathematics. Refer to the rubric below for the criteria.
Microsoft Word

Spreadsheets PowerPoint and Prezi


Lesson 4: Open-ended tools in Mathematics Teaching and Learning

Activity: Instruction. Write ―TRUE‖ if the statement is true and ―FALSE‖ if the statement
is false.
FALSE 1. Facebook is a social networking site that makes it easy for you to connect and
share with family and friends offline.
TRUE 2. Podcast is a digital video file.
TRUE 3. Twitter is a ‘microblogging’ system that allows you to send and receive short posts
called tweets.
TRUE 4. Edmodo is an educational website that takes the ideas of a social network and
refines them and makes them appropriate for a classroom.
TRUE 5. A social networking service is an online platform which use to build social
networks or with other people who share similar personal career interests, activities,
backgrounds, or real-life connections.
Analysis: Consider the question below:
 What are the disadvantages of using social networking sites and websites in
education? How can you avoid the effect of those disadvantages?

One of the primary disadvantages of utilizing social networking sites and websites in
education is the potential for distraction. These platforms are designed to be engaging and
interactive, often featuring an excess of content that can easily divert students' attention away
from educational tasks. Constant notifications, messages, and unrelated content can disrupt
learning environments, leading to decreased focus and productivity. To lessen this distraction,
educators can establish clear guidelines for using social networking sites and websites during
educational activities. Setting designated times for accessing these platforms and encouraging
students to utilize them purposefully for educational purposes can help minimize distractions.
Additionally, incorporating interactive elements into the learning process, such as online
discussions or collaborative projects, can influence the engaging nature of social networking
sites while keeping students focused on educational objectives.
Another disadvantage of relying on social networking sites and websites in education
is the potential for privacy and security risks. These platforms often collect vast amounts of
personal data, raising concerns about privacy breaches and unauthorized access to sensitive
information. Interacting with unknown individuals online can expose students to risks such as
cyberbullying, harassment, or inappropriate content. To address privacy and security
concerns, educators must prioritize the selection of reputable and secure platforms for
educational purposes. Conducting thorough research on the privacy policies and security
measures of social networking sites and websites ensures that student data is adequately
protected. Educating students about online safety practices, such as safeguarding personal
information and reporting suspicious activities, allows them to direct digital environments
Social networking sites and websites offer valuable tools for enhancing educational
experiences, they also pose several disadvantages that educators must address proactively.
Implementing strategies to mitigate distractions and safeguard privacy and security, educators
can connect the potential of these platforms to create engaging and inclusive learning
environments. A thoughtful and balanced approach to integrating social networking sites and
websites into education is essential for maximizing their benefits while minimizing their
Application: Introduction: Students will make sample output using Podcast, Social
Networking Sites, and Mobile Technology in teaching Mathematics. Refer to the rubric for
the criteria.
Objective: To promote teamwork, problem-solving, and presentation skills through
collaborative projects on Google Classroom.
Formation of Groups: Divide the class into groups of 3-4 students. Ensure each group has a
diverse mix of mathematical abilities and strengths.
Topic Selection: Assign each group a mathematical topic or concept to investigate. Topics
could range from geometry and algebra to statistics and calculus, depending on the grade
level and curriculum.
Research and Problem-Solving: Using Google Classroom as a platform for collaboration,
students conduct research and work together to solve complex math problems related to their
assigned topic. Encourage them to explore different approaches, discuss strategies, and
support each other in understanding challenging concepts.
Presentation Preparation: Once the problem-solving phase is complete, instruct each group to
create a presentation summarizing their findings and solutions. They can use Google Slides,
Docs, or any other preferred presentation tool accessible through Google Classroom.
Peer Review and Feedback: Groups exchange their presentations with another group for peer
review. Encourage constructive feedback focused on clarity, accuracy, and presentation style.
This fosters critical thinking and communication skills.
Final Presentation: Each group presents their project to the class, explaining their problem-
solving process, findings, and conclusions. Encourage interactive discussions and questions
from the audience to deepen understanding and engagement.
Reflection and Assessment: After all presentations are complete, facilitate a reflection session
where students discuss what they learned from the activity, challenges they faced, and
strategies that worked well. Assess their understanding of the mathematical concepts
demonstrated in their presentations.
Module Assessment 2
1. Based on your own experience, in what way we can say that the IMs and ICT
resources used for Mathematics learning are appropriate?
Effective IMs and ICT resources for mathematics learning should be capable of
enhancing students' understanding of mathematical concepts. They should offer interactive
features, such as simulations, virtual manipulative, and multimedia presentations, which can
provide visual representations and real-world applications of mathematical principles.
Interactive exercises and quizzes can offer immediate feedback, allowing students to assess
their understanding and identify areas for improvement. These resources should promote
engagement by catering to diverse learning styles and preferences. Interactive elements, such
as games, puzzles, and multimedia content, can attract students' interest and nurture a positive
attitude towards mathematics. Customization features that allow students to personalize their
learning experience based on their interests and proficiency level can enhance motivation and
Collaboration is another essential aspect to consider in assessing the appropriateness
of IMs and ICT resources for mathematics learning. These tools should facilitate
communication and collaboration among students, enabling them to engage in meaningful
discussions, share ideas, and collaborate on problem-solving activities. Features such as
online forums, chat rooms, and collaborative document editing can nurture a sense of
community and peer support in mathematical learning environments. Accessibility is also a
critical consideration when evaluating the appropriateness of IMs and ICT resources for
mathematics learning. These resources should be accessible to all students, regardless of their
physical location, technological capabilities, or disabilities.
In my experience, IMs and ICT resources that meet these criteria can significantly
enhance the effectiveness of mathematics learning. Interactive math software programs that
offer personalized learning pathways, adaptive assessments, and collaborative features have
proven to be valuable tools for promoting conceptual understanding and engagement among
students. Similarly, online platforms that provide access to virtual laboratories, interactive
simulations, and peer-to-peer communication tools can enrich students' learning experiences
and facilitate deeper exploration of mathematical concepts. The appropriateness of IMs and
ICT resources for mathematics learning depends on effectiveness in enhancing
understanding, promoting engagement, facilitating collaboration, and providing accessibility.
Selecting resources that align with these criteria and integrating them thoughtfully into
instructional practices, educators can influence the power of technology to create dynamic
and inclusive mathematical learning environments.
2. In what situation we can say that IMs and ICT resources were not utilized in a
correct application?
In my experience, examples of inappropriate application of IMs and ICT resources in
mathematics education often stem from a lack of alignment with instructional goals,
insufficient consideration of student needs, or inadequate support for effective
implementation. Educators must prioritize pedagogical principles over technological tools
and ensure that technology is used thoughtfully to enhance, rather than take away from, the
learning experience. Raising active engagement, addressing technological barriers, and
promoting accessibility and inclusivity, educators can harness the potential of IMs and ICT
resources to create dynamic and equitable mathematical learning environments.
3. In your own words, how does mobile technology helps in promoting a conducive
learning atmosphere?
Mobile technology facilitates anytime, anywhere learning, breaking down the barriers
of traditional classroom settings and enabling students to access educational resources at their
convenience. Whether at home, on the go, or in informal learning environments, mobile
devices provide learners with instant access to a wealth of educational content, including e-
books, videos, interactive simulations, and educational apps. This flexibility empowers
students to take ownership of their learning journey, allowing them to explore topics of
interest, review course materials, and engage in self-paced learning activities outside the
confines of the classroom.
Mobile technology promotes active engagement and participation by offering
interactive and immersive learning experiences. Through features such as touchscreens,
sensors, and multimedia capabilities, mobile devices enable students to interact with content
in dynamic and hands-on ways. For example, interactive simulations and virtual laboratories
allow students to conduct experiments, explore complex concepts, and visualize abstract
ideas, enhancing their understanding and retention of subject matter. Learning apps and
educational games influence the motivational power of gameplay to engage students and
make learning enjoyable and rewarding.
Mobile technology facilitates collaboration and communication among students and
educators, fostering a sense of community and peer support in the learning process. Online
collaboration tools, such as messaging apps, discussion forums, and collaborative document
editing platforms, enable students to collaborate on projects, share ideas, and provide
feedback to their peers in real-time, regardless of physical location. This promotes
collaborative problem-solving, critical thinking, and communication skills, essential for
success in the 21st-century workforce.
Mobile technology plays an important role in promoting a conducive learning
atmosphere by offering flexibility, interactivity, and collaboration in educational experiences.
Influencing the power of mobile devices and innovative educational apps, educators can
create dynamic and engaging learning environments that empower students to become active
participants in their learning journey, nurturing a lifelong love for learning and preparing
them for success in an increasingly digital and interconnected world.
4. In your own words, how do social networking sites helps in promoting a conducive
learning atmosphere?
Social networking sites facilitate communication and collaboration among students
and educators, breaking down traditional barriers of time and space. Through features such as
messaging, discussion forums, and video conferencing, these platforms enable individuals to
engage in real-time conversations, share ideas, and collaborate on projects regardless of their
physical location. This seamless exchange of information and ideas fosters a sense of
connectedness and belonging, promoting active participation and engagement in the learning
Social networking sites serve as platforms for community-building, allowing students
to connect with peers who share similar interests, goals, or learning objectives. Online
groups, communities, and forums dedicated to specific subjects or topics enable students to
seek support, exchange resources, and engage in meaningful discussions with like-minded
individuals. This sense of community fosters peer support, collaboration, and collective
problem-solving, enhancing learning outcomes and promoting a sense of belonging among
Social networking sites play an important role in promoting a conducive learning
atmosphere by facilitating communication, collaboration, and community-building.
Connecting the power of social media platforms, educators can create dynamic and engaging
learning environments that stand-in active participation, peer interaction, and lifelong
learning. However, it is essential to approach the use of social networking sites in education
thoughtfully, considering privacy, security, and digital citizenship considerations to ensure a
safe and positive learning experience for all participants.
II - Compare and contrast digital learning resources and non-digital learning resources
approach in education using Venn diagram.

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