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Human Resource Management

Section B
An individual review report, annual HR analysis of the selected company in Section A

-Introduction to the chosen organization (you can include an annual HR analysis demonstration
of your company e.g.; Total employees, new recruitments, employee satisfactory level, working
days, Average OT, absenteeism & etc.)

-Explain the objectives of the HR function

-Key roles and responsibilities of the HR Function

LO3 Examine how external and internal factors can affect HRM decision making
inrelation to organizational development.

P4 Investigate the external and internal factors that affect HRM decision making to
support organizational development.

 -Internal Factors that affect HRM decision making to support organizational development
( You can use McKinsey 7s model, leadership styles, motivation methods to elaborate how
internal factors affecting HRM decision making)

 -External Factors that affect HRM decision making to support organizational

development (You can explain a PESTEL analysis to elaborate how external factors
affecting HRM decision making)

M4 Discuss the key external and internal factors that affect HRM decision making, using
relevant organizational examples to illustrate how they support organizational

-Internal factors which influence the HRM decision-making process of your selected company
(Identify separately the factor and how it affected decision making process)
E.g.: Organizations Financial position: With the increase in profitability company gave bonus
and salary increments

-External factors which influence the decision-making process of your selected company
(Write separately the factor and how it affected decision making process. You can do a PESTEL
Analysis of the company relevant to HRM)
E.g.: Technology factor: Work from home with coved developed online delivery extending
D2 Evaluate key factors affecting HRM decision making to make valid recommendations.

Give recommendations for factors that are affecting HRM decision making. Mention separately
the key factors and evaluate how they affect decision making and what recommendations can be

L04 Apply HRM practices in a work-related context for improving sustainable

organizational performance.

P5 Apply HRM practices in a work-related context, using specific examples to demonstrate

improvement to sustainable organizational performance.

M5 Illustrate how the application of specific HRM practices in a work related context can
improve sustainable organizational performance.

1. Job analysis (define, process, apply to your company, job description & job
specification, provide examples for improving sustainable organizational performance)
2. Recruitment & Selection (define, process, apply to your company, provide examples for
improving sustainable organizational performance)
3. Training and Development (define, process, apply to your company, provide examples
for improving sustainable organizational performance)
4. Performance Appraisals (define, methods, apply to your company, provide examples for
improving sustainable organizational performance)

-Explain the benefits of employee relations and employee engagement of your company selected.

-Application of psychological contract, employee voice and engagement to reach out for high
competitive advantages by applying the theories in to the practical scenarios of the chosen

D3 Determine strengths and weaknesses of HRM practices to make recommendations for

improving sustainable organizational performance

-Strengths of HRM practices, Weaknesses of HRM practices and recommendations.



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