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Oracle Intelligent Document Recognition for Payables

Invoices Getting Started Guide report name update
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Oracle Intelligent Document

Recognition for Payables
Getting Started Guide
Features, Recommendations, Guidelines, and Tips

September | Version 4.1

Copyright © 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates
Confidential: Public

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This document provides an overview of features and enhancements included in Oracle Cloud ERP release Update 22C for
Intelligent Document Recognition for AP Invoices. This document also includes recommendations and instructions that
Oracle Development strongly urges you and your System Integrators to review and consider prior to using Intelligent
Document Recognition (IDR). These recommendations and instructions help ensure the highest field recognition rates.
Finally, there are tips and guidelines to further enhance the usability of this feature.

This document in any form, software or printed matter, contains proprietary information that is the exclusive property of
Oracle. Your access to and use of this confidential material is subject to the terms and conditions of your Oracle software
license and service agreement, which has been executed and with which you agree to comply. This document and
information contained herein may not be disclosed, copied, reproduced or distributed to anyone outside Oracle without
prior written consent of Oracle. This document is not part of your license agreement nor can it be incorporated into any
contractual agreement with Oracle or its subsidiaries or affiliates.
This document is for informational purposes only and is intended solely to assist you in planning for the implementation
and upgrade of the product features described. It is not a commitment to deliver any material, code, or functionality, and
should not be relied upon in making purchasing decisions. The development, release, and timing of any features or
functionality described in this document remains at the sole discretion of Oracle.

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Purpose Statement 1
Disclaimer 1
Introduction 3
Getting Started 4
Before You Start 5
Initial Setup 6
Step 1: If you’re scanning invoices, configure scanner settings 6
Step 2: Manage Intelligent Document Recognition Options 6
Step 3: Confirm the designated email accounts 13
Step 4: Send and Verify Invoices 14
General Information about IDR You Need to Know 14
Emailing the Documents 14
Testing and Validating Intelligent Document Recognition 15
New Implementation Testing 15
Existing Implementation Testing 16
Key Configuration Steps 16
Including and Excluding Internal (Intercompany) Suppliers 16
Including Internal Suppliers 16
Excluding Internal Suppliers 17
Scheduling the Import Payables Invoices Process 19
Configuration of Routing Rules 20

Viewing and Correcting Invoices 27

Key Considerations for Adaptive Learning 27
Sharing Adaptive Learning Between Environments 27
Adaptive Learning for Invoice Lines 27
Adaptive Learning for Routing Attributes 28
Correcting Invoices using a Mouse 28
Correcting Invoices with the Keyboard 33
Shortcut Keys for Navigations and Actions 36
Document Normalization to PDF Format 36

Reporting 37
Invoice Documents Recognition Tracking Report 37
Sample Invoice Documents Recognition Tracking Report 40
Invoice Documents Recognition Rate Report 40
Sample Invoice Documents Recognition Rate Report in Invoice Details Format 43
Sample Invoice Documents Recognion Rate Report in Supplier Summary Format 43

Additional Topics 46
Attributes and Languages Recognized by Intelligent Document Recognition 46
Routing Attributes 1 to 4 48

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Many suppliers and customers choose to send and receive Payables invoices electronically via email. With Oracle Cloud ERP,
we have designed a unique solution called Intelligent Document Recognition (IDR) to extract invoice information from the
emailed documents to create invoices and import them into Payables. IDR offers a fully integrated invoice recognition
solution that supports the entire invoice lifecycle, including document capture, recognition, routing, invoice entry, approval,
and payment, with a seamless and secure user experience. As you use the IDR service, it uses machine learning to improve
the extraction. It learns from corrections you make to invoices to understand how to extract invoice fields when future
invoices are received from a supplier. As a result, invoice recognition improves over time.
IDR enables our customers to quickly process supplier invoices from entry to payment. This end-to-end solution requires
minimal setup and configuration, thereby reducing the total cost of ownership and enhancing capital management.
High Level Product flow:
1. Invoices are emailed to the IDR inbox.
2. IDR processes the invoices and extracts the relevant information.
3. Invoices appear in the Scanned Information tile on the Invoices landing page with an Incomplete status (if they need
attention) or Not Validated status (if all expected fields are recognized).
4. Incomplete invoices are corrected using the Interactive Viewer which allows users to simply highlight the correct
information on the invoice.
5. IDR learns from the corrections to improve extraction on subsequent invoices.
The following figure shows the Scanned Information tile on the Invoices landing page.

• By default, you can see the invoices that have been scanned in the past 7 days under the Scanned Information tile.
• When you click on the number in the 8-14, you can see the invoices that were scanned and are Incomplete or
haven’t been validated in the past 8 to 14 days (in this case, 4 invoices).
• When you click on the number above 15+ in the information tile, you can see the invoices that are Incomplete or
haven’t been validated in over 15 days. In the example shown, there are 27 invoices that need to be addressed.
The Scanned Information tile only lists the Incomplete and Not Validated invoices. Validated invoices are shown under the
Recent Information tile.
The following screenshot of the Interactive Viewer displays an example of an Incomplete invoice that requires a change to be
made to the invoice amount.

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You need to review this document in its entirety before you start using Intelligent Document Recognition. By following these
recommendations, guidelines, and tips, you can maximize field extraction success rates to improve invoice entry
automation. It has been the experience of Oracle that the most successful customers closely followed the recommendations
in this document.

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Before You Start


MAKE SURE THAT YOU • Customer needs to select the • Make sure you test 20 or more
HAVE INVOICES TO TEST. invoices to test in the TEST invoices from at least 10 of your
environment to ensure that the most frequent suppliers.
THERE SHOULD BE AT setups are done correctly and the • You should begin setting aside
LEAST 5 INVOICES FROM Supplier information in the system invoices as soon as you plan on
EACH OF YOUR TOP 10 matches the Supplier information using IDR so that you have sufficient
TO 20 SUPPLIERS on the invoices. For more invoices for testing.
information, see the Initial Setups • Your testing should be end-to-end
and Advanced Setups. from email to approval and
• The Implementation team must payment.
review the Testing and Validating
Intelligent Document Recognition
section of this document to ensure
that IDR is properly tested.

MAKE SURE THAT THE • Customers should determine how • IDR uses the supplier name and
SUPPLIER NAMES AND suppliers and sites should be setup address as one of the main ways to
ADDRESSES YOU SET UP IN and the Implementation Team match the supplier to invoice so if
needs to ensure that the addresses they don’t match you risk lower
assigned to the sites are matching recognition rates.
EXACTLY TO THE SUPPLIER what is shown on the invoices. • If there are multiple sites with the
ADDRESSES ON THE • Customers and Implementation same address, then you may have to
INVOICES. Teams should also try and have step in and tell AP which site the
unique addresses for each supplier invoice is referencing.
FOR EXAMPLE, IF YOU HAVE site for the best recognition rates.

MAKE SURE THE • The customer and the • IDR uses both the distinct Purchase
PURCHASE ORDER Implementation Team need to Order Number formats observed in
FORMAT ON YOUR determine ALL Purchase Order the Purchase Order Tables and the
INVOICES MATCH number formats for legacy systems formats setup in Oracle Cloud
EXACTLY TO THE and all departments. Procurement to detect the Purchase
PURCHASE ORDER Order numbers on the invoices.

DETERMINE YOUR PO • Customer and the Implementation • The recommended format for best
FORMAT. Team should consider an Alpha- results is 3 letters followed by at
numeric Purchase Order Number least 6 numbers so for example
that ensures that the Purchase ABC123456.
Order Number is unique and is not • IDR picks up legacy Purchase Order
confused with any other number on formats that have been imported
the invoice. from legacy systems so there’s no
• IDR uses the Purchase Order format need to create these.
defined in Procurement.

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DETERMINE IF THERE • Customers need to determine what • The implementation needs to make
ARE ANY SPECIFIC TYPES types of suppliers they have. sure that all excluded suppliers are
OF SUPPLIERS THAT • Implementation team must exclude setup with the proper supplier type
SHOULD NOT BE suppliers such as internal suppliers such as INTERNAL and populate the
INCLUDED IN THE GROUP used for intercompany purchases. AP_EXCLUDE_IMAGE_VENDOR_TYP
RECOGNITION SUCH AS • Note: You need to create this
INTERNAL SUPPLIERS. lookup. The steps are covered later
under Advanced Setups.

TO AVOID APPROVAL • Customer or Implementation Team • Customer or Implementation Team

ISSUES SUCH AS THE must confirm attachment size of must increase the attachment size
INVOICE ATTACHMENT Invoices once imported and support of the email under Application
MISSING FROM THE needs to confirm Notification Preferences in the BPM Worklist UI.
INVOICE APPROVAL Attachment Size setup in BPM. NOTE: You can also increase the
NOTIFICATIONS MAKE number of attachments there too.

Initial Setup
Set up Intelligent Document Recognition using the following 4 steps:

Step 1: If you’re scanning invoices, configure scanner settings

Set up any scanners to the following specifications for the absolute best results:
• For best document quality, set up the scanners to produce TIFF or PDF documents with International Telegraph and
Telephone Consultative Committee (CCITT) Group IV compression at 300 dpi.
• If available, configure scanners to use dynamic/adaptive thresholding to produce high-quality documents when
scanning invoices with color or shaded backgrounds.
• Ensure that page size is either Letter (8.5 inches x 11 inches) or A4 (8.3 inches x 11.7 inches). Larger size pages could
cause performance issues.
• When possible, scan the document in the correct orientation. If documents are in the wrong orientation, Intelligent
Document Recognition tries to automatically rotate and orient the documents correctly as part of the document
recognition process.

Step 2: Manage Intelligent Document Recognition Options

Navigate to the Manage Intelligent Document Recognition Options page from the Functional Setup Manager and configure
the IDR options. These options are affected by the following:
• How your Business Unit is derived.
• How you would like to recognize your invoice lines.
• How you would like tax and freight to be calculated and displayed.
• How you would like to handle service and utility suppliers.
This is also where you find the IDR activation status and the unique email that Oracle has assigned to you. The status must
be active. Once the status is active, you need to send all invoices as attachments to this email address. Oracle recommends
that you use a corporate email address and configure mailbox rules to forward the invoices to the Oracle email address as
opposed to having suppliers send directly to it.
Until you save and close this page the first time, the Save and Save and Close buttons will display as Activate and Activate
and Close. This means that IDR is not yet activated for you. For IDR to start processing invoices, you must enable IDR by
clicking the Activate or the Activate and Close buttons. This enables IDR and begins the supplier synchronization process

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that exports suppliers to IDR for matching. After successful activation, the status changes to Active on the IDR Options page
and the buttons change to Save and Save and Close. You need to wait at least 24 hours for changes to your supplier details,
including adding new suppliers and for purchase order formats, reflect in IDR. Keep this in mind while testing.
NOTE: If you are upgrading from our Automated Invoice Processing (AIP) solution, this step is done for you as part of
your migration. All the setups are done based on your existing setups in the migrated solution. YOU DO NOT NEED
1. Navigate to Setup and Maintenance > Financials > Payables > Manage Intelligent Document
Recognition Options.
2. Select the relevant options. Each is explained in detail.

NOTE: The first time this is done, the supplier synchronization process begins and runs the first time, and
then every 24 hours after that. So, you need to keep that in mind when changes are made.

Setup Options for Intelligent Document Recognition. This screen also contains the IDR status and the IDR email address.

Email Address for all Invoice Documents

The first option on the Manage Intelligent Document Recognition Options page is the IDR Image Email address. This is a
unique email address that Oracle has assigned to you to send all the invoices for processing. We recommend that you create
at least one email address for your company on your email server such as and have a
forwarding rule to automatically forward emails to your IDR email address. The advantage of using forwarding is that you
can use a simpler email address and track email before it’s sent to IDR. Moreover, you can usually configure such auto-
forwarding to maintain a backup of the email on your email server.

Business Unit Derivation Options

There are 4 options for business unit derivation:

1. Blank/default based on standard Business Unit Defaulting that is described in a later section in the document,
Business Unit Defaulting.
2. Email Routing Attribute – email routing allows you to specify business units in the email subject line using an
underscore. This is recommended when you know that the suppliers will not be using underscores in the subject,
you only have one or two Business Units or you are unable to map email addresses to Business Units as described
in steps 3 and 4. If there is a Routing Attribute in the email subject in Routing Attribute 1 (see Routing Attributes 1 to
4 section later in this document for examples) then per the Business Unit Defaulting hierarchy, the Routing
Attribute would override the Business Unit and be used instead. For more information on setting up the Email

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Routing Attribute, refer to the Business Unit Defaulting link and the setups for adding the routing attribute in the
email subject start with step 10.
3. Senders Email Address – this allows you to create a mapping of email addresses to Business Units and when an
email is sent to IDR, IDR checks the mapping based on the sender’s email address and selects the appropriate
Business Unit. When using this feature to derive the Business Unit it is recommended that emails are sent to
individuals representing a certain business unit and then forwarded automatically or manually to the IDR email
address. Notice when this option is selected the mapping table icon appears to the right of the option. Instructions
for populating the table can be found under Creating the Email Mapping for Sender and Recipient Business Unit

4. Recipient Email Address – this allows you to create a mapping of recipient email addresses to Business Units that
are used by IDR to determine the correct Business Unit. This would be used if the email address being mapped is
not the first email address in the email list. For example if the email from was forwarded to then the forwarding rule forwarded it to the Oracle provided email address. When the
email comes into the Oracle provided address the sender’s line looks like this:; In this case, is the recipient that is the case so you
would map to the recipient Notice when this option is selected the mapping table
icon appears to the right of the option. Instructions for populating the table can be found under Creating the Email

Mapping for Sender and Recipient Business Unit Derivation.

Business Unit Defaulting

For matched invoices, business units default from the purchase order. For more information, you can refer to the Business
Unit Derivation Options section earlier in this document.
For unmatched invoices:
• The business unit defaults from the business unit assignment of the supplier site that’s set as the pay site.
• If the supplier site can’t be determined from the imported invoice document, or no pay site is defined for the
supplier, or the site has more than one business unit assignment, then the business unit defaults from the user’s
Default Business Unit profile option. This is the user that’s running or has scheduled the invoice import process for
the invoice documents.
• If you specified a Business Unit Derivation setup in the Manage Intelligent Document Recognition Options using
Email Routing Attribute, then the business unit in the email subject, routing attribute 1 from the invoice email is
defaulted onto the invoice and would be used instead of standard business unit derivation logic which is to derive
the business unit from the supplier site and if it cannot pick it up from the supplier site then it will use the profile
option as described in the second bullet point.
• If you specified a Business Unit Derivation setup in the Manage Intelligent Document Recognition Options using the
Senders email address, then the business unit defaults based on the sender email address and the BU it is mapped

to the email addresses specified in the pop-up mapping table that is opened by clicking on the icon to the right
of the derivation method, overriding all other prior defaulting logic. If there is no mapping found, then IDR uses the
standard business unit derivation logic that is to derive the business unit from the supplier site and if it cannot pick
it up from the supplier site then it will use the profile option as described in the second bullet point.
• If you specified a Business Unit Derivation setup in the Manage Intelligent Document Recognition Options using the
Recipient email address, then the business unit defaults based recipient email address and the BU it is mapped to

the email addresses specified in the pop-up mapping table that is opened by clicking on the icon to the right of
the derivation method, overriding all other prior defaulting logic. If there is no mapping found, then IDR uses the
standard business unit derivation logic with is derive the business unit from the supplier site and if it cannot pick it
up from the supplier site then it will use the profile option as described in the second bullet point.
NOTE: You can only choose ONE Business Unit Derivation Setup for unmatched invoices from the Manage Intelligent
Document Recognition Options so it will only be either the Routing Attribute OR the Senders email address OR the Recipient
email address.
Follow these steps to set the Default Business Unit profile option for a user:

1. Sign in to the application and navigate to the Setup and Maintenance work area.
2. Search for the Manage Administrator Profile Values task and click the Search icon.

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3. Click on the Name link to open the Manage Administrator Profile Values page.

4. In the Profile Option Code field, enter DEFAULT_ORG_ID (case sensitive) and click Search.
5. In the Search Results: Profile Options section, click the DEFAULT_ORG_ID row.

6. In the DEFAULT_ORG_ID: Profile Values section, click the New or button to add a row.
7. Select the Profile Level of the user, enter the User Name that processes the invoices, and select the default
business unit in the Profile Value field.

8. Repeat steps 6 and 7 to set up a default business unit for all of the users that process invoices.
9. Click Save and Close when you have completed the setup for all users.

Creating the Email Mapping for Sender and Recipient Business Unit Derivation
To create the mapping for the email options for both the Sender and Recipient Email Address, follow the steps:
1. Click on the icon to the right of the dropdown that appears when you make the selection.

2. The Email to Business Unit Mapping Popup appears. Click on the plus sign to add a Sender or Recipient depending
on the selection you have made.

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3. Enter the email address of the Sender or Recipient depending on the selection you have made.
4. Repeat Steps 2 and 3 until you have completed entering all the email addresses and business unit combinations
and Click OK when done.

5. The box disappears after you click OK.

Adding the Requester

IDR will recognize and extract the requester from the invoice document which eliminates the need to manually enter the
requester details in AP.
The invoice requester is recognized from the invoice document by identifying the requester email address if it is available on
the invoice. To enable this feature, simply enter your organization’s domain name in the Maintain Intelligent Document
Recognition Options page.

If your organization has more than one domain name, enter multiple domain names separated by semicolon as shown
above. Don’t enter any spaces in the domain names. For example, “net” would not be a valid domain name.
If the invoice document has multiple email addresses, then the requester is predicted with the priority based on the domain
list in the setup. For example, if the above setup were used and an invoice document had two email addresses, one being and the other was, would be selected for the
requester because is listed first or before in the setup.
Note: The invoice requester details are imported into Payables only if the email address is recognized as a valid email
address. A valid email address is the email address configured as the employee’s work email under the employee setup in
the Human Capital Management (HCM) application.

Recognition and Processing Options

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Recognize tax amount – Select this option when • When the box is unchecked, taxes are calculated NO
you want the tax amount to be directly taken using the Tax Engine that is included with Oracle
from the invoice. The tax engine calculates taxes Cloud ERP. Taxes are added to the tax section of
but ensures that the calculated amount is set the invoice as separate tax lines.
exactly to the amount recognized from the • When the box is checked, the invoice import
imported invoice document. program honors the tax control amount (tax
amount from the invoice), the taxes are
calculated during the import process and if the
calculated tax amount is not equal to the control
amount, the control amount will be used. If the
invoice is in Incomplete status, taxes are NOT
calculated during the import process for this
invoice and are done during the invoice
validation process. The validation process does
not recognize or honor the control amount and
will use the tax engine to generate the tax
amount and use that amount for the tax on the

Recognize freight amount – This determines • When the box is unchecked, if the invoice YES
how freight/shipping is handled when there is a includes a separate freight/shipping invoice line,
separate freight/shipping line included on the the freight/shipping line is excluded during the
invoice. Deselect this option when you do not invoice import process.
wish to include freight/shipping lines on the • When the box is checked, if the invoice includes a
invoice. separate freight/shipping line, the
freight/shipping line is included during the
invoice import process.

Recognize lines for matched invoices – This • For invoices matched to Purchase Orders Only: YES
allows you to only import the invoice header for • When the box is unchecked, the import program
matched invoices, enabling you to create ignores all the invoice lines of type ITEM and only
matched lines manually from the UI. imports the invoice header information for
invoices that are related to a Purchase Order.
• When the box is checked, the import program
attempts to match all invoice lines of type ITEM
recognized by IDR and Payables will attempt to
match lines recognized by IDR to the
corresponding PO Lines.

Recognize lines for unmatched invoices - This • For invoices that are NOT matched to Purchase YES
allows you to only import the invoice header for Orders Only:
unmatched invoices if you want. This would then • When the box is unchecked, the import program
allow you to manually enter the invoice lines and ignores all the invoice lines of type ITEM and only
not have to worry about what is recognized by imports the invoice header information for

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invoices that are NOT related to a Purchase

• When the box is checked, the import program
honors all invoice lines of type ITEM recognized
by IDR and imports them along with the invoice

Validate the legal entity identified for • When the box is unchecked, the import program NO
matched invoices – This option determines will use the legal entity from the Purchase Order
whether the legal entity is compared between the for matched invoices. For unmatched invoices,
PO and the predicted legal entity on the invoice. the legal entity is recognized from the invoice
If there is a mismatch between the PO and the document. If the legal entity is not recognized on
predicted invoice legal entity, this option the unmatched invoice document, then the
determines how to handle the invoice. default legal entity is derived using the same
logic that used on the Create Invoice page.
• When the box is checked, the import program
Note: You must file an SR to activate legal entity will use the legal entity from the invoice
recognition. Before enabling the legal entity document for matched invoices. If the legal entity
recognition feature, you must ensure that your is not recognized from the invoice document,
Legal Entity names and addresses are correct Payables will derive the default legal entity from
and that suppliers are using the correct names the purchase order. Payables will also verify that
and addresses on invoices that match the Legal the legal entity identified for the invoice matches
Entity setup. the legal entity of the purchase order recognized
from the invoice. If legal entities do not match,
then the purchase order is rejected during the
invoice import process and the invoice is
imported in Incomplete status. In the application,
you can see an error on the PO field that you can
correct to proceed further. For unmatched
invoices, the legal entity is recognized from the
invoice document. If the legal entity is not
recognized on the unmatched invoice document,
then the default legal entity is derived using the
same logic that used on the Create Invoice page.

Calculate tax during import – This option • When the box is unchecked, the import program YES
determines whether the tax should be calculated imports the IDR based invoice documents
on the imported invoice during import. without calculating tax (the tax call is not made)
on them.
• When the box is checked, the import program
imports the IDR based invoice documents after
calculating tax on them.
NOTE: If the invoice is in an Incomplete status,
then tax is never computed on the invoice
documents by the import program regardless of
how the configuration is set for this feature.

Always create invoices in Incomplete status – • If the box is unchecked, the import program NO
This sets all invoices to Incomplete even if all imports the invoice in Incomplete or Never
attributes are successfully extracted and is Validated status based on the success or failure
usually set when you want to review or verify all of extracting all required attributes.
invoices prior to validating and paying them. • If the box is checked, the import program always
imports the IDR based invoice documents in an
Incomplete status even if all attributes were
successfully extracted and the invoice should
have been imported in a Never Validated status.
The IDR based invoice documents will always be

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set to Incomplete and will require verification

before validation can be done.

Create single invoice line for service orders – • For Invoices Matched to Service Purchase Orders NO
This allows you to create one line on the invoice Only:
equal to the invoice subtotal so that matched • If the box is unchecked, during the import
invoices that may have multiple lines can match process, the matching process tries to pair
to a Serviced based Purchase Order that has only individual invoice lines with Purchase Order lines.
one line. Use this to increase the success of the • If the box is checked, during the import the
matching process when the Purchase Order must matching process drops all the invoice lines
be a single line service-related Purchase Order recognized by IDR and creates one single line
but the invoices that the supplier sends are more invoice paired to the Purchase Order with an
detailed. amount equal to the subtotal amount passed by

Create single invoice lines for utility suppliers • For invoices that are NOT matched to Purchase NO
– This allows you to setup vendors with the Orders Only:
vendor type “Utility” to create a single line invoice • If the box is unchecked, the import program
equal to the invoice subtotal for easier imports all invoice lines.
recognition of utility or other types of invoices • If the box is checked, the import program verifies
that are formatted like utility bills. if the recognized vendor is set to vendor type
“Utility”. The line description is set to “Utility
supplier invoice line”. A single line will be then
created for the invoice based on the totals.

Import only paired lines for matched invoices – • For Invoices Matched to Purchase Orders Only: YES
This option decides how to handle unpaired lines • If the box is unchecked, the import matching
for matched invoices whether you import them process imports all invoice lines. This means that
or not. You may want to use this if you use both invoice lines successfully paired to the valid
multiple Purchase Orders on Invoices and not all Purchase Order in the invoice header and invoice
lines are matched to a Purchase Order. lines unsuccessfully paired to the valid Purchase
Order in the invoice header is imported.
• If the box is checked, the import matching
process imports only the invoice lines
successfully paired to the valid Purchase Order in
the invoice header. Unpaired lines are dropped
and won’t be imported into Payables.

Step 3: Confirm the designated email accounts

Email Accounts – The email account, as mentioned earlier in this document, can be found under Manage Intelligent
Document Recognition Options in Functional Setup Manager.
Invoices are delivered to IDR by the email account provided by Oracle – You are given an email address that is used to
send your invoices to IDR for processing.
Recommendation: To protect the email addresses from spam, junk emails, and so on, Oracle Product Development
recommends that you setup one or more email accounts for suppliers and/or users to send the emails with the invoice
attachments and then forward those emails from these account(s) to the designated email accounts automatically using a
forwarding rule.
Note: You want to make sure that you are using Oracle Intelligent Document Recognition and NOT Automated Invoice
Processing (AIP) Service. One way to do this is by checking Setup and Maintenance and select the option Manage Intelligent
Document Recognition Options under Payables. If there is no email address showing and the options are greyed out, you do
not have IDR. The error message shown will display briefly.
Follow this navigation:

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Setup and Maintenance > Financials > Payables > Manage Intelligent Document Recognition Options
If you are not using IDR, you’ll get the error shown. Otherwise, you should be able to go in and set any of the options. For
more information on the options, refer to Step 2 Managing Intelligent Document Recognition Options section.

If you get the above error message, you are not using IDR. Instead of this document, you should refer to the Oracle
Integrated Imaging Guide for Cloud (Doc ID 1966280.1) for further instructions.

Step 4: Send and Verify Invoices

Invoices in printed physical format (paper) must be scanned and then sent by email. Invoices in a supported digital format
can be sent directly by email. Confirm that the printed and digital invoices can be sent to the Oracle IDR email address and
surfaced in Payables. When verifying, check at least 20 invoices from each of your 10 or more top suppliers.
Note: You should wait until your Suppliers have been synchronized before you begin processing invoices. Suppliers will
begin syncing after you click on the Save and Close button on the Manage Intelligent Document Recognition Options
described in Step 2. Suppliers and PO Formats are Synchronized every 24 hours. Best practice is to wait at least 24 hours
after saving your setups before testing any invoices.

General Information about IDR You Need to Know

Emailing the Documents

Supported Invoice Types – Intelligent Document Recognition supports Standard Invoices and Credit Memos.
Supported Document Types – Intelligent Document Recognition supports the following document file extensions: PDF, TIF,
NOTE: While emailing the documents, ensure the following:
• DO NOT send password protected PDF files as attachments. IDR can’t open these documents. IDR will send these
documents through. However, they appear as blank documents within the interactive view since IDR was unable to
open and process them. To view the invoice document, download the PDF file and open it using a PDF viewer that
allows entry of the password.
• Invoices MUST NOT be contained in a zip/compressed file.
• IDR does not support attachments contained within embedded emails (such as, an email message as an
attachment to another email).

Attaching Invoices: Organize invoices within the attachments in the following ways:

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There are 3 recommended options for attaching invoices to email:

1. Single invoice attachment – Recommended for supplier emailed PDFs.
2. Multiple invoice attachments – Recommended for supplier emailed PDFs or scanned documents.
3. Multiple invoices in one attachment. Each scanned invoice must be separated by a blank page. For this method,
every page in the document must be an image.

• The first page of the document should be the first page of the invoice (i.e., no cover pages).
• Maximum attachment size is 30MB per email.

Including Supporting Documents with an Invoice – Supporting documents (such as receiving documents, contracts,
notices, and others) can be included with the invoice. To ensure that IDR only extracts invoice information from the invoice
itself, include a page separator with the text ‘Invoice Supporting Documents’ (find example separator page in My Oracle
Support Document ID 2014464.1). Supporting documents will be imported along with the invoice and visible in the
interactive invoice viewer.
NOTE: The supporting documentation needs to be included in the same file along with the invoice. If the email includes the
supporting documentation as a separate file attached to the same email as the associated invoice, IDR treats the supporting
documents file as another invoice attachment and tries to process it as an invoice.
Use of Underscores in Email Subject – In general, it doesn’t matter what is entered as the email subject however you must
NOT include the underscore (_) on the subject because the application treats that symbol as your intent to populate routing
attributes on the invoice. For more information on routing attributes, see Advanced Topics: Routing Attributes 1 to 4.

Testing and Validating Intelligent Document Recognition

Testing should be done to ensure that when IDR is enabled in production, you’ll receive the highest recognition rates
possible. Following a proven test plan helps you achieve this goal. The most common issue causing low recognition rates is
customers not doing sufficient testing.
You should test a wide variety of invoices with a focus on regular (weekly/monthly) invoices to see if you need to make any
adjustments BEFORE moving to production.

New Implementation Testing

Before you begin:
• Collect invoices for training (ensuring these represent a sample of regularly processed invoices and cover at least 10
invoices from your top 25 suppliers).
• If you use Oracle Cloud Procurement, make sure you‘ve setup your purchase order formats (note that updates take
24 hours to propagate to IDR) and create Purchase Orders to use for testing (line amounts should be large enough
so that you can test multiple invoices)
• Setup suppliers, sites, and site assignments, ensuring that the supplier addresses match the addresses on their
invoices (updates take 24 hours to propagate to IDR).

When testing:
• Enable IDR 24 hours before testing begins. To do so, navigate to Setup and Maintenance > Financials > Payables
> Manage Intelligent Recognition Options and click Save.
• Use Invoice Document Recognition Tracking Report to track the status of IDR processed invoices. The report can be
run on demand by navigating to Tools > Scheduled Processes then click on the Schedule New Process button. Then
search for Invoice Document Recognition Tracking Report.
• If testing the same invoice repeatedly (not recommended), change the invoice number in Payables to avoid
duplicate invoice number errors. Note that you should use as many unique invoices as possible.
• Choose at least 25 suppliers and process 2-3 invoices for each of these suppliers. Make appropriate corrections to
activate learning. Then retest with another 2-3 invoices from the same suppliers to ensure that you are satisfied
with the recognition rates.
Once you are satisfied with your testing results, you can move to production.

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Existing Implementation Testing

Before you begin:
• To ensure that you have the most recent suppliers and purchase orders in your test system, request a P2T
(Production to Test). Please refer to My Oracle Support note 2015788.1 for instructions. Note that P2T requests can
take up to 3 weeks.
• Collect invoices for training (ensuring these represent a sample of regularly processed invoices and cover at least 5
invoices from your top 25 suppliers).

When testing:
• Enable IDR 24 hours before testing begins. Navigate to Setup and Maintenance > Financials > Payables >
Manage Intelligent Recognition Options and click Save.
• Use Invoice Document Recognition Tracking Report to track the status of IDR processed invoices. The report can be
run on demand by navigating to Tools > Scheduled Processes then click on the Schedule New Process button. Then
search for Invoice Document Recognition Tracking Report.
• If testing the same invoice repeatedly (not recommended), change the invoice account number in Payables to avoid
duplicate invoice number errors. Note that you should use as many unique invoices as possible.
• Choose at least 25 suppliers and process 2-3 invoices for each of these suppliers. Make appropriate corrections to
activate learning. Then retest with another 2-3 invoices from the same suppliers to ensure you are satisfied with the
recognition rates.
Once you are satisfied with your test results you can move to production.

Key Configuration Steps

This section covers additional optional setups that may need to be considered to:
• Meet additional requirements you may have
• Automate some of IDR’s processes such as business unit defaulting
• Configuring the routing of Incomplete invoices

Including and Excluding Internal (Intercompany) Suppliers

IDR uses the supplier attributes: supplier name, street address, city, state, zip code, email address, phone number, fax
number, web site and tax registration numbers as part of the prediction process when determining the supplier on the
invoice even when the invoice is matched to a Purchase Order. IDR maintains all invoice learnings at the supplier level. As a
result, by eliminating internal/intercompany suppliers, you will assist IDR in predicting the correct supplier by avoiding
inadvertent prediction from Ship To or Bill To locations that may appear on an invoice.

Including Internal Suppliers

Intercompany invoicing is not commonly used for IDR since they can be processed through Oracle Cloud ERP’s
intercompany functionality supported by the General Ledger. You can read more about it in the Using General Ledger
document in Chapter 4, Intercompany Transactions. Oracle Cloud Intercompany, based on the intercompany balancing rules
setup, generates the AR and AP accounting for manual intercompany transactions automatically.
In cases where intercompany invoice files must be processed through IDR, you can do so by using a distinct supplier type for
these suppliers.

Steps to Include Internal Suppliers

This feature helps you use IDR to create invoices received from specific internal suppliers, without affecting IDR's capability
to accurately predict the supplier when the invoice is received from external suppliers. You can automate the creation of
invoices received from internal suppliers by:
1. Identifying the internal suppliers from whom you expect to receive supplier invoices.
2. Assigning a distinct supplier type for these suppliers. To setup or review the SUPPLIER_TYPE lookup, see the
Review and/or Setup the SUPPLIER_TYPE Lookup section in this document.
3. Logging a Service Request (SR) to enable this feature. Include the distinct supplier type defined in step 2 in the SR.

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If you have multiple internal suppliers and plan to use IDR to create invoices for only some of them, then you must create 2
distinct supplier types to uniquely identify these suppliers.
For example, if you have 10 internal suppliers and will be using IDR to create invoices received from only 2 of them, then you
should create 2 separate supplier types:
• Internal_Include: Assign this supplier type to the 2 internal suppliers that you want IDR to recognize.
• Internal_Exclude: Assign this supplier type to the 8 remaining internal suppliers.
When you create the Service Request for enabling this feature, provide the supplier type 'Internal_Include' in the service
request information.
Use the 'Internal_Exclude' supplier type for the AP_EXCLUDE_IMAGE_VENDOR_TYPE lookup. For details on how to use this
profile option, refer to the Excluding Internal Suppliers section of this document.
Note: These are only examples of the supplier type names you can use. You should create the supplier type names based on
your business requirement.

Excluding Internal Suppliers

If you have suppliers that generate invoices that are used for intercompany or for internal use you need to ensure that you
indicate these suppliers by using a specific supplier type, add that supplier type to the supplier if it doesn’t exist, then add
that supplier type to the AP_EXCLUDE_IMAGE_VENDOR_TYPE lookup. For example, for the purpose of explanation in this
document let’s assume that all excluded suppliers are to be setup with the supplier type of INTERNAL.
Add your chosen SUPPLIER_TYPE lookup code to the look up type AP_EXCLUDE_IMAGE_VENDOR_TYPE.

Review and/or Setup the SUPPLIER_TYPE Lookup

To review or setup the SUPPLIER_TYPE follow these steps:
1. Navigate to Setup and Maintenance.
2. Select the Procurement Functional Area.
3. Enter “Manage Supplier Type Lookup” in the Search Tasks bar.
4. Press Enter.
5. Select Manage Supplier Type Lookup.

6. Verify that the INTERNAL Lookup Code exists. If it doesn’t exist, click on the + to add it.
7. Enter the Lookup Code and the other fields as shown.
8. Click Save and Close.

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9. Navigate to the Search from the Setup and Maintenance Page and select Search.

10. Enter “Manage Standard Lookup” in the search and press Enter. Select Manage Standard Lookups.

11. Click the ‘+’ below Search Results to add AP_EXCLUDE_IMAGE_VENDOR_TYPE lookup as shown. Click Save.

12. Click the ‘+’ below the AP_EXCLUDE_IMAGE_VENDOR_TYPE Lookup Types to add the relevant lookup codes. Then
click Save and Close when done.

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NOTE: Make sure the Lookup Code matches EXACTLY to the Supplier Type Lookup Code. If they do not match, then the
suppliers won’t be excluded. You can add multiple Lookup Codes if they are setup under the Supplier Type Lookup. Any
supplier setup with any of the Supplier Types listed under this Lookup Type has their invoices excluded from IDR.

Scheduling the Import Payables Invoices Process

The import process should be scheduled to run as a background process to control when invoices are imported by the
business and to ensure that the parameters are set correctly. It is recommended to schedule the import to run once or twice
per day for your IDR invoices.
NOTE: The standard Payables Import Report will no longer include invoices that are imported with a source of imaged. In
order to get the status of imaged invoices that have imported, you will need to use the Image Invoice Tracking Report for
import status.
1. Sign in to the application and navigate to the Invoices work area.
2. Click the tasks icon to open the panel drawer.
3. Click on Import Invoices.

4. Enter the Ledger, leave Business Unit blank, and select Invoice Image as the Source.
NOTE: If you enter in a value for Business Unit, the import process won’t import all the available invoices from the
interface table based on security of the user scheduling the process. Leaving the field blank allows the import
process to import all available invoices from the interface table with the missing key information, so that it can be
corrected, and users can perform learning.
5. Click Advanced.

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6. Select the Schedule tab. Click the Using a schedule radio button and enter the frequency that best suits your
business model and invoice volume.
7. Click Submit to complete the scheduling.


Configuration of Routing Rules

An Incomplete invoice is an invoice created from an invoice document that has invalid or missing data. By default,
Incomplete invoices are routed to all users with the Accounts Payable Specialist and Accounts Payable Supervisor job
roles for review and completion. For AP Supervisor and AP Manager roles, these Incomplete invoices appear under the
Scanned Information tile and are grouped by creation date.
If you need to route Incomplete invoices based on other rules, you can modify the routing rule or add new routing rules
based on invoice attributes using the Approval Management extensions (AMX) of the Oracle SOA Suite and Oracle Human

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Workflow. The Oracle Business Process Management (BPM) Worklist application provides the interface to administer the
rules for users with Financial Application Administrator job roles
To configure rules:
1. Click on the Bell icon from the landing page.

2. This opens the Notification Worklist. Click on the Show All link.

3. From the list click on the Worklist button.

4. From the BPM worklist click on the dropdown next to your user name.

5. Select Administration from the dropdown.

6. Select the Task Configuration tab. Enter “Incomplete” in the Search box and click on the blue arrow to initiate the
search. FinApincompleteInvoiceHold workflow should display. Double click it to open it.

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Predefined Incomplete Invoice Routing Rule

The FinApIncompleteInvoiceHold task includes a rule set called IncompleteInvoiceRuleSet. This rule set includes a rule called
JobRoleAssignmentRule and is preconfigured to route Incomplete invoices to users with the Accounts Payable Specialist and
Accounts Payable Supervisor job roles. The following table lists the predefined settings for the rule JobRoleAssignmentRule:


Condition 1 is 1 To use other invoice attributes, select from the
condition browser.

List Builder Resource Determines the resource to which the invoice is


Response Type Required Indicates that the routing notification requires a


Participants Groups: Identifies the participant to whom the invoice is


Rule Name "JobRoleAssignmentRule" Identifies the approval reason to display in the

approval history diagram.

Modify Existing Routing Rule

Rule sets are a collection of related rules. To modify the existing routing rule sets:
1. On the Assignees tab, select the rule set to modify.
2. Click the Edit task icon in the Tasks to be configured pane.
3. Add, modify, or delete the rules for the rule set.
4. Click the Save icon in the Tasks to be configured pane to save the changes.

5. Click the Commit task icon in the Tasks to be configured pane to activate the changes.

To undo changes, click the Reset icon.

Here is an example of how to modify a rule set to route Incomplete invoices to a specific user group,
starting from the Task Configuration page on the BPM Worklist:
1. Select the FinApIncompleteInvoiceHold task.
2. Click the Edit Task icon to edit the rule.
3. Select the Assignees tab.
4. Click IncompleteInvoicePayablesUser.
5. Click on the business rule IncompleteInvoiceRuleSet.

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6. Click on the Expand icon to expand the existing JobRoleAssignmentRule.

7. Click on the Search icon next to the relevant Participant to open the Identity Browser.
a. Users to select specific named individual users.
Note: This will require maintenance if the individual users change over time.
b. Group to select approval groups.
c. Application Role to select roles.

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In our example we will select an Application Role.

8. Search for the Role that you want to use.
Note: You can also switch between the selection choices of Users, Groups and Roles in the Identity browser using
the drop down as shown.
Note: The Application Context, fscm, is right after the participants in the identity browser and for roles related to
Oracle Cloud ERP (use fscm – Recommended).

9. Enter the role and once displayed click the Search key. To select the role hit the Enter key. Once selected the role
will show at the bottom
10. Click OK in the Identity Browser window.

11. Validate the rule to ensure that there are no errors in the rule definition.
12. Save and Commit the task to ensure that the new rule is functional.

Add New Condition to Existing Routing Rule to Define a Condition

1. Select a value from the list of values in the left-most condition field in the IF section. The Condition Browser window
2. In the Condition Browser window, open a view object (folder).
3. Select the attribute to use as criteria.
You can also add multiple conditions to existing routing rules. Here is an example of how to route invoices classified as
Urgent using Routing Attribute 1, starting from the Overview page in the BPM Worklist:

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1. Select the FinApIncompleteInvoiceHoldtask.

2. Click the Edit Task icon to edit the rule.
3. Select the Assignees tab.
4. Click IncompleteInvoicePayablesUser.
5. Click on the business rule IncompleteInvoiceRuleSet.

6. Click on the Expand icon to expand the existing JobRoleAssignmentRule.

7. Click the Left Value search icon to open the Condition Browser window.

8. In the Condition Browser window, search for InvoiceHeader.routing.

9. Drill down from the Task folder to find RoutingAttribute1, select it and click OK.

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10. Click on the Right Value search icon to open the Condition Browser window.

11. Check the Constant check box at the bottom of the Condition Browser window.

12. Enter the value Urgent, and then click OK.

13. Validate the rule to ensure that there are no errors in the rule definition.
14. Save and commit the task to ensure that the new rule is functional.

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As mentioned above, IDR becomes more intelligent though learning using the Interactive Viewer. Generally, adaptive
learning for an invoice attribute is achieved with a single training. Although it is easy to train an attribute through the
Interactive Viewer, IDR’s adaptive learning is not a flawless technology. Depending on unique characteristics that may exist
between trained and untrained documents, prediction failures can occur. If you experience a prediction failure, you can
simply try to re-train a supplier attribute at any time, which may resolve such prediction failures.
The following AP fields support adaptive learning:
• PO number
• Invoice Number
• Invoice Date
• Invoice Amount
• Control Amount (Total Tax Amount)
• Routing Attribute 2
• Routing Attribute 3
• Routing Attribute 4
• Description
• Quantity
• Unit Price
• Unit of Measure
• Total

Note: Control Amount is shown under the Tax Tab on the invoice header. The Routing Attributes are shown under the
Additional Information tab on the invoice header. Click the Show More link on the invoice header to see the tabs.

Key Considerations for Adaptive Learning

Sharing Adaptive Learning Between Environments

You can perform adaptive learning on a source environment (such as, Test), and copy the training data into the target
environment (such as, Production). Simply log an SR when you are ready to copy the adaptive learning training data to the
target environment. Specify a date range for the training data you would like to copy to ensure that you’re only copying
relevant training data.
Prerequisites for copying data between environments:
1. The adaptive learning training data is maintained based on supplier IDs. Ensure that the source and the target
environments have the same supplier IDs. You can do this by requesting for a P2T (Production to Test) refresh
via a Service Request (SR).
2. After P2T, train IDR on the source environment by testing with invoices for your most frequently used suppliers.
Perform corrections using the interactive invoice viewer wherever necessary. This builds the adaptive learning
training data on the source environment.
When implementing IDR to process supplier invoices, we recommend testing with at least 10 sample invoices each, for your
most frequently used suppliers. Testing also helps in building adaptive learning training data that IDR uses to accurately
predict subsequent invoices for these suppliers.

Adaptive Learning for Invoice Lines

Adaptive learning for Invoices Lines helps IDR extract invoice lines when you observe the following situations:
• No invoice lines were extracted
• Missing column (e.g., description)

You can use the Interactive Viewer to correct the line information. The same process for header level learning is used for the
line-level attributes. The supported line attributes are listed here and in the Attributes and Languages Recognized by
Intelligent Document Recognition section of this document.
Supported line-level attributes:

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• Description
• Quantity
• Unit Price
• UOM (Unit of Measure)
• Amount
Note: The Amount attribute shown is the invoice Line Total for that invoice line.
Adaptive learning for lines is recommended to be performed on the first invoice line. However, you can train on any invoice
line and on as many invoice lines as you wish.

Adaptive Learning for Routing Attributes

If there are attributes from a supplier invoice document that are specific to the supplier and your business, you can capture
them using the Routing Attributes 2-4. The Interactive Viewer is used to capture the Routing Attributes. Users follow the
same process to recognize for Routing Attribute 2, 3 and/or 4 on the supplier invoice that is used for header learning.
Adaptive learning uses this information to predict the values for these attributes on subsequent invoices for the same
To view the Routing Attributes 2, 3, and 4, select the Show More link in the Invoice Header section when editing the invoice.
The attributes are available under the Additional Information tab.

Correcting Invoices using a Mouse

Use the Interactive Viewer to make corrections to Incomplete invoices. It allows you to extract the values directly from the
invoice, thereby reducing correction time and errors.
By following the steps, you’ll also be “teaching” IDR by utilizing its adaptive learning capabilities. Making corrections not only
corrects the Incomplete invoice, but also shows IDR where to recognize the missed attribute for subsequent invoices
processed for the same supplier.
In the following example, we have an invoice from a power supply company, Promega, who uses Reference No as the field
label or identifier for Invoice Number. IDR did not recognize the field label, Reference No, on this invoice as a valid invoice
number identifier. As a result, the invoice appears in the Scanned Information tile as Incomplete with no invoice number. The
following steps describe how to use the Interactive Viewer to correct the invoice. Following the correction of the invoice, we
will illustrate how IDR learned from the correction of the Promega invoice so that IDR can recognize the invoice number from
the Reference No identifier for future Promega invoices.

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Figure 1: Example of an invoice that requires the use of the Interactive Viewer and Machine Learning. Since the Reference No field identifier is not recognized as a valid identifier
for the invoice number by IDR, this invoice has come into the Scanned Information tile as an Incomplete invoice.

1. Set focus on the field requiring the update by selecting the field.

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2. Double Click or Highlight on the relevant field on invoice in the Interactive Viewer.

3. By releasing the mouse button (if you highlighted), the selected value on the invoice is copied to the selected
invoice field. If you double-click on the invoice number on the Interactive Viewer, it should also populate the invoice
number as soon as you complete the double-click.

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4. Save the invoice. This changes the status from Incomplete to Not validated. You have also just trained IDR how to
extract the invoice number from future Promega invoices.

5. Now, the invoice is Validated. Once Validated, the invoice is no longer shown in the Scanned Information tile and
moved to the Recent Information tile.

6. For the next invoice that comes in from Promega, IDR reconizes the invoice number and the invoice is shown under
the Scanned Information tile with a status of Not Validated, indicating that all attributes for this invoice were

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recognized correctly.

7. As you can see, this invoice has been successfully recognized. IDR correctly identified the invoice number from the
Reference No identifier, and populated the invoice number accordingly. IDR learned from the previous invoice.

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8. So, now we have two invoices from Promega. One that we corrected and the other that needed no correction
because IDR learned how to find the invoice number based on the correction.

Correcting Invoices with the Keyboard

In addition to using a mouse, you can make corrections to the Incomplete invoices by typing the correct text into the
highlighted field in Payables. As you type, all the matching occurrences of the data in the Interactive Viewer which match the
text you have typed in the field will be highlighted in yellow and one in purple. The “search” begins after you enter two
characters for number-based fields (Amount, Quantity, Price, and so on.) and three characters for the fields which support
both numbers and letters like PO Number, Invoice Number, Date, and so on.
Once the possible matches are highlighted yellow and purple on the Interactive Viewer, you can navigate between the
highlighted attributes using right/left arrow key. When you begin to type, the matching text will become highlighted. In the
following example, all values that match “inv” are highlighted in the screen shot. The values matching the typed text are
highlighted in yellow and purple. Invoice Date is the currently selected value, so it is highlighted in purple, navigate to the
desired attribute, “INV” in the Reference No box using the right arrow key. When the value is purple, this indicates you have
now selected the “INV” under the Reference No box.

To capture the entire attribute without typing any more characters, you can use the <Ctrl> + <Space Bar> keys. These keys
will select the remaining characters in the attribute up to the next space and copy it into the selected field in the Payables UI
to complete the value. Note that once this is done, the entire value is now purple, and no other values are highlighted yellow.

If you have typed in the entire value of the attribute instead of just ‘INV” then you can use the <Enter> key to copy what is
selected on the Interactive Viewer into the field in the Payables UI. The value would be highlighted purple and if this was the
only place the value was located, no other values would be highlighted. If there were other values matching the entire value
you typed, they would be highlighted in yellow. You would then need to use the right or left arrow keys to ensure that the
correct value was highlighted in purple. The invoice UI would look the same as the screenshot if you typed in the full value.
Once the invoice is saved, the adaptive learning is also saved for the supplier.
Note: Please review all the Shortcut Keys and their Actions at the end of this section.

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In the following learning example, we have an invoice from a power supply company, Promega, who uses Reference No as
the field label or identifier for Invoice Number. IDR did not recognize the field label, Reference No, on this invoice as a valid
invoice number identifier. As a result, the invoice has come into the Scanned Information tile as Incomplete with no invoice
number. The following steps describe how to use the keyboard to find the correct information on the invoice in the
Interactive Viewer and correct the invoice. Following the correction of the invoice, we will illustrate how IDR learned from the
correction of the Promega invoice and will scan any subsequent invoices sent by Promega and recognize the invoice
number from the Reference No identifier.

Figure 2: Example of an invoice that requires the use of the Interactive Viewer and Machine Learning. Since the Reference No field identifier is not recognized as a valid identifier
for the invoice number by IDR, this invoice has come into the Scanned Information tile as an Incomplete invoice.

1. Set focus on the field requiring the update by selecting the field.

2. Begin typing in the correct information. In this example it is the invoice number and once you start typing the first
few characters you can see possible matches will be highlighted. To navigate between the highlighted values using

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the left and right arrow keys. This invoice only had one possible match.

3. To select the highlighted field that you currently have selected hit on <Ctrl> + <Space Bar>. So pressing the <Ctrl>
and <Space Bar> at the same time will select the highlighted value. This key combination not only selects the
highlighted characters but will also select the rest of the characters until it reaches a space. The invoice number is
now populated.

4. Save the invoice. This changes the status from Incomplete to Not validated. You have also just trained IDR how to
extract the invoice number from future Promega invoices by using the keyboard.
5. Now the current invoice will Validate, and any future Promega invoice numbers will be recognized as shown in the
learning section above.

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Shortcut Keys for Navigations and Actions


Navigation to next highlighted

<Right Arrow> Focus will move to the next highlighted value

Navigation to previous
<Left Arrow> Focus will move to the previous highlighted value
highlighted value

User enters partial text. Application highlights all the possible

matches. On click of the short keys the entire text, till the
occurrence of space will be copied to Fusion UI. The training will
be considered for the entire word which was copied and not the
part which was typed.

<Ctrl> + <Space Bar> Copy text to Invoice UI Example:

User typed text: Occ

Word with matched text: Occurrence

Copied & Trained Text: Occurrence

<Enter> Copy text to Invoice UI Only the text which user has typed will be copied. The training
also will be considered for only the part of the word which was
copied and not the entire word.


User typed text: Occ

Word with matched text: Occurrence

Copied & Trained Text: Occ

<Shift> + <Right To modify (extend) the highlighted text selection to further right.
Modify the selection
Arrow> Only the data which has been extended will copied.

<Shift> + <Left To modify (reduce) the highlighted text selection to further left.
Modify the selection
Arrow> Only the data that has been reduced will copied.

Document Normalization to PDF Format

IDR normalizes all your invoice documents to PDF format. For example, if you send a Tiff or Word document to IDR, such
files are converted to PDF format.
To the extent possible, textual content within a document is maintained and the text is extracted without the need for optical
character recognition (OCR), which reduces errors. This also allows for faster viewing of textual documents and helps to
retain their original format. As a result, we strongly recommend that you send textual PDF invoices to IDR rather than
images whenever possible.
If you send a supported image format (including image-based PDFs), IDR will perform OCR and convert the original
document to a PDF each image page has two parts: image layer.

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NOTE: For multiple page invoices, OCR is only performed on the first 3 pages of an invoice and the last 2 pages of an

There are two reports available for IDR:
• Invoice Documents Recognition Tracking Report
• Invoice Documents Recognition Rate Report

Invoice Documents Recognition Tracking Report

This report enables users and administrators to track the status of each invoice sent to IDR and provides the status of each
email attachment. The report tracks the status of the invoice at each stage starting from the time the email reaches the IDR
service until it is imported and created in Cloud Payables. You can find this report under the Schedule Process, and you can
run by email address of the sender as well as to and from dates. The maximum period that can be specified for this report is
one month.
NOTE: You can use this report to track the status of invoice imports for “Image Invoices”. The standard Payables Invoice
Import Report will no longer include invoices with the source of “Image”.

To run the report, follow these steps.

1. Navigate to Tools.
2. Select Scheduled Processes.

3. Click on Schedule New Process button.

4. Click on the drop-down button next to the Name field and then click on Search.

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5. Enter “Invoice Documents” in the Name box and click Search. Select the Invoice Documents Recognition
Tracking report and click OK.

6. Click OK.

7. Enter the desired parameters for the report and click Submit.

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8. Once the report completes processing a spreadsheet is generated that can be downloaded.

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Sample Invoice Documents Recognition Tracking Report

Invoice Documents Recognition Rate Report

The Invoice Documents Recognition Rate report indicates the recognition rate of invoice attributes recognized by IDR. This
report provides valuable insights into potential changes to setup options, supplier data and suppliers that may benefit from
adaptive learning.
The Invoice Documents Recognition Rate Report is available in two formats:
• Supplier Summary
• Invoice Details
To run the report, follow these steps.
1. Navigate to Tools.
2. Select Scheduled Processes.

3. Click on Schedule New Process button.

4. Click on the drop-down button next to the Name field and then click on Search.

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5. Enter “Invoice Documents” in the Name box and click Search. Select the Invoice Documents Recognition Rate
Report and click OK.

6. Click OK.

7. Enter the desired parameters for the report and click Submit.

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8. Once the report completes processing a spreadsheet is generated that can be downloaded.

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Sample Invoice Documents Recognition Rate Report in Invoice Details Format

Sample Invoice Documents Recognion Rate Report in Supplier Summary Format

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Invoice Details Calculations

To illustrate how the report generates the calculations, we will use the following parameters and report values:
• The report is run for a period of 7 days for the US1 BU.
• Total number of invoices sent to IDR during the 7 days is 100.
• 50 invoices are related to Purchase Orders or “Matched”.
• 50 invoices are not related to Purchase Orders or “Unmatched”.


Total Created Equals the Total Number of Equals the Total Number of Equals the Total Number of
PO invoices sent to IDR non-PO invoices sent to IDR invoices (both PO and non-
during the “From” and “To” during the “From” and “To” PO) sent to IDR during the
dates for the specified dates for the specified “From” and “To” dates for
Business Unit. Business Unit. the specified Business Unit.
i.e., 50 PO related invoices i.e., 50 non-PO related invoices i.e., 100 invoices were sent to
were sent to IDR in the past 7 were sent to IDR in the past 7 IDR in the past 7 days for
days for US1 BU. days for US1 BU. US1 BU.

Total Completed Equals the Total Number of Equals the Total Number of Equals the Total Number of
PO invoices that were Non-PO invoice that were invoices (both PO and non-
completed by IDR. completed by IDR. PO) that were completed by
i.e., 40 PO related invoices i.e., 40 non-PO related invoices
were completed in the past 7 were completed in the past 7 i.e., 80 invoices were
days for US1 BU. days for US1 BU. completed in the past 7 days
for US1 BU.

Total Canceled and Equals the Total Number of Equals the Total Number of Equals the Total Number of
Deleted PO invoices that were non-PO invoices that were invoices (both PO and non-
Canceled / Deleted. Canceled / Deleted. PO) that were Canceled /
i.e., 7 PO related invoices i.e., 5 non-PO related invoices
were either Canceled or were either Canceled or i.e., 12 invoices were either
Deleted in the past 7 days for Deleted in the past 7 days for Canceled or Deleted in the
US1 BU. US1 BU. past 7 days for US1 BU.

If you’re wondering why there are still 8 invoices unaccounted for in our example, remember that invoices may be
Incomplete when the report was run so even though 100 invoices were sent to IDR, not all 100 may be completed. In this
example, 8 invoices are still under the Scanned Information tile being updated by users using adaptive learning therefore 80
were completed, 12 were canceled/deleted and 8 are waiting to be completed for a total of 100 invoices.

Attribute Recognition % Calculations

Using the same example data above let’s discuss how the Attribute Recognition Calculation Percentages are calculated. So,
we have the following data:
• The report runs for a period of 7 days for the US1 BU.
• Total number of invoices sent to IDR is 100.
• 50 invoices are related to Purchase Orders or “Matched” and of those 40 are completed.
• 50 invoices are not related to Purchase Orders or “Unmatched” and of those 40 are completed.
• IDR recognizes the following number of attributes successfully:
o Purchase Order Number = 40
o Supplier Name = 80
o Supplier Site = 80
o Invoice Number = 75
o Invoice Type = 80

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o Currency = 80
o Amount = 79
o Date = 78


(Total completed 40) (Total completed 40) (Total completed 80)

Purchase Order Equals Total number of Equals Total number of Equals Total number
invoices where the PO invoices where the non- of invoices where the
Number is recognized PO Number is PO Number is
correctly / Total recognized correctly / recognized correctly /
number of completed Total number of Total number of
invoices completed invoices completed invoices
i.e., 40/40 = 100% i.e., 40/40 = 100% i.e., 80/80 = 100%

Supplier Name Equals the total number Equals the total number Equals the total
of Matched invoices of Unmatched invoices number of invoices
where the Supplier where the Supplier where the Supplier
Name is recognized Name is recognized Name is recognized
correctly / Total correctly / Total number correctly / Total
number of completed of completed invoices number of completed
invoices invoices
i.e., 40/40 = 100%
i.e., 40/40 = 100% i.e., 80/80 = 100%

Supplier Site Equals the total number Equals the total number Equals the total
of Matched invoices of Unmatched invoices number of invoices
where the Supplier Site where the Supplier Site where the Supplier Site
is recognized correctly / is recognized correctly / is recognized correctly
Total number of Total number of / Total number of
completed invoices completed invoices completed invoices
i.e., 40/40 = 100% i.e., 40/40 = 100% i.e., 80/80 = 100%

Invoice Number Equals the total number Equals the total number Equals the total
of Matched invoices of Unmatched invoices number of invoices
where the Invoice where the Invoice where the Invoice
Number is recognized Number is recognized Number is recognized
correctly / Total correctly / Total number correctly / Total
number of completed of completed invoices number of completed
invoices invoices
i.e., 35/40 = 87.5%
i.e., 40/40 = 100% i.e., 75/80 = 93.8%

Invoice Type Equals the total number Equals the total number Equals the total
of Matched invoices of Unmatched invoices number of invoices
where the Invoice Type where the Invoice Type where the Invoice Type
is recognized correctly / is recognized correctly / is recognized correctly
Total number of Total number of / Total number of
completed invoices completed invoices completed invoices
i.e., 40/40 = 100% i.e., 40/40 = 100% i.e., 80/80 = 100%

Currency Equals the total number Equals the total number Equals the total
of Matched invoices of Unmatched invoices number of invoices
where the Currency is where the Currency is where the Currency is

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recognized correctly / recognized correctly / recognized correctly /

Total number of Total number of Total number of
completed invoices completed invoices completed invoices
i.e., 40/40 = 100% i.e., 40/40 = 100% i.e., 80/80 = 100%

Amount Equals the total number Equals the total number Equals the total
of Matched invoices of Unmatched invoices number of invoices
where the Amount is where the Amount is where the Amount is
recognized correctly / recognized correctly / recognized correctly /
Total number of Total number of Total number of
completed invoices completed invoices completed invoices
i.e., 39/40 = 97.5% i.e., 40/40 = 100% i.e., 79/80 = 98.8%

Date Equals the total number Equals the total number Equals the total
of Matched invoices of Unmatched invoices number of invoices
where the Date is where the Date is where the Date is
recognized correctly / recognized correctly / recognized correctly /
Total number of Total number of Total number of
completed invoices completed invoices completed invoices
i.e., 39/40 = 97.5% i.e., 39/40 = 97.5% i.e., 78/80 = 97.5%


Attributes and Languages Recognized by Intelligent Document Recognition

The Intelligent Document Recognition solution is configured to recognize the following invoice attributes:

Level Attributes

Invoice header Invoice Type (INVOICE, CREDIT)

Business Unit
Purchase order number
Invoice number
Invoice date
Supplier site
Invoice amount
Currency Code
Control Amount
Freight amount
First Party Tax Registration Number*
Routing attributes 1 to 4

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Invoice line Line Type (ITEM, FREIGHT)

Purchase order number
Purchase order line
Purchase order schedule
Item description
Invoiced quantity
Unit of measure
Unit price
Line amount

*Note: This is usually a nine-digit number assigned by the IRS to identify YOUR businesses for tax purposes and not to be
confused with the supplier tax IDs. You need to log an SR to enable First Party Tax Registration Number. This setting is only
available as an IDR “tenant-level” setting and must be set by the IDR DevSecOps team. It is important that the SR contain the
full list of tax registration numbers. We need these numbers in order to enable the feature.
Attributes that are supported for header level learning:
• Purchase Order Number
• Invoice Number
• Invoice Date
• Invoice Total (Total Due)
• Routing Attribute 2
• Routing Attribute 3
• Routing Attribute 4
Attributes that are supported for line level learning:
• Description
• Quantity
• Unit Price
• UOM (Unit of Measure)
• Line Amount (Line Total)
Intelligent Document Recognition currently supports the following languages:
• English
• French
• Spanish
• German
• Dutch
• Italian
• Polish
• Czech
• Romanian
• Swedish
• Brazilian Portuguese
In addition, the default configuration:
• Determines the purchase order lines that individual invoice lines should be matched.
• Prorates freight to all item lines.
• Calculates tax based on Oracle Cloud ERP Tax setups (not on the tax codes and amount specified on the imported
invoice document).

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Routing Attributes 1 to 4
IDR supports up to four routing attributes in an email subject that can be saved to an invoice or used to route Incomplete
invoices to accounts payable personnel for review and completion. Use the underscore (_) as a separator to indicate the start
of routing attribute information. Each attribute can contain up to 40 characters.
For example, if you have a specific business requirement to record categories on the invoice such as invoice priority, supplier
category, manufacturing plant number and storage bin number you can specify these categories in the email subject.
The table shown lists the categories in our example, their possible values and how they are mapped to Routing Attributes 1
to 4.


Routing Attribute 1 Invoice priority Regular, Urgent

Routing Attribute 2 Supplier category Regular, Supply chain related

Routing Attribute 3 Manufacturing plant number Plant-1, Plant-2, Plant-3

Routing Attribute 4 Storage bin number Bin#1, Bin#2, Bin#3

Example of Routing Attribute Setups

A supplier sends an invoice with the email subject: invoice-1234 attached. The email recipient reviews the email and
provides additional routing information in the email subject. The revised email subject is invoice-1234
attached_Urgent_Supply chain related_Plant-1_Bin#1. The routing attributes start after the first underscore (_). In this
example, the routing attributes would be assigned as follows:
Example: invoice-1234 attached_Urgent_Supply chain related_Plant-1_Bin#1

Routing Attribute Comments

attached_ Ignored until the first underscore is seen now IDR is being told the first routing attribute is to

Urgent_ This is routing attribute 1 and since there is another underscore, IDR knows to look for attribute

Supply chain related_ This is routing attribute 2 and since it is followed by yet another underscore, there is another

Plant-1_ This is routing attribute 3 and since we have another underscore, IDR knows routing attribute 4
will follow.

Bin#1 This is routing attribute 4. IDR knows it is done with the routing attributes because there are no
further underscores.

You can also use Routing Attribute 1 to manually record the business unit if your supplier sites have multiple business unit
assignments. For details on defaulting business unit based on routing attribute 1, see Business Unit Defaulting. In this case,
the first attribute that was Urgent in our example would be replaced with the business unit ID.

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Oracle Intelligent Document Recognition for Payables Invoices Getting Started Guide
September, 2022
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