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Profession- A type of job that’s needs special training and skills

- Its needs a high level of education

Attitude- The way we feel or think towards something or someone


1. Must be committed to the code of ethics of this profession

2. Must be committed to work within the scope of practice
3. Must understand that you’ll be accountable for all the work you have done and held
legally liable for any errors you make while caring for people
4. Must be prepared to work with people of all races, regions etc
5. Must understand most health care is oriented towards effective communication therefore
person choosing health courses must develop a therapeutic manner in communicating
with the patient
6. Should always ensure when dealing with serious patients must relate to the patientsin an
understanding and sensitive manner
Codes of ethics

It encompasses three aspects

1. Interpersonal relationship
2. Decision making
3. Policy making

Code of ethics

Relates to the patients, other members of medical profession, health consumers and employers.

The code is intended to assist medical emerging technologist in maintaining a high level of
medical conduct.

Medical imaging technologist ethics

The medical imaging technologists;

1. Shall conduct himself in a professional manner and respond to patients need ,support
colleagues and associate in providing quality patient care
2. Shall act to advance the principal objective of the professional to provide services to
humanities with full respect for mankind dignity
3. The imaging professional shall deliver patient care and services unrestricted by the
conscience of personal attributes or the nature of disease/illness and without
discrimination regardless of sex, races, greed, religion or social economics status
4. Shall practice technique founded upon theoretical knowledge and concept, it rises
equipments and accessories for which had been designed and employs procedures and
techniques appropriately.
5. Shall asses situations, exercise care, disgration and judgment, assume responsibility for
profession decisions and act in the best interest of the patient
6. Shall act as an agent through observation and communication to obtain patient
information for a physician to aid in diagnosis, treatment and management of the patient
7. Shall utilize equipments and accessories employs techniques and procedures, performs
services in accordance with an accepted standard of practice and demonstrates expertise
in limiting radiation exposure to the patients, self and other members of health care
8. Shall practice ethical conduct appropriate to the professional and protects the patients
right to quality medical imaging service
9. Shall respect confidence entrusted in the course of profession practice, respect the
patients right to privacy and reveals confidential information only required by the law or
protects the welfare of the individual of the community
10. Shall continually strive to improve the knowledge and services by participating in
education and professional activities, sharing knowledge with colleagues and
investigating new and innovative aspects of professional practice



Medical aspects is the reduction of speed of micro-organisms

1. Dressing
 Most of the jewelry are not accepted for health workers the only allowed jewelry are
watch ring. They harbor micro-organisms that are difficult to remove
 Always wear freshly laundered washable clothing
 Uniforms are recommended for health workers
 If a lab coat is worned it should be buttoned and zipped and remove it when you are out
of the working area
 Lab coats and uniforms should be washed on daily basis with hot water and detergent
 If the lab coat is heavily contaminated use the chlorides bleach to wash it.
 When working with patients who can contaminate the clothing put another clothing on
 Moist apron are weared when there is splashing of the liquids from the patient
2. Hair
 Hair follicles and filaments harbor a lot of micro-organisms it is a major course of
staphylococcus infection. It is recommended that it must be short or keep it away or up
away from the clothing and patient
 Frequently shampoo the hair
3. Hand washing
 Micro-organisms spread from one person to another through hands
 Hands must be washed before handling any supply to be used by the patient
 Wash your hands after handling the supply used by the patients
 Before contact with any patient
 After the contact with the patient
 Treat all body fluids including secretion and excretion as they reduce diseases causing
 Any breaks in the skin must be covered by a waterproof protective covering
 Anybody who has open or weeping wound should not be in the work place until it heals


1. Approach the skin –do not allow your uniform to touch the skin. The skin is considered
to be contaminated
2. Turn on the tap- if the faucet is turned on by using the hands ,use a paper towel to touch
the handles then discard the towel
3. Regulate the water to a comfortable warm temperature
4. Regulate the flow of water so that it does not splash from the sink
5. During the entire procedure keep your hands and forearms lower lower than our
eyebrows. The water will drain by gravity from the area of least contamination to the area
of greater contamination
6. Wet the hands and soap them well
7. With a firm circular rubbing motion wash the palms , the back of the hands, each finger,
between the fingers and finally the knuckles
8. Rinse the arms well under running water
9. Wet the wrists and forearms to the elbow. Apply soap and with circular motion
10. Rinse allowing water to run down over the hands
11. Clean the finger nails with a brush at least once every day before starting the daily duties
(disposable brush)
12. Rinse the fingers well under running water
13. Rinse the soap well and put it back to the sink. Do not touch the sink or soap dish
14. Turn of the water. If the handles are hand operated use proper towel to turn them off
inorder to avoid contamination of the hands
15. Dry the arms and hands usind as many towels as necessary as possible

When procedures are to be carried out

 At the beginning of each work day
 If you can in contact with a patient’s blood or body fluids
 When preparing for invasive procedures
 Before touching patient at greatest risk of infection
 After caring for patients with known communicabledisease
4. Gloves
 They should be disposable
 They must be worn anytime when coming in contact with patient, with blood and body
Removing procedures
1. With the gloves right hand take hold of the upper outside potion of the left glove and pull
it off turning it inside out
2. Hold the glove you have removed in the palm of the gloved hand
3. With the clean bare index and middle fingers reach inside the top of the solid glove and
pull it off turning it inside out and folding the first glove inside it as you do so, be careful
to only touch the inside of the glove
4. Drop the salted gloves into a contaminated waste receptacle
5. Wash your hands
5. Eye protection
 If the Rt is in patient care situation in which there may be a spattering of blood or body
fluids, he must wear goggles to protect his eyes from becoming contaminated
 The goggles must have side protectors
 If eye glasses are worn for enhancement of vision the goggles must fit over the glasses
 Hands must be kept away from eyes during the course of work so that infection is not
introduced into them

7.waste disposal

1. Wear fresh uniforms each day. Do not place your uniforms with other clothing in your
personal closet. Shoes should be cleaned and stockings should be kept fresh each day
2. Pillow covering should be changed after each use by patient. Linens used for drapes or
blankets for patients should be treated in a manner that they do not be contaminated and
also raise dust. Dispose each linen after every use by a patients
3. Flush away the contents of bedpans or urinals promptly unless they are being saved for a
diagnostic specialists
4. Rinse bedpans and urinals and send them to proper place ( casually a central supply area)
for resterilization if they are not to be reused by the same patient
5. Use equipments and supplies for one patient only. After the patients leaves the area,
supplies must be destroyed or resterilized before being used again
6. Keep water and supplies clean and fresh .in the radiology department it is best to use
paper cups and dispose of them after a single use
7. Floors are heavily contaminated. If an item that is to be used for patient care falls on the
floor discard it of send it to proper department to be sterilized
8. Avoid raising dust because it carries micro organisms .when cleaning use a clothe
thoroughly moisturized with a disinfectant
9. The radiographic table or other imaging or treatment equipments should be cleaned with
a disposal disinfectant towel or sprayed with disinfectant and wipe clean and dried from
top to bottom with paper towels after each patient use
10. When cleaning an article, such as radiographic table start with the least sailed area
progress to more soiled area. This prevents the cleaner area from becoming more heavily
contaminated. Use a good disinfectant cleaning agent and disposable paper clothe
11. Place dump or wet items such as dressings and bandages into waterproof bag and tight
before discarding in order prevent these materials from coming in contact with body
12. Do not re use rags or mops for cleaning until they have properly disinfected and dried
13. Pour liquid to be discarded directly into drains or toilets. Avoid splashing or spilling them
on clothing
14. If in doubt with the cleanness or sterility of an item do not use it
15. When an article that is known to be contaminated with virulent micro organism is to be
sent to a central supply area for cleaning and sterilizing. It should be placed in a
impermeable bank and marked. “Contaminated”. If the outside of the bag becomes
contaminated while the article is being placed in the bag a second bag should be placed
over it.
16. Needles and syringes used in the diagnostic imaging department should always be treated
as if they are contaminated with virulent microbes. Needles should not be recapped or
touched after use and should be placed immediately in picture-proof container labeled for
this purpose.
17. Medical charts that accompany patients to be diagnostic imaging department must be
kept away from patient-care areas to prevent contamination. Keep charts in an area where
only those directly involved inpatient care may read them


It involves techniques and practices that prevents the transmission of pathogen from one host
to another

Nosocomial infection

 They are all infection acquired in the hospital

 It includes infection affected after birth to mother or children

Factors leading to continued increase in nosocomial infection

 The rinse in severity of illness and injuries

 Increased number of elderly patients
 Increased use of potent ,immunosupressire and cytotoxic drugs
 Exposure to ionizing radiation
 Antimicrobial drug use they change the growth of normal bacteria for the body
encouraging hospital bacterial

Sites of nosocomial infection

 Urinary system
 Wounded infection(during of after surgical procedure)
 Respiratory track

Micro organisms

They are minute living organisms that causes diseases

They are classified into four groups

 Bacteria
 Virus
 Protozoa
 Fungi

They are existing normal

They are harmful

They are useful(food and drugs)

Some can be used in industries


They are minute one cell organisms without nautical nuclear they contain both DNA and RNA

DNA- inherited charecteristics

RNA-construct cell protein


3 ways of classification

1. Shape
 Spherical e.g. cocci
 Oblong e.g. bacilli
 Spiral e.g. spirilla
2. Divisional grouping
 Groups of two e.g. diplococcic
 Chains e.g. streptococci
 Grapelike danches e.g. staphylococci
3. Reaction to various attains in the laboratory
 Grain negative ( agree with stains)
 Grain positive (refuse the stains)
 Acid (resist the stains )

Some types of bacterial from spores

Spore-it is a protective coat that allows nuclear material of bacterial

They are formed to protect bacteria when it is in unfavorable condition

When condition changes the spore……………………..

Bacteria are able to adapt to any situation thus continue to their normal live. They can resist or
drive in the presence of anti-microbial drugs or disinfectant.


It exists in two forms

1. Yeast
2. Moulds


Singles cell animals


Have many cells

 Some fungi have characteristics of yeast/moulds

 Fungi reproduce by budding (spore formation)
 They may only cause disease in human if exposed to moist and dark conditions
 The part of the body affected by fungi is the skin or scalp
 They form spores under the skin and are difficult to cure


They are more complex one cell organism

They are parasitic

They are able to move from place to place

 By pseudopodia formation
 By action of flagella
 By Cilicia

Pseudo pod formation

An amoebic action one cell is pressed forward and past fellows.


The whip-like projections on the protozoa.They move cell by whips movement.


Are small and delicate hairs like projections

They move swiftly in an synchronous manner.

(Movement is co-ordinated)(Acting at same time)


Most of them are able to form into cyst.

Are protected by cyst wall.


They are minute micro-organisms that cannot be visualised under an ordinary micro-seope.

Genetic material is either DNA or RNA

It is protected by capsid (coating)

Some virus are surround by an envelop which is composed of lipoprotein.

For virus to survive or produce they invade a cell of an host.

They are transported by the capsid to the host cell.

The host cell must have the receptor sites.

The sites must be situatable for a particular virus.

The cell environment must be favorable for it to take place.

Factors to consider for favorable

1. poor nutritional status for the host it develops favorable conditions for the virus
2. increased life stress-it lowers the immunity therefore the virus takes the opportunity to
3. excessive use of drugs and alcohol leads to interference with immunity system
4. The uses genetic host to reproduce
5. When they reproduce they move out from the original cell to another


The movement of microorganism from place to place in a cycle

If the cycle is broken the micro organisms can’t grow, spread no infections

Methods of preventing the infection (micro-organisms) are based on interrupting the cycle

Factors involved in the spread of micro organisms causing disease

For the cycle to exist there must be;

 Existence of microorganisms
 The preservers of infection
 Susceptible host
 Means of transpiration to…………………….


Pathogens micro organisms are the ones capable of causing disease

When they enter the body the host become sick

Some micro organisms live on the body or within some exist as normal

Some exist of normal

They are not pathogenic but non pathogenic

Pathogenic and system affected

1. Respiratory system

Bordetella peruses – bacterium

It causes a disease called whooping cough-air born disease transmission

Coryne bacterium-bacterum

It causes diptheria – common in children

Mumbs –virus-air born

2. GIT system

Salmonella bacteria –it is a water born and food

It causes typhoid

Food poisoning

Shigella-bacteria-it is a food and water born disease

3. Genitor –urinary system

Neisseria gonorrhea –bacterium

It causes a disease called gonorrhea

Transmitted through sexual contact

Proteus – bacterium

Its affect the bladder causing cystitis/nephritis

It is affected through sexual contact

Treponeme palladium – bacterium

It causes syphilis

Through through sexual contacts

4. Skin

Staphylococcus aureasaureas – bacteria

It causes boils on the skin

It produces wounds infection

Transmitted through skin to skin contact

Tinea capitis- fungi

It causes ringworms

Transmitted either contact or………………..

5. Blood

Salmonella typhi – bacterium

It causes typhoid fever

Transmitted through food and water born

Methods Used To Control Infection


Peole are generally carriers of diseases without them knowing

1. Patients

Susceptible hosts –most of them are frequent patients in hospitals because their health has
already been impaired; natural resistant has been reduced

They may develop to secondary infection besides the primary infection (due to transferee of

2. Hospital workers

They are exposed to multitude of pathogens hence they are susceptible e.g.

Isolated patients-patients who have been put aside from others maycause transmission of
pathogens to hospital workers

Bleeding causes ;fatigue- feeling of tiredness


Transmission of disease

To co-op up with transmission of disease route of entry of micro organisms in the body
Mode of transmission

1. Contact method

Direct contact –suscepted host being touched on by infected

This leads to changing of pathogens to another

Indirect contact –

It involves transportation of micro organisms by means of ;

 Fomite-anything matrial which is infected or contaminated materials e.g. gloves,
dressings, beddings
 Vectors- mosquito transmission malaria
 Air born-breathing in micro organisms
2. Vehicles

Blood circulation it traps the micro organisms and translate the microorganisms into the body

3. Air born

Being transmitted in the air from one micro organism to one to be affected

Vector and fomite being involved

4. Droplect infection

When coughing a lot of micro-organisms is released affecting susceptible host

Methods of infection asepsis

 Medical aspect
 Surgical aspect

Medical aspect - Any practice in health which it reduces the number and spread of micro

Surgical aspect - It is the complete removal of all micro organisms and its spores from the body

If medical aspect is not carried out many problems may arise

When not immunized ie hospital workers may be affected by hepatitis B,HIV

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