Combined Hyacinth Harvester Project - Updated

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OKOTH KEVIN GOR J40-1164-2018

A Project Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Award of the
Degree of Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering
of Machakos University
December, 2023

We, Magambo A. Darlene Stella and Okoth Kevin Gor do hereby confirm that this
project is our own original work and has not been submitted for consideration of award of a
degree anywhere else.

NAME: Magambo A. Darlene Stella

REG. NO. J40-1151-2018

Sign: ……………………………………Date: …………………….

NAME: Okoth Kevin Gor

REG. NO. J40-1164-2018

Sign: ……………………………………Date: …………………….

Certification by supervisor

We hereby certify that this project has been done under our supervision as university supervisors.
1. Name: Eng. Dr. Edward O.V. Odhong

Sign: …………………………….………… Date: ………………………

2. Name: …………………………………………………………………

Sign: ………………………….…………. Date: ………………….


We would like to thank the Almighty God for His divine guidance and protection to this point in

our studies. We appreciate each other as partners for the immense spirit of collaboration we have

had to foster to make this project a success. We would like to thank our able lecturer Mr.

Weramwanja Marko and our supervisor Eng. Dr. Edward O.V. Odhong for their consistent

insights and support in this endeavor. To God be the glory


This paper presents a comprehensive study on the design, fabrication, and functionality testing of

a combined water hyacinth harvester and milling machine. The introduction provides a succinct

overview of the project, highlighting the need for innovative solutions to address the challenges

posed by water hyacinth infestations in aquatic environments. The problem is clearly specified,

emphasizing the detrimental impact of water hyacinth on ecosystems, water quality, and local

communities. The key objectives of the study are delineated, focusing on the design and

fabrication processes of individual components, including the frame, pick-up reel, drum rollers,

hopper, milling chamber, milling cutter, bearings, loading conveyor, motor, pulleys, and V-belts.

Furthermore, the incorporation of practical design calculations ensures the structural integrity

and performance of critical components, such as the pick-up reel shaft, drum rollers, and milling

cutter. The methods employed to achieve these objectives are systematically elaborated, detailing

the selection of materials, fabrication processes, and assembly procedures. Mild steel emerges as

the primary material due to its accessibility and cost-effectiveness. The assembly procedure

outlines a sequential approach to integrate the fabricated and selected parts, emphasizing a

meticulous process. The results are outlined in the context of a functionality test, where the

machine, connected to a power source, successfully demonstrates the collection, conveying, and

milling of water hyacinth. Despite the budget constraints preventing the incorporation of the

initially proposed solar-powered system, the use of electricity in the functionality test

underscores the adaptability of the machine. The project provides a foundational framework for

the development of a practical solution to water hyacinth-related challenges. We suggest the use

of solar-powered system as a recommendation for future research.

Table of Contents
Chapter One: Introduction_______________________________________________________________1
1.1 Background Information____________________________________________________________1
1.2 Statement of the Problem___________________________________________________________2
1.3 General Objective_________________________________________________________________3
1.3.1 Specific Objectives______________________________________________________________3
1.4 Research Questions________________________________________________________________3
1.5 Justification for the Study___________________________________________________________3
1.6 Limitations/Scope_________________________________________________________________4
1.7 Significance of the Study___________________________________________________________5
Chapter Two: Literature Review___________________________________________________________6
2.1 Overview of Water Hyacinth Infestation_______________________________________________6
2.1.1 Global Perspectives____________________________________________________________6
2.1.2 Regional Perspectives__________________________________________________________7
2.1.3 Local Challenges and Control Measures____________________________________________7
2.2 Existing Methods of Aquatic Weed Control_____________________________________________9
2.2.1 Manual Removal______________________________________________________________9
2.2.2 Mechanical Control____________________________________________________________9
2.2.3 Water Level Management______________________________________________________10
2.2.4 Biological Control____________________________________________________________10
2.2.5 Chemical Spraying____________________________________________________________10
2.2.6 Gaps in Existing Methods______________________________________________________10
2.2.7 Literature of Proposed components_______________________________________________11
2.2.8 Approach used in this research__________________________________________________14
CHAPTER THREE: METHODOLOGY___________________________________________________16
The Combined Water Hyacinth and Milling Machine Prototype_________________________________17
Proposed Prototype Components_______________________________________________________17
Objective 1 and 2: Design and Fabrication of Prototype Components___________________________18

Assembly Procedure for Fabricated and Selected Parts______________________________________36
Functionality test of the prototype______________________________________________________37
CHAPTER FOUR: RESULTS AND DISCUSSION__________________________________________38
Assembly Procedure for Fabricated and Selected Parts____________________________________38
Functionality Test of the Prototype____________________________________________________38
Discussion of Results and Achievement of Objectives______________________________________40

List of Figures

Figure 1 : Combined water hyacinth harvester and milling machine prototype____________________________17

Figure 2 : Prototype Frame______________________________________________________________________18

Figure 3 : Prototype pick up reel__________________________________________________________________20

Figure 4 : Prototype Drum Roller_________________________________________________________________23

Figure 5 : Prototype Hopper and Miller Assembly____________________________________________________25

Figure 6 : Prototype miller cutter_________________________________________________________________26

Figure 7 :Bearings and their housings______________________________________________________________30

Figure 8 :Prototype pulley______________________________________________________________________35

List of Plates

Plate 1 : Conventional Mechanical Harvester_______________________________________________________11

Plate 2 : Hydraulic Harvester____________________________________________________________________12

Plate 3 : Suction Harvester______________________________________________________________________13

Plate 4 : Towed Harvester_______________________________________________________________________13

Plate 5 :Combined Water Hyacinth Harvester and Milling Machine Prototype front view____________________39

Plate 6 :Combined Water Hyacinth Harvester and Milling Machine Prototype side view____________________39

Plate 7 :Combined Water Hyacinth Harvester and Milling Machine Prototype side view____________________40


1.1 Background Information

Aquatic weeds, such as water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes), pose a significant

challenge in various water bodies worldwide. Water hyacinth is a fast-growing, free-floating

aquatic plant known for its broad, glossy leaves and attractive lavender to pink flowers. This

invasive species spreads rapidly through specialized reproductive structures known as stolons,

which can produce viable seeds even after decades of stagnancy. The unchecked growth of water

hyacinth can result in several adverse consequences for aquatic ecosystems (Su, 2018).

One of the primary issues associated with water hyacinth infestations is the reduction in

water quality. As the weed decomposes, it depletes oxygen from the water, leading to water

pollution and stagnation. This deterioration in water quality can have dire consequences,

including harm to aquatic organisms and ecosystems. Additionally, water hyacinth presents

safety and health risks, as the entangled roots can endanger both children and livestock by

potentially causing drowning incidents (Gezie, 2018). Furthermore, water hyacinth can lead to

significant water loss due to its high transpiration rates during dry seasons. The plant's rapid

growth can also impede navigation, hindering water transportation systems.

However, it is essential to note that water hyacinth is not solely a problem; it can also

serve as a renewable natural resource with various potential applications, including mushroom

culture bedding, biogas and gasification feedstock, pulp and paper production, fertilizer

production, animal feed, handicrafts, medicinal purposes, and wastewater treatment

In the pursuit of controlling water hyacinth infestations, three common methods have

been employed: mechanical, manual, chemical, and biological controls (Karouach, 2022).

Karouach posits that, each of these methods has its own advantages and drawbacks, with the

choice of control method depending on factors such as the extent of infestation, regional climate,

and proximity to human and wildlife habitats.

Biological control methods involve utilizing natural predators to control water hyacinth

and has proven effective in some cases, but the varying success rates call for additional control

measures to fully manage infestations. Chemical spraying involves the use liquid herbicides to

control hyacinth. Although it is effective for controlling water hyacinth in shallow waters, its

indiscriminate use can harm aquatic life, requiring mechanical removal as a complementary

measure. Manual removal involves physically removing water hyacinth from water bodies. It is

suitable for shallow areas but can be labor-intensive and dangerous.

Mechanical control utilizes specialized water vessels equipped with cutters and

conveyors to remove water hyacinth and other aquatic weeds from waterways. Conventional

mechanical methods typically require additional steps or equipment for handling the harvested

vegetation, which can be both time-consuming and resource-intensive.

Our combined water hyacinth harvester and milling machine stands out from existing

mechanical methods by integrating both harvesting and milling functionalities into a single,

compact prototype. While traditional mechanical harvesting methods focus on removing water

hyacinth from waterways, our innovation goes a step further by processing the harvested

vegetation on-site. This dual-functionality not only addresses the removal of water hyacinth but

also provides a solution for utilizing the harvested biomass, potentially reducing the need for

additional processing or disposal measures.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

The rapid growth and dense biomass of water hyacinth make its control a persistent

challenge. Water hyacinth has negative influence on aquatic life. Existing control methods are

not capable of harvesting a large portion at a go since the weeds are leafy and uncompact. This

limits the efficiency of harvesting operations, as the harvested hyacinth needs to be offloaded

from the harvesting machine before continuing. Consequently, there is a need for an innovative

solution allowing harvesting machines to cover larger areas more effectively. This research

sought to solve the problem by designing and fabricating combined water hyacinth harvester and

milling machine.

1.3 General Objective

The general objective of this project is to design and fabricate a combined water hyacinth

harvester and miller machine to solve problem of bulkiness of the hyacinth.

1.3.1 Specific Objectives

To achieve this general objective, the project pursued the following specific objectives:

i) To design a combined water hyacinth harvester and miller machine.

ii) To fabricate the designed machine.

iii) To test the functionality of the fabricated machine.

1.4 Research Questions

To guide this research, the following research questions will be addressed:

i) How can a combined water hyacinth harvester and miller machine be effectively designed to

reduce the bulkiness of harvested water hyacinth?

ii) What is the fabrication process of the designed machine?

iii) How well does the machine function in reducing the bulkiness of harvested water hyacinth?

1.5 Justification for the Study

The study's significance lies in its potential to offer an innovative solution to the

persistent problem of water hyacinth infestations in water bodies. By designing a combined

harvester and miller machine that can effectively reduce the bulkiness of harvested water

hyacinth, this project aims to enhance the efficiency of control efforts. Such an approach aligns

with the broader goals of sustainable water management and environmental conservation.

1.6 Limitations/Scope

The scope of this project is focused on the design, fabrication, and evaluation of a solar-

powered combined water hyacinth harvester and miller machine. The specific limitations and

scope of the study are as follows:


Geographical Focus: The study's geographical focus is primarily on the design and testing of the

machine in a specific water body or region, which will be specified in the research methodology.

The findings and applicability may vary in different environmental and geographical contexts.

Design and Fabrication: The project concentrates on the conceptualization, design, and

fabrication of the solar-powered combined harvester and miller machine. Detailed technical

specifications and the machine's operational aspects will be explored.

Functionality Testing: The research will assess the machine's ability to harvest and mill water



Environmental Variability: The project's applicability may be influenced by variations in

environmental conditions, such as water body size, depth, and climate. Therefore, the machine's

effectiveness may vary under different environmental settings.

Operational Constraints: The project may face limitations related to the availability of resources,

such as the availability of water hyacinth for testing and access to suitable testing sites.

Technical Constraints: The design and fabrication of the machine may be limited by technical

challenges, including resource constraints, technological expertise, and material availability.

1.7 Significance of the Study

The significance of this study is multifaceted and encompasses various aspects:

Environmental Impact: The development of a solar-powered combined water hyacinth harvester

and miller machine has the potential to significantly improve the efficiency of water hyacinth

control efforts. By reducing the bulkiness of harvested water hyacinth, it can help prevent water

pollution, oxygen depletion, and the negative impact on aquatic ecosystems.

Resource Management: Effective control of water hyacinth is essential for preserving water

resources and maintaining water quality. This study contributes to sustainable water resource

management by providing a novel solution for combating water hyacinth infestations.

Innovation: The study's innovative approach to water hyacinth control, utilizing solar energy

and mechanical milling, demonstrates a commitment to environmentally friendly and sustainable

solutions to aquatic weed management.

Economic Benefits: By increasing the efficiency of water hyacinth removal, the machine has the

potential to reduce operational costs associated with weed control efforts, benefiting local

communities and authorities.

Research Contribution: This research contributes to the existing body of knowledge on water

hyacinth control methods and offers insights into the design and application of innovative

machinery for environmental conservation.

Community and Stakeholder Engagement: The study engages local communities, government

agencies, and environmental stakeholders in addressing a critical environmental issue, fostering

collaboration and awareness.


2.1 Overview of Water Hyacinth Infestation

Water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) infestation in aquatic ecosystems has been a

longstanding concern with widespread implications. This section presents a comprehensive

review of the literature, beginning with global perspectives and then delving into regional and

local aspects of water hyacinth challenges and control measures.

2.1.1 Global Perspectives

Water hyacinth, originally native to South America, has become a global menace due to

its rapid growth rate and ability to thrive in diverse aquatic environments. Its impact on water

bodies worldwide is multifaceted, affecting not only water quality but also numerous socio-

economic activities.

Water Quality Degradation

Water hyacinth infestations contribute to the degradation of water quality in affected

areas. As the plant dies and decomposes, it consumes oxygen, leading to water pollution and

stagnation. This phenomenon adversely affects aquatic life (Juliano et al., 2017).

Economic Impact

The economic implications of water hyacinth are substantial. It clogs irrigation canals,

disrupts navigation, and interferes with water supply systems, leading to agricultural and

transportation losses (Oliver, 2018).

Ecological Consequences

The presence of water hyacinth can disrupt aquatic ecosystems by reducing light

penetration, which affects submerged plants and phytoplankton populations, disrupting the

aquatic food chain (Bala et al., 2019).

Social and Health Risks

Water hyacinth infestations pose safety and health risks to communities living near

affected water bodies. Incidents of drowning, entanglement, and waterborne diseases have been

reported (Ncube et al., 2019).

2.1.2 Regional Perspectives

The impact of water hyacinth varies across regions due to differences in environmental

conditions, climate, and socio-economic factors.


In Africa, the spread of water hyacinth in lakes and rivers has been a recurring issue.

Lake Victoria, for example, has faced severe infestations, leading to challenges in fishing,

transportation, and water supply (Kaggwa et al., 2020).


Asian countries like India and Bangladesh have also grappled with water hyacinth

problems in major river systems. The weed has hampered navigation and led to water scarcity

issues (Rahman et al., 2018).

North America

In the United States, water hyacinth has been a concern in southern states, affecting

aquatic ecosystems and recreational activities (Prather and de Lange, 2016).

2.1.3 Local Challenges and Control Measures

In Kenya, the issue of water hyacinth infestations in local water bodies has posed unique

challenges with varying implications for communities, the environment, and economic activities.

This section provides insights into the specific challenges faced in Kenya and the corresponding

control measures employed.


Lake Victoria, one of Africa's largest freshwater lakes, has been significantly affected by

water hyacinth infestations. The weed's rapid spread in the lake has led to various problems,

including restricted access to fishing grounds, hindered transportation, and increased costs for

water treatment plants.

Environmental Impact

Water hyacinth in Lake Victoria has resulted in reduced light penetration, impacting the

growth of submerged plants, phytoplankton, and native aquatic species. This disruption in the

aquatic food chain has had severe ecological consequences.

Economic Losses

Fishing is a critical economic activity in regions around Lake Victoria. The proliferation

of water hyacinth has led to substantial economic losses for fishing communities due to reduced

fish catches, as fish rely on submerged vegetation for habitat and food.

Local Control Measures

Efforts to address water hyacinth infestations in Kenya have involved a combination of

manual, mechanical, and chemical control methods:

Manual Removal

Local communities and authorities have engaged in manual removal of water hyacinth in

areas accessible by hand. This labor-intensive approach has been applied in fishing landing sites,

ports, and piers to clear waterways for fishing and navigation.

Mechanical Control

Mechanical harvesters and boats equipped with cutting and collecting mechanisms have

been deployed in Lake Victoria to remove water hyacinth on a larger scale. These machines are

designed to cut and collect the weed, facilitating its removal from the lake.

Chemical Control

In some instances, chemical herbicides have been employed to manage water hyacinth,

primarily in confined areas like water supply points and irrigation canals. Care is taken to

minimize the environmental impact of herbicide use.

Local Innovations

In recent years, local innovators and researchers in Kenya have also explored innovative

approaches to water hyacinth control. Some have experimented with the use of water hyacinth as

a resource for making handicrafts, organic fertilizers, and biogas production. These initiatives

not only address the problem but also provide economic opportunities for communities affected

by water hyacinth infestations.

2.2 Existing Methods of Aquatic Weed Control

2.2.1 Manual Removal

Manual removal involves the physical extraction of water hyacinth from water bodies by

communities, government agencies, or responsible authorities. It is suitable for relatively shallow

areas, including landing beaches, ports, piers, water supply points, and irrigation canals (Bala et

al., 2019). However, this method can be labor-intensive and potentially dangerous.

2.2.2 Mechanical Control

Mechanical control, also known as mechanical harvesting, utilizes specialized water

vessels equipped with cutters and conveyors to remove water hyacinth and other aquatic weeds

from waterways. The harvested weeds are then offloaded for disposal or processing (Ncube et

al., 2019). This method requires additional steps or equipment for handling the harvested

vegetation, which can be both time-consuming and resource-intensive.

2.2.3 Water Level Management

Water hyacinth control can involve manipulating water levels, particularly in areas where

water levels can be adjusted, such as dams. Raising water levels can inhibit the germination of

water hyacinth seeds and limit its reestablishment. This approach may require follow-up

treatments with herbicides in some cases (Juliano et al., 2017).

2.2.4 Biological Control

Biological control methods utilize natural predators such as weevils (Neochetina

eichlorniae and Neochetina bruchi) and moths (Niphograpta albigutalis and Xubida infusellus) to

target water hyacinth infestations. These organisms feed on water hyacinth, causing damage and

eventual plant death. However, this method may require supplementation with other control

measures (Rahman et al., 2018).

2.2.5 Chemical Spraying

Chemical spraying involves the use of liquid herbicides to control water hyacinth,

especially in shallow waters like riverbanks, lake shores, and shallow dams. However, the

indiscriminate use of herbicides can lead to water pollution and harm aquatic life, necessitating

mechanical removal alongside chemical control (Prather and de Lange, 2016).

2.2.6 Gaps in Existing Methods

Despite the availability of these control methods, significant gaps persist in achieving

cost-effective and efficient water hyacinth control. Current mechanical harvesters are often

complex, expensive, and inefficient. Biological control methods may not be suitable for regions

with cold climates, and water level management is limited to areas where adjustments are

possible. Chemical spraying can have negative environmental consequences, emphasizing the

need for more sustainable approaches (Kaggwa et al., 2020).

2.2.7 Literature of Proposed components Water Hyacinth Harvesters

Water hyacinth harvesters vary in design and functionality, with each offering unique

advantages and facing specific limitations. Here, we discuss some existing water hyacinth

harvesters, their designs, and associated weaknesses:

Mechanical Harvesters


Mechanical harvesters are equipped with rotating blades or cutters that cut and collect

water hyacinth. They often feature conveyor systems to transfer the harvested plants onto a

storage barge or vessel.

Plate 1: Conventional Mechanical Harvester


These machines can be complex and expensive to operate. They require regular

maintenance due to the wear and tear of moving parts. The harvested hyacinth are also bulky,

requiring larger buffer storages.

Hydraulic Harvesters


Hydraulic harvesters use high-pressure water jets to dislodge and collect water hyacinth.

They are suitable for use in shallow and densely vegetated areas.

Plate 2: Hydraulic Harvester


Hydraulic harvesters can be limited in terms of their reach and effectiveness in deeper

waters. They may also pose challenges in controlling the direction of dislodged vegetation.

Bulkiness also affect them since the hyacinth harvested is leafy.

Suction Harvesters


Suction-based harvesters employ vacuum-like mechanisms to remove water hyacinth

from the water's surface. They are particularly effective for floating aquatic plants like water


Plate 3: Suction Harvester


These machines can be expensive to purchase and operate. They often require substantial

power sources, making them less environmentally friendly. Additionally, they may not be as

efficient in removing deep-rooted water hyacinth.

Towed Harvesters


Towed harvesters are smaller vessels pulled behind a larger boat. They are efficient for

navigation channels and areas with limited access.

Plate 4: Towed Harvester


Towed harvesters may have limited capacity and can be less efficient in larger water

bodies. Their effectiveness depends on the towing boat's power and maneuverability.

Manual Removal and Rakes


Manual methods involve the physical extraction of water hyacinth by hand or using



Manual removal is labor-intensive and may not be practical for large-scale infestations. It

can also be slow and may not address the roots, allowing for regrowth.

2.2.8 Approach used in this research

Considering the gaps from the previous works. We decided to design a mechanical

control method, that is a water hyacinth combined harvester and milling machine which will be

of great significance to managing the weed. This we achieved through working on simple design,

improving efficiency of the machine to work on a large area quickly and coming up with a

machine that is simple to operate. The milling part of the machine is designed based on the

principles of chaff cutting machine, by considering hyacinth as a chaff.

Owing to the bulk nature of the hyacinth plant, harvesting the plant without milling it

slows down the process as the harvesting machines have to wait for the trailer to offload the

weeds at the shore before continuing with harvesting. With our designed machine, by the help of

milling cutters, the bulkiness of the hyacinth is projected to reduce significantly thus the

harvesting process can be continuous over a long period of time. Our design is simple as it

applies simple mechanisms to harvest and mill the weed. Using solar as the source of energy is

also significant in that, it is a green energy and does not pollute the environment making the

project align itself with the Structural Development Goals (SDGs) about climate change, most

harvesters use fossil fuel power which pollutes air and may also pollute water in case of oil



The methodology used in the design of the combined water hyacinth harvester and milling

machine shall include the design of each component, selection of some parts, fabrication of some

parts and assembling them before testing the prototype for functionality.

Other methods or processes shall include;

 Study of properties of water hyacinth and its effects.

 Analysis on the solutions available to harvest water hyacinth.

 Choice of method of control of water hyacinth

 Selection of standard parts.

 Selection of materials.

 Selection of basic mechanisms used.

 Modelling of individual components.

 Analysis of the components by applying forces.

 Fabricating of prototype.

 Testing of functionality of prototype

The Combined Water Hyacinth and Milling Machine Prototype

Figure 1: Combined water hyacinth harvester and milling machine prototype

Proposed Prototype Components

The choice of components used for this project is based on the following factors:

 Efficiency of the equipment

 Simplicity of the design

 Cost reduction

 Material properties that would be needed to effectively work in the design.

For this project the material used is majorly mild steel since that is the material readily available

in the workshop.

Parts To Be Fabricated:

 Frame

 Pick up reel

 Drum rollers

 Hopper

 Milling chamber

 Milling cutter

Selected Parts:

 DC Motor

 V-belts

 Pulleys

 Bearings

Objective 1 and 2: Design and Fabrication of Prototype Components

1. Frame

Figure 2: Prototype Frame

Material selected

Mild Steel

Justification of material selected

Mild steel is easily accessible and cheap

Design Method

1.Calculating the load on the framework

2.Stress calculation

3.Calculation of deflection

Design Calculations


Length of frame=1m

Height of frame=0.7m

Width of frame=0.7m

Weight on the harvester and miller machine=1000g(1kg)

1.Calculate the load on the framework

Load=Weight ÷ ( Length ×width ) … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … .Equation 1

¿ 1 ÷(1× 0.7)

=1.429 kg /m2

2.Stress Calculation

stress=load ÷ area … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … Equation 2

area=length× width ……………………………………………………….Equation 3

¿ 0.7 ×1=0.7 m

Stress=1.429 ÷ 0.7=2.041 Pa

3.Deflection calculation:

load × length
deflection= … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … …Equation 4
(48 × E × I )

E=200000 Mpa

I= ………………………………………………………………………….Equation 5

3 −2 4
¿ 0.7 × 0.7 ÷12=0.023805=2.3805 × 10 m

1.429 × 1
Deflection= −2
(48 ×200000 ×2.3805 ×10 )

¿ 6.253 ×10 m

Based on these calculations, it is clear that the framework is strong enough to support the load

and will not fail prematurely.

Fabrication Processes

1. 2” by 2” square tubes were measured according to the required dimensions of the prototype.

2. Hand grinder and hack saw were used to cut and separate the tubes into pieces required.

3. The square tubes were joined by arc welding to create frame structure.

2. Pick Up Reel

Figure 3: Prototype pick up reel

Material selected

Mild Steel

Justification of Material selected

Available material in the workshop.

Design Method

1. Select material

2. Calculate applied forces

3. Shaft diameter calculations

Design Calculations

1. Material selected is mild steel.

2. Calculate applied forces



Length =300mm

Bending moment applied on the shaft

f ×l
M= …………………………………………………..Equation 6: Bending moment equation
0.981× 0.3
=0.14715 Nm

Allowable bending stress

(M × c)
σ bend = ……………………………………………..Equation 7: Allowable bending stress

Distance from the neutral axis (c)

c= …………………………………..………………..….Equation 8: Distance from the neutral axis
0.025 ÷ 2=0.0125

Second moment of area for a circular cross-section

π × D …………………………..…………………………….Equation 9: Second moment of area

π × 0.025

−8 4
1.91 e m

0.14715 × 0.0125
σ bend = −8 4
(1.91 e m )



3. Shaft Diameter calculations

π 3
M= × σ allowable × d ……………………………………………………………… Equation 10
π 3
0.14715= ×0.096 Mpa × d


Fabrication Processes

1. The pick -up reel shaft of 25 mm diameter and 300 mm length was fabricated by turning it on

a lathe machine.

2. 9 smaller shafts of 15mm diameter and 140mm lengths were cut from a long round tube of


3. The smaller shafts were then joined on to the pick-up reel shaft at distance intervals of 35mm

by electric arc welding.

3. Drum Rollers

Figure 4: Prototype Drum Roller

Material selected

Mild Steel

Justification of Material selected

It is cheap and accessible

Design Method

1. Calculate the cross-sectional area of the drum roller

2. Calculate the bending moment

3. Calculate the bending stress

4. Assessing material strength

Design Calculations

1. Cross-Sectional Area of the Drum Roller (A drum)

The cross-sectional area of the drum roller with a diameter of 100mm can be calculated

as follows:
D drum
A drum = π ×( ) … … … … … … … … … … … … … … ….. … … … ….. .Equation 11

0.1 m
π ×( )

0.00785398 m²

2. Calculate the Bending Moment (M bend)

The drum roller will experience bending due to the applied axial load. The bending moment can

be calculated as follows:

M bend = F load ×( ) …………………………………………….………Equation 12

0.3 m
0.981 N ×( )

0.14715 Nm

3. Calculate the Bending Stress (σ bend) in the Drum Roller:

(M bend × c)
σ bend = ……………………………………………………………..……….Equation 12


M bend = Bending moment (Nm) calculated earlier.

c= Distance from the neutral axis to the outermost fiber of the drum roller, which is half of the

thickness (t drum/2).

I = moment of inertia.

Substituting the values:

0.02 m
(0.14715 Nm ×( 2))
2 ………………………………………..…………Equation 13
σ bend = 4
(1.6358e-5 m )

σ bend ≈ 89.96Pa

4. Assessing Material Strength

The yield strength of Mild Steel is typically around 250 MPa.

Comparing the corrected calculated bending stress (89.96Pa) with the yield strength:

Bending Stress (σ bend): 89.96 Pa

Yield Strength of Mild Steel (σ yield): 250 MPa

The calculated bending stress (89.96Pa) is much significantly lower than the yield strength of the

material (250 MPa), indicating that, the drum roller made of mild steel is not likely to experience

plastic deformation or failure due to bending stress under the axial load.

Fabrication Processes

1. The 2 shafts are to be fabricated by turning a metal rod to a diameter of 25mm and a length

of 360mm.

2. A metal sheet of 1mm thickness is to be bent around the fabricated shaft at a distance of

30mm from each end to create a new diameter of a drum roller that is 100mm.

4. Hopper and Miller Assembly

Figure 5: Prototype Hopper and Miller Assembly

Material selected

Mild Steel

Justification of Material selected

It is cheap and accessible.

Fabrication Processes

1. To fabricate the miller chamber at the bottom of the assembly, sheet metal of 2mm thickness

was sourced.

2. Dimensions of the miller chamber were marked out on the sheet metal to correspond to a

cube of side 300mm.

3. Two holes of 25 mm diameter were drilled at the center of two opposing sides of the marked-

out sheet metal for the passage of the miller cutter shaft.

4. An exit opening of dimensions 10 mm by 10mm was cut out of one of the marked-out sides

of the sheet.

5. The sheet metal was then folded along the marked-out lines to form a box -like structure

shown above.

6. To fabricate the hopper at the top of the assembly, sheet metal of 2mm thickness was


7. Dimensions of the hopper were marked out on the sheet metal and the sheet was cut along the

marked-out lines.

8. The parts of the hopper were then joined together by electric arc welding.

5. Miller Cutter

Figure 6: Prototype miller cutter

Material selected

Mild Steel

Justification of Material selected

It is cheap and accessible

Design Method

1. Select material

2. Calculate applied forces

3. Shaft diameter calculations

4. Speed of cutter is calculated

Design Calculations

Material selected is mild steel.

Applied forces



Length =300mm

Bending moment applied on the shaft

f ×l
M= … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … .Equation


0.981 N × 0.3
m=0.14715 Nm

Allowable bending stress

(M × c)
σ bend =

Equation 15

Distance from the neutral axis (c)

c= ………………………………………………………..……………….Equation 16


The second moment of area for a circular cross-section

π ×D
I= ……………………………………………………….………………Equation 17

π × 0.025

−8 4
1.91 e m

0.14715 × 0.0125
σ bend = −8 4
1.91 e m



Shaft Diameter calculations

π 3
M= × σ allowable × d ………………………………………..………………..Equation 18

π 3
0.14715= ×0.096 Mpa × d


Cutter Speed Calculations

Calculating the feed force (F feed) when milling or cutting water hyacinth involves several

factors, including the cutter geometry, material properties, and the specific cutting conditions.

Step 1: Determine the Cutting Geometry:


Cutter diameter (D): 25mm

Number of teeth (Z): 7

Axial depth of cut (ap): 13mm

Radial depth of cut (ae): 2mm

Step 2: Calculate Chip Thickness (tc)

Chip thickness (tc) is the thickness of the material removed with each tooth. It can be calculated


tc= ……………………………………………………………………..Equation 19



Step 3: Determine Specific Cutting Force (Kc):

Kc for water hyacinth=500Mpa(Assumed)

Step 4: Calculate Feed Force (F feed):

Feed force is calculated using the following formula:

F feed=Kc ×ae ×ap × Z … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … …Equation 20

500 Mpa ×0.002 × 0.013× 7 0.091Mpa

Step 5: Apply the Coefficient of Friction (μ):

F feed=Kc ×ae ×ap × Z × μ … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … .Equation 21

0.091 Mpa ×0.77


Step 6: Calculate the Total Cutting Force:

Total Cutting Force = F feed × Z …………………………………………..Equation 22

0.07007 Mpa × 7=0.49049 Mpa

Step 7;Calculate the cutting speed:

F=mv ………………………………………………………………………..Equation 23

0.49049 Mpa=0.1 × v


Fabrication Processes

1.The shaft of 25 mm diameter and 300 mm length was fabricated by turning it on a lathe


2.6 blades are fabricated by cutting them from a sheet metal of 2mm thickness according to the

required dimensions.

3.The blades were ground using a pedestal grinder to provide the arcs and to sharpen their

cutting edges.

4.The blades were then joined on to the cutter shaft at distance intervals of 50mm by electric arc


6. Bearings And Their Housings

Figure 7:Bearings and their housings

Material selected


Justification of Material selected

Brass is porous and would work well even in wet conditions

Design Method

Pillow block bearings (P205) were selected to fit the 25mm diameter shafts used throughout the


7. Loading Conveyor

Material selected

Chicken wire(galvanized steel wire)

Justification of Material selected

 The mesh allows the water hyacinth to drain water as it is conveyed.

 The galvanized steel wire has long life and is reliable.

 Galvanized steel provides protection against rust.

 It is cheap.

Design Method

1. Calculate the total tension

2. Calculate the reactions at the supports

3. Calculate the bending moment

4. Calculate the bending stress

5. Assessing the material strength

Design Calculations


Conveyor Width (b): 30 cm (0.3 m)

Conveyor Thickness (h): 2 mm (0.002m)

Distance Between Drum Rollers (L): 70 cm (0.7 m)

Drum Roller Diameter (D): 10 cm (0.1 m)

Material: Galvanized steel wire

Mass of water hyacinth:1000gms(1kg)

Applied load:1 ×9.81=9.81 N Angle of Incline (θ): 30 degrees (converted to radians: π/6)

Conveyor Speed (V): 1 m/s

1. Calculate the Total Tension (T total)

Weight of the Load (F load) = 9.81N

Acceleration due to Gravity (g) = 9.81 m/s²

Tension due to Gravity:

F gravity ¿ F load × g × sin(θ) …………………………………………….Equation 24

F gravity ¿ 9.81 N ×9.81 m/s ² ×sin( ) F gravity ≈ 0.879 N

2. Calculate the Reactions at the Supports

Vertical Reaction Force (Ry):

Σ Fy=0 … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … Equation 25

Ry – F gravity = 0

Ry = F gravity

Ry ≈ 0.879 N

Horizontal Reaction Force (Rx):

Σ Fx=0 … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … . .Equation 26

Rx = 0 (assuming no horizontal forces)

3. Calculate the Bending Moment (M)

M =T total × … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … .. Equation 27

0.7 m
M =0.879 N ×

M ≈ 0.308 N·m

4. Calculate the Bending Stress (σ bend):

Calculate the Second Moment of Area (I) for a rectangular cross-section

(b × h )
I= ………………………………………………………………………….Equation 28

(0.3 m ×(0.002 m) ) 10 4
I= I =2 e m

Calculate the distance from the neutral axis to the outermost fiber (c)

c= …………………………………………………………………………Equation 29

0.1 m
c= c = 0.05 m

Calculate Bending Stress (σ bend)

(M × c)
σ bend = ……………………………………………………………. Equation 30

(0.308 N·m ×0.05 m)

σ bend = σ bend =77 MPa5. Assessing Material Strength
2 e 10 m4

Yield Strength of galvanized Steel (σ yield)= 470 MPa (470,000,000 Pa)

Comparing the calculated bending stress (77MPa) with the material's yield strength (470 MPa)

σ bend= 77 MPa

The calculated bending stress (77MPa) is lower than the yield strength of Galvanized Steel (470

MPa), indicating that the conveyor belt, in this scenario, is not likely to experience plastic

deformation or failure due to bending stress.

8. Motor

Design Method

1. Determine the torque

2. Determine power

Design Calculations

(P ×9.5488)
Torque formula¿ … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … .. Equation 31

Power =3.5 hp ×746 watts=2611W

(2611× 9.5488)
T= =17.194 Nm

T =Fr

F= =114.627 N

9. Pulleys and V-Belts

Figure 8:Prototype pulley

Material selected


Justification of Material selected

Rubber belts have a large amount of base tensile strength and flexibility

Design Method

1.Obtain the center-to-center distances

2.Establish the width of the pulleys to be used

3.Calculate the length of the belts to be used.

Design Calculations

Formula to obtain the length of the belts

( D+ d)
× 3.1416+2 C= L …………………………………………………….Equation 32

Where :

C=center-to-center distance

D=larger pulley diameter

D=smaller pulley diameter

Centre to center distance from pick-up shaft to lower drum=27.5 cm

Centre to center distance from cutter shaft to lower drum=89.5 cm

Width of the pulleys=1.5 cm

Length of the pick-up belt

( 20+10 )
[ ×3.1416 ]+(2 ×27.5)=102.124 cm


Length of cutter belt

[ ×3.1416 ]+(2 ×76.9)=193.07 cm


Assembly Procedure for Fabricated and Selected Parts

1. The fabricated frame is placed on the ground.

2. The miller chamber is placed on the frame.

3. The miller shaft is passed through the holes of the milling chamber.

4. The blades of the miller cutter are welded onto the shaft as it is rotated.

5. The miller cutter bearings are fitted onto the ends of the shaft.

6. The fabricated hopper is placed on top of the miller chamber and welded.

7. The roller drums are fitted on the frame.

8. The drum bearings are fitted at the end of each drum.

9. The mesh conveyor sheet is joined on against the drums.

10.The pick-up reel shaft is fitted against the frame.

11.The pick-up reel bearings are fitted at each end of the shaft.

12.The motor and cutter shaft pulleys are fitted and a v-belt is used to connect them.

13.Another pulley is fitted on the other end of the cutter shaft and a double groove pulley

attached to the lower drum are fitted and a v-belt is used to connect them.

14.A pulley is fitted at the end of the pick-up reel and a v-belt is used to connect it and the

double groove pulley at the lower drum.

15.The motor is powered and a test run is conducted on the prototype.

Objective 3: Functionality test of the prototype

1. The assembled machine is connected to a power source

2. Hyacinth or water weed is then placed in a basin of water

3. The pick-up reel picks up the vegetation dumping it on an already rotating conveyor

4. The conveyor drags the hyacinth to the top side and drops it onto the hopper of the milling


5. The hyacinth is then cut by the rotating cutter shaft and the cut hyacinth is ejected through the




In this chapter, the results from the detailed methodology for the design, fabrication, and

assembly of the combined water hyacinth harvester and milling machine prototype was

presented. The objective of this chapter is to provide a comprehensive outcome of the processes

involved in creating each component and selecting materials for the project. The following

results highlight the key aspects of the methodology.

Optimal Design Explanation

The optimal design of our water hyacinth harvester and milling machine prototype was

achieved through a meticulous combination of materials, calculations, and component selection.

The frame, constructed from easily accessible mild steel, demonstrated exceptional strength,

surpassing weight and load requirements with a significant safety margin. The pick-up reel,

featuring ten smaller rotating shafts, maximized harvesting efficiency while minimizing costs.

Drum rollers strategically placed ensured smooth movement and reduced water hyacinth

retention. The milling chamber, crafted from 2mm sheet metal, housed a robust cutter equipped

with seven sharpened blades, enabling efficient hyacinth processing. The innovative water

drainage system, utilizing a mesh conveyor belt, enhanced weight reduction and streamlined

processing. A DC motor, coupled with well-positioned pulleys and V-belts, provided ample

power for harvesting and milling operations, minimizing maintenance needs. This optimal design

prioritized efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and sustainability.

Fabrication Results

The fabricated prototype successfully brought the optimal design to life. The frame,

composed of 2” by 2” square tubes of mild steel, demonstrated structural integrity and durability.

The pick-up reel, comprising a central shaft and nine smaller rotating shafts, was fabricated

through precise turning on a lathe machine and electric arc welding. Drum rollers were created

using a combination of turned metal rods and bent sheet metal, ensuring smooth movement. The

milling chamber and hopper, crafted from 2mm mild steel, formed a robust assembly with

precise dimensions. The miller cutter, featuring a 25mm diameter shaft and six blades,

showcased careful fabrication through turning, cutting, and electric arc welding. Bearings and

housings were selected and incorporated into the design to ensure smooth rotation. The loading

conveyor, constructed from galvanized steel wire mesh, demonstrated longevity and efficient

water drainage. Overall, the fabrication process translated the optimal design into a tangible,

well-constructed prototype.

Functionality Test Results

During the functionality test, the prototype exhibited seamless operation in line with its

design objectives. Connected to a power source, the machine effectively picked up water

hyacinth using the rotating pick-up reel, efficiently depositing it onto the conveyor belt. The

conveyor then conveyed the vegetation to the top side, where it was dropped into the hopper of

the milling machine. The rotating cutter shaft, equipped with seven blades, precisely cut the

hyacinth, and the processed material was ejected through the outlet. The entire process

demonstrated the machine's capability to harvest, convey, and mill water hyacinth in a controlled

and efficient manner. The test validated the design's functionality, showcasing the prototype's

potential to address the water hyacinth challenge effectively.

Plate 5:Combined Water Hyacinth Harvester and Milling Machine Prototype front view

Plate 6:Combined Water Hyacinth Harvester and Milling Machine Prototype side view

Plate 7:Combined Water Hyacinth Harvester and Milling Machine Prototype side view

Discussion of Results and Achievement of Objectives

The methodology successfully addressed the objectives of designing, fabricating, and

testing a combined water hyacinth harvester and miller machine. However, due to budget

constraints, the initially proposed solar-powered system, including lithium-ion batteries, couldn't

be implemented. Consequently, the functionality test was conducted using electricity.

Designing a Combined Water Hyacinth Harvester and Miller Machine

The design phase resulted in a detailed plan encompassing various components, such as

the frame, pick-up reel, drum rollers, hopper, milling chamber, milling cutter, bearings, loading

conveyor, motor, and pulleys with V-belts. The chosen materials, including mild steel, brass, and

galvanized steel wire, were carefully selected based on availability, cost-effectiveness, and

suitability for their respective functions. Design calculations for critical components ensured

structural integrity and performance. While the original intent was for a solar-powered system,

electricity was used for testing due to budget limitations.

Fabricating the Combined Machine

Fabrication processes aligned with the design specifications for each component. The use

of readily available materials like mild steel, brass, and rubber contributed to the cost-

effectiveness and ease of fabrication. Despite the absence of the initially proposed solar power

system, the machine was successfully fabricated according to the modified specifications.

Testing the Functionality of the Fabricated Machine

The assembly procedure provided clear steps for integrating the fabricated components

into a functional prototype. The functionality test, conducted with electricity, involved

connecting the machine to a power source, collecting water hyacinth, conveying it to the milling

chamber, and cutting it with the rotating cutter shaft. The absence of solar power did not hinder

the basic functionality test. It's noteworthy that the milling section effectively reduced the

bulkiness of the harvested hyacinth, showcasing a practical application of the milling component.

Despite the limitations regarding the unavailability of solar power, the methodology

successfully guided the creation of a functional combined water hyacinth harvester and miller

machine. Future iterations may explore the incorporation of renewable energy sources to align

with the initial proposal. The practical application of the miller section in reducing the bulkiness

of the harvested hyacinth highlights the machine's potential for real-world impact, particularly in

hyacinth-infested water bodies. Further testing under varied conditions and potential refinements

to the design based on performance feedback could enhance the machine's overall efficiency and



5.1 Conclusion

The combined water hyacinth harvester and milling machine presents a practical solution

to address the challenges posed by water hyacinth infestations, showcasing its potential for

positive environmental impact in affected water bodies.

The functionality test revealed the machine's capability to effectively collect, convey, and

mill water hyacinth. The utilization of electricity, while deviating from the original plan,

validated the core functionality of the prototype. The milling section's success in reducing the

bulkiness of the harvested hyacinth highlights the practical utility of the machine.

5.2 Recommendation

5.2.1 Recommendation arising from the project work

Incorporating guards at the sides of the combined water hyacinth harvester and milling

machine prototype would improve the safety of the people operating it.

The functionality test of the prototype would have best been done in a water body so as to

see the real time collection and milling of the water hyacinth in the water body.

The speed of the motor would have been reduced to a more practical speed through the

incorporation of a variable frequency drive.

5.2.2 Recommendation for further work

The combined hyacinth harvester and miller would benefit the environment more if it

incorporated a solar powered drive system. Therefore its adoption by the government and other

relevant authority would help in mitigating the effects caused by water weeds in the country

especially water hyacinth.

From the project design, there is need to come up with a digital, remote-control version

of the machine. We also recommend the inclusion of cutting mechanism in the harvester part as

it will help ease the harvesting operation.


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Actions Responsibility Budget Estimated



Acquisition of raw Both partners nil 1 day


Measuring and Both partners nil 1 day

cutting of materials

Fabrication of Both partners nil 1 day


Fabrication of Both partners nil 1 day

miller chamber

Fabrication of Both partners nil 1 day


Turning of shafts Both partners nil 1 day

Acquisition of Both partners 5000 3 weeks



Assembly of Both partners nil 1 day


Presentation Both partners nil 1 day




Chicken wire m 1 350 350

DC motor Hp 1 - -

Stainless steel mm 20 pcs 100 for 4 500


Brass roller bearings mm 4 250 1000

2 550 1100

Pulleys in 4 200 800

V-belts mm 1 500 500

2 125 250

Total 5000


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