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G.K MCQs from Pak MCQs 1. How many teams participated in Kabaddi 2020 World Cup?. 10 2, In which of the following countries Red Lake is situated? usa 3. The old name of’ Switzerland is. 2 Helvetia 4, Algeria became independent in 21962 5. Iraq granted independence by the 6. Which is the national song of india? Vande Mataram 7. 8. 9, in 1932? league of nation Which country won the very first Fifa world cup in 1930? Uruguay Elephants are the only animals that can’ t . Jump . A shuttlecock is used in what sport? Badminton 10. In what US state is Area 51 located? Nevada 030046571 00 11. In what state Brake Obama born in____? Hawaii i 12. What is the french name for Santa Claus? Pare ~.MalomatKiDunya 13, Which of the fol lowing island is the disputed Island between India and Bangladesh? New Moor 14. How many minutes was the longest recorded point in the history of Tennis? 29 min 15. What was the first country from Africa to qualify for a soccer world cup? Egypt 16. Muhammad Ali had his first ever loss in the realm of professional boxing in what year?1971 17. A touchdown is worth how many points in football? Six 18. The old name of Egypt was. 2 United Arab Republic 19. Whats name does camel meat go by? Camel 20.Which country is called land of Blue sky? Mongolia 21. The first season of PSL took place on. g 4th Feb 2016 22. Who won the Kabaddi World Cup 2020? Pakistan 23. The old name of zambia is Northern Rhodesia 24, The capital of Serbia is 2 Belgrade 25. The capital of Scotland is 2 argh 26. The cores of the earth are called nife because these consist of _? Nickel and ferrous. 27. Crimean wars were faught between ? Russia and Ottomans 28, When was the fast food chain, McDonald’ s founded? 1940 29. Which city is called the hub of fashion? Milan 30, Name the tallest building in karachi? Bahria leon Tower 31. The world’ s first drainage system was build by the people of __? Indus Valley civilization. 32. TCS stands for. 2 Tranzum Courier 0 33. Name the first Muslim who traveled in space? Prince salman Al masud 34, Which country is called Buffer state of Asia? Afghanistan 35. Archery is national game of which country? B. Bhutan 36. Where Port Palermo is located? Tyrrhenian Sea 37. Which Muslim Country has Hindu God on its Currency? Indonesia 38. In which year Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom was born? 1926 55. 36. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68, 69. 70, 71. 72. 73. 4. 75. Churna island is best known for which activity? Snorkeling The Capital of Zambia is 2 Lusaka The Capital of Samoa is 2 Apia The Capital of Kosovo is 2. Pristina The Capital of Zimbabwe is 2 Harare . Which is the national flower of Turkey ? Tulip . Who has won the most Academy awards? Katherine Hapburn . Taj Mahal features a perfect blend of Islamic indian & architecture style? Persian . Paris is known as the city of. 2 Leve . What is the shape of the shangrila lake in pakistan? Heart ). Which is the national flower of Tunisia 2 Jasmine Port of Rashid is the seaport of ? UAE Port of Khalid is the Seaport of 2 Une Which is the national flower of Thailand ? — Ratchaphruek . Which is the largest Exporter of Rice? India . A 112-year-old Japanese living man has been crowned the world’ s oldest male, whose name is, 2 Chitetsu Watanabe How many type of italian pasta are there? 350 The first cooking school was founded in which country? America Which of the following Leonardo famous work? Mona Lisa Richard Branson is the founder of the. group? — Virgin Porsche AG is a. automobile manufacturer? German Who is The First You Tuber? Jawed Karim The capital of Maldives is 2 Male Tashkent is the capital of, 2 Uzbekistan Lawrence garden Lahore was a gift from 2 None of these "Latakia’ is the seaport of. 2 Syria When is the World Pulses Day observed, across the World? Feb 10 Leonardo Da Vinci was an_____Polymath of the Renaissance? Italian Who made the first animated film? J.Stuart Blackton Which was first Country to grow Cocoa? Mexico The Capital of the Lebanon is 2 Beirut Hoover Dam is located in which country ? Usa What is length of the albert canal ? 80.5 mile When did Albert canal opened for shipping ? 1939 The capital of the Panama is 2 Panama city What is the Capital of Jordan? Amman. According Researchers from South China Agricultural University, Which animal has been ‘identified as potential link for novel Coronavirus spread? Pangolins 76. Which country fought on both sides during World War II? Italy 77, Stephen Hawking graduated from university of. 2 Cambridge 78.” Port of Fujairah” is the seaport of 2 UAE 79. “Port Zayed ” is the seaport of a UAE 80." Barrow Haven” is the seaport of 2 UK 81, “Port of Barrow” is the seaport of 2 UK 82. Which is the international country code of USA ? +1 83. Which is the national flower of Sweden ? Linnaea Borealis 84, The Russian Revolution Took Place In The Year. 2 1917 85. Which country in the world has large population of Vegetarians? India 86. Where is is headquarter of American intelligence agency CIA? 87. How many bones are in human Eyes? Seven ss. Highest National Award of bravery in the Police Service of Pakistan is 2 Quaid-i-azam Police Medal 89. Which country is third largest contributor to UN after USA and China? Japan 90. Zakat system was introduced in Pakistan in. 2 1980. 91. What was the old name of Quetta? Shalkot 92. Capital of Belgium is. 2 Brussels 93. Capital of Bulgaria is. 2 Sofia 94, Capital of Bangladesh is 2? Dhaka 95. Capital of Pakistan is 2 Islamabad 96. Capital of Algeria is 2 Algiers 97. The Capital of Albania is 2 Tirana 98, Som is the currency of what country ? Uzbekistan 99. Bakhtar is the news agency of what country ? Afghanistan 100,Atom was a name given by 2 Democritus 101.About how many taste buds does the average human tongue have? 10000 102.The first mobile phone was created In. 2 1973 103.Google is an_____ multinational technology company? American 104.Google was founded by how many people? Two 105.Electric motor was invented by 2 Michael Faraday 106.Who was ‘Father Of Chemical Warfare’ 2 Fritz Haber 107.Shakespeare is known mostly for his ? Plays 108.Which is the national flower of Sri Lanka ? Water Lily 109.Which kind of alcohol is russia notoriously known for? Vodka 110.What is the national dish of France? Pot au feu 11. The first English Dictionary was compiled by ? Samuel Johnson 122, Which is the world’ s largest solar telescope that recently captures its first image of the Sun in January 2020? Daniel K inouye Solar Telescope u3. What is the Theme of “World Cancer Day 2020”? “1amand iwi" 114. The World Cancer Day (WCD) is observed every year on. 2 ath February 115.Who was Pakistan’ s first female commercial pilot? Shukriya Khanum 116Microsoft was founded in 2 1975 117.How many white stars have on European Union flag? 12 Stars 118.How many white stars have on Singapore flag? Five 119Which is the national flower of South Africa? King Protea 120. Which is the national flower of Slovakia? Rose 1a. Which is the national flower of Singapore ? Vanda Miss Joaquim 122, “Port of Felixstowe ” is the seaport of g UK 123, “Port of Mobile” is the seaport of ? 124, “Port of Long Beach” is the seaport of USA 125.Which Country is second largest Contributor to UN after USA? China 126,The national tree of which country is the Banyan tree? India 127. Which one is the capital of Malta? Valletta 128.How many time has Queen Elizabeth visited Pakistan? ‘Two tim 129.Britain remained member of EU for how many years? 47 Years 130. Heeresnachrichtenamt (HNA) is the army intelligence agency of 2 Austria 131, Which of the following is the intelligence agency of Australia ? all ofthe above 132.State Intelligence Service (SHISH) is the intelligence agency of which country ? Albania 133.How many countries are members of European Union? 27 134, “Hai Phong port” is the seaport of 2 Vietnam 135. “Port of Hodeidah” is the seaport of ? Yemen 136.Which Country has been Ranked as the World’ s Second Largest Weapons Manufacturer? China 137, “Islam at the Crossroads” was originally written in. 2 1934 138. Which is the national flower of Serbia? Lily of the valley 139. Which is the national flower of Scotland ? Thistle 1qo. Which is the national flower of San Marino ? cyclamen 141Which is the national flower of Samoa ? Teuila 142.What is “Shinkansen” in Japan? Bullet Train 143.What is “Sorbonne” in Paris? University 144.Mostly bank notes in the world are made of what? Cotton 145.Which gulf is NOT located at the Northern end of the Red Sea? Aden 146Mhich of these terms means “Coumon People” ? Hoi Polloi 147. What is the official language of the tiny nation between France and Spain? Catalan 348. Which country officially left the European Union on 31st January, 2020? UK 149. “Maritime” is a security agency of which country? Pakistan 150.Which country is called the “Land of Rabbits” ? Spain 1S1.Which of them is the most common Human Phobia? Fear of spiders 152.According to ICC rules, In 4-day test matches how many overs are there in a single day? 98 153.Which country has NO capital in the world? Nauru 154.The Pyramids of Sun and Moon are in which country? Mexico 155.Which Indian Leader was shot by Nathuram Vinayak Godse on 30 January 1948 ? Mahatma Gandhi 156, Russo-Japanese war was fought during 2 1904-1905 157, In which year Bolshevik Revolution came z 117 158.0ttoman Caliphate was abolished in 2 1924 159.League of Nations was founded in which year * 1920 160.Battle of Gallipoli resulted in the victory of 2 Turkey 161, Who was the emperor of Japan during second World War ___? _tirohito 162.England fought second world war under the leadership of ___? Winston Churchill 163.From which country Indonesia got independence in August 17, 1945? Holland 164.Who laid the foundation of British Colonialism in India 2 — Robert Cli 165.Napoleon invaded Egypt in 2 1798 166What does PUBG stands for__? Player Unknown’s Battlegrounds 167.Council of Westphalia was by nature a 2 Peace treaty 168.Peace treaty of Council of Westphalia was signed in 2 1648 169.Good Friday agreement which is related to Northern [reland was signed in_? 1992 170.Name of World’ s Largest Twin Engine Jet? Boeing 777X 171.The Arctic Council is a high-level intergovernmental forum that addresses issues faced by the Arctic governments consists of. nenbers? 8 172. “Tadawal” is the stock Exchange Market of which country? Saudi Arabia 173.The headquarter of World Economic forum is situated in which city? Cologny 174Morld Economic Forum was founded in which year? January 1971 175.Transparency International was founded in which year? 1993 176.4 kind of war such is “Guerrilla” a word of Spanish its meaning is_? Little war 177.Alma Atta was the Capital of upto 1997? Kazakhstan 178.During colonial era British policies towards colonies were mostly? Flexible 179, Anazon rain-forest spans over how many countries? 8 CNBC is a 2 ‘American Channel 180,The Second longest river in Africa is 2 ‘The Congo 181.Battle of Actium was a decisive war fought between? Roman Republic and Octavian 182,The Third Battle of Panipat was fought between ? Ahmad Shah Abdali and Marathas 183,The Second battle of Panipat was fought between ? Hem Chandra Vikramaditya and Akbar 184.The First battle of panipat was fought between 2 Babur and Ibrahim Lodi 185.Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent ruled from 3 1520 to 1566 186, “Port of Khor Al Zubair ” is the seaport of which country? Iraq 187.Which one of the following seaport is the largest seaport of Iran ? Port of Bandar Abbas 188.” Port of Bushehr ” is the seaport of 7 Tran 189.Which is the national flower of Romania ? Dog Rose 190.Leonardo Da Vinei was an inventor, scientist and engineer of 2 Florence 191.Council of Trent was held from 1545 to 1563 192.Reformation started in which country ? Germany 193.Who first discovered Machu Picchu? Hiram Bingham 194,Gatun Lake is located in ? Panama 19S.SNAS Aviation is a air line of which country? Saudi Arabia 196. Which country is the third biggest producer of uranium? Australia 197. The first European to reach India by sea was. 2 ‘Vasco da Gama 198What is the name of Capital of Nigeria? Abuja 199.Which country has their currency in rupee? Seychelles 200.What do you mean by Syntax? Study of constructing sentence 201.What do you mean by Phonetics? Study of speech sounds 202. which is the national flower of Portugal? Lavender 203.The Battle of Hattin was fight in. 21187 204, Saladin took back Jerusalem after the Battle of. 2 Hittin 205.Which of the following Country has not been recognized by Pakistan? Armenia 206.Who was the First Norman king of England? William 207Which is the national flower of Poland? ‘Corn Poppy 208. Which is the national flower of Philippines? Sampaguita 209. Which is the national flower of Peru? Cantuta 210.Vientiane is capital and largest city off 2 Laos 211, India’ s financial capital Mumbai is located in it’ s which state 2 — Maharashtra 212, “Jiji Press” is the news agency of which country? = Japan 213, “RIA Novosti ” was the news agency of which country? Russia 214First Pakistani who has conquered Mount Aconeagua in Argentina? Samina Baig 215.Battle of Hastings was fought in ? 1066 216.Arabs divested the provinces of & from Roman Empire ? Syria & Egypt 217.Who were the people known as Saracens? Muslims 218. The world’ s first nuclear power plant was built by 2 Russia 21s, Which of the following UN agencies has received Noble Peace Prize 2 Allofabove 220. United Nations Conference on Trade & Development is based in 2 Geneva 221, Headquarter of Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank is located 2 Belling 222.1n the marathon race athletes have to cover a distance of how many miles ? 26 223.The code name for Abbottabad Operation (2011) was. 224, Which is the national flower of Myanmar (Burma)? — Padauk 225Which is the national flower Nepal? Red Rhododendron 226. Which is the national flower of New Zealand? Kowhai 2 Operation Neptune Spear 227, First Digital Camera Invented By, 2 Steven Sasson 228. Which Company introduced first handheld Digital Camera? Kedak 229Mhen First Photograph was Taken? 1826 230. Which is the national flower of Mexico ? bahiia 231.Pir Tlahi Bux Tower (Literacy tower) is located in which city of Sindh? Sukkur 232.Separation of United Kingdoms from European union is called 2 Brexit 233.When Cambodia got its independence from France? 1953 234.Cambodia was a former Colony just before its independence? French 235Which Country occupied Canbodia during World War IT? Japan 236.Who was the only Laureate to refuse the Nobel Prize? —_Jea- Paul Sartre 237. Which is the National Flower of Maldives? Pink Rose 238. Napoleon Bonaparte was a military and political leader. French 239.Which of the following is considered the first great work in world literature? Epic of Gilgamesh 240.Belligerents of Battle of Salamis were. 2 cks and Persians 241.Who abolished slavery in America? Abraham Lincoln 242.Indus valley civilization was destroyed by. ? Aryans 243. A.S Hornsby is famous for 2 Weiting dictionaries 244,0f the following who is the most translated author of the World? Agatha Cristie 245.Who is called the Master Builder? Shah Jehan 246Mhich is the national flower of Malaysia ? Bunga Raya(Hibiseus rosa-sinensis) 247,Which is the national flower of Macedonia ? Opium Poppy 248. Juba is the capital of ____? Sauth Sudan 249, All powers to the Soviets” is the slogan given by 2 Viadimie Lenin 250.Valentia Island is off the coast of which country? Ireland 251.What do you call the offspring of an elephant, walrus and a whale? Calf 252.Russia observed its independence day every year on. 2 June 12 253.Archery is a national game of. 2 Bhutan 284Where is headquarter of European Union? Brussels 255.Which is the national Flower of Liberia? Pepper 256Who is the author of ‘The Old Man and the Sea’ ? Ernest Hemingway 257.Who is the writer of ‘The End of History and The Last Man’ 2 Francis Fukuyama 258. Who punished Musa bin Nusayr for invading Spain 2 Sulaiman 250,Jamrud is called the Gateway to. Khyber Pass 260. world’ s oldest human rights organisation is, 2 Anti-Slavery international 261.Which is the national flover of Syria ? Jasmine 262Which is the national flower of Switzerland 2 Edelweiss 263Which is india’ s first artificial settalitte? Aryabhata 264World Braille day celebrated every year on. 2 January 4 265.Study of “Aging” is called 2 Gerontology 266. “Maghreb Arab Presse” is the news agency of 2 Moroccan 267. “TASS” is the largest Russian news agency. it was founded in 2 1904 268,The period from 1649-1660 is known as 2 Commonwealth period 269.The Road not Taken’ is a famous poem of ? Robert Frost 270. “Colorado river” is located in e us 271. “Port of Bima” is the seaport of ___s? Indonesia 272.Chenical formila for Water is 2 120 273.In which year Japan attacked Manchuria 2? 1931 274.From which city, the Russian revolution of 1917 begin? Petrograd 27, Who become the Chancellor of Germany for One Day after the death of Hitler during Second World War? Joseph Goebbels 276.Which civilization is known as the birthplace of democracy? Greeks 277.The Bloodless Revolution of 1688 was started in which country ? England 278. “Asiana” Airline is belongs to 2 South Korea 279Mhich of the following is name of the Mongol dynasty that ruled China ? Yuan 280.Rome’ s first code of laws; adopted in 450 B.C. Twelve Tables: 281.Which country is the largest producer of fruits in the world? China 282,Temporary Capital of Pakistan was. 2 Rawalpindi 283.1 nibble equals to 2 4 bits 284. “Mediafax” is the news agency of 2 Romania 285. Which is the national flower of Kuwait? Artal 286.Which is the national flower of Kazakhstan? Lily 287.Google was founded on. 2 Sept 4, 1998. 288. “Ratoons” is associated with. 2 Sugareane 289. The War Cross with Sword” is the highest military award of 2 Norway 290. “Public Security Intelligence Agency (PSIA)” is the intelligence agency of ? Japan 291.Constantinople, the capital of Roman Empire was captured by Turks in ? 29th May 1453 292,Treaty of Versailles was signed on Ss? 28 June 1919 293, The last country of Axis power to surrender during the end of the World War II was ? Japan 294, Benito Mussolini was a leader of ? Maly 295.In which country the revolution of 1848 first begins that lead to a series of revolutions? Italy 296.Nho started the construction of Colosseum in Rome? Vespasian a7.” Gila river " is located in 2 us 298.When did the New York Stock Exchange opens its first permanent headquarters near Wall Street in New York City, 4 January 2865 299When did Great Britain enters the Seven Years War against Spain and Naples? 4 January 1762 300. ‘Leaves of Grass” was written by ? Walt Whitman 301. Which one of the following is the intelligence agency of Canada ? ‘A. Security Intelligence Review Committee 8, Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) C. Criminal intelligence Service Canada (CSIC). Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS)__E, All of these 302.” Center for Research on National Security (CISEN) ” is intelligence agency of ?Mexico 303.Which is the national flower of Germany? rnflower 304, “Port of Tanjung Priok” is the famous seaport of 2 Indonesia 305.Martinique is a island of which country? France 306Kirana mountains are present in 2 Pakistan 307Which is the highest military award of france? Legion of Honor 308.A group of mostly female lions is called 2 Pride 309,Slavery was abolished in America in 1865 310.Which is the currency of Martinique? Euro 311.How old was Malala when she was shot? 15 Years 312.When was Malala Yousafzai born? July 12, 1997 313.When United Kingdom joind EU which previously called EEC? 1973 314. “Keemya~e-Saadat” is authored by 2 Imam Ghazali 315Port of Reykjavik is the famous seaport of 2 Iceland 316.Ghautam Buddha was born in Kapila Vastu in 2 363 BC 317, Bank has been awarded the license to become the first Pakistani bank to offer financial services to clients in Beijing, China? Habib Bank Limited (HBL) 318. The most Rainiest place in the world is ? Mawsynram India 319. “CSIS” is the intelligence agency of @ canada 320, “Military Intelligence and Security Service (MUST)" is the intelligence agency of? Swedish 321.Which city was recaptured at the end of the first war of Crusade? Jerusalem 322. Which king of England was forced to signed the ‘Magna Carta’ ? King John 323,.Queen Elizabeth I of England belongs to dynasty? ‘Tudor 324,The Battle of Waterloo was fought in __—s? 1815 325.The “Kitab-fi-Tahqiq” was written by 2 Al-beruni 326.How many white stars have on Flag of Tennessee the state of US? Three Stars 327.How many white stars have on Flag of Mississippi the state of US? 13 Stars 328.Which is the national flower of South Korea? Rose Of Sharon 329Which is the national flower of Slovenia? Carnation 330.” DIA” is the intelligence agency of g us 331.The Novel ” Great Expectations ” was written by 2 Charles Dickens 332. The Novel ” Madame Bovary ” was written by 2 Gustave Flaubert 333," Bir Shrestho ” is the highest military award of 2 Bangladesh 334." Rafina” is one of the famous seaport of ? Greece 335.” Alexandroupolis ” is the seaport of ? Greece 336. Adolf Hitler committed suicide by gunshot on 2 30 April 1945. 337.Suva is the capital of, % 338.” Great Salt ” lake is located in 2USA 339.” Great Slave ” lake is located i 2 canada 340.Which is the Largest seaport of Guinea? Port Conakry 341.” Port Kamsar ” is the seaport of 2 Guinea 342.” Cross to the Heroic Valour in Combat ” is the highest military award of 2 Argentina 343.Which of the following river crosses the equator twice? Congo river 344.The Araguaia River is one of the major rivers of Brazil. It has a total length of approximately 2 2,627 km 345.The medical branch of science that deals with the study of skin, its functions, diseases, & treatment is ? Dermatology 346.The scientific study of fingerprints is called ___—s?-—S—_“Dactylography 347." Military Merit Decoration ” is the highest military award of 2 Austria 348.Which is the national flower of Japan fe Chrysanthemum 349.The philosophical study of the nature, origin, and limits of human knowledge is called ? Epistemology 350.Which is the national flower of Iran ? Red Rose 351L.Which is the national flower of Iraq % Red Rose 352. “Itaipu Dam” is the second largest Hydro-electric dam in the world after the Three Gorges Dam. It is located in 2 Brazil 353. The ” Xiluodu Dam ” is located in 2 China 354.The term Back4good (B4G) is used for. 2 Amnesty Scheme to facilitate voluntary repatriation to countries of ori 355.The “Mount Olympus” is located in 2 Greece 356. “Vancouver” is the largest seaport of ? Canada 357.” The World Until Yesterday” book is written by % dared Mason Diamond 358. “Guns, Germs, and Steel book” is written by 2 Jared Mason Diamond 359.The scientific study of dogs is called 2 Cynotogy 360.Which is the national flower of Indonesia? Melati Putih 361.The Greek War of Independence against the Ottoman Empire started in the year ? 1821 362.Which Roman Emperor is also known as ‘little boot’ 2 Caligula 363. The historical monument Al Khazneh or The Treasury is located in the city of ? Petra 364What is the capital of Latvia? Riga 365.What was the real name of Tipu Sultan or Tiger of Mysore ? Fateh Ali 366,The study of “Coin” and “Medals” is called? Numismatics 367. The book “Shanatia-e-Islan” is written by. — afeer Jolande 368. Sir William Wallace is known as the independence fighter of 2 Seotland 369. “Csepel ” is the seaport of ? Hungary 370.How many years did Elizabeth I reign England 2 44-Years 371.Chapel Bridge is located in 2 Switzerland 372.Chengyang Bridge (also known as Wind and Rain Bridge) is located in 2? China 373.In which year Vatican City was established as an independent state 2 1929 374, Which is the national flower of Hungary? Tulip 375. Charles Bridge is located in ? ‘Caech Republic 376.Chhogori and Savage mountain are other names of. 2 K2 377, “Baku ” is the seaport of ? Azerbaijan 378. “Zeebrugge ” is the seaport of 2 Belgium 379.The study of X-rays and their medical applications is called 2 Radiology 380.Pompeii is the town of. 2 Italy 381.Soviet Union tested its first nuclear bomb on. 2 29 August 1949 382What is Ivy Mike ? irst test of hydrogen bomb of United States 383.Muhammad Bin Qasim Al-Thagafi was born in___? Tait 384, “Beni Saf ” is the seaport of 2 Algeria 385.The Vanern lake is located in 2 Sweden 386. Which is the national flower of Dominica? Carib wood 387.” ANSA ” is the news agency of 2 Italy 388,BERNAMA is the news agency of 2 Malaysia 389.During rainy season Wooden doors are difficult to open or closure because of ? imbibition 390.When did Bahadur Shah Zafar die ?% —-TNovember 1862 391.0n 13 February 1739, Nadir Shah crushed the Mughal army in less than three hours at the huge? Battle of Karnal 392.Maharaja Ranjit Singh was the founder of the Sikh Empire. He was born in _? 1780 393Mhich is the national flower of Egypt? Egyptian Lotus 304Which is the national flower of Ethiopia? Calla Lily 395.The Great Bear Lake is located in 2 Canada 396. “PTI” is the news agency of. 2 India 397.The ” Al-Aqaba ” is the seaport of ____ ?~— Jordan 328. “JANA” is the news agency of. 2 Libya 300What type of creature is a Fulmar? A Bird 400.The painted Desert lies in which US state? Arizona 401.Who was the second wife of king Henry VIII of England? Anne Boleyn 402.In which year did the Titanic sank on its maiden voyage? 1912 403.Who was founder of Bahmani dynasty 2 Aladdin Hassan Bahman Shah 404.Aladdin Hassan Bahman Shah became the king of Bahman (City of Iran) in ___? 1347 405Empire state building is in 2 New York 406.The currency of Croatia is $ Kuna 407.Interfax is the news agency of. 2 Russia 408What was the first country to leave the United Nations? Indonesia 409.Name of the Iceland parliament is. 2? Alpingi (Assembley of all) 410.Name of the Germany parliament is 2 Bundestag 411. The Sepahsalar Mosque is located in. 2 Tehran, iran 412.Who established the Mughal Dynasty? Babur 413.The Russian Revolution took place in 2 17 414.Who is called the father of Astronomy? Galileo Galilee 415Which President of the United States was assassinated? Abraham Lincoln 416,The Mongols defeat the Khwarezmid Empire and take over Persia (Iran, Afghanistan) in? 1221 417Which is the national flower of China 2 Plum Blossom 418.Agrology is the study of 2 tudy of agricultural sails 419,Alethiology is the study of ___-Sss ? Study of truth 420.The study of the structure of the body is called 2 Anatomy 421.The study of angels is called 2 Angelology 422.Mho among the following is called the Darvesh king? Nasir-wd-din Mahmud 423.When did Nasir-ud-din Mahmud die ? 1266 424When did Ghias-ud-din Balban die? 1287 425.Who became the king of Delhi in 1414 AD? Khizar Khan 426.What was the Old Name of Saudi Arabia? Najd And Hejaz 427.Who is the Author Of the Book “The Frontier Tragedy” ? Allah Bux Yousufi 428. Which of the following Countries are members of CACM (Central American Common Market)? Costa Rica, £1 Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua 429.Who wrote the book ” A Nation is Born” ? 430.Zawar (Rajhastan) is famous for____? Zine mines 431. Agra city was founded by 9 Sikandar Lodhi 432.Bahlul Khan Lodi ascended the chair of the Delhi sultanate on _? 19th April 1451 433.Who was the ruler of the kingdom between the rivers Jhelum and Chenab? King Porus 434Mhat was Alexander the Great most known for_? Being a military genius and commander 435.How old was Alexander the Great when he died in Babylon? 32, 436.What famous philosopher was Alexanders teacher as a child? Aristotle 437.When did Genghis Khan captures the capital of the Jin Dynasty (China) ? 1215 438.When did Mongolian leader Temujin defeats his rivals and receives the title Genghis Khan, Universal Ruler of the Mongols (Mongolia) ? 1206 439.Dow Jones is stock exchange market of. 2 New York 440Mhich is the national game of United States of America ? Baseball 441.In Which year America joined the Second World War ? 1941 442.Ibn Battuta Visited India in the reign of: 2 Sultan Muhammad Tughlaq 443.Dal Lake is located in area of, < Sri Nagar 4a4.Which is the national game of Russia? Bandy 445Which is the national game of Japan? Sumo wrestling 446.Which is the national game of Nepal? Volleyball 447.Which is the national game of France? Football 448. Which is the national flower of Australia ? Golden Wattle 449. Which of the following Country has Tulips its National Flower ? A Holland 8. Hungary Turkey —D. Afghanistan. Allaf the above 450. Which country is known as “Horn of Africa” ?somalia 451.Which is the largest country in Africa by land area? Algeria 452.Which is the national bird of Italy ? Sparrow 453.” Chukar Partridge ” is a national bird of which country ? Iraq 454.The “Zambezi river ” is located in 2 Africa 455.The “Saint Lawrence river” is a lager river in the middle latitudes of ? North America 456. “Conmon Nightingale” is a National Bird of which country ? Iran 457.First Woman University of Pakistan is located in. 2 Rawalpindi 458, Who is the Author of the Book “As u Like it” ? William Shakespear 459What was the old name of “Ghana” ? Gold Coast 460Where is Lena River located? Russia 461,The major crops found in Sudan are 2 maize, cotton, bananas, groundnut 462Which among the following animal don’ t have vocal cords? Giralfe 463.How long can a “beaver” hold its breath? 15 min 464.Asian Development bank (ADB) was founded in 2 1966 465 Headquarter of Amnesty International is in London. it is founded by ? Peter Benson 466.Mho is Emmanuel Macron? French President 467.What animal has longest gestation period of about 640 to 660 days or 95 weeks of any land animal ? Elephant 468What animal has the shortest gestation period known is 12 to 13 days? Opossum East London is a city of. 2 South Afriea 469.Sui Northern Gas Pipelines Limited (SNGPL) was incorporated as a private limited Company was converted into a public limited company in January ___? 1964 470.Sui Northern Gas Pipelines Limited (SNGPL) was incorporated as a Private limited Company in, 2 1963 471, “New Orleans” is the seaport of _? USA 472Mhich among the following have a ‘mixed heart’__ ? Reptiles 473.Which animal has the highest blood pressure? Giraffe 474.The continent of is called dark Continent. Africa 475What is the maximum running land speed of Crocodile ? 17 KMPL 476How much water can be used by a camel in drinking in a single time ? Up to 100 ltr. 477. Name the bird that migrates from the North Pole to the South Pole and back? Arctic term 478.Pashmina shawl is made from the hair of 2 Goat 479, “Oxtord” is also called 2 City of Dreaming Spire 480.Christopher Columbus who discovered America was. 2 Italian 481. Boshphours strait connects the Black Sea with ? Marmara Sea 482.Napoleon was died at, 2 ‘St. Helena 483.Which of the following is the world’ s loudest bird ? White bellbird 484.Kagali is capital of. 2 Rwanda 485,The World’ s oldest space station is 2 Moscow 486.The river “The Yangtze King ” in China is known as 2 Blue River 487.Myanmar city also called 2 Land of Pagoda 488hich city is known as “Quaker City” ? Philadelphia 489.Which part of the World is known as ” White Man’ s Grave” ? Guinea Coast 490.Angkor Wat is an ancient city of which Country? © Cambodia 491.4 pipeline project between Russia and Turkey is known as, 2 Turkstream 492.The term “Agricultural shot” is known to be used in which Sport? Cricket 493.Volga is the main river of. 2 Russia 494,The Trucial coast is a former name of what political entity? ted Arab E cates 495. The Cartoon characters “Heckle and Jeckle ” were what type of birds? — Magpies 496. ‘Charles De Gaulle’ airport is in 2 Paris 497.Louvre museum is located in 2 Paris 498.Mhich city is known as “Quaker City” ? Philadelphia 499.Which part of the World is known as” White Man’ s Grave” 2 Guinea Coast 500.Angkor Wat is an ancient city of which Country? Cambodia 501.A pipeline project between Russia and Turkey is known as 2 Turkstream 502.The term “Agricultural shot” is known to be used in which Sport? Cricket $03.Volga is the main river of____? Russia 504.The Trucial coast is a former name of what political entity? United Arab Emirates 505. The Cartoon characters “Heckle and Jeckle ” were what type of birds? — Magpies 506. ‘Charles De Gaulle’ airport is in? Paris S07.Louvre museum is located in___—? Paris SORWhich city is known as “Quaker City” ? Philadelphia 509Which part of the World is known as ” White Man’ s Grave” ? — Guinea Coast $10.Angkor Wat is an ancient city of which Country? Cambodia SILA pipeline project between Russia and Turkey is known as 2 Turkstream $12.The term “Agricultural shot” is known to be used in which Sport? Cricket 513.Volga is the main river of. 2% Russia 514.The Trucial coast is a former name of what political entity? United Arab Emirates 515. The Cartoon characters “Heckle and Jeckle ” were what type of birds? — Magpies 316. ‘Charles De Gaulle’ airport is in 2 Paris 517. Louvre museum is located in. 2 Paris 518. Mannerheim line separates Russia From 2 Finland 519.Bamako is the capital city of. 2 Mali $20.Manama is the capital of. 2 Bahrain $21.Time Magazine started in which year? 1923 522.Lake Ladoga is the largest lake by area in Europe which is 2 17,700 km? 523.Lake Urmia is located in ? Iran $24Havana is the capital of____? Cuba $ US Senate, each state is represented by. 2 2Senators 526. What is the old name of Japanese city “Kyoto” ? Heiankyo 527.When was the First International Human Solidarity Day observed by United Nations? December 2005 528.The Yangtze River is the longest river in Asia. It is approximately length _? 6,300 km, (3915 miles) 529. Kan Mehtarzai is the highest railway station of Asia is in. 2 Pakistan 530Which river is considered as the longest European River? Volga River $31.What is Agrostology? Study of grasses $32.The Danube river is second longest river in after the Russia’ s Volga, It is located in ? Europe 533. Fall of Bastille Fort, was the fall of monarchy in______? France 534, Kangaroo is the national animal of. 2 Aust 535. The highest Cold Desert in the World is Katpana Desert. It is located in which Country of the World? Pakistan 536.Japan is situated in. 2 East Asia 537. Which American State is called “The Mother of Presidents” ? Virginia 538.The city of Salvador, the first capital of Brazil, was founded on _? 29 March 1549 539,The International Migrants Day is observed every year on 2 Dee 18 540.The Eiffel Tower was officially opened on 2 31 March 1889 541.The Treaty of Paris was signed, ending the Crimean War on 2 30 March 1856 542Which of the following is a cartel ? OPEC 543,St. Petersburg is the famous city of which country ? Russia 544.Ireland joined the United Kingdom on January 1 2 1801 545. Total number of playing members in Handball team? 7 $46.Spin Boldak is in 2 Afghanistan $47.Lake Tana is located in 2 Ethiopia 548.___ is the Longest Strait in the World? Strait of Malacea 549.Highest Civilian Award of Bahrain is_? ‘The King Hamad Order of the Renaissance” 550. river act as a boundary between USA and mexico? Rio Grande river 35 is a highest lake in the world? Titicaca 552.Qutub Minar was built by. 2 Qutubuddin Aibak 553.Who is the youngest climate activist in Pakistan? Eman danish $54.Kazakhstan declares independence from the Soviet Union in. e 1991 555.The Islamic Development Bank is founded in ? 1973 556.United Arab Emirates holds its first ever elections in 2 2006 557.The Former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein was captured near his home town of Tikrit, during Operation Red Dawn by US forces on 2 43 December 2003 558.Pakistan Standard time is hours ahead of Greenwich Mean Time? 5 hours $59.The last town on the Karakorum Highway in Pakistan before the Chinese border is:_? Sost 560, “Divine Comedy” was written b 2 Dante Alighieri 561. The collective name for the group of ovls is 2 Parliament 562.Indian National Anthen is written in which language 2 Bengali 563.Who is the head of the state of Pakistan ? President s64, Burj Khalifa is located in 2 Dubs 565Who is the founder of UAE ? ved bin Sultan Al Nahyan 366What is Mesopotamia known as today? Iraq 5¢7. Taklamakan Desert is located in ® China 568.India Wins Freedom book is written by, 2 Moulana Abul Kalam Azad 569Harry Potter is the famous character of. 2 JK Rolling 570. The first Mughul emperor Babar’ s tonb is situated in. 2 Kabul 571.What is Holocaust ? Killing of Jews during World War Il S72Which of the following invention is oldest 2 Cluck 573, Digital Device term is related with___? Socio economic difference technolagy era 574Haifa is the Seaport of, 2 Israel 575.How many Urdu Words are used in the National Anthem of Pakistan? 1 576Which among the following islands has become the world’ s newest nation ? Bougainville 577.Parcel Islands in the South China Sea are disputed b/w China & ? Vietnam 378Marco Polo was a famot 2 Traveller 579. The book Gabriel’ s wing is written by. 2 ‘Allama Iqbal a0. Where is the Flattest Place on Earth ? Bolivia S81.How many Countries are called Scandinavian Countries? 3 582.New york city is located at the bank of the river__? Hudson $83.Which is the world’ s oldest operating oil refinery? Digboi $84.Who is the author of ” Business Speed of Thought” ? Bill Gates $85Which of the following cows yield maximum milk? Holstein 586.Whose autobiography is “My Life” ? Bill Clinton 587.The main function of the judiciary is 2 Law adjudication 588,The term “Chukker” is associated with which of the following game? Polo 589. International Day of Neutrality is observed on. 2% 12December 590.What is the name of boundry line between Germany and Poland? Order Neisse Line 591.Which state of USA has the largest population 2018? California 592What is the name of the War fought between England and Argentina ? Falkland War 593.Khojak Tunnel Located in. 2 Balochistan 594.1997 Ottawa Convention is related to___? Production and Transfer of Anti-Personnel Mines 595.Who abolished Khilafat in Turkey? Mustafa Kemal Atatiirk 596,How many seats in British house of commons? 650 seats 97. International Mountain Day is observed every year on, 9 44 December 598Where is the death valley located ? California $99.What is motto of ICC? Cricket for good 600. Who was the biggest lord in the history of drug mafia? Pablo €scobar 601.The term “time trial” is associated with which of the following sports? Cycling 602.A crescograph is a device for measuring the growth in 2 Plants 603. “One People, One State, One leader” was the policy of____? Hitler 604.Fedaration cup, World cup, Allwyn international trophy and challenge cup are awarded to winners of, 2 Volleyball 605. International Kabaddi Federation founded in which year? 2008 605. Which of the following UN agencies have received Noble Peace Prize ? 607.A. UNIC! B.ILO —C. UN High commission for Refugees D. All of above 608.0ldest bank in the world is located in 2 italy 609.Which of the following countries hosted the first South Asian Games in 1983? Nepal 610.Who wrote the book “An inquiry into the Nature” ? Adam Smith 61L.Where is the Headquarter of International Tennis Federation? London 612. The basic number of alphabets in Urdu Language are: 39 613. Which American Ambassador died along with President Zia-ul-Haq in plane crash 1988 ? Arnold Raphael 614.The largest river of Balochistan ? Hungol river 615.The Study of human beauty is called 2 Kalology 616Which plant is important in sericulture? Mulberry 617.Yemen shares border with Saudi Arabia and. 2 Oman 618. First Tuesday of May is observed as. x World Asthma Day 619. The Mansabdari system introduced by Akbar was borrowed from the system followed in 2nongolia 620. 13 Chambered heart occurs in, 2 Cockroach 621.Name the continent where ‘Tundra’ type of climate is not found? Africa 622.What is the name of the tropical cyclones in the China Sea? phoon 623, ‘The Economy of Modern Sindh’ book is written by 2 Dr Ishrat Hussain 624. ‘The Heros of Sindh’ & ‘Struggle for New Sindh’ are written by__? GM Syed 625, ‘A Nation in chains’ book is written by 2 om syed 626,The term “Maoris” is used for aboriginal people of. - New Zealand 627.Which are called the Bretton Woods sisters? WB & IMF 628.NATO also known as. a Washington Treaty 629,.Basmati is a type of 2 Rice 630.In which year was the football World Cup held for the first time? 1930 631.Which country won the first football World Cup? Uruguay 632. Which one of the following types of glass can cut ultraviolet? Crookes glass 633.GRU military intelligence agency belong to which country? Russia 634.Federal Security Service is a secret agency of which country? Russia 635.The Umbrella Street movement is related to 2 Hong Kong 636Which of the following is the narrowest strait of the world? Strait of Tartar 637.Hippocratic Oath is related with, 2 Medicine 638.Who created the first Map of the World? Anaximander 639.Indus valley people worshiped? Mother goddess 640.0n 18th May 1974 India exploded first nuclear devise under the code name of? Operation Smiling Buddha a1. IMF & World Bank are created through ? Bretton Woods Agreement 642.What is total membership of US Senate? 100 643. Which organisation publishes ” Global Risk Report” ? World Economic Forum: 644,Which Organisation Publishes “World Economic Outlook” ? = IMF 645.Which organisation publishes “World Development Report” ? World Bank 646. International Civil Aviation Day is observed on ? December 647.Which UN Organization has won twice nobel prize for peace? UNHCR 6a. When Iran Iraq war was ended? August 20, 1988 643. Which country is the world’ s largest producer of cobalt, a chemical element? — congo 650.The World Soil Day is celebrated on, 2 5th December 651.Which city is known as the ‘City of ghosts and temples’ ? Banaras 652.Which country is the most emitter of carbon dioxide from 2018? China 653.Which country has the most World Heritage sites With 55 sites? Italy 654.The World AIDS Day is observed ? 1 December 655.The International Day for the Abolition of Slavery observed? 2nd December 656.How many white stars have on Flag of Kosovo 2 Six Stars 657.The World Disability Day observed every year on, 2 3rd December ess. “Shewala Teja singh temple” reopened after 72 years. it is located in city of Pakistan. Sialkot 659.Which is the biggest Library of the World? Library of Congress 660.South Yemen becomes independent from the United Kingdom in 2 November 1967 661.ASIS is a secret agency of which country? Australia 662.Who was known as “Citizen King” of France? Louis Phillipe 663.Which Regiment of Pakistan Army has awarded maximum number of Nishan-e-Haider? Punjab Regiment 664.Who credited the invention of AK-47 assault rifle ? Mikhail Kalashnikov 665.The Third Battle of Panipat was fought bewteen Ahmad Shah Abdali & Marathas on_? 14 January 1761 666.City of Hot Weather is known as? Jacobabad 667. Which city is called the Gateway of Pakistan? Karachi 668.When did Tipu Sultan died? May 4,4794 669.Last Guru in Sikhism was. 2 Guru Gobind 670.Famous city ‘Aberdeen’ is city of which country? Scotland 671.International Men’ s day is Celebrated Every Year on __? 19 November 672.The apex Elected body in Israel is called. z Knesset 673.Which European country is not member of European Union ? Switzerland 674Which is the national game of Tajikistan? Gushtigiri 675, When did Taimur invaded India ? 1398 676.Sultan Ahmed Mosque in Istanbul is popularly known as the__? Blue Mosque 677. Which of the following countries becomes first in Africa to launch high speed train 320Km/h? Morocco 678.AGI is a news agency of which country? Italy 679.Baifra is a news agency of which country? Nigeria 680.Which of the following country has world’ s largest Banknote? Philippines 661. GPEI is abbreviation for __..__? Global Polio Eradication initiative: 682.The first Blackberry smartphone was released in year 2 1999 ‘683,BEAR is the symbol of z RUSSIA 684. “Rood e Kausar” is written by 2 Shaikh Mohammad tkram 685, Statue of liberty was gifted to America by on __? France~28 October 1886 686, Manghopir named after 2 Sufi Pir Haji Syed Sakhi Sultan 687. Which English ambassador came to India during the time of Jahangir? sir Thomas Roe e22. The Sakhalin Island is disputed between -? Japan & Russia 689.Which country in South Asia has the highest literacy rate? Maldives 690.First Blind Cricket World Cup won by, 2 India 691.In which city of India Nuclear Accident was Happened? Tarapur 692.Adidas Abiba is a city of. 2 Ethiopia 693,The tenure of Judge of International Court of Justice is: 9 Years 694.Falklands War was fought between UK and ? Argentina 695.Who is the National Artist of Pakistan? Abdul Rehman Chughtai 696World Toilet Day is celebrated on. 2 19 November 697.Babri Masjid incident was occurred on 2 — 6 December 1992 698. The first conqueror of the world’ s second highest mountain K2 was___? Italian ¥ 699.China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) starts at. ei Kashgar“ 700. International Children’ s Day is observed on 2 20 November / 701.Jare Ijalana, a girl from__ is dubbed as the “Most beautiful girl in the world” ? Nigeria 702.The Kurdistan region spans over ____ countries? 4 703.The two official languages of NATO are. 2 English and French 704.The headquarter of Human Rights Watch (HRW) is located in. 2 New York 705. Which among the following country first reached the ‘Dark Side’ of the Moon? China 706. The World’ s first underground railway system was built in 2 London 707.Grand Old Party is also known as 2 ‘The Republican Party 708. What country did Benito Mussolini rule? italy 709. When UN day is Celebrated every Year? 24 October no. How many Judges are in the International Court of Justice (ICJ)? 35 711.Which Country in the World has most Neighbors ? China 712.Fan was invented by. 2 Skaats Wheeler 713Who is considered the first poet of Pashto Language? Ameer Kror 714.The book ” Pakistan: the Formative Phase” was written by. ? Khalid Bin Saced 715. 6.T Road was constructed by 2 Sher Shah Suri 716Which city of Sindh is famous for ‘Pallo’ (Fish)? Jamshoro 717.The book ” The Sole Spokesman: Jinnah the Muslim and Demand for Pakistan” was written by. 2 Ayesha Jalal 718. The book ” Friends not Masters” was written by. ? General Ayoub Khan 719.Shakespeare beach is located in which country? England 720.Which of the following was invented by Torricelli? Barometer 721.Albert Einstein was a 2 Physicist 722. Bubo bubo is the scientific name of which of the following species? ow! 723, Which day is celebrated on 4th February? World Cancer Day 724.Karakoram highway is also known as 2 N-35 725.Who was Afghan ruler at the time of USSR invasion? Hafizullah Amin 726Mho is considered as the Leader of Modern Chinese Economy? Deng Xiaoping 727. Kurd are large ethnic group Where they live? All of these

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