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Rahu and Ketu in KP Astrology

Table of Contents

 Rahu in KP Astrology
o How to make Rahu’s script
 How to Analyse – Rahu and linked planets
 Rahu – The 10th cusp sub lord
 How to Analyse Rahu and Ketu Mahadasha and Antardasha
o Rahu and Ketu – How to predict an event
 Ketu in KP Astrology
o How to make Ketu’s script
 How to Analyse – Ketu and linked planets
o How to predict an event
 Conclusion

Rahu and Ketu – KP Astrology is the most accurate predictive tool of astrology. Because it
follows a method that says to predict any event, focus on the concerned cusp sub-lord, and then
check the three levels. According to which the planet is the source of an event, the star lord
gives the main outcome and the sub-lord states the final result.

But while analyzing Rahu and Ketu, you need to study at a deeper level as these shadow
planets cannot be understood easily. Now we see that in the KP script, Rahu and Ketu display
maximum significators. So in this article, I will explain how Rahu and Ketu work, how their
significators are formed, and how the linked planets work in the fructification of any event.

Rahu in KP Astrology
Rahu’s basic qualities – Rahu does not have a physical body, it is a shadow or a cloud. On this
basis, Rahu behaves in a weird manner. Rahu has only a head, with no physical body – this
makes him mysterious, scary, hyper, or discontent incarnate, and this is the reason when Rahu
gets associated, one can lie, cheat, or even betray to achieve things. But does it mean everybody
will lie or cheat?

Firstly wherever Rahu is posited in the horoscope, it means you will encounter Rahu attributes,
related to that certain house activity. It can be money, a career, or a relationship. Attributes like
confusion, insecurity, unorthodoxy, and misconception. Hereafter where there is confusion,
there is a good chance of committing mistakes.

Secondly, the sign lord of Rahu decides the direction of that karma, where we will exhaust
our energy. It can be Work, Money, Relationship, or even Health.

In addition, Rahu is the co-lord of the Aquarius sign, so like Saturn delays results, similarly,
Rahu is also a long-term planner, it does not give things effortlessly or without creating a
chaotic atmosphere.

These are the basic traits linked with Rahu. Now in KP astrology, we see a script like this Rahu –
3 5 8 10 12. If it would have been Saturn, we would have taken only the sign lord and position
house, like in the figure below we see Saturn – 2 6 7. But in the case of Rahu and Ketu, you have
to consider other aspects also.

Rahu’s script – The

position of the planet is seen in the Bhav Chalit Chart

How to make Rahu’s script

1. Check Rahu’s position – in bhav chalit – 10H

2. Check sign lord – Venus 3 10 12
3. Planets aspecting Rahu – Jupiter
4. Jupiter – 3 5 8

This makes Rahu linked with aspecting Jupiter and sign lord Venus – 3 5 8 10 12

Remember: Position is seen in the bhav chalit chart, and aspects and conjunction are seen in the
lagna chart. Because in KP astrology we follow the Placidus system where houses are not of
equal size so we will see the bhav chalit chart to get the exact position of any planet.

How to Analyse – Rahu and linked planets

In the figure above we see Rahu is linked with Jupiter and Venus. These planet traits will be
experienced in the Rahu timeline. Let’s start with Rahu’s position in the 10th house.

Now Rahu’s position tells about that life event, where one will always feel restless or insecure,
never satisfied, he wants more, and that too in a different way. The 10th house represents your
Karma kshetra, name and fame, reputation, and career.

If you have Rahu in the 10th house then you surely want to have a fantastic image in the
professional world. You want people to know you, respect you, admire you, and you
want fame and stardom. Actually, Sun is very strong in the 10th house. Rahu here acts like an
exalted Sun so here Rahu will give instructions, wants respect, and thinks himself very

Rahu – The 10th cusp sub lord

In this case, Rahu will work in the 10th house or in a career as per his own traits plus
Jupiter and Venus. Because it takes the color of planets linked with it. So we will see planets
and houses linked.

We have Rahu linked with Jupiter and Venus.

 Jupiter 3 5 8
 Venus 3 10 12

In KP Astrology, if a planet is a self-significator, it gives results of star lord also, else the star
lord gives main results. So, in this case, Rahu is self significator, so this entire script 3 5 8 10 will
give the main results. So while analyzing Rahu, keep in mind that Rahu has the color of Venus
and Jupiter.

In this horoscope, Rahu is the 10th cusp sub-lord, so here we see Jupiter – this is the karaka of
growth, expansion, and higher knowledge. So they take managerial jobs, they don’t do labor or
machine work. Jupiter is a guru, so in a senior position, people listen to them.

Venus is Karak of wealth, beauty, and luxury, so it gives career options related to arts and
creativity. Venus governs the industry of fashion, textiles, cosmetics, accessories, Jewelry, and
finance institutions.

How to Analyse Rahu and Ketu Mahadasha and Antardasha

The dasha analysis is the most important part of KP Astrology. Because a planet delivers results
in his Mahadasha or Antardasha. The MD planet decides the routine and events as per their
natural significance along with the coordinators.

If your Rahu Mahadasha has begun, then your initial experience will be strange and frustrating
as Rahu is karaka of the 8th house. So hidden elements, sudden events, and even unknown pain
or undiagnosed disease.

If Rahu AD has begun then it will deliver those results that mahadasha planet had approved. In
addition, Rahu traits plus planets linked will be analyzed. Like in the figure above let’s discuss
the timeline of Mars MD and Rahu AD.

Let’s read Rahu’s script…

 Rahu 3 5 8 10 12
 Mars 4 9 11 – 3 5 8 10
 Saturn 2 6 7

Rahu and Ketu – How to predict an event

As per KP rules, star lord gives the main results, and here we see Rahu script 3 5 8 10 and Mars
shows 4 9 11. We see the sale and purchase of the property. In addition sub-lord, Saturn
supports the gains and property.

Rahu is the source in this script, plus the self significator, it shows investments 12th house but
Venus is linked, so luxury and beauty, and foreign country spotlights the 12th house and Jupiter
with the 5th house involved, states creative element and prosperity linked in the event.

So this way check Rahu in your horoscope and see the linked planets. Because Rahu can be
analyzed more accurately if you make the best use of those planets’ significance.

Ketu in KP Astrology
Ketu represents the capability that we have perfected over a series of incarnations. Therefore
it comes smoothly to us in the present life. This is the reason that there is always a sort of
devotion and magic streak attached to the area Ketu is placed in a chart.

Hence such a position in your chart, Ketu will give a taste of frustration and dissatisfaction,
resulting in quitting of passion. Ketu is that area in one’s life where patience and
surrendering to that area of life is required. Ketu’s position will give enlightenment, only if
the person has a pious mindset.

Rahu shows a strong attachment to the connected house and Ketu separates you from the
associated house because it wants you to associate with higher goals and realize the truth of
life. And this does not come easily, it makes one go through a painful separation.

How to make Ketu’s script

1. Check Ketu’s position – in bhav chalit – 4H

2. Check sign lord – Mars 4 9 12
3. Planets conjunct – Jupiter
4. Jupiter – 3 5 8

This makes Ketu linked with Jupiter and Mars – 3 4 7 8 11


Remember: The position of planets is seen in the bhav chalit chart, and aspects and conjunction
are seen in the lagna chart. In KP we follow the Placidus system where houses are not of equal
size so we will see the bhav chalit chart.

How to Analyse – Ketu and linked planets

In the figure above we see Ketu is linked with Jupiter and Mars. These planet traits will be
experienced in the Ketu timeline. Let’s start with Ketu’s position in the 4th house.

Now Ketu’s position tells about that life event, that one has mastered in the past life, so
separation, detachment, and depression will prevail in that area. Now it depends on what other
planets are linked to Ketu to understand the dissatisfaction factor.

If you have Ketu in the 4th house then you can either separate from your house or your mother.
This can be physical or emotional. As Ketu has already experienced this home domain, and now
he has no wish for comfort at home. Even if one gets everything then also Ketu will give a taste
of discontent. So if Ketu is active firstly one will experience dissatisfaction.

Ketu will work in the 4th house as per his own traits plus Jupiter and Mars in this case
study. Because it takes the color of planets linked with it. The sign determines real talent of
Ketu. So we will see planets and houses linked.

We have Ketu linked with Jupiter and Mars.

 Jupiter 3 5 8
 Mars 4 9 12

How to predict an event

 Ketu 3 5 8 4 9 12
 Mercury 1 2 12 – 2 6 7
 Saturn 2 6 7

If Ketu’s dasha period started either as a mahadasha or antardasha. The initial time will have the
Ketu effect, which includes such an attitude, that makes one reject the material world. So a sense
of detachment and separation can be encountered.

In the above script, we see Ketu has become a source of star lord Mercury 1 2 12 that depicts
self-image, personality, investment, and finance. So here money can be made through
investments, property, foreign countries, and even marketing. Here use the Ketu script.

While analyzing Ketu, we can make the best use of Mars, which signifies land and property,
specifically. Jupiter – which signifies fate, and prosperity. And in this Ketu script, Saturn at sub-
lord is a self-significator, so we will read the Saturn script at the star lord level.

Remember Ketu is linked with Jupiter and Mars, so when a headless planet gets linked with
Jupiter – the fortune giver – it makes one carefree, and light-hearted in terms of finances.
Because Ketu has no head, it just follows his inner intuition and pure spirit.

Mars’s link with Ketu states technical knowledge or in-depth analysis related to land and
buildings. But here Ketu will separate him from Mars significations like brother and land.

Through this in-depth analysis of Rahu and Ketu, you can understand the KP script in a more
useful way. Because Rahu and Ketu do not have physical bodies, so the linked planets can help
in fetching the developments.

Now when you see Rahu in the 10th house, use Rahu traits in work, but the sign lord and linked
planets will help in narrowing the career options. And then you can check the star lord and sub
lord to get the final outcome.

Similarly, if you see Ketu in 2nd house, it states family and finance will have a Ketu effect, but
the linked planets will add other houses and planet significance. And all these together will
decode the secret of Ketu.

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