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School: Makena senior primary school.

Teacher: Mr. M.M Moyo

Subject: Agriculture Date: 08 April 2024

Theme: Plant production Duration: 40 minutes

Topic: Plant structure Grade: 7

Learning Objective: know the external parts of a plant

Learners will:

Competence: identify the external parts of a plant

Learners should be able to:

Teaching & Learning Aids: Agriculture text book and chalk board.


Step 1: Introduction

Teacher draws the plant on the chalkboard and labels its external parts with detailed functions of each parts.

Step 2: Presentation


Parts of plants Functions

• Roots • Absorb water
• Anchor the plant
• To transport water and nutrients
• To store nutrients

• Stem/trunk • To give shape/support and strength

• Branches • To transport nutrients and support

• Leaves • For photosynthesis (make food)

• Flowers • Pollination (reproduction)

Step 3: Activity / homework / test / task

Task: Complete given summary

Home work: n/a

Conclusion: Highlight on the functions of the basic structure of the plants such as: leaves, stem, roots, branches and flowers

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