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Title Page





Table of Contents

List of Tables

List of Figures


1.1 Background of Study

1.2 Aim and Objectives of Study

1.3 Statement of Problem

1.4 Research Questions

1.5 Significance of Study


2.1 Sources of Heavy Metals

2.2 Permissible Limits of Heavy Metals for organisms and in the Environment

2.3 Adverse Effects of Heavy Metal Contamination

2.4 Major Outbreaks of Toxic Poisoning Due to Heavy Metals

2.5 Previous Attempts to Monitor Heavy Metals in Environments

2.6 Common Tools for Environmental monitoring of Heavy Metals

2.7 Application of Gastropods and Bivalves as environmental Biomonitors

2.8 Mechanism of Element incorporation and Heavy Metal Uptake in soft tissue and shells of

Gastropods and Bivalves


3.1 Collation of Datasets on Heavy Metal incorporation in gastropods and bivalves from

published studies

3.2 Description Statistics of Datasets

3.3 Statistical Data Treatment


4.1 Results and discussion

4.2 Variability of Metal Concentrations and Metal Relationships in Shells and Soft Tissues

across taxonomic units

4.3 Soft tissues and shells of gastropod and bivalves species for bio-monitoring and as

environmental archives of heavy metals, using BCF, BMF and TSR as tools.



5.1 Summary and Conclusion

5.2 Recommendation



1.1 Background of Study

Heavy metals are naturally occurring elements (metals and metalloids) which have a high atomic

weight, density at least five (5) times greater than that of water (Fergusson, 1990; Duffus, 2002).

Heavy metals are broadly grouped into essential and non-essential elements based on their

usefulness or requirement by living organisms for biological processes and survival, as in the

case of gastropods and bivalves (mollusks). The essential heavy metals and semi-metals include

iron (Fe), zinc (Zn), copper (Cu), manganese (Mn), cobalt (Co), nickel (Ni), molybdenum (Mo)

and selenium (Se). This group is termed essential because of the dependence of mollusks on

them, albeit in minute or trace quantities, for basic metabolic activities. Inadequate supply of

these micro-nutrients results in a variety of deficiency diseases or syndromes (WHO/FAO/IAEA,

1996). When above tolerable levels, the presence of these essential metals in mollusks results in

harmful physiological effects. The non-essential heavy metals however, have no known benefits

to the living systems as several of them are toxic, not only to mollusks but their habitats as well,

even at low-level concentrations. Non-essential heavy metals include lead (Pb), mercury (Hg),

arsenic (As), tin (Sn), aluminium (Al), cadmium (Cd), silver (Ag), strontium (Sr), gold (Au),

antimony (Sb), tellurium (Te), bismuth (Bi), palladium (Pd), platinum (Pt), vanadium (V),

titanium (Ti), Uranium (U), and chromium (Cr), particularly the hexavalent form (Cr VI)

(Tchounwou et al., 2012). That some heavy metals are termed as non-essential does not negate

the fact that the society depends on them for advancements in technology and industrial

manufacturing processes. On the surface of the earth, heavy metals are mainly found chemically

bound in carbonates, sulfates, oxides, silicate rocks or they may occur in their metallic, elemental

forms. In nature, the agents of denudation such as weathering and erosion usually result in the

leaching and migration of heavy metals into soils, rivers, oceans and groundwater from the Earth
crust (Koller and Saleh, 2018). The combined effect of increased devastating geogenic

occurrences, that is, natural occurrences such as volcanic eruptions; and anthropogenic

processes, which are human activities; such as oil refining, mining, printing, production of

alloys, steel fabrication, textiles, coal combustion, paint production, pesticides, paper making,

production of fertilizers, discharge of industrial effluents, sewage, etc., negatively impacts the

environments of both humans and organic-life such as various species of mollusks. Also, their

contamination of drinking water sources cannot be underestimated both in developed and

underdeveloped regions (Ali and Khan, 2018; Ali et al., 2019; Idowu, 2022). Renewed concerns

about heavy metals and their impact on organisms and the environment arise from the fact that

they often find their ways into the food chain, either through bioaccumulation in plants or in

animal species, most especially in mollusks (gastropods and bivalves) which get ingested by

humans. Heavy metals get incorporated in the soft tissues and shells of gastropods and bivalves.

This metal uptake can lead to bioaccumulation in these mollusks, that is, once heavy metals get

absorbed or ingested by mollusks, they do not degrade out of their systems; rather they get stored

up within them. Due to some unique characteristics such as, the high degree of adaptability of

mollusks for survival, their resistance to harsh environmental conditions, mobility, lifespan, shell

secretion and growth patterns, the ability of their shells to be preserved in the geological record,

their abundant occurrence over a wide range of freshwater and marine environments, gastropods

and bivalves are favorable tools to exploit for environmental bio-monitoring; which is hereby

simply defined as the observation of the input or availability of heavy metals in the environment

(Yap et al., 2021; Krupnova et al., 2018; Fang et al., 2001). The shells of gastropods and bivalves

are quite essential in the fossil record as they can incorporate heavy metals during their growth

phases thereby recording prevailing environmental conditions throughout their lifetimes. These
shells are well preserved even after death; hence they can be used as environmental archives

(Gibson et al., 2001; Schone et al., 2007).


The aim and objectives of this work is to determine the level of metal uptake in the tissues and

shells of various species of gastropods and bivalves in freshwater and marine environments

across the world using collated data; to evaluate the usage and effectiveness of gastropods and

bivalves as environmental bio-monitoring tools for heavy metal contamination; and the usage of

their shells as environmental archives.


Several authors have both criticized and condemned the usage of gastropods and bivalves as

heavy metal bio-monitors in the environment (Yap et al., 2021; Zuykov et al. 2013). This

research will help reinforce the effectiveness of the soft tissues and shells of gastropods and

bivalves as bio-monitoring tools, as well as reveal patterns of heavy metal uptake and their

controlling parameters by means of data interpretation. Also, numerous individual studies exist

on metal uptake in molluscs for specific cases and for some specific species, but there is no

general overview or consideration which gathers all these specific studies.


The research answers the following question:

i. Can the soft tissues and shells of gastropods and bivalves be used as heavy metal bio-

monitors in the environment?

ii. What are the controlling parameters that influence the input of heavy metals in the

soft tissues and shells of gastropods and bivalves?

iii. Does the type of organisms and taxonomic units determine the rate of heavy metal

uptake in gastropods ad bivalves?

iv. Is the enrichment of heavy metal in the soft tissues of gastropods and bivalves

relatively greater those of shells and vice versa for specific organisms?

v. Are specific elements preferentially incorporated in the soft tissues and shells of

gastropods and bivalves?

vi. Does heavy metal concentration in water and sediments lead to enhanced heavy metal

concentration in the shells and soft tissues of gastropods and bivalves?

vii. Does temperature have an impact on heavy metal uptake in either soft tissues or shells

of gastropods and bivalves?

viii. Can the shells of gastropods and bivalves be used as environmental archives?


This research and the proper understanding of the trend of data relationships and interpretations

will give more insight on heavy metal contamination; assist researchers to appropriately tailor

their future researches for better scientific impact and societal relevance. Also, this will help

policy makers in mitigating avoidable health risks, devising means for environmental protection

and by extension, safeguarding public health using measurable levels of heavy metals within the

soft tissues of gastropods and bivalves in consonance with other valuable information embedded

and archived in their shells



Sources of heavy metals are largely grouped into two (2), they are geogenic sources and

anthropogenic sources.

2.1.1 Geogenic Sources

Heavy metals are embedded within the earth’s crust. Naturally occurring disasters or activities

such as volcanic eruptions, uplift, weathering, soil erosion of metal ions and leaching, easily

introduce these metals into the environment, that is, the air, land, rivers and oceans which serves

as habitats for various species of living organisms. In some cases, the consumption of

contaminated living organism such as fishes, mollusks and plants by humans also serve

secondary geogenic sources (Jyorti, 2020).

2.1.2 Anthropogenic Sources

Anthropogenic sources of heavy metals are directly or indirectly linked to Human activities.

They cover a wide range of activities such as industrial, agricultural, pharmaceutical, domestic

and atmospheric (He and Stoffella, 2005). These include oil refining, gold ore processing, usage

of leaded fuels, plumbing, brass manufacturing, copper polishing, plating, printing, hip alloy

replacement case, medications, steel fabrication, electroplating, textile, production of batteries,

coal combustion, paint industry, mining activities, usage of pesticides, paper industry, production

of plastics and fertilizers, the open dumpsites, sewage, weapon manufacturing, radioactive

wastes, etc. (Jyorti, 2020).


The permissible limits of lead, cadmium, arsenic, mercury and other heavy metals in different

environmental matrices such as air, drinking water, natural water, soil are presented in Table 2.1

and Table 2.2; Table 2.3 however presents the daily human consumption limits for heavy metals

as suggested by various international agencies and authorities such as USEPA (Environmental

Protection Agency), WHO (World Health Organization), and OSHA (Occupational Safety and

Health Administration).

Table 2.1. Permissible limits of different toxic elements in the human blood and environmental

matrices such as air, drinking water and soil (Jyorti, 2020).


Ambient Air Drinking Soil Ambient Drinking Soil Air at Blood
(μg/m ) Water (ppm) Air Water Workplace (μg/dL)
(mg/L) (mg/L) (μg/m3)
Pb 0.15 15000 400 (in play - 0.015 - 30 40
areas); 1200
(in non-play
Cd .0065–0.13 0.005 85 - 0.003 - 5 -
As 50 0.01 - - 0.01 - 10 -
Hg 500 0.002 4–16 - 0.001 - - -

Table 2.2. Critical concentrations (that is, toxic or dangerous levels) of some heavy metals

in natural waters according to EPA (After Odobašić et al., 2019)

Heavy Metal Maximum Allowable Concentration (μg/mL)

Mercury 0.002

Arsenic 0.5

Lead 0.5

Copper 0.6

Cadmium 0.04

Zinc 5

Table 2.3. Daily human consumption limits for the five heavy metals (μg/day) a (After Balali-

Mood et al., 2021)

DATA Hg Pb Cr Cd As


A - 0.5 8.2 4.1 -

B 20 20 - 6 10

C 21 (inorganic) - 210 70 21 (inorganic)

D 50 250 120 56 150

E 16 250 - 70 150

F 2 10 - 4.1 10

G 16 (methyl) - 63 (hexavalent) 25 210

A- The California Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act (California Proposition 65)
maximum allowable dose levels for chemicals causing reproductive toxicity, μg/day;
B- American National Standards Institute (ANSI)/International Dietary Supplement Standard
173 = ANSI 173 Guidelines to the Dietary Supplement;
C- United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) daily reference doses, μg/day;
D-The Food and Agricultural Organization/World Health Organization Joint Expert Committee
on Food Additives Acceptable Daily Intakes;
E- Europe/WHO;
F- American Herbal Products Association (AHPA);
G- The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA).
For cases where few regulations presented limits as tolerable weekly intake. Such thresholds
were considered and shown as the maximum daily exposure.


The toxicity of Heavy metals depend on certain factors which includes, but are not limited to

their dosage, exposure route, chemical species, age and gender of exposed individuals or

organisms, also, the genetics, and nutritional status of exposed individuals. Arsenic, cadmium,

chromium, lead, and mercury rank among the priority metals that are of public health

significance due to their high toxicity. They are considered systemic toxicants well known to

induce multiple organ damage, even at lower levels of exposure, and according to the United

States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA), and the International Agency for Research

on Cancer (IARC), they have been classified as human carcinogens (Tchounwou et al., 2012).

Other adverse effects include cardiovascular diseases, developmental abnormalities, neurologic

and neurobehavioral disorders, diabetes, hearing loss, hematologic and immunologic disorders.

The main pathways of exposure include ingestion, inhalation, and dermal contact. The severity

of adverse health effects have been positively correlated to the types of heavy metal, their

chemical form, period of exposure, dosage, etc. they cause long-term health problems in human

populations (Abdullah et al., 1990; Lopez et al., 2004; Tchounwou et al., 2012). Bakulski et al.,

(2020) reported that the presence of lead and cadmium in the human body have the ability to

reach the brain and result in Alzheimer’s disease. Cadmium for instance, shows its toxic effects

on the gastric system and leads to gastric cancer, breast cancer, lung cancer, and it also affects

the excretory system and leads to renal cancer (Jyorti, 2020).


There have been numerous reports of heavy metal contamination since the earliest twentieth

century. Some of which includes the following:

2.4.1 Minamata Syndrome:

As far back as 1932 in Minamata Bay, Japan, there have been several devastating reports of

heavy metal contamination. Sewage containing methyl mercury was reported to have been

released by Chisso's chemicals works into Minamata Bay in Japan. The mercury accumulated in

sea creatures, leading eventually to mercury poisoning in the population. By 1952, the first

incident of mercury poisoning appeared in the population of Minamata Bay, which resulted from

the consumption of fish already contaminated with mercury, leading to over 500 fatalities. Since

then, Japan has had the strictest environmental laws in the industrialised world. Minamata Bay

had to be restored by removing more than 1.5 million cubic meters of contaminated sediments

over ten years at a cost of 48 billion yen (WEPA, 2022).

2.4.2 Hinckley Water Contamination

Between 1952 and 1966, Pacific Gas and Electric used hexavalent chromium to prevent

corrosion in a cooling tower system. The water from the system was eventually discharged into

unlined ponds, ultimately contaminating the groundwater and affecting 5.12 square kilometres

zone around the plant. On entry of the contaminated water into the drinking water supply, scores

of residents in the area became sick and it also increased the instances of breast cancer,

Hodgkin’s disease, miscarriages, kidney and ovarian tumours, as well as lungs, brain and

gastrointestinal cancer (Alpha Environmental, 2016). As at 2013, the ongoing groundwater

remediation had cost over $750 million.

2.4.3 Pollution of the Rhine at Basel, Sandoz

On the first of November 1986 in Sandoz, after a major fire outbreak, the wter used by fire-

fighters to extinguish the fire carried fungicides which contained mercury into the Upper Rhine.

This resulted in the near annihilation of Fish in the region, killing different species of fishes over
a stretch of 100 km. The shock served as momentum to drive several Environmental Assessment


2.4.4 Contamination of the Coto de Donana Spanish Nature Reserve

In April 1998, the Spanish nature reserve was contaminated with heavy metals after an

environmental disaster. A rupture in a dam which belonged to a mine released toxic chemicals

which were transported into the Coto de Donana nature reserve in southern Spain. About 5

million cubic metres of mud containing sulphur, lead, copper, zinc and cadmium flowed down

the Rio Guadimar. Experts concluded that the damage caused by the pollution on Europe's

largest bird sanctuary, as well as Spain's agriculture and fisheries, is permanent.

2.4.5 Mariana Dam Collapse, Brazil

The Mariana dam collapse at a mine on 15 th November, 2015 was the worst environmental

disaster in Brazilian history and one of the biggest worldwide (Queiroz et al., 2018; Zebral et al.,

2022). It resulted in the release of a heavy metal contaminated mud tsunami that adversely

affected both aquatic and terrestrial biota. The water supply of about 250,000 people in the area

was interrupted as a result of the contamination. High levels of mercury, arsenic, chromium and

manganese were discovered to have contaminated the sources of drinking water. It released

heavy metals into the Doce River and even reached the coast of the State of Espirito Santo,

thereby affecting the marine ecosystem.


There have been several attempts made by scientists, corporate bodies and governments to

monitor heavy metal contamination in the environment, their impact on human public health and

Remediation action plans. Some of the previous works done in this field of research includes:

2.5.1 Mussel Watch Program

The mussel watch program which was pioneered by The United States of America’s National

Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) is the most comprehensive scientific attempt

ever made to monitor heavy metal contamination of the coastal and marine environment, on the

largest scale, till date. The NOAA’s Mussel Watch Program (MWP) monitors the status and

trends of chemical contamination of U.S. coastal waters. The program began in 1986 and is one

of the longest running, continuous coastal monitoring programs that is national in scope. The

program is based on annual collection and analysis of oysters and mussels (Johnson et al., 2012).

Since bivalves are sessile organisms which filters particles from water; thus, measuring

contaminant levels in their tissue is a good indicator of local contamination. Mussel Watch data

are useful for characterizing the environmental impact of new and emerging contaminants,

extreme events (hurricanes and oil spills), and for assessing the effectiveness of legislation,

management decisions, and remediation of coastal contamination levels. As a result of

monitoring all major estuaries for chemical contamination, Mussel Watch results can be used to

identify geographic areas of concern and potential human exposures to elevated levels in

seafood. In 1986, the inaugural year of the Mussel Watch Program, 145 sites were sampled.

Today, Mussel Watch is comprised of nearly 300 monitoring sites, where more than 140

chemical contaminants, chosen through consultation with experts and scientists from academia

and government, are measured. Many of these contaminants are listed as Environmental

Protection Agency (EPA) Priority Pollutants (Keith and Teillard, 1979). Legislation has been
passed to regulate most of the organic contaminants analyzed by the Mussel Watch Program

( The majority is toxic to aquatic organisms, and some are taken up and

stored in animal tissues with the potential to be transferred through food chains to humans. Part

of the objectives of the Mussel Watch Program is to assess chemical and microbial

contamination in both the tissue and sediment matrices of bivalves. To collect mussels, and

sediment from sample sites and conduct analyses for chemical and microbial contamination;

sediment toxicity, and benthic infaunal organism species characterization (Johnson et al., 2012)

2.5.2 Other independent or organization-funded researchers and their findings

Samsi et al., 2017 reviewed the usage of Gastropods as bio-indicators and bio-monitors of heavy

metal pollutions. The terms bio-monitor and bio-indicator have been used in varying ways to

describe different approaches and techniques for studying biological responses to pollution.

However, bio-monitoring can be seen as both a qualitative (bio-indicator) and quantitative (bio-

monitor) approach to pollution control (APIS, 2016). Bio-monitors hold quantitative information

on the health of an ecosystem. The terms are sometimes used interchangeably as a bio-monitor is

also a bio-indicator, except that it quantifies the impact of pollutants or eventual outcome on an

organism ecosystem. In comparison, bio-indicators provide a pollutant measurement which can

be compared with an instrument measurement. They provide information on the quality of the

environment and the actual condition of an organism or ecosystem (APIS, 2016). According to

(Markert et al., 1999), for ideal bio-monitors, there is a linear relationship between the

concentration in the environment and that in the organism, as only such a linear relationship

allows organisms to supply unequivocal statements about their environment.

In their research, Samsi et al. (2017) concluded that gastropods can be used as bio-indicators and

bio-monitor heavy metal pollution and that the response of these organisms to pollutants is

indicated by the decrease in their abundance, size changes and community structure. They noted

that heavy metals are capable of affecting the hardness, thickness, volume and color of gastropod

shells. The review identified various gastropod species which are useful to bio-moitor heavy

metals. These includes: Littoraria scabra in mangrove ecosystems (Wolf et al., 2001; Wolf and

Rashid, 2008); Terebralia palustris; Nucella lapillus and Nassarius reticulatus to determine the

pattern of bioaccumulation butylin (Ruiz et al., 2008; Ruiz et al., 2010). El-Sorogy et al. (2013)

used the shells Nerita albicilla and Canarium (Gibberellus) gibbosus as indicators of pollution in

the Red Sea, Egypt. Yap and Noorhaidah (2012) used Telescopium telescopium gastropod

species to biomonitor Cd, Cu, Pb, Fe, Ni, and Zn in Sungai Sepang Besar, Malaysia.

Abdel Gawad (2018) investigated the Concentrations of heavy metals in water, sediment and

mollusk gastropod, Lanistes carinatus from Lake Manzala, Egypt. In his research, he focused on

estimating the concentration of eight heavy metals (Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Cd and Pb) in

gastropod L. carinatus as well as in water and sediment from Lake Manzala, the most heavily

polluted lake in Egypt. He concluded that The mean heavy metal concentrations in soft tissue

were in the following order Fe > Mn > Zn > Ni > Co > Cu > Pb > Cd. Also, that Bio-water

accumulation factor of soft tissue and shell of L. carinatus were much higher than bio-sediment

accumulation factors, thereby suggesting that L. carinatus could be used as a bio indicator for

some heavy metals in water. Partitioning factor values, also called the Tissue-Shell ratio (TSR),

which is the ratio of the mean metal concentrations in the soft tissue and the shell from each site

(Cravo et al. 2004) indicate that these metals have a much greater chance to be accumulated into

soft tissue than in shell. On the other hand, Co and Ni have a greater chance to be accumulated
into the shell than in soft tissue. Furthermore, high precision (lowest percentage Coefficient of

Variance) of Cd and Pb concentrations in gastropod L. carinatus support soft tissue and shell of

this gastropod as a suitable bio indicator for these heavy metals in Lake Manzala.

Amin et al. (2006) carried out a comparative study of heavy metal concentrations in Nerita

lineata from the intertidal zone between Dumai Indonesia and Johor Malaysia. In their study,

they concluded that the preponderance of industrial and anthropogenic activities in Johor

Malaysia as compared to Dumai Indonesia was reflected in higher concentrations of metals

accumulated in the N. lineata collected from Johor. They noticed that metal concentrations

recorded in N. lineata collected from the stations close to industries and anthropogenic activities

in both Dumai and Johor areas were higher. The abundance of N. lineata in the intertidal area of

both Malaysia and Indonesia, favors their consideration as potential biomonitors of heavy metal

pollution. Hence, they proposed that the operculum and shell of N. lineata could be potential bio-

monitoring materials for heavy metals, especially for Cd, Pb and Ni, whilst the soft tissue could

be good bio-monitoring organ for Cu, Zn and Fe.

Amin et al. (2008) also studied gastropod assemblages as indicators of sediment metal

contamination in Mangroves of Dumai, Sumatra, Indonesia. In their study, the impacts of heavy

metal concentrations in sediments on the gastropod community structure were assessed in the

coastal waters of Dumai, Sumatra, Indonesia. This was done by relating the levels of heavy metal

pollution with the changes of gastropod community structure in the study area. The

concentrations of Cd, Cu, Pb, Zn, Ni, and Fe in surface sediments analyzed were correlated with

the abundance, species richness, and diversity of gastropod populations. It was discovered that

sediments at stations with relatively more anthropogenic activities accumulated higher

concentrations of heavy metals and consequently, lower abundances, species richness and
diversity of gastropods; while stations with lower heavy metal concentrations in sediments

showed the opposite pattern in gastropod community metrics. Among the metals analyzed, Cu

and Zn had strongest negative correlations with the gastropod diversity which suggests that these

metals were the most detrimental to gastropod populations in the mangrove area of Dumai

coastal waters.

Yap et al. (2021) gave a commentary on the use of bivalve mollusks in monitoring metal

pollution levels. In their work, they critiqued the work of Zuykov et al. (2013). Zuykov et al.

(2013) made some controversial assertions. Some of which includes the following: Firstly, that

the uses of bivalves as bio-monitors of metal pollution are primitive methods; secondly, that the

use of shells to construct pollution history blueprint is futile; and thirdly, that there has not been

any documented evidence of severe health effects of bivalves due to metal accumulation.

In light of these, Yap et al. (2021) reviewed the use of bivalves’ soft tissues for metal pollution

studies from some of the available literature. At least, ninety-two (92) of such literatures from

world renowned researchers were put under consideration. The literatures reviewed covered

more than five hundred and sixty-eight (568) sites across several countries and continents using

at least thirty-six (36) different bivalve species such as: Mytilus galloprovincialis, Perna viridis,

Perna canaliculus, Mytilus edulis, Ameghinomya antiqua, Aulacomya atra Mytilus chilensis,

Anodonta cygnea, Mytilus edulis chilensis, Gafrarium tumidum, Isognomon isognomon, Mytilus

trossulus, Saccostrea cucullata, Crassostrea madrasensis, Anomalocardia brasiliana,

Brachidontes exustus, Crassostrea rhizophorae, Mytella guyanensis, Perna perna, Donax

trunculus, Modiolus Capax, Perumytilus purpuratus, Semelle solida, Tagelus dombeii, Mytella

strigata, Crassostrea gigas, Meretrix lusoria, Anodonta anatina, Unio pictorum, Unio tumidus,

Mytilus edulis trossulus, Crenomytilus grayanus, Pletholophus swinhoei, Crassostrea gasar,

Pinctada radiate, Paphia textile, Brachidontes rodriguezii, Choromytilus meridionalis, Unio

crassus, Mytilus unguiculatus, Mytilus edulis L., Xenostrobus secures, Mytilus edulis platensis,

Chamelea gallina and Unio elongatulus eucirrus; to bio-monitor heavy metal contamination in

the environments. Yap et al. (2021)’s commentary condemned Zuykov et al. (2013)’s position

that the use of shells to construct pollution history blueprint is futile. Since this is one of the main

objectives of this particular research, hence the findings of Yap et al. (2021) in contrast to the

position of Zuykov et al (2013) is very crucial and critical to this study.

Yap et al. (2021) believed that the original idea of using the shell as a reliable bio-monitoring

material for the reconstruction of pollution history is acceptable, workable and reliable when

compared to the use of soft tissues. This is one of the reasons why so many researchers

conducted such related studies using molluscs’ shells for the bio-monitoring of metal pollution,

to compare the current with the past history of metal bioaccumulation in bivalve shells. To

counter Zuykov et al. (2013)’s position, Yap et al. (2021) reviewed the research work of thirty-

six (36) different researchers who made use of the bivalve shells in metal pollution studies and

thirty-seven (37) researchers who used bivalves’ biomarkers in metal pollution studies on

bivalves. Their conclusions were that, with all the reported studies using bivalves as bio-

monitors of heavy metal pollution, the effectiveness of using Mussel Watch is beyond reasonable

doubts. However, they encouraged the development of more accurate methodology of heavy

metal data interpretation and the precision of the bio-monitoring studies using bivalves as bio-

monitors both in coastal and freshwater ecosystems.


There are several tools which are used for monitoring the presence of heavy metals in an

environment, either as a contaminant, pollutant or harmful constituent of the environment.

2.6.1 Molecular Biomarkers

Kadim and Risjani (2022) reviewed the usage of Biomarker for monitoring heavy metal

pollution in aquatic environments, focusing on the molecular perspectives. Biomarkers are

measurable organic compounds or molecules which are formed by organisms in response to

heavy metals. Biomarkers are biochemical, cellular, physiological or behavioral variations in the

tissue, body fluids or whole body of an organism that provide evidence of exposure to chemical

pollutants and may also indicate toxic effects (APIS, 2016; Puntmann, 2009; Parente and

Hauser-Davis, 2013). Molecular biomarkers are one of the essential tools used for monitoring

heavy metal contaminations in the environment using aquatic organisms. For instance, Risjani et

al. (2022) studied the changes or imbalance of ‘17 beta estradiol hormone’ as a biomarker in the

green mussels, Perna viridis species from Java Sea in Indonesia.

2.6.2 Soil Enzyme Activities

Soil enzyme activity have been suggested as suitable indicators for the evaluation of metal

contamination because they are susceptible to microbial changes caused by heavy metal stress

and are strictly related to soil nutrient cycles. Cui et al. (2020) evaluated heavy metal pollution in

soils based on enzyme activities. The most common methods of heavy metal pollution evaluation

based on enzyme activities, includes single enzyme index, combined enzyme index, enzyme-

based functional diversity index, microbiological stress index, and ecoenzymatic stoichiometry


2.6.3 Common Plants:

Malizia et al. (2012) stated that common herbaceous and leguminous plants could be used as

alternative and simple analytical tools for monitoring environmental pollution most importantly,

soil pollution by heavy metals. The Heavy metal patterns found in roots and leaves of Plantago

major L., Taraxacum officinale L. and Urtica dioica L. and pretense L., led to the conclusion that

the heavy metals content in plant roots is higher than in leaves and that accumulation process of

herbaceous plants does not significantly differ from leguminous plants, that is, the higher the

heavy metal concentration in the soil, the higher the concentration in roots and consequently in

leaves of common plants. Some green algae or phytoplankton such as Scenedesmus subspicatus,

Chlorella vulgaris and Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata are standard biomonitors (Ratte et al.

2003). Algal mats of the green algae genera Klebsormidium are good indicators of high Fe

concentration in water, while the presence of Fucus vesiculosus suggests heavy metal pollution

in marine environments (Das et al. 2009). Different plant organs (leaves, flowers, needles, bark

and roots) of trees such as spruce, birch, pine, oak, olive, poplar, ash tree can be used for heavy

metal bio-monitoring in various ecosystems (Serbula et al. 2012; Filipovic-Trajkovic et al.

2012). Mosses and lichens are used as bio-monitors of aerial heavy metals contamination

because of their bio-accumulative properties (Blagnyte and Paliulis, 2010; Mojtaba et al., 2020).

Analysis of indigenous mosses is currently used in international and national monitoring

programmers, particularly in Europe (Harmens et al., 2008; Blagnytė and Paliulis, 2010; Zhou et al.,

2017; Zechmeister et al., 2020). Mosses have been applied to measure heavy metal levels and

trends within and around urban and industrial areas (Suchara et al. 2011). The use of fungi in the

monitoring of heavy metal pollution is limited but some fungal groups are better bio-

accumulators than others (Joksimovic and Stankovic 2012). Other plants which have been

employed for biomonitoring heavy metal include: Mexican sunflower (Bello et al., 2020) , Acer
negundo, Aesculus hippocastanum, Tilia platyphyllos, Prunus ceracifera, Ailanthus altissima,

etc. (Bayraktar et al., 2022).

2.6.4 Small Mammals:

The distributions of heavy metals in polluted areas can reflect in the body of small mammals.

Small mammals like rodents have interesting features which makes them acceptable as a bio-

indicator species in different studies. They are suggested to apply in monitoring of heavy metals

due to their large population, wide distribution, and similarity to human in terms of habitat and

internal organs, short life spans, and many other characteristics. (Zamani, 2020). Shrews, moles,

voles and mice) fulfill the basic requirements for use in bio-monitoring and eco-toxicological

studies (Sánchez-Chardi and Nadal 2007; Adham et al. 2011; Okati and Rezaee 2013). They also

have widespread occurrence, a limited home range, generalized food habits, short life span, and

high reproductive rates and are easily collected. They are more exposed to environmental

contaminants than large mammals due to their small body size and high metabolic rate

(Levengood and Heske 2008). Martiniaková et al. (2011) investigated the usage of the bones of

bank and voles to monitor heavy metal contamination. Also, the internal organs of organisms

such as Microtus agrestis, Sorex araneus and Talpa europaea have been used by Andrews et al.

(1984) and Pankakoski et al. (2019) to monitor heavy metal contamination in various


2.6.5 Technological Tools: Biosensors

Numerous technologies have been developed to monitor heavy metal concentration in the

environment, be it water, plants, air or soils. One of such technological tools is the use of
Biosensors (Odobašić et al., 2019). Biosensors are analytical sensory devices that combine

physical and chemical sensing techniques (Najeeb et al., 2017; Bhalla et al., 2016). Biosensors

allow estimation of biological effects, e.g., toxicity of specific chemicals, by detecting their

bioavailable concentrations in the environment (Damborsky et al., 2016). There are various

categories of biosensors such as: Electrochemical, Optical, Piezoelectric, Thermal, Affinity and

Catalytic biosensors. Asides environmental monitoring, other applications of biosensors include:

food safety, detection of various diseases, artificial implantable devices such as pacemakers, etc.

(Odobašić et al., 2019). Some of the other technologies employed to monitor heavy metals in the

environment include: Usage of ion-exchange resin sachets and micro-XRF core-scanning, With

the use of technology, Proteomics, genomics and bioinformatics, certain procedures such as

DNA and RNA sequencing, as well as mass spectrometry based proteomics can be used to

monitor heavy metal contaminations (Kadim and Risjani, 2022).

2.6.6 Avian Blood and Feathers

Zebral and Bianchini (2022) used avian blood and feathers as biological tools to track the

impacts from heavy and trace metals bioaccumulation from the Mariana environmental disaster in

Brazil. They discovered that Levels of Pb, Hg, As and Cd found in birds were frequently above proposed

threshold levels, indicating possible health impacts and that birds from areas impacted by Mariana's

disaster still presents elevated contamination even after 5years following the event.

Other not so common tools for bio-monitoring heavy metal contamination in the environment as

well as exposure to organisms, especially humans include urine (Al-Saleh, 2020;

Saravanabhavan et al., 2017; Wilhelm et al., 2004), placenta (Al-Saleh et al., 2011), and breast

milk (Al-Saleh, 2021) .



Much attention has been paid to the capability of marine organisms, especially mollusks to

accumulate metallic toxicants from the marine environment where it lives. As far back as early

20th century, Goldberg (1978) used bivalves as a surveillance tool of coastal pollution. Shell-

bearing bivalves (mussels, clams) and gastropods are relevant biological models to study the

degree of contamination of environments by heavy metals. There are several advantages

gastropods and bivalves have over other organisms as bio-monitors. Compared to other

invertebrate groups like arthropods and vertebrates, mollusks, particularly gastropods and

bivalves exhibit a limited ability to excrete pollutants directly using their kidneys, tissues and

other excretory organs. They are also limited in metabolizing organic chemicals and to

physiologically detoxify their systems of heavy metals through the formation or binding to

metallothioneins (Largierse et al., 1998). In consequence, they achieve higher bioaccumulation

factors for many toxicants than other organism groups. Bio-monitoring of heavy metal

contamination and bioavailabilities using the total soft tissues of gastropods and bivalves nearly

eliminates the avoidable risk of lack of precisions in defining the heavy metal contamination

levels in an environment (Yap et al., 2006). Terrestrial and marine gastropods directly consume

plants known to heavily bio-accumulate heavy metals (Johnson et al., 2009; Kennedy et al.,

2012). They have multiple compartments for bioaccumulation (e.g., liver, mantle, foot, digestive

gland-gonad complex, shell etc.) and are a food source for higher level organisms (e.g., birds)

that could further mobilize heavy metals from the initial site of contamination through trophic

transfer (Allison et al., 2015). Their skeletal parts also record the changes in their tissue

structures due to the environmental conditions in which they lived. Shells can provide a more
accurate indication of environmental change and pollution because they exhibit less variability

than the living organism’s tissue, and they provide a historical record of metal content

throughout the organism’s lifetime. This record remains preserved after death (Carriker et al.,

1982, Thorn et al., 1995; Huanxin et al., 2000; Yasoshima and Takano, 2001). Some species,

such as Margaritifera margaritifera can live more than 100 years and can provide a valuable

record of environmental changes over a significant period of time (Carell et al., 1987) and

Velesunio ambiguus has been known to live up to 30 years (Walker, 1992; Dar et al., 2018;

Kesavan et al., 2013). Gastropods and bivalves are ideal monitors.



As filter-feeders and detritus feeders, the uptake of heavy metals in these organisms is not only

from food and water but also from ingestion of inorganic particulate materials and sediments

(Fang et al., 2003; El-Silkaly et al., 2004, Sidoumou et al., 2006; Kupekar et al., 2012). They

feed on plant detritus and algae and were found to take up metals from water and suspended

particulate matter. Their gills were found subjected to maximum filtration of water than other

body parts and thus found to uptake high concentration of metals (Rajendran et al., 1988; Bu-

Olayan and Thomas, 2001)

The mechanism of heavy metal uptake comprises of at least two processes:

i. Bioavailability of heavy metals from source or environment

ii. Bioaccumulation or incorporation of heavy metals into soft tissues and shells of

gastropods and bivalves through feeding habits, absorption, diffusion and secretion
According to Worms et al. (2006), there are three exposure scenarios for heavy metal uptake as

shown in Figure1. These include the free metal ions, the metal complexes and the particle-bound

metals. Toxicity or bioaccumulation occurs when the levels of metal absorption from all sources

of contamination exceed the combined level of detoxification and excretion of the heavy metals.

Bio-accumulators are organisms that accumulate pollutants within their tissues. They may be less

sensitive to, or indeed unaffected by pollution but are nevertheless good indicators of the

exposure of the ecosystem to pollutants

Figure 2.1. Mechanism of heavy metal uptake in the biological membranes of Gastropods and

Bivalves (After Worms et al., 2006 and Samsi et al., 2017). Note: M-C Metal complexes; M-I

Metal Ion; MLB Metal particles labile bond; M-T Metal target sites; M-L Metal bound with a

biological ligand.

In aquatic environments, heavy metals can exist in either dissolved or particulate phases.

Gastropods and bivalves take up these metals from surrounding environments directly through

their exposed tissues and through feeding (Chapman et al., 1998). These metals can then
accumulate in their body tissues, thereby causing lethal or sub-lethal effects (Bryan and

Langston, 1992, Bat and Raffaelli, 1998). The uptake of dissolved heavy metals may be

facilitated by diffusion via the permeable surfaces of the organisms, such as the gut and

respiratory surfaces (Depledge and Rainbow, 1990, Wang, 2001). The efficiency with which

dissolved heavy metals is absorbed happens to be an important factor when assessing the toxicity

of heavy metals to particular gastropods and bivalves in aquatic environments (Wang et al.,

1996). Heavy metal uptake in form of particulates usually occurs through feeding. It is affected

by the assimilation efficiency of the metals and the ingestion rates of the organisms (Wang et al.,


Within gastropod and bivalve species, the ability to take up cations varies from one element to

another and with their morphology; this is also dependent on their environment (Fukunuga and

Anderson, 2011). It has been discovered that heavy metal contaminants are preferentially

concentrated in the gonadal and non-gonadal tissues of bivalves and gastropods (Ellis et al.,

1993; Lee, 1993; Abbe et al., 1994; Cunningham and Tripp 1975; Mo and Neilson, 1993; Kim et

al., 2006). Gastropods and bivalve species which grow in environments which are not polluted

by heavy metals, still have a basic content of the essential heavy metals in minute quantities.

These content levels have to be taken into account while evaluating element concentrations.

There are several factors which affect heavy metal uptake by gastropods and bivalves. If high

concentrations of certain cations are present in the sediment depositions or environment, they

inhibit the uptake of other cations. In areas with a marine influence, for example, the high

concentration of sodium and magnesium reduces the uptake of zinc and cadmium (Gjengedal

and Steiness, 1990). Also, there are some evidences which suggest that the presence of Lead

could increase the bioaccumulation of Zinc (Fukunuga and Anderson, 2011).


3.1 Collation of datasets on heavy metal incorporation in gastropods and bivalves from

published studies
Datasets on the use of gastropods and bivalves for heavy metal bio-monitoring from research

publications by various researchers and organizations were used for this study. Data was

retrieved from academic and scientific websites; open access and subscribed journals while few

were personally requested from some of the authors.

3.2 Description Statistics of Datasets

The dataset gathered for this research comprises some or all of the following statistical elements:

i. Scientific classification of gastropods or bivalves used for the study

ii. Location of study.

iii. Climatic condition during the course of investigation

iv. Environmental habitat

v. Time of research publication

vi. Salinity

vii. Temperature

viii. Number of samples per location

ix. Measured heavy metal concentration values in shell elements

x. Measured heavy metal concentration values in tissue elements

xi. Measured heavy metal concentration values in sediments

xii. Measured heavy metal concentration values in water

3.3 Statistical Data Treatment

The metal concentrations and metal relationships in shells and soft tissues of gastropods and

bivalves were subjected to statistical data treatment to determine possible variations within

individual species, organism body parts and taxonomic units for application across various

environments. Statistical elements considered include:

3.3.1 Bio-concentration Factor (BCF)

The bio-concentration factor was used to estimate the accumulation of heavy metals in the

mollusks (Gobas and Morrison, 2000; Ibrahim and El-Regal et al., 2014).

BCF = Concentration Biota

Concentration Water

3.3.2 Bio-mineralization Factor (BMFM)

The bio-mineralization factor was used to evaluate the differential abilities of the studied

mollusk species to bio-mineralize heavy metals within their shells, the bio-mineralization factor

(BMFM) was modulated from the equation of the bioaccumulation factor (BAF) estimated by

Gobas and Morrison, (2000) as also used by Dar et al. (2018).

BMF = Metal concentration in shell

Metal concentration in sediment

3.3.3 Tissue-Shell Relationship

The tissue-shell relationship was determined by calculating the ratio of the heavy metals

concentrations in the tissues and shells of each gastropod and bivalve species (Walsh et al., 1995;

Szefer and Szefer, 1990).

TSR = Metal concentration in tissues
Metal concentration in shells

3.3.4. Environment-Tissue Relationship

The environment-tissue relationship was determined by comparing the fractions of heavy metals

incorporated within the tissues of gastropod and bivalve species with those present in the water

and sediments and drawing inferences from observations.


4.1 Results and discussion

The tissue, shell, water and sediment concentrations of metals such as Cd, Pb, Cu, Zn, Cr, Ni,

Co, Mn, Fe and Hg in sixty-eight different species of gastropods and bivalves across different

countries and continents of the world are presented in Tables 4.1 and 4.2 (THAT IS, SHEET 1

AND 2 OF THE EXCEL FILE), respectively. The mean concentrations of all the metals studied

in soft tissue, shells, environments, as well as their ratios are presented in Charts 3 to 66. It

includes the variation in elemental compositions across the tissue, shell and environment of

individual species studied, simple statistical plots of individual species against heavy metal

concentrations in their tissues, shells and environments. Also, plots of individual species against

bio-concentration factors, bio-mineralization factors and tissue-shell indices. Mytilus

galloprovincialis recorded the lowest and highest Arsenic concentration values of 0.22 and 29.44

from the Taranto gulf of southern Italy and the Asturias Coastline of Northern Spain


4.2 Variability of Metal Concentrations and Metal Relationships in Shells and Soft

Tissues across taxonomic units

4.2.1 Cerithium scabridum

Figure 4.1 Curve showing the mean tissue concentration, mean water concentration and mean

sediment concentration of heavy metals for Cerithium scabridum

Figure 4.2 Curve showing the bio-concentration factor for heavy metal in Cerithium scabridum
There is a random variation in the heavy metal concentration and distribution in the soft tissues

of Cerithium scabridum. Cr concentration has a range of 0.9 to 1.72, Cu 1.32 to 4.96, Ni 2.25 to

5.22, Pb 2.29 to 15.4, V 2.36 to 6.88and Zn 0.32 to 0.37 as shown in Table 4.3. The mean

sediment and water concentrations of chromium, 104.13 and 48.13 (ug/g) exceeds that of Cu, Ni,

Pb and V as shown in Figure 4.1. This suggest that the environment is relatively polluted with

chromium, but its low incorporation in the soft tissues of this species (1.39 ug/g) in comparison

with other metals show that Cerithium scabridum preferentially bio-accumulates Pb, V, Ni, and

Cu in its soft tissues, that is, in decreasing order of preference. This is further confirmed by the

BCF curve which peaks at 12.74 for Pb as shown in Figure 4.2.

4.2.2 Perna viridis

Figure 4.3 Curve showing the mean tissue concentration of heavy metals for Perna viridis

The heavy metal concentration and distribution in the soft tissues of Perna viridis varies. Cd

concentration has a range of 0.02 to 19.10, Cr 0.50 to 6.00, Cu 1.50 to 11.30, Ni 3.40 to 8.10, Pb

0.35 to 2.14, Zn 12.60 to 79.00 and Mn 30.20 to 108.60 as shown in Table 4.4. The mean tissue

concentration of manganese and zinc, 51.04 and 35.95(ug/g) significantly exceeds other metals

as shown in Figure 4.3.

4.2.3 Hemifusus pugilinus

Figure 4.4 Curve showing the mean tissue concentration, mean shell concentration and mean

sediment concentration of heavy metals for Hemifusus pugilinus

Figure 4.5 Curve showing the mean bio-concentration factor and tissue-shell ratios for heavy

metals in Hemifusus pugilinus

The heavy metal distribution patterns for the mean tissue, shell and sediment concentrations in

Hemifusus pugilinus have clearly similar curves as shown in Figure 4.4. Although the

concentration of all heavy metals in the species and its environment are quite low as almost all

values are below 0.5ug/g, except for the mean tissue concentration of manganese and the mean

shell concentrations of manganese, iron and copper which are approximately 0.5ug/g. The curve

shows that the rate of secretion or incorporation of Mn, Fe and Cu by the shells of slightly

exceeds the heavy metal concentration of the soft tissues and sediments. Also, the mean BMF

and TSR curves seem laterally symmetrical as shown in Figure 4.5. The mean BMF factors for

all metals are >1.00 while the TSR for all metals are <1. This indicates that the shells of

Hemifusus pugilinus have better potentials of usage in monitoring the history of heavy metal

pollution in the environment compared to soft tissues.

4.2.4 Bursa spinosa

Figure 4.6 Curve showing the mean tissue concentration, mean shell concentration and mean

sediment concentration of heavy metals for Bursa spinosa

Figure 4.7 Curve showing the mean bio-mineralization factor and tissue-shell ratios for heavy

metals in Bursa spinosa

The heavy metal distribution patterns for the mean shell and sediment concentrations in Bursa

spinosa have similar patterns as shown in Figure 4.6. The concentration of all heavy metals in

the species and its environment are quite low but peaks at its Cu and Fe values which ranges

between 0.40 and 0.61ug/g .The curve shows that the degree of incorporation of Cu and Fe into

the soft tissues of Bursa spinosa exceeds other measured metals, as well as the mean shell and

sediments concentrations. The mean BMF and TSR curves seem laterally symmetrical and also

intersects on the Fe concentration values as shown in Figure 4.7. This indicates that both the soft

tissues and the shells of Bursa spinosa incorporate Fe at quite a similar, if not the same rate.

Meanwhile, generally speaking, higher BMF values show that the shells secrete heavy metals

from the sediments better than soft tissues does from water.

4.2.5 Nerita oryzarum

Figure 4.8 Curve showing the mean tissue concentration of heavy metals for Nerita oryzarum

The heavy metal distribution patterns for the mean shell and sediment concentrations in Bursa

spinosa have similar patterns as shown in Figure 4.6. The concentration of all heavy metals in

the species and its environment are quite low but peaks at its Cu and Fe values which ranges

between 0.40 and 0.61ug/g .The curve shows that the degree of incorporation of Cu and Fe into

the soft tissues of Bursa spinosa exceeds other measured metals, as well as the mean shell and

sediments concentrations. The mean BMF and TSR curves seem laterally symmetrical and also

intersects on the Fe concentration values as shown in Figure 4.7. This indicates that both the soft

tissues and the shells of Bursa spinosa incorporate Fe at quite a similar, if not the same rate.

Meanwhile, generally speaking, higher BMF values show that the shells secrete heavy metals

from the sediments better than soft tissues does from water.
4.2.6 Cipangopaludina chinensis malleata

Figure 4.9 Curve showing the mean tissue concentration, mean shell concentration and mean

sediment concentration of heavy metals for Cipangopaludina chinensis malleata

Figure 4.10 Curve showing the mean bio-mineralization factor and tissue-shell ratios for heavy

metals in Cipangopaludina chinensis malleata

The heavy metal concentration and distribution in the soft tissues of Cipangopaludina chinensis

malleata varies. The mean tissue and sediment concentrations are highest for Zn at 199.33 and

124ug/g respectively as shown in Table 4.8 and Figure 4.9. For this study, despite the relatively

high values of heavy metals in the sediments, the BMF curve is almost flat, therefore, the usage

of the shells Cipangopaludina chinensis malleata as a biomonitor or environmental archive is

not recommended. Conversely, the soft tissues are useful for bio-monitoring purposes, especially

for metals such as Cu and Zn as evident in the TSR curve shown in Figure 4.10.

4.2.7 Austrocochlea constricta

Figure 4.11 Curve showing the mean tissue concentration and mean shell concentration of heavy

metals for Austrocochlea constricta

Figure 4.12 Curve showing the mean tissue-shell ratios for heavy metals in Austrocochlea


The heavy metal concentration and distribution in the soft tissues of Austrocochlea constricta

varies from one metal to the other. The mean tissue and mean shell concentrations both have

similarly shaped curves with peak recordings for Zn at 8.46 and 5.66ug/g respectively, followed
by Cu as shown in Table 4.9 and Figure 4.11. For this species, Cu has the highest TSR value as

shown in Figure 4.12, thereby indicating the preference of its soft tissues for bio-monitoring Cu

in water bodies. Conversely, the low TSR value of Zn indicates the usefulness of the shells of

Austrocochlea constricta as an environmental archive compared to its soft tissues.

Figure 4.13 Curve showing the mean tissue concentration of heavy metals for Archachatina

The heavy metal concentration and distribution in the soft tissues of Archachatina marginata

varies from one metal to the other. The mean tissue concentrations are highest in Fe, followed by

Zn and Mn respectively as shown in Figure 4.13. This indicates that the soft tissues of these

species are useful for bio-monitoring Fe, Zn and Mn pollution in water bodies.

Figure 4.14 Curve showing the mean tissue concentration of heavy metals for Nacella


The heavy metal concentration and distribution in the soft tissues of Nacella magellanica varies

from one metal to the other. The mean tissue concentrations are highest in Zn and Cu

respectively as shown in Figure 4.14 and Table 4.11. This indicates that the soft tissues of these

species are useful for bio-monitoring Zn and Cu contamination in water bodies.

Figure 4.15 Curve showing the mean tissue concentration of heavy metals for P. caerulea

The heavy metal concentration and distribution in the soft tissues of P. caerulea varies. The

mean tissue concentrations are highest in Zn, 210.56ug/g, followed by Pb and Cu respectively as

shown in Figure 4.15 and Table 4.12. This indicates that the soft tissues of these species are

useful for bio-monitoring Zn, Pb and Cu contamination in water bodies.

Figure 4.16 Curve showing the mean tissue concentration of heavy metals for N. concinna
The heavy metal concentration and distribution in the soft tissues of N. concinna varies. The

mean tissue concentrations are highest in Zn and Cu with values of 69.9 and 27.6ug/g

respectively as shown in Figure 4.16 and Table 4.13. This indicates that the soft tissues of these

species are useful for bio-monitoring Zn and Cu contamination in water bodies

Figure 4.17 Curve showing the mean tissue concentration of heavy metals for Patinigera sp.
The heavy metal concentration and distribution in the soft tissues of Patinigera sp varies. The

mean tissue concentrations are highest in Zn and Cu with values of 73.86 and 13.03ug/g

respectively as shown in Figure 4.17 and Table 4.14. This indicates that among other things, the

soft tissues of these species have useful potentials for the bio-monitoring of Zn and Cu

contamination in water bodies

Figure 4.18 Curve showing the mean tissue concentration of heavy metals for P. aspera.
The heavy metal concentration and distribution in the soft tissues of P. aspera varies. The mean

tissue concentrations are highest in Zn and Cu with values of 98.93 and 8.03ug/g respectively as

shown in Figure 4.18 and Table 4.15. This indicates that among other things, the soft tissues of

these species have useful potentials for the bio-monitoring of Zn and Cu contamination in water


Figure 4.19 Curve showing the mean tissue concentration of heavy metals for Mytilus edulis

The heavy metal concentration and distribution in the soft tissues of Mytilus edulis chilensis

varies. The mean tissue concentrations are highest in Zn and Cu with values of 124.56 and

5.14ug/g respectively as shown in Figure 4.19 and Table 4.16. This indicates that among other

things, the soft tissues of these species have useful potentials for the bio-monitoring of Zn and

Cu contamination in water bodies

Figure 4.20 Curve showing the mean tissue concentration of heavy metals for B. barbatus.
The heavy metal concentration and distribution in the soft tissues of B. barbatus varies. The

mean tissue concentrations are highest in Zn, Pb and Cu with values of 388.25, 91.9 and

10.44ug/g respectively as shown in Figure 4.20 and Table 4.17. This indicates that among other

things, the soft tissues of these species have useful potentials for the bio-monitoring of Zn, Pb

and Cu contamination in water bodies.

Figure 4.21 Curve showing the mean tissue concentration of heavy metals for N.

The heavy metal concentration and distribution in the soft tissues of B. barbatus varies. The

mean tissue concentrations are highest in Zn and Cu with values of 215.13 and 7.1ug/g

respectively as shown in Figure 4.21 and Table 4.18. This indicates that among other things, the

soft tissues of these species have useful potentials for the bio-monitoring of Zn and Cu

contamination in water bodies.

Figure 4.17 Curve showing the mean tissue concentration, mean shell concentration and mean

sediment concentration of heavy metals for Patinigera sp.

Figure 4.17 Curve showing the mean tissue concentration, mean shell concentration and mean

sediment concentration of heavy metals for Patinigera sp.

Figure 4.17 Curve showing the mean tissue concentration, mean shell concentration and mean

sediment concentration of heavy metals for Patinigera sp.

Figure 4.17 Curve showing the mean tissue concentration, mean shell concentration and mean

sediment concentration of heavy metals for Patinigera sp.

Figure 4.17 Curve showing the mean tissue concentration, mean shell concentration and mean

sediment concentration of heavy metals for Patinigera sp.

Figure 4.17 Curve showing the mean tissue concentration, mean shell concentration and mean

sediment concentration of heavy metals for Patinigera sp.

Figure 4.17 Curve showing the mean tissue concentration, mean shell concentration and mean

sediment concentration of heavy metals for Patinigera sp.

Figure 4.17 Curve showing the mean tissue concentration, mean shell concentration and mean

sediment concentration of heavy metals for Patinigera sp.

Figure 4.17 Curve showing the mean tissue concentration, mean shell concentration and mean

sediment concentration of heavy metals for Patinigera sp.

Figure 4.17 Curve showing the mean tissue concentration, mean shell concentration and mean

sediment concentration of heavy metals for Patinigera sp.

Figure 4.17 Curve showing the mean tissue concentration, mean shell concentration and mean

sediment concentration of heavy metals for Patinigera sp.

Figure 4.17 Curve showing the mean tissue concentration, mean shell concentration and mean

sediment concentration of heavy metals for Patinigera sp.

Figure 4.17 Curve showing the mean tissue concentration, mean shell concentration and mean

sediment concentration of heavy metals for Patinigera sp.

Figure 4.17 Curve showing the mean tissue concentration, mean shell concentration and mean

sediment concentration of heavy metals for Patinigera sp.

Figure 4.17 Curve showing the mean tissue concentration, mean shell concentration and mean

sediment concentration of heavy metals for Patinigera sp.

Figure 4.17 Curve showing the mean tissue concentration, mean shell concentration and mean

sediment concentration of heavy metals for Patinigera sp.

Figure 4.17 Curve showing the mean tissue concentration, mean shell concentration and mean

sediment concentration of heavy metals for Patinigera sp.

Figure 4.17 Curve showing the mean tissue concentration, mean shell concentration and mean

sediment concentration of heavy metals for Patinigera sp.

Figure 4.17 Curve showing the mean tissue concentration, mean shell concentration and mean

sediment concentration of heavy metals for Patinigera sp.

Figure 4.17 Curve showing the mean tissue concentration, mean shell concentration and mean

sediment concentration of heavy metals for Patinigera sp.

Figure 4.17 Curve showing the mean tissue concentration, mean shell concentration and mean

sediment concentration of heavy metals for Patinigera sp.

Figure 4.17 Curve showing the mean tissue concentration, mean shell concentration and mean

sediment concentration of heavy metals for Patinigera sp.

Figure 4.17 Curve showing the mean tissue concentration, mean shell concentration and mean

sediment concentration of heavy metals for Patinigera sp.

Figure 4.17 Curve showing the mean tissue concentration, mean shell concentration and mean

sediment concentration of heavy metals for Patinigera sp.

Mya arenatia (Szefer and Szefer, 1990)

Figure 4.17 Curve showing the mean tissue concentration, mean shell concentration and mean

sediment concentration of heavy metals for Patinigera sp.

Figure 4.17 Curve showing the mean tissue concentration, mean shell concentration and mean

sediment concentration of heavy metals for Patinigera sp.

Figure 4.17 Curve showing the mean tissue concentration, mean shell concentration and mean

sediment concentration of heavy metals for Patinigera sp.

Figure 4.17 Curve showing the mean tissue concentration, mean shell concentration and mean

sediment concentration of heavy metals for Patinigera sp.

Figure 4.17 Curve showing the mean tissue concentration, mean shell concentration and mean

sediment concentration of heavy metals for Patinigera sp.

Figure 4.17 Curve showing the mean tissue concentration, mean shell concentration and mean

sediment concentration of heavy metals for Patinigera sp.

Figure 4.17 Curve showing the mean tissue concentration, mean shell concentration and mean

sediment concentration of heavy metals for Patinigera sp.

Figure 4.17 Curve showing the mean tissue concentration, mean shell concentration and mean

sediment concentration of heavy metals for Patinigera sp.

Figure 4.17 Curve showing the mean tissue concentration, mean shell concentration and mean

sediment concentration of heavy metals for Patinigera sp.

Figure 4.17 Curve showing the mean tissue concentration, mean shell concentration and mean

sediment concentration of heavy metals for Patinigera sp.

Figure 4.17 Curve showing the mean tissue concentration, mean shell concentration and mean

sediment concentration of heavy metals for Patinigera sp.

Figure 4.17 Curve showing the mean tissue concentration, mean shell concentration and mean

sediment concentration of heavy metals for Patinigera sp.

Figure 4.17 Curve showing the mean tissue concentration, mean shell concentration and mean

sediment concentration of heavy metals for Patinigera sp.

Figure 4.17 Curve showing the mean tissue concentration, mean shell concentration and mean

sediment concentration of heavy metals for Patinigera sp.

Figure 4.17 Curve showing the mean tissue concentration, mean shell concentration and mean

sediment concentration of heavy metals for Patinigera sp.

Figure 4.17 Curve showing the mean tissue concentration, mean shell concentration and mean

sediment concentration of heavy metals for Patinigera sp.

Figure 4.17 Curve showing the mean tissue concentration, mean shell concentration and mean

sediment concentration of heavy metals for Patinigera sp.

Figure 4.17 Curve showing the mean tissue concentration, mean shell concentration and mean

sediment concentration of heavy metals for Patinigera sp.

Figure 4.17 Curve showing the mean tissue concentration, mean shell concentration and mean

sediment concentration of heavy metals for Patinigera sp.

Figure 4.17 Curve showing the mean tissue concentration, mean shell concentration and mean

sediment concentration of heavy metals for Patinigera sp.

Figure 4.17 Curve showing the mean tissue concentration, mean shell concentration and mean

sediment concentration of heavy metals for Patinigera sp.

Figure 4.17 Curve showing the mean tissue concentration, mean shell concentration and mean

sediment concentration of heavy metals for Patinigera sp.

Figure 4.17 Curve showing the mean tissue concentration, mean shell concentration and mean

sediment concentration of heavy metals for Patinigera sp.

Figure 4.17 Curve showing the mean tissue concentration, mean shell concentration and mean

sediment concentration of heavy metals for Patinigera sp.

Figure 4.17 Curve showing the mean tissue concentration, mean shell concentration and mean

sediment concentration of heavy metals for Patinigera sp.

Figure 4.17 Curve showing the mean tissue concentration, mean shell concentration and mean

sediment concentration of heavy metals for Patinigera sp.

Figure 4.17 Curve showing the mean tissue concentration, mean shell concentration and mean

sediment concentration of heavy metals for Patinigera sp.

Figure 4.17 Curve showing the mean tissue concentration, mean shell concentration and mean

sediment concentration of heavy metals for Patinigera sp.

Figure 4.17 Curve showing the mean tissue concentration, mean shell concentration and mean

sediment concentration of heavy metals for Patinigera sp.

Figure 4.17 Curve showing the mean tissue concentration, mean shell concentration and mean

sediment concentration of heavy metals for Patinigera sp.

Figure 4.17 Curve showing the mean tissue concentration, mean shell concentration and mean

sediment concentration of heavy metals for Patinigera sp.

Figure 4.17 Curve showing the mean tissue concentration, mean shell concentration and mean

sediment concentration of heavy metals for Patinigera sp.

Figure 4.17 Curve showing the mean tissue concentration, mean shell concentration and mean

sediment concentration of heavy metals for Patinigera sp.

4.3 Soft tissues and shells of gastropod and bivalves species for bio-monitoring and as

environmental archives of heavy metals, using BCF, BMF and TSR as tools.

Although, quite a number of authors have carried out scientific investigations and made attempts

to interpret measured and collated data on the heavy metal concentration in gastropods and

bivalves. However, in this study, it is suggested that the direct usage of the measured heavy

metal concentration values from several body parts of gastropods and bivalves, such as soft

tissues and shells, as reported by various authors, for the interpretation of their suitability for bio-

monitoring heavy metals and environmental archiving purposes is not enough, as it might not be

able to paint the precise and accurate picture required as compared to the usage of indices such

as the bio-concentration factors (BCF), bio-mineralization factors (BMF) and tissue-shell ratios

(TSR). In light of this, attempts were made to interpret the suitability of various species of

gastropods and bivalves from different continents and environments to bio-monitor each heavy

metal based on their calculated BCF, BMF and TSR values, as compared to the popular usage of

tissue, shell, water and sediment concentration values for interpretation. This method of

interpretation will eliminate errors or inconsistencies which might have been caused by uniform

analytical procedures. Also, it takes into consideration and assumption that these simple ratios

are not seriously affected by the environmental conditions across various localities of sampling

in comparison with the direct usage of tissue, shell, water and sediment concentration

measurements, which are greatly affected. This method makes the interpretation and implication

of heavy metal variation in gastropods and bivalves easy. Also, it indicates clearly, preferential

heavy metal incorporation across gastropod and bivalves species and within their body parts

using BCF, BMF and TSR


The mean BCF values for Cerithium scabridum is quite low (0.03) while that of Gibbula sp. is

above unity (1.48). This indicates the usefulness of the soft tissues of Gibbula sp. as

environmental biomonitor for chromium. The mean BMF values for Cipangopaludina chinensis

malleata and Mytilus galloprovincialis are 0.05 and 0.19 respectively, indicating low ability of

these species to secrete chromium from sediments into their shells. However, the mean TSR

values of 9.14 and 1.34 respectively for both species show that their tissues relatively absorb

more chromium in comparison to shells.


The mean BCF values of Lanistes carinatus, Gibulla sp. and Mytilus edulis of 9.7, 1.63 and 0.21

respectively, indicates that the soft tissues of Lanistes carinatus and Gibulla sp. are potentially

useful as cadmium biomonitors in the environment. Hemifusus pugilinus, Bursa spinosa and

Lanistes carinatus have mean BMF values of 1.4, 1.37 and 0.68 respectively, thereby indicating

that the shells of Hemifusus pugilinus and Bursa spinosa will serve as good environmental

archives for cadmium contamination in the aquatic environment. Hemifusus pugilinus, Bursa

spinosa, Austrocochlea constricta, Lanistes carinatus, Nerita lineata, Neritina violacea and

Astarte borealis have mean TSR values of 0.57, 1.01, 1.22, 3.3, 0.22, 0.72, 82.4 respectively,

thereby indicating that the soft tissues of Astarte borealis are excellent biomonitors for cadmium,

followed by Lanistes carinatus, Austrocochlea constricta and Bursa spinosa respectively.


The mean BCF values of Cerithium scabridum, Lanistes carinatus and Gibulla sp. of 0.08,

202.02, and 1.24 respectively, indicates that the soft tissues of Lanistes carinatus, in particular

makes an excellent biomonitor for copper in contaminated waters in comparison to Gibulla sp.

and Cerithium scabridum. Hemifusus pugilinus, Bursa spinosa, Cipangopaludina chinensis

malleata, Mytilus galloprovincialis and Lanistes carinatus have mean BMF values of 1.15, 1.19,

0.03 and 0.04 respectively, thereby indicating that Bursa spinosa and Hemifusus pugilinus can

incorporate copper into their shell better than the water column, thereby useful as an

environmental archive for copper in waters. Hemifusus pugilinus, Bursa spinosa,

Cipangopaludina chinensis malleata, Austrocochlea constricta, Mytilus galloprovincialis,

Lanistes carinatus, Nerita lineata, Neritina violacea, Mytilus edulis, Macoma balthica, Mya

arenatia, Cardium glaucum and Astarte borealis have mean TSR values of 0.9. 0.86, 39.13,

8.89, 10.29, 3.18, 2.98, 9.38, 4.48, 3.76, 16.97, 8.67, 11.69 respectively, thereby indicating that
of all species considered in this study, the soft tissues of Cipangopaludina chinensis malleata

have the highest effectiveness for use as copper biomonitors, followed by Mya arenatia, Astarte

borealis, Mytilus galloprovincialis, Neritina violacea, Austrocochlea constricta, Cardium

glaucum, Mytilus edulis, Macoma balthica, Lanistes carinatus, Nerita lineata, Hemifusus

pugilinus and Bursa spinosa in order of their ability to accumulate copper in their soft tissues.



The mean BCF values of Cerithium scabridum and Lanistes carinatus are 1.85 and 65.46

respectively. This indicates that the soft tissue of Lanistes carinatus is a good bioaccumulator for

nickel and can serve as a biomonitor. Cipangopaludina chinensis malleata, Mytilus

galloprovincialis and Lanistes carinatus have mean BMF values of 0.68, 0.71 and 0.39

respectively, thereby indicating that the shells of the three species are not suitable to biomonitor
nickel in water and sediments. Conversely, Cipangopaludina chinensis malleata, Mytilus

galloprovincialis, Lanistes carinatus, Nerita lineata, Neritina violacea, Mya arenatia and Astarte

borealis have mean TSR values of 0.15, 0.43, 0.37, 0.26, 0.5, 0.26 and 1.71, thereby indicating

that the soft tissue of Astarte borealis will make a good biomonitor for nickel in water and



The mean BCF values of Cerithium scabridum, Lanistes carinatus and Gibulla sp. are 12.74, 7.7

and 1.85 respectively. This indicates that their soft tissues could be used to biomonitor lead

contamination in the environment and that they are more effective in the same order. Hemifusus

pugilinus, Bursa spinosa, Cipangopaludina chinensis malleata, Mytilus galloprovincialis,

Lanistes carinatus and Mytilus edulis however, have mean BMF values of 1.24, 1.2, 0.01, 0.01,
0.93 and 0.00. This indicates that of these species, the shells of Hemifusus pugilinus and Bursa

spinosa are better environmental archives which can indicate lead concentration in water bodies

compared to others. For mean TSR values, Hemifusus pugilinus, Bursa spinosa,

Cipangopaludina chinensis malleata, Austrocochlea constricta, Mytilus galloprovincialis,

Lanistes carinatus, Nerita lineata, Neritina violacea, Mytilus edulis, Macoma balthica, Mya

arenatia, Cardium glaucum and Astarte borealis have values of 0.7, 0.69, 3.07, 1.82, 9.12, 1.94,

0.26, 0.03, 2.13, 3.03, 2.79, 6.24 and 0.00 respectively. Hence, the soft tissues of Mytilus

galloprovincialis, Cardium glaucum, Cipangopaludina chinensis malleata, Macoma balthica,

Mya arenatia, Mytilus edulis, Lanistes carinatus and Austrocochlea constricta could serve as

good biomonitors for lead contamination in water bodies due to their ability to accumulate it in

their tissues.

Lanistes carinatus, Gibulla sp. and Mytilus edulis have mean BCF values of 445.84, 1.94 and

0.00. Hence, this indicates that the soft tissues of Lanistes carinatus and Gibulla sp., especially

the former, can serve as zinc biomonitors. Hemifusus pugilinus, Bursa spinosa, Cipangopaludina

chinensis malleata, Mytilus galloprovincialis and Lanistes carinatus have mean BMF values of

1.08, 1.13, 0.04, 0.05 and 0.15 respectively. This indicates that the shells of Hemifusus pugilinus

and Bursa spinosa could serve as zinc environmental archives. For mean TSR values, Hemifusus

pugilinus, Bursa spinosa, Cipangopaludina chinensis malleata, Austrocochlea constricta,

Mytilus galloprovincialis, Lanistes carinatus, Nerita lineata, Neritina violacea, Mytilus edulis,

Macoma balthica, Mya arenatia, Cardium glaucum and Astarte borealis have values of 0.94,

0.92, 41.5, 2.26, 62.73, 3.81, 23.1, 1.91, 13.48, 29.65, 16.1, 11.08 and 1.45. As such, the soft

tissues Hemifusus pugilinus and Bursa spinosa are not suggested as favorites for zinc

biomonitoring purposes.

Lanistes carinatus have a mean BCF value of 1216.5. This indicates that the soft tissues of

Lanistes carinatus can be used as an iron biomonitor in water bodies. Hemifusus pugilinus,

Bursa spinosa and Lanistes carinatus have mean BMF values of 1.15, 0.98 and 0.04,

respectively. This indicates that the shells of Hemifusus pugilinus could serve as an

environmental archive for iron. For mean TSR values, Hemifusus pugilinus, Bursa spinosa,

Lanistes carinatus, Nerita lineata, Neritina violacea, Mytilus edulis, Macoma balthica, Mya

arenatia, Cardium glaucum and Astarte borealis have values of 0.9, 0.97, 1.33, 0.06, 2.87, 8.56,

4.09, 6.7, 2.62 and 0.49. As such, the soft tissues Hemifusus pugilinus, Nerita lineate, Astarte

borealis and Bursa spinosa are not suggested as favorites for iron biomonitoring purposes.

Lanistes carinatus have a mean BCF value of 615.22. This indicates that the soft tissues of

Lanistes carinatus can be used for biomonitoring the manganese content in water bodies.

Hemifusus pugilinus, Bursa spinosa and Lanistes carinatus have mean BMF values of 1.17, 0.98

and 0.15, respectively. This indicates that the shells of Hemifusus pugilinus could serve as an

environmental archive for manganese. For mean TSR values, Hemifusus pugilinus, Bursa

spinosa, Lanistes carinatus, Neritina violacea, Mytilus edulis, Macoma balthica, Mya arenatia,

Cardium glaucum and Astarte borealis have values of 0.96, 0.87, 3.49, 5.59, 0.78, 2.27, 5.2, 1.91

and 0.52. As such, the soft tissues Lanistes carinatus, Neritina violacea, Macoma balthica, Mya

arenatia and Cardium glaucum are suggested as favorites for manganese biomonitoring


A mean BCF value of 1.9 for Cerithium scabridum indicates that its soft tissues can be used as a

potential biomonitor for vanadium water bodies.


The mean BCF value of 119 for Lanistes carinatus, indicates that the soft tissues of these species

are great bioaccumulators for cobalt, and as such could be used to biomonitor cobalt

contamination in water bodies. Mytilus galloprovincialis and Lanistes carinatus have mean BMF

values of 1.16 and 0.82, which indicates that the shells of Mytilus galloprovincialis are better

biomonitors and environmental archives for cobalt as compared with Lanistes carinatus. For this

study, Astarte borealis have the highest mean TSR value of 1.46, followed by Neritina violacea,

Lanistes carinatus, and Mytilus galloprovincialis with values of 1.13, 0.93 and 0.3, respectively.

This indicates that the soft tissues of Astarte borealis and Neritina violacea could be used for the

biomonitoring of cobalt in water bodies.


Summary and Conclusion

This research work titled “Gastropods and bivalves: bio-monitors for metal contamination in the

environment” has been carried out to investigate the usefulness of the soft tissues of gastropods

and bivalves species as bio-monitors for heavy metal contamination and the usage of their shells

as environmental archives. Data were collated from various researchers who had attempted the

usage of the tissues and shells of gastropods and bivalves as heavy metal bio-monitors from

diverse environments and continents across the world. These data were subjected to certain

statistical treatment to determine the bio-mineralization factors, bio-concentration factors and

tissue-shell ratios of various species, especially where acquired data were sufficient for this

analysis, with the intent to test their effectiveness as bio-monitors by carefully examining the rate

of heavy metal uptake and juxtaposing the metal content in the various parts of these relative to

their habitat. From the BCF, BMF and TSR values of various gastropod and bivalve species, it

has been discovered through this research that the soft tissues and shells of gastropods and

bivalves are very useful and effective for the monitoring of heavy metal contamination in the

environment. As such, on the usefulness of soft tissues of gastropods and bivalves species as bio-

monitors for heavy metal contamination in the environment, this study concluded the following,

Gibbula sp, Cipangopaludina chinensis malleata and Mytilus galloprovincialis are useful for

bio-monitoring chromium in the environment. Also, Lanistes carinatus, Astarte borealis,

Austrocochlea constricta, Bursa spinosa and Gibulla sp. are useful as cadmium bio-monitors in

the environment. This study affirms that Lanistes carinatus, Cipangopaludina chinensis

malleata, Mya arenatia, Astarte borealis, Mytilus galloprovincialis, Neritina violacea,

Austrocochlea constricta, Cardium glaucum, Mytilus edulis, Macoma balthica, Lanistes

carinatus, Nerita lineata, Hemifusus pugilinus and Bursa spinosa are excellent bio-monitors for

copper in contaminated waters while the soft tissues of Lanistes carinatus and Astarte borealis

serve as good bio-monitors for nickel in water and sediments. Likewise, Cerithium scabridum,

Lanistes carinatus, Mytilus galloprovincialis, Cardium glaucum, Cipangopaludina chinensis

malleata, Macoma balthica, Mya arenatia, Mytilus edulis, Gibulla sp. and Austrocochlea

constricta could serve as good bio-monitors for lead contamination in water bodies.

This study shows that the shells of Hemifusus pugilinus and Bursa spinosa will also serve as

good environmental archives for cadmium contamination in the environment. Bursa spinosa and

Hemifusus pugilinus can incorporate copper into their shell better than the water column, thereby

useful as an environmental archive for copper in waters. In the same vein, Lanistes carinatus,

Hemifusus pugilinus, Bursa spinosa and Gibulla sp., can serve as zinc bio-monitors, while the

soft tissues of Lanistes carinatus, Hemifusus pugilinus, Nerita lineate, Astarte borealis and

Bursa spinosa are useful as an iron bio-monitor in water bodies. The result of this research

suggests that the soft tissues Lanistes carinatus, Neritina violacea, Macoma balthica, Mya

arenatia and Cardium glaucum are favorites for manganese bio-monitoring purposes, while

Cerithium scabridum can be used as a potential bio-monitor for vanadium water bodies and the

soft tissues of Lanistes carinatus, Astarte borealis, Mytilus galloprovincialis and Neritina

violacea could also be used to bio-monitor cobalt contamination in water bodies.

On the potential usage of the shells of gastropods and bivalves as environmental archives of

heavy metal contamination in the environments, this study shows that the shells of Hemifusus

pugilinus and Bursa spinosa can indicate the history of lead contamination in water bodies. Also,
the shells of Hemifusus pugilinus and Bursa spinosa could serve as zinc environmental archives.

Likewise, the shells of Hemifusus pugilinus could serve as an environmental archive for iron and

manganese, while the shells of Mytilus galloprovincialis serve as good archive for cobalt

contamination in the environment.

In conclusion, although the level of metal uptake in the tissues and shells of different species of

gastropods and bivalves in freshwater and marine environments varies across the world, and the

pattern of heavy metal uptake in the soft tissues and shells of gastropods and bivalves is not

uniform as a result of wide variations in the physico-chemical controlling parameters such as

organism type, taxonomic units, disparity in the rate of heavy metal uptake between tissues and

shells, variance in the degree of bio-accumulation of certain species, preferential incorporation of

certain elements, temperature and other environmental factors, yet the soft tissues and shells of

gastropods and bivalves are useful as bio-monitors for heavy metal contamination and as

environmental archives.


The usage of the soft tissues and shells of gastropods and bivalves for bio-monitoring heavy

metal contamination of the environments has the potential for further development.

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