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Course Level: PG 3 1 - - 4
Course Code: IT607

Course Objectives:
To provide an advanced understanding and knowledge of the software engineering techniques, techniques to collect software requirements from client and
CASE tools and to understand the importance of these case tools in software development.


1. Student should have knowledge of development languages of software

2. Student should know what is software in actual means

Course Contents/Syllabus:
Weightage (%)
Module I Life Cycle Models 20
• Waterfall Model
• Prototying Models
• Incremental Development
• Spiral Model
• Rapid Application Development
• Componant Model
• Agile Software Development
• Selection of appropriate development process

Module II Formal Methods 20

• Basic concepts
• Mathematical Preliminaries
• Mathematical notations for Formal Specification
• Formal Specification Languages
• Z-Notations
• Ten commandments of formal methods
• Formal Methods- The Road Ahead
Module III Component-Based Software Engineering 25
Component-Based Software Engineering
• Engineering of Component-based Systems
• CBSE Process
• Domain Engineering
• Component-based Development
• Classifying and Retrieving Components
• Economics of CBSE
Cleanroom Software Engineering
• The Cleanroom Approach
• Functional Specification
• Cleanroom Design
Cleanroom Testing
Module IV Client/Server Software Engineering 20
Client/Server Software Engineering
• The Structure of Client/Server Systems
• Software Engineering for Client Server Systems
• Analysis Modeling Issues
• Design for Client Server Systems
• Testing Issues.
Web Engineering
• The Attributes of Web-based Applications
• WebE Process
• Framework for WebE
• Formulating/Analyzing Web-based Systems
• Design for Web-based Applications
• Testing Web-based Applications
• Management Issues.
Service Oriented Software Engineering
• Services as Reusable Components
• Service Engineering
• Software Development with Services

Module V Reengineering and CASE 15

• Business Process Reengineering
• Software Reengineering
• Reverse Reengineering
• Restructuring, Forward Reengineering
• Economics of Reengineering.
Computer-Aided Software Engineering
• Introduction
• Building Blocks for CASE
• Taxonomy of CASE Tools
• Integrated CASE Environments
• Integration Architecture
• CASE Repository
• Case Study of Tools like TCS Robot.

Student Learning Outcomes:

1. Analyze the software life cycle models;
2. Identify the importance of the software development process;
3. Analyze the importance of CASE tools;
4. Design and develop correct and robust software products using advanced software engineering techniques;
5. Able to understand business requirements pertaining to software development.

Pedagogy for Course Delivery:

The course would be covered under theory lectures. In addition to assigning project–based learning, early exposure to hands-on design to enhance the motivation among the
students. It incorporates designing of problems, analysis of solutions submitted by the students groups and how learning objectives were achieved. Continuous evaluation of
the students would be covered under quiz, viva etc.

Assessment/ Examination Scheme:

Theory L/T (%) Lab/Practical/Studio (%) Total

100% NA
Theory Assessment (L&T):

Continuous Assessment/Internal Assessment End Term Examination

(Drop down)
Mid-Term Exam Assignment Viva Attendance

Weightage 10% 8% 7% 5% 70%

Text Reading:

• Roger S. Pressman, Software Engineering a Practitioners Approach, McGraw-Hill (2008).

• J. Bowan, Formal Specification and Documentation using Z - A Case Study Approach, International Thomson Computer Press (2003).
• Antoni Diller, Z., An Introduction to Formal Methods (second edition), Wiley, 2nd edition (1994).


• M. Dyer, The Cleanroon Approach to Quality Software Development, Wiley (1992).

• Prowell, S., Trammell, C.J. and Poore, J.H, Cleanroom Software Engineering: Technology and Process, Addison-Wesley, Massachusetts (1999).
• Allen, Frost, Yourdon, Component-Based Development for Enterprise Systems: Applying the Select Perspectives, Cambridge University Press (1998).
• Zantinge and Adriaans, Managing Client/Server, Addison-Wesley (1996).

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