Mid-test Listening 9

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Kids and Boredom

Directions: Answer the following questions about the interview.

1. When did she withhold her kids’ wages?

a. once a week
b. when they didn’t do their chores
c. often
2. What did she notice in Sydney?
a. the kids are spoiled
b. the parents are sad
c. the people are big
3. What do Western kids do on a six-hour bus trip?
a. sleep
b. sing
c. eat
4. What did he do on the farm?
a. drive the tractor
b. plant peas
c. go outside
5. What is an ultimate place of boredom?
a. a grocery store
b. a department store
c. a train

Life in the 80’s

Directions: Answer the following questions about the interview.

1. What did he need to do to meet friends?

a. Ask his mom
b. Plan it in advance
c. Take a bus to school
2. what did she not have at home?
a. A phone
b. Any free time
c. An answering machine
3. What would not work today?
a. Old phones
b. Movie plots
c. Answering machines
4. What was very clean in their area?
a. Tap water
b. Rain water
c. Bottled water
5. What does he think kids miss out on?
a. Boredom
b. Social media
c. Movie parties

Robots and AI

Directions: Answer the following questions about the interview.

1. He says AI will be good at _______________ art.

a. copying
b. creating
c. preserving
2. He thinks AI can protect people from dangerous ______________.
a. jobs
b. ideas
c. people
3. He would like a robot to help him ______________.
a. be healthy
b. learn language
c. organize his life
4. He thinks AI could _____________ his chores.
a. do all of
b. do some of
c. not do most of
5. She would like a robot for _______________.
a. security
b. cleaning
c. friendship

Becoming a Podcaster

Directions: Answer the following questions about the interview.

1. What types of people have been on his show?

a. Fighters
b. Activists
c. Only famous people
2. How many shows has he done?
a. Over 50
b. About 50
c. Sixty-seven
3. How long has he been doing it?
a. Over a year
b. Seven years
c. About six months
4. What do most people hate?
a. Editing audio
b. Doing marketing
c. Hearing their own voice
5. How long does it take to do an episode?
a. 1 hour
b. 6 hours
c. 10 hours

Directions: You will hear two people discussing an extramural course. Fill in the formation
you hear on the application form below.



Course No: (1) _____________________ Fee enclosed: (2) _______________

Course Title: Drama & Theatre Studies

If there is an examination involved, do you intend sitting it? Yes / No

Surname: (3) _________________________

First name: Jenny

Address: (4) _______________________, Longford

Telephone No: daytime: No Evening: (5) ________________________

Occupation: (6) ____________________ Age: (7) _________________________

Educational qualifications: Degree in (8) __________________________________

Diploma in (9) _________________________________

Previous extramural courses attended: (10) ___________________________________.

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