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Revision: Unit 1 Cells

1.1 -1.2
Animal and Plant Cell
Let’s sing a song!
Cells are the building blocks of living things.

A cell is the smallest independent unit of a living thing.

Parts of Microscope
Scientists who study living organisms often use
microscopes to help them to see very small things
Plant Cell
Function of
Plant Cell

Plant cell Function

1. Cell wall Holds the plant cell in shape. Plant cell walls
(very strong and stiff) are made of a substances called cellulose.
2. Cell membrane Controls what goes in and out of the cells.
(very thin and flexible)
3. Cytoplasm Chemical reactions happen inside the
(like clear jelly) cytoplasm
4. Nucleus Controls the activities of the cell.

5. Sap Vacuole Fluid-filled space inside a plant cell, contain

cell sap.
6. Chloroplast This is where plants make their own food
(photosynthesis), contains green chlorophyll.
7. Mitochondria Energy is released from food.
Plant Cell
There are four parts of a plant cell with names beginning with the letter C.

Make a list of these four parts!

1 Cell Wall

2 Cell Membrane

3 Cytoplasm

4 Chloroplast
Animal Cell
Function of Animal Cell
1. Nucleus: Controls the activities of the cell.
2. Cell membrane: Controls the movement of substances into and out
of the cell.
3. Cytoplasm: A jelly-like substance that fills the cell, where most
chemical reactions happen.
4. Mitochondria: Contains the enzymes needed for aerobic respiration,
which releases energy for the cell.

Take Notes
Make sure these are written down
correctly and check your spelling.
Inside Animal Cells

Look at the image, can you guess in pairs
where each of these are?
A. A place where the cell’s activities are
B. A place where chemical reactions happen.
C. A place where substances can pass in and out
of the cell.
D. A place where energy is released for the cell.

Inside Plant Cells
Most plant cells have the
same four features inside
of them as animal cells.
They also have three extra
features: A

A. A place where light is

captured for photosynthesis. B
B. A place where cell sap is
C. A place to help support C
and strengthen the cell.
Only in Plant Cell
chloroplasts: Contain the green pigment,
chlorophyll which absorbs light to provide
energy for photosynthesis.

cell wall: A rigid structure that helps to

strengthen the cell and provides support
for the plant

permanent vacuole: Filled with cell sap to

keep the cell rigid to support the plant.

Take Notes
Make sure these are written down correctly
and check your spelling.
Animal and Plant Cells
What Am I?
1) I am where chemical 2) I give strength and support
reactions happen in the cell. to the cell.
Cytoplasm Cell wall

3) I am where light is 4) I am where cell sap is

captured for photosynthesis. stored in the cell.
Chloroplast Vacuole

5) I am where energy is 6) I am where substances can

released for the cell. pass in and out of the cell.
Mitochondria Cell Membrane

Challenge 1: Which part of a cell is missing from the six descriptions above?
Challenge 2: Which parts are only found in plant cells.
Cell wall Chloroplast Vacuole
Specialized Cells
Specialised Cells
What is specialised ?

- Cells that have become differentiated to perform a certain function

- The cells is adapted to carry out its function.

Animal cells/ human body Plant cells

Red blood cells Neurones

Root hair cell

Cilliated cells Palisade cell

1. Red Blood Cell
What is its function?

To transport oxygen around the body.

How is it adapted to this function?

1. Very small, allow them to get through tiny blood capillaries, so every

2. The cytoplasm contains a red pigment called haemoglobin, carries oxygen around the

3. No nucleus so that there is more space for haemoglobin, which binds to oxygen

Cell membrane

2. Neurones (nerve cell)
What is its function?

To carry electrical signals from one part of the body to another

How is it adapted to this function?

1. Long axon - allow electrical signals to travel long distances very quickly.

2. Has dendrites – pick up electrical signals from other nerve cells.

Cell membrane


Long axon
3. Ciliated Cell
What is its function?

To stops bacteria and dust getting into the lungs.

How is it adapted to this function?

1. Tiny hairs called cilia in which cilia wave in unison, sweeping mucus (sticky
substances) , in which bacteria and dust are trapped. Away from the lungs

2. Lots of mitochondria to release energy for cilia to move.


cell membrane

Specialised Cells- Animals
1. List two things that red blood cells, neurones and ciliated cells have in common?

All of them contain cell membrane and cytoplasm

2. How can you tell that all of these three cells are animal cells, not plant cells?

They do not have cell walls or large sap vacuole.

Red blood cells Neurones

Cilliated cells
Make a table to summarise how the each kind of specialised animal cell is
adapted to carry its function.

Name and picture Function of cell Specialised How this helps the
of cell structure cell to carry out
1. Red Blood Cell Transport oxygen Has haemoglobin in Haemoglobin
its cytoplasm carries oxygen
Is very small It can squeeze
through tiny blood
Has no nucleus More space for
haemoglobin, it can
carry more oxygen
Name and picture Function of cell Specialised How this helps the
of cell structure cell to carry out

2. Neurones Carries electrical Has a long axon Allows electrical

signals from one signals to travel
part of the body to long distances very
another quickly

Has dendrites These pick up

electrical signals
from other nerve

3. Ciliated Cells Stops bacteria and Has tiny hair called Cilia wave in
dust from getting cilia along one edge unison, sweeping
into the lungs mucus, in which
bacteria and dust
are trapped, away
from the lungs.
Which one are found in animal cells?
1. Root Hair Cell
What is its function?

To absorb water and minerals from the soil.

How is it adapted to this function?

1. Long root hair shape to fit between grains of soil so that it can reach water.

2. Large surface area for diffusion of water and minerals into the cell.

3. No chloroplasts due to being underground.

Large Vacuole
Cell Wall
Cell Membrane

2. Palisade Cell
What is its function?

To carry out photosynthesis and make food (glucose) for the plant.

How is it adapted to this function?

1. Lots of chloroplasts to absorb light to provide energy for photosynthesis.

2. Tall, long shape and a large surface area to maximise the absorption of light.

Nucleus Cell wall
Cell Membrane

Large Vacuole

Make a table to summarise how the each kind of specialised plant cell is
adapted to carry its function.

Name and picture Function of cell Specialised How this helps the
of cell structure cell to carry out
1. Root hair cell Absorbs water and Has a long extension Allows water to
mineral ions from from one side move easily from
the soil the soil into the cell.

3. Ciliated Cells Make food by Has many Chlorophyll absorbs

photosynthesis. choloroplast energy from sunlight
containing which the plant uses
cholorophyll. to make food.
Cell Tissue Organs
Our bodies (and all living things)
are made of cells.
A group of cells of the same type.
A group of tissues working together
to perform a certain function (job).
How are we organised?
Each part has its own
Organs job, but all parts must
work together!
One+ types

Tissues Walls, floors,

ceilings, etc.
One type

Cells Bricks
Copy this in your book and fill in the blanks.

Our body is made of _______. tissue
A __________
is a group of cells of the same type. An
organ is a group of tissues that __________
together to perform a function. An
a heart
example of an organ is _________.

together tissue work cells

A group of similar cells that all work together to carry
out particular function
Tissue from plant Tissue from animal

Onion epithelium – this tissue covers the Ciliated Epithelium- the tissues that lines
surface of the layers inside the onion. the tubes leading down to our lungs.
Each organ is made up of several different kinds of
tissue, working together.

This is a part of a leaf, cut open. A leaf is a plant organ,

and contains several different kinds of tissue.
Organ System!
A set of organs that all work together to carry out the
same function is called an organ system.




3 min

1. What is the function of the ciliated

epithelium tissue? (think about the function
of a ciliated cell)

The ciliated epithelium tissue sweeps mucus,

containing dust particles and bacteria, away
from the lungs
5 min

2. The word ‘tissue’ has an everyday meaning and a

different scientific meaning. Write 2 sentences,
one using the word ‘tissue’ with its everyday
meaning and one using the word ‘tissue’ with its
scientific meaning.
1. Everyday tissue sentence: "Can you hand me the
tissue please? I'm sweating a lot" said the little boy.

2. Scientific tissue sentence: “Organs are made of a

special kind of body tissue with unique functions to
support digestion, secretion, and the pumping of
5 min

3. Copy and complete each sentence, using word from the

organism tissue organ organ system
A group of similar cells is called a ___________________.
An_____________ is a structure made of many different
organ system is a group of organ that carry out a
particular function.
An_____________ is a living thing. It may contain many
different organ systems, organs and tissues.

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