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Bhagavatam – Canto 1 – Chapter 2

यं प्रव्रजन्तमनुपेतमपेतकृ त्यं द्वैपायनो विरहकातर आजुहाव ।

पुत्रेति तन्मयतया तरवोऽभिनेदु स्तं सर्वभूतहृदयं मुनिमानतोऽस्मि

॥ २॥

यः स्वानुभावमखिलश्रुतिसारमेक मध्यात्मदीपमतितितीर्षतां
तमोऽन्धम् ।

तमोऽन्धम् संसारिणां करुणयाऽऽह पुराणगुह्यं

तं व्याससूनुमुपयामि गुरुं मुनीनाम् ॥

नारायणं नमस्कृ त्य नरं चैव नरोत्तमम् ।नरोत्तमम्

देवीं सरस्वतीं व्यासं ततो जयमुदीरयेत् ॥४

Suta said : When the sage Dwaipayana (Vedavyasa; lit., one who was born in an island) saw his son
(Sukadeva) going away all alone with the intention of leading the life of a recluse, even though he had
not yet been invested with the sacred thread and had, therefore, had no occasion to perform any
secular or religious duties, he was agitated at the thought of separation from him and called out, "Hullo,
my son!" At that time it was the trees (on the roadside) that responded on his behalf, filled as they were
by his presence. I bow to that sage (Sukadeva), who (being one with the Universal Spirit) has access to
the hearts of all. (2) Srimad Bhagavata is a mysterious Purina; it possesses a glory of its own and
constitutes the very essence of all the Vedas. It is a unique light illuminating the spiritual realities for
those worldly men who seek to go beyond the darkness of ignorance. It was out of compassion for such
men that this teacher of sages, Sukadeva, uttered this Purina. I take refuge in that son of Vyisa. (3) After
bowing to the divine sages Niriyana and Nara, the Supreme Person (Sri Krsna), Goddess Saraswati (the
goddess of speech) and the sage Vyisa, one should then recite Srimad Bhigavata (which enables one to
conquer the cycle of birth and death as well as all the aberrations of the mind). (4)
Jaya – 18 (81 reversed asper katapayati – kati nava, tati nava, pati pancha and ya ti ashta)

Needs to be satisfied and not desire – that will be given as per your karma prarabdha.

“Kamasya na indriya prItihi rago jiva sa yavataH

Jivas a tatva jigjyasa tatvam yet jnanam advayam”

Brahmedi, paramatmeti, bhagavaneti subtate = that is jnanam.

Those who live to eat and those who eat to live – we hv to be of the second category.

ŚB 1.2.21
भिद्यते हृदयग्रन्थिश्छिद्यन्ते सर्वसंशया: ।
क्षीयन्ते चास्य कर्माणि द‍ृष्ट एवात्मनीश्वरे ॥ २१ ॥
Thus the knot in the heart is pierced, and all misgivings are cut
to pieces. The chain of fruitive actions is terminated when one
sees the self as master.
(look at 11-20-30

भिद्यते हृदयग्रन्थिश्छिद्यन्ते सर्वसंशया: ।

क्षीयन्ते चास्य कर्माणि मयि द‍ृष्टेऽखिलात्मनि ॥ 11-20-30॥)

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