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1450 Nakina Drive

Thunder Bay Ontario, Canada

P7B 0E5
Feb. 6, 2024

Dear Mr. and Mrs. Panchal,

It is with immense pride and joy that we extend to you an invitaLon to the ConvocaLon
Ceremony of the 2024 graduaLng class of ConfederaLon College, to be held on the 7th of June
2024, in Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada.

This special day marks the culminaLon of hard work, dedicaLon, and passion from our
esteemed graduates, among whom your daughter, Aayushi Panchal, stands out for her
excepLonal achievements. Aayushi’s journey through the Film ProducLon program has been
nothing short of remarkable. Her academic excellence, coupled with her innate talent and
creaLvity, has not only earned her the admiraLon of her peers but has also greatly contributed
to the vibrant culture of our insLtuLon.

Aayushi has consistently demonstrated her commitment to her craS, blending technical skills
with a unique arLsLc vision that has disLnguished her work. Her contribuLons have enriched
the learning experience for all, making a lasLng impact on both students and faculty alike. As
she steps forward into the next chapter of her professional journey, it is clear that Aayushi’s
future is bright with promise.

The ConvocaLon Ceremony will commence at 1:00 at The Thunder Bay Community Auditorium
followed by a recepLon where you will have the opportunity to celebrate Aayushi’s
achievements alongside faculty, friends, and fellow graduates. It will be a day filled with joy,
reflecLon, and anLcipaLon for the future.

We understand that behind every successful student is a supporLve and loving family. Your
guidance and encouragement have been instrumental in Aayushi’s journey. This day is not only
a celebraLon of her achievements but also a testament to the values and support you have
insLlled in her.

We look forward to welcoming you to ConfederaLon College for this momentous occasion and
to sharing in the celebraLon of Aayushi’s well-deserved success. ConfederaLon College will be
sending you a more formal invitaLon at the insLtuLon level in the near future.

Warmest regards,

Eric Weller
Coordinator, Film ProducLon, ConfederaLon College

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