Recitation 1 Converti

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RAMS EE539 Boutora Saliha

January 2021

Recitation N°1
1)Finding the reliability for a given length of time:
Exercise N°1 :
An industrial compressor has worked during 8000 hours in continuous operation with five
failures in the following history: 7; 22 ; 8,5 ; 3,5 and 9, Find the failure rate (which is the ratio
of the total number of failures on the total operating time), deduce the MTBF.
Exercise N°2 :
Find the MTBF of the four stations with a reference time of 15000 hours. The failure report
expressed in hours is given in the following table:
Station 1 3 2.5 5 1
Station 2 4 4 2 3 1.5 0.5
Station 3 0.5 0.5 2 1.5 4 6 0.5 8
Station 4 3 1.5 2

Exercise N°3
28 impulses/min are applied on 50 push buttons in a continuous test. At the 450th hour, 17
failures are stated. At the 560th, 23 failures are stated. Find the failure rate during this period
in two cases:
Case 1: The push buttons are replaced after each failure (redundancy).
Case 2: The push buttons are not replaced.

Exercise 5:
Ten thousand new oil reclosers are put in service. They have a constant failure rate of 0.1 per
year. How many units of the original 10 000 will still be in service after 10 years?

2) Reliability block diagrams:

Exercise 6:
The system above is formed with a principal source, PS, in parallel with a capacitor and an
inverter, in series with a motor in series with two pumps/ compute the system reliability for a
time of service of 10000h, if the failure rates are:


C I P2
RAMS EE539 Boutora Saliha

PS = 1.10-4 F/h

C = 15.10-4 F/h
M = 9.10-5 F/h
P = 5.10-4 F/h I = 1.10-5 F/h

Exercise N°7
Two transformers are feeding a city, T1 has a reliability of 0.9, and T2 of 0.8.
Only one transformer is needed to provide power to the city. If T1 fails, it is replaced by T2
(backup system, redundancy). The reliability of the backup system is the reliability of T1
when it operates plus the reliability of T2 when T1 fails.
Draw the backup system, and compute its reliability.

3) Weibull distribution
Exercise N°8
Ten devices were put on test and permitted to fail without replacement. The time at which
each device failed was noted and from the test information we are required to determine:
1. If there is a Weibull distribution that fits these data;
2. If so, the values of , η and β;
3. The probability of items surviving for specified lengths of time;
4. If the failure rate is increasing, decreasing or constant;

Exercise N°9:
A report of 10 items failures is given in the following table:

Time in 152 245 310 405 500 570 660 785 910
Cumulative 10 20 30 40 40 60 70 80 90
failures %

If Weibull distribution is applicable, find its parameters using the Weibull paper.
In which part of the bathtub curve the problem is situated?

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