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COMBO CẤP TỐC 2022: Lấy gốc nhanh chóng, tự tin dành điểm 9 Tiếng Anh chỉ với

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PRO 3MPLUS 2022: Nắm chắc điểm 9+, chinh phục điểm 10 Tiếng Anh


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Cô Vũ Thị Mai Phương 21h00 mỗi ngày duy nhất trên Fanpage

Question 1. When he _____ his mistake of the past few days, he sincerely apologized.
A. realized B. realize C. has realized D. was realizing
Question 2. Please come over to see me as soon as your committee meeting ________.
A. has been ended B. ends C. ended D. will end
Question 3. By the time I went home from the camping trip yesterday, I ___________ really exhausted.
A. felt B. had been C. was D. will be
Question 4. I'll give you a call and talk to you about something fascinating _________.
A. before I came home after work B. when I come home after work
C. while I was coming home after work D. after I had come home after work
Question 5. Since she _______ consuming sweets, she has dropped weight.
A. was stopping B. stopped C. would stop D. will stop
Question 6. When the guests arrived, my mother _________ me how to do the washing-up.
A. was teaching B. had been teaching C. will teach D. has taught
Question 7. During the last few months, the working conditions in their companies __________
A. improved B. have improved C. was improved D. had improved
Question 8. Hermione had a barbecue with her friends after she _______ her work.
A. has finished B. would have finished
C. had finished D. will finish
Question 9. There _____ many drastic changes in my village since they built a new leisure area.
A. has been B. are C. had been D. have been
Question 10. After hearing about the coronavirus, many Chinese families ______ to a new place.
A. was moving B. had moved C. moved D. moving
Question 11. By the time my sister went to bed last night, she ________ her homework.
A. has already finished B. will have already finished
C. had already finished D. were already finishing
Question 12. He won’t return home _____ given to him this morning.
A. until he had finished all the assignments
B. until he has finished all the assignments
C. till he finished all the assignments
D. as soon as he had finished all the assignments
Question 13. We ____________ a PowerPoint presentation on "Mysteries of the World" when the
laptop broke down.
A. gave B. were giving C. give D. are giving

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COMBO CẤP TỐC 2022: Lấy gốc nhanh chóng, tự tin dành điểm 9 Tiếng Anh chỉ với 2h tự học/ngày
PRO 3MPLUS 2022: Nắm chắc điểm 9+, chinh phục điểm 10 Tiếng Anh

Question 14. These buses will not be secure to use ____________.

A. before they repaired them B. after they will repair them
C. when they repaired them D. until they have them repaired
Question 15. While Maria _______ in the woods, she captured some incredible insect photographs.
A. had hiked B. hiked C. was hiking D. is hiking
Question 16. By the end of this year, they ______ on that towering building for more than a decade.
A. will work B. will be working
C. will have worked D. have work
Question 17. My father _______ for a computer company, but he _________ at home today.
A. works/is working B. works/work
C. is working/works D. is working/is working
Question 18. When she came on the stage, she ______ her arms to the audience, smiled, and bowed
A. had opened B. was opening C. opened D. opening
Question 19. This is the first time I _________ such a scrumptious meal like this. I'd want to have a few
A. taste B. have tasted C. tasted D. am tasting
Question 20. He _______ his German course before he went to Germany to continue his business.
A. will finish B. has finished
C. had finished D. will have finished
Question 21. This expensive car _________ me lots of trouble ever since I got it.
A. has been given B. gave
C. has given D. gives
Question 22. We ______ to public locations to gather trash every day when we were on a charity tour.
A. were going B. went C. have gone D. had gone
Question 23. When I called yesterday, the line was busy. Who _______ to?
A. were you talking B. were you talked
C. did you talk D. have you talked
Question 24. Highway 16 _______ yesterday due to a serious road accident by the local authority.
A. has closed B. was closing C. was closed D. closes
Question 25. He'll take the kids to a local playground for a walk ____________.
A. while he was having dinner B. before he finished dinner
C. after he had eaten dinner D. as soon as he finishes dinner

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