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Ayurveda Principles for Yoga Practitioner

Yoga and Ayurveda are two disciplines that go hand in hand. Used together they act as a
powerful tool for healing and wellness.

Ayurveda is a living tradition rather than a medical system; it is a Scient of LIFE of the
people regarding daily routine, yogic lifestyle, diet, regimen to simple health care tips and
lifestyle. It was developed by constant observation experimentation and experience.

Ayurveda isn’t a one-size-fits-all system. Each one of us has a different nature/constitution or

‘prakriti’ and it is through LIVE sessions with Prashant Patel, will explore how to achieve
true nature with yogic techniques that help the body attain its natural state of equilibrium.

This detail certificate course aims to share Ayurveda principles for yoga practitioner balance
and management of different body types for heathy living. Participants will learn a multi-
dimensional approach to manage diet and yogic lifestyle at the physical, mental, emotional
and intellectual levels.

“Take Your YOGA practice to HIGHER LEVEL by understanding

your Ayurvedic Principles”
“Take Your Diet & Lifestyle practice to HIGHER LEVEL by
understanding your Ayurvedic Principles”

AYURVEDA for YOGA Practitioner

10 hrs. Online Course

Is Your Practice Helping you?

Embrace Your Uniqueness
By Managing your Doshas

Course Includes:
• Body Type (Dosha) Analysis & Profiling
• Course Material, Certificate and Food List Access

What you will learn:

• Introduction to Ayurveda Principles & its Application to Yoga Practice
• About Vata, Pitta and Kapha and Its Management Ayurveda & Yoga Way
• Various Yogic Practice based on Dosha Timings & Season
• Ayurvedic Diet Recommendations For Dosha Management
• Learn to Sequencing Yoga Flow for Each Dosha in detail
• How to Transform Agni: PRANA, TEJAS, OJAS
• Introduction to Gunas & Its application
• How to manage MIX dosha in Yoga class
• Detoxification and Rejuvenation in Ayurveda
• Ayurvedic diet, regimen to simple health care tips and home remedy.

Date & Time:(Total 10 Hours)

21 Aug, Fri pm 7- 10 pm
22 Aug, Sat 2- 5 pm
23 Aug, Sunday 9 - 12 pm
(Atlantic time - Halifax, NS)

Fees: $200
Venue: Online through ZOOM

with Prashant Patel

YouTube: totalbliss

To Register:
online at or
call 902-429-3303

Claim Hours on
Yoga Alliance YACEP

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