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Manarat Al Khobar Boys

English Language Study: Grade 7

Literature - Figurative Language

What Is Figurative Language?

The definition of figurative language, or a figure of speech, is when words are used in a
non-literal way to express certain ideas or add a flourish to speech or writing. Most of us
rely on figurative language heavily in everyday conversation to get our point across,
telling friends to “break a leg” before a big presentation or lamenting that we feel “under
the weather” when a cold starts to kick in.

Because figures of speech are often firmly rooted in specific languages, they don’t
always translate from one region to another. So while an American might say “don’t
judge a book by its cover” to express that you shouldn’t rely too heavily on first
impressions, an Italian would express the same thought by saying l’abito non fa il
monaco, which translates to “the dress does not make the priest”—and neither speaker
would be likely to fully grasp the point that the other is making.

Benefits of Using Figurative Language in Your Writing

There are plenty of reasons to use figurative language in writing. Done well, these types
of phrases can help you achieve things like:

o Clearer expressions of ideas

o More impactful comparisons
o More realistic dialogue
o Easier-to-understand foreign concepts
o More vivid and creative imagery
o Enhanced word flow and rhythm

Different figurative language types will help you accomplish different things in your
writing. As you familiarize yourself with them, try to think about how you use various
figures of speech in conversation to get a feel for how they might translate into text. The
more you understand the function of each type, the more confident (and more
productive) you’ll be when using figurative language in your written work.

12 Types of Figurative Language

A broad figurative language definition is one thing, but when it comes to how to write
figurative language, it’s much more helpful to look at specific figures of speech and their
purpose. Here are the 12 types of figurative language, plus examples of each.
Manarat Al Khobar Boys
English Language Study: Grade 7
Literature - Figurative Language

1. Metaphor

A metaphor makes a direct comparison between two things to point out how they are
similar. The comparison serves as a way to strengthen the image you’re trying to create
and leave a more lasting impression with readers. It can also be a way to make the
unfamiliar familiar by comparing a difficult or foreign concept to something that your
audience will readily understand.

o It was a rollercoaster of emotion.

o He’s a night owl.
o She has a heart of gold.

2. Simile

A simile is also a direct comparison; however, in this case, the two things being
compared are linked together by “like” or “as.” These signifiers make a more implicit
connection without the need for further context or stretch of the imagination.

o The dress fits like a glove.

o It was like watching a pot boil.
o They were cool as a cucumber.

3. Idiom

An idiom is a turn of phrase that is unique to a language, culture, or region. In these

types of phrases, the literal meaning and figurative meaning are different, so if you
aren’t a native speaker or otherwise familiar with the phrase, you probably won’t know
what’s actually being expressed.

o It was a piece of cake. (It was easy.)

o Don’t let the cat out of the bag. (Don’t tell this secret.)
o Did I miss the boat? (Is it too late?)

4. Metonymy
Manarat Al Khobar Boys
English Language Study: Grade 7
Literature - Figurative Language

When you make an obvious reference to a concept by referring to it as one of its

attributes, you’re using a metonymy. This is another comparison-based figure of
speech; however, instead of making a direct connection, you are simply letting one word
or phrase stand in for another as a synonym.

o Saying “Wall Street” to refer to the American financial industry.

o Saying “give me a hand” to ask for help.
o Saying “grab me a plate” to tell someone to get you some food.

5. Synecdoche

In a similar vein, a synecdoche is when you refer to something either by using part of it
to describe the whole thing or using the whole thing to describe part of it.

o I’m getting my hair cut (when you’re technically getting all of your hairs cut).
o They bought new wheels (to refer to someone buying a new car).
o She has an impressive green thumb (to refer to someone’s skill as a gardener).

6. Hyperbole

A hyperbole is an intentional exaggeration, where the exaggeration serves to deepen

the meaning of what you’re saying. The statement itself might be absurd, but it’s this
absurdity that further stresses your point.

o I had to tell him a million times.

o I’m so hungry I could eat an elephant.
o It was so quiet you could hear a pin drop.

7. Personification

When you use personification in your writing, you attribute human qualities to a non-
human subject. It’s a good way to deepen your imagery and paint a clearer picture for
your audience. It can also help introduce emotion and empathy into a scene.

o The moon hid behind the clouds.

o This dish is screaming for salt.
o My computer is being so stubborn today.
Manarat Al Khobar Boys
English Language Study: Grade 7
Literature - Figurative Language

8. Assonance

Assonance is the intentional juxtaposition of similar sounding vowels. It’s like rhyming in
that it creates an echo of sorts throughout a sentence, except a rhyme juxtaposes
similarities between vowels and consonants while this is only vowels.

o The squeaky wheel gets the grease.

o Try to fly the kite.
o Drift off to sleep, my sweet.

9. Onomatopoeia

Another figurative sound device is onomatopoeia, which is when you call something by
the sound that it makes.

o I could hear the birds chirping.

o People oohed and aahed at the firework display.
o Get ready to rev your engines.

10. Alliteration

One last sound device that also functions as a figurative device is alliteration. This
literary technique uses the juxtaposition of like-sounding consonants to create more
powerful and more memorable sentences, making it a great way to grab your reader’s

o He was busy as a bee back there.

o Jack jumped just in time.
o Do you prefer pink or purple peonies?

11. Cliché

If you want to elicit a collective groan from your audience, then use a cliché. These are
overused turns of phrase that fail to pack much punch because they’re so unoriginal
(but that could be used to explain certain concepts to beginners since they’re so widely
Manarat Al Khobar Boys
English Language Study: Grade 7
Literature - Figurative Language

o They were joined at the hip.

o Let’s bury the hatchet.
o It cost me an arm and a leg.

12. Symbolism

Last up is symbolism, which is when one object or concept stands in for another,
usually as a means to “show, not tell” with your writing.

o The color red symbolizes danger.

o A four-leaf clover to symbolize luck.
o A swan to symbolize beauty.

In your groups, find two examples of Metaphors, Similes, Idioms,
Personification and Hyperbole.

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