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Assessment is very important in the teaching- learning

process. The primary purpose of assessment is to
promote learning. It provides information on how
students are performing in class as well as their
achievement at the end of the year. It is a means of
helping students to learn, a way of informing students of
progress and for improving the teaching-learning
process. There are three phases of assessment:
assessment for learning, assessment as learning and
assessment of learning.
Assessment as Learning
Well-constructed and designed assessments promote
active learning especially when the delivery is highly Indicates that assessment itself is already an
innovative, interactive, and integrative. Using self- opportunity to learn. It is learning by itself when
assessment, peer and group assessments can develop students engage in self-assessment, reflect on their
and strengthen a number of critical and creative skills, assessment results and make necessary improvements
such as reflection, and self-awareness as well as giving to ensure learning.
students many insights into the assessment process.
Assessment for Learning

Is also called formative assessment, which indicates that

it is at the service of learning. This aims to ensure
learning while instruction is in progress. Remedial steps
are done through formative assessment tasks.

Assessment of Learning

It is also called summative assessment. It refers to

strategies designed to confirm what students know,
demonstrate whether they have met learning outcomes.



Demonstration Teaching is the process of teaching you

how to do or perform tasks in a step-by-step
process/logical manner. It is the show and tell method in
teaching. Teacher demonstrations are important
because they provide you with experiences of real
situations, events and processes. By doing daily
demonstration lessons your level of motivation and
interests will be heightened and sustained. You have
been conducting simulation classes, micro-teaching in
your Professional courses. You have been doing
demonstrations in various ways and by this time you are
now adept and well equipped in performing your
teaching-learning tasks. Let us review the advantages
and disadvantages of demonstration so you can best
utilize this method.

There are many ways of introducing a lesson to make it

highly interactive, innovative and interactive. These are
also called attention getters, energizers, and tone
setters. They make the students highly motivated in the
teaching-learning process (stories, riddles, socialized
review, songs, parody, picture analysis, word games,
charade, entry pass, etc.)


To make a good transition from the introduction to the

development of the lesson, varied innovative teaching
strategies may be employed to sustain their interest in
the lesson. These are some ways to develop the learning
content (diary, monologue, dialogue, debate, panel
discussion, use of graphic organizers, infographics,
essays, poetry and others.)


This focuses on making connections for students to

apply the relevant and meaningful learning experiences
to practical, real-life knowledge and to the broader
aspects of the curriculum. The following strategies may
be used: statements, designing/completing matrix,
completing value statements and others. reflection
journal, structured frames, completing checklist, rating
scales, creating scenarios,
LEARNING TASK 9 As Pre-Service Teachers you need to be aware of these
school forms so that you will be ready to accomplish
and submit them when the right time comes.
For details, please refer to Dep Ed Order no. 14, s. 2021
Teachers perform various roles and responsibilities in
dated March 26, 2021, titled INTERIM GUIDELINES ON
school. They don't only teach but they also do related
tasks in teaching and learning. They are also required to
accomplish and submit different forms to ensure the
quality, accuracy and consistency of learners' and school
information which are vital and critical to school

School forms need to be revised and updated regularly

to provide reliable data and information. Some school
forms are done at the beginning of the year. Other
forms are done during the year and the rest are
completed at the end of the school year. The data
collected in school forms are used for instructional
purposes, research, survey, school management
operations, continuous improvement, promotions,
transfer credentials and the like.

School forms are very important since these contain

student and school records and must be kept highly
confidential and can be released only whenever
necessary and approved by school authorities.

As teachers, we need to be guided by the Republic Act

No. 10173, otherwise known as the Data Privacy Act, a
law that seeks to protect all forms of information, be it
private, personal, or sensitive. It is meant to cover both
natural and juridical persons involved in the processing
of personal information.

To ensure the quality, accuracy, relevance and timeliness

of school forms, teachers need to be oriented on the
forms that they need to accomplish and submit, the LEARNING TASK 10
frequency, duration, and deadline of submission. Proper
management of school records will ensure the reduction
of the resources spent on records management. Domain 6 of the Philippine Professional Standards for
Teachers (PPST) emphasizes the need of strengthening
Schools now have digitized some school forms for easy
community linkages and professional advancement. It
access, storage, and retrieval. This is a response to
consists of four strands:
becoming a paperless society. The demands of time
have become different especially because of PPST 6th Domain : 4 strands
environmental transitions brought about by the global
crisis and health concerns. Online school forms are the 1. demonstrate an understanding of knowledge of
better ways forward since they meet numerous learning environments that are responsive to
advantages for the various stakeholders. community contexts;

Digitization of forms ensure the most efficient use of 2. seek advice concerning strategies that build
time, simplification of process of critical tasks, easy relationships with parents/guardians and the wider
retrieval, storage and retention, better compliance for community.
submission during quality assurance mechanisms, builds 3. demonstrate awareness of existing laws and
a more efficient management information system, regulations that apply to the teaching profession and;
better for environmental concerns, increased customer
satisfaction improved safety and security and many 4. demonstrate knowledge and understanding of school
more. policies and procedures.
It is really very important to have strong networking and
linkages in the school community. When various
stakeholders of the community work together to
support the teaching- learning process, students will
learn more, do more and stay longer in school. It can
help the teachers give better service to students and the
other stakeholders.

Teachers are more motivated to teach, and they can

provide more information to share with the students.
Research revealed that school community partnerships
strengthen, support and even transform stakeholders
which result to improved program quality, more efficient
use of resources and better alignment of goals and

Professional Advancement/Development

These are continuous learning opportunities for

teaching and learning. The professional development
activities enhance teachers’ professional competence
and maximize teachers' potentials.

Some of professional activities include pursuance of

graduate studies, attendance to short-term courses and
trainings, seminars webinars, conferences and
workshops, enlistment to professional organizations,
participation in learning action cells (LAC), reading of
professional books and articles, acceptance of invitation
as resource speaker, facilitator, moderator, judge, coach,
mentor and the like, writing of books, conducting
researches, joining study tours and being a member of a
professional community.

As Pre-Service Teachers, you also need to know the

salient provisions of Republic Act No. 10912, otherwise
known as the "Continuing Professional Development
(CPD) Act of 2016". It is an act that requires CPD as the
mandatory requirement for the renewal of Professional
Identification Card. It is the inculcation of advanced
knowledge, skills and ethical values in a post-licensure
specialization or an inter-or multidisciplinary field of
study for assimilation into professional practice, self-
directed research and/or lifelong learning.



As Pre-Service Teachers, you are already aware of the

benefits of action research. This topic was already
discussed in Field Study 1 and 2 and your research

Let us try to review some concepts to enable you to

write your action research in Teaching Internship.

Action research refers to a wide variety of evaluative,

investigative, and analytical research methods designed
to diagnose problems or weaknesses-whether
organizational, academic or instructional- and help
educators develop practical solutions to address them
quickly and efficiently.


(a) helps teachers develop new knowledge directly

related to their classrooms,

(b) promotes reflective teaching and thinking,

(c) expands teacher’s pedagogical repertoire,

(d) puts teachers in charge of their craft,
(e) reinforces the link between practice and student
achievement A student portfolio is a compilation of pieces of
evidence of learning, learning artifacts, academic work
and other forms of educational pieces of evidence
compiled for the purpose of

Evaluating coursework quality, learning progress and

academic achievement;

Determining whether students have met learning

standards or other academic requirements for courses,

The learning portfolio may be in physical form or

electronic or digital form. Online portfolios are often
called digital portfolios or e-portfolios. Portfolios may
also be presented publicly or privately to various
stakeholders: parents, teachers, and community
members as part of a demonstration of learning, exhibit,
capstone project or a culminating activity.

There are many different types and uses of learning

portfolio. It showcases student's work as part of the
requirement of the course. Some portfolios are only
intended to evaluate learning progress and achievement
in a specific course. Other portfolios are used to assess
learning in a specific subject area while the rest evaluate
the acquisition of skills that students can apply in all
subject areas.

These are some learning artifacts which may be

included in your physical or digital portfolio. You may
add more to the list.

1. Assesses the over-all internship experience.

2. Improves the relationship between the Cooperating

school and the Teacher Education Institutions.

3. Plays essential role in improving the implementation

of the Teaching Internship program.

4. Fosters positive relationships among the various


LEARNING TASK 13 5. Provides constructive feedback in the various

6. Serves as a review of existing agreements and
As pre-service teacher, we need to accomplish exit and
evaluation forms after the Teaching Internship. This will
ensure that when you leave the school, you are cleared 7. Resolves open issues, if there are any.
from all responsibilities and accountabilities.
8. Assesses organization environment and culture.
These are the things you need to do:

• Confer with the Cooperating Teacher regarding the

documents and forms you need to submit

• Prepare all the documents/forms required

• Submit all the requirements and forms needed

• Have all the clearance, documents and forms

signed by the designated authority. Extend your

gratitude and appreciation to the Cooperating Principal,
Cooperating Teacher, Other School Heads, School
Personnel, and your students.

• Give the Certificate of Appreciation to your

Cooperating School, Cooperating Principal and
Cooperating Teacher

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