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Grade 7: Creative Writing – The Argumentative Essay

Name and last name: _______________________________________________

Objective: Students will be able to identify the purpose of an argumentative essay,
understand the elements of an argumentative essay, and use those elements to create
a well-written argumentative essay.
Step One: Choose one of the following essay prompts that you would like to write
1. Do parents put too much pressure on their children to excel academically?
2. Should students be allowed to grade their teachers?
3. Should students be allowed to bring phones to school?
Step 2: Now that you have chosen your essay prompt, use the mind map to
formalize/create some ideas/reasons for your choice.

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Step Three: Now that you have formalized your reasons, you will use it to write your
introduction paragraph. So, what does the introduction paragraph consist of?
Your introductory paragraph sets the stage or the context for the position you are
arguing for. o This introduction should include a hook, some background
information and a thesis statement that provides your claim (what you are arguing
for) and the reasons for your position on an issue. Use your mind map to assist you
in formalizing your claim.

Hook (Question, quote, anecdote, surprising statistics, shocking statement:)

Background information:
Claim (also known as thesis statement - pick a stand:)
Step Four: This step involves actual reasoning. This is where you will write t three
body paragraphs, which you give reasons to your claims.
Body Paragraph 1: Reason (to support your claim:)
Explanation and evidence:

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Body Paragraph 2: Reason (to support your claim:)

Explanation and evidence:

Body Paragraph 3: Reason (to support your claim:)

Explanation and evidence:

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Step Five: Now rewrite your complete essay:

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Lesson One – Overview:

Lesson Two – Thesis Statement:

Lesson Three – Introduction:

Lesson Four – Relevant Evidence:

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