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General conditions of

SECTION 4-General Conditions of

Works Contracts

Rev. 00 RFx- 2182400052 Page 1 of 1

General conditions of


Dubai Electricity & Water Authority PJSC (DEWA) has the right to reject any tender which does
not comply with the following conditions of tendering:

Tenderers are required to submit their offer online through DEWA Website in DEWA’s Supplier Relationship Management (SRM) system,
before 11:00am of the closing date. For creating and submitting an offer, the tenderer has
to log in to the SRM system at the Supplier Login Page with Username and Password provided
earlier from our system during free registration.

For new companies not registered in our Vendor Master, but are interested to participate
in our tenders, have to register themselves free of cost through the link ‘Create an Account”
available in the same Supplier Login page.

Tenderers shall be required to submit the Tender Bond of fixed value online to DEWA
nominated Bank M/s Emirates NBD Bank (P.J.S.C),in the form of a authenticated Swift
message from their Bank in Dubai, strictly in prescribed format, three (03) Bank working
days prior to the Tender submission date and time.

In addition to Online Submission of Price to DEWA and online submission of Tender Bond
to M/s Emirates NBD Bank (P.J.S.C), copy of the Tender Bond Swift Message duly signed
and stamped by the issuing Bank and copy of the completed tender document with signed
and stamped Form Tender, should be Uploaded in the Technical envelope, in Private
folder earmarked with the Vendor code.

Tenderers should enclose with the online tender documents the duplicate copy of the cash
receipt obtained from DEWA for payment of tender fees (if applicable).

Rev. 00 RFx- 2182400052 Page 1 of 14

General conditions of

2. In case the closing date of a tender is declared as a holiday by the UAE/Dubai Government,
the first working day after that unscheduled holiday period shall become the closing day of
that tender. Offers of bidders who do not submit the Tender bonds online will not be
accepted by 'DEWA' and shall be strictly rejected.
Tenderers must submit the names of their local partners/sponsors along with a photocopy
of their current Dubai Trade License.

3. Tenders must be submitted at the specified date and hour in accordance with the invitation
to tender. The scanned copy of the Original Tender Bond must be uploaded in the
Vendor Folder in SRM.

4. This is a contract for specialized maintenance and other similar works, quite often on
equipment in continuous production in the Power Generation and Desalination Plant. Any
interruption or stoppage of the equipment will result in the fall of quantity and/or quality
of power/desalination water. Therefore, it is not worthwhile for the agencies, without
previous experience in this field in continuous process industries to attempt at this contract.
Tenderers therefore must give evidence of their qualifications and capability to execute the
work included in the tender in security, quality and quantity. This evidence must include
details of work of similar nature previously executed by the tenderer, in the GCC

5. Tenderers must complete all parts of schedules in all respects. The total tender price quoted
must be shown clearly in words and figures and in the event of any discrepancy between the
amount expressed in words and the amount shown in figures, the former shall be deemed
to be the correct tender price. Any amendment must be initialed by the authorized signatory
of the tenderer signing the tender.

6. Tenderers must quote firm prices in UAE Dirhams. In the event of a contract being awarded
all payments will be in UAE Dirhams. In case there shall be any discrepancy between the
itemized prices and the actual tender price, whichever shall be lesser of the total sum of the
itemized prices or the total tender price as quoted shall be deemed as correct and this lesser
price shall be binding on the tenderer.

Rev. 00 RFx- 2182400052 Page 2 of 14

General conditions of


The contract shall be awarded to the successful Tenderer who has duly submitted a Tender
Bond in their name and signed the Form of Tender.

On award of the Contract, the successful Tenderer shall within 15 (fifteen) days of such
award of Contract submit to 'DEWA' a Performance Bond in their name in an amount not
less than 10% (ten percent) of the Contract Price.

If the contract calls for a guarantee for the equipment/goods to be supplied under the
contract, the successful tenderer shall submit to “DEWA” a Materials Performance
Guarantee in their name for an amount not less than 10%(ten percent) of the contract
Price (if applicable).

All payments shall be made to the Successful Tenderer to whom the Contract is awarded.

Where the schedule of prices is divided into items/sections for the purpose of tendering or
even if there is only one item in the schedule of prices, ’DEWA’ reserves the right to accept
the tender either as a whole or any one or more items/sections or part thereof.


The Contractor shall not offer or give or agree to give to any person any gift or consideration
of any kind as an inducement or reward for doing or fore-bearing to do or for having done
or forecome to do any act in relation to the obtaining or execution of this or any other
contract with the Employer or for showing or forbearing to show favour or disfavour to any
person in relation to this or any other contract with the Employer.
The Contractor shall not enter into this or any other contract with the Employer in the event
that any such commission has been paid or agreed to be paid by him or on his behalf or to
his knowledge, unless before the contract is made, particulars of any such commission and
of terms and conditions of any agreement for the payment thereof have been disclosed in
writing to the Employer.
Any breach of this condition by the Contractor or by anyone employed by him or acting on
his behalf (whether with or without the knowledge of the Contractor) shall entitle the

Rev. 00 RFx- 2182400052 Page 3 of 14

General conditions of

Employer to determine the Contract.

9. Where the specification is divided into items/sections for the purpose of Tendering,
'DEWA' reserves the right to accept the Tender either as a whole or any one or more
items/sections or part thereof.
The Tenders shall be evaluated and a contract shall be awarded on the basis of conformity
to our technical specifications/commercial terms and conditions as described in the Tender

The evaluation shall also be based on the quality, performance and reliability of the
equipment/materials to be supplied under this contract.

'DEWA' does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any Tender nor is it bound to give any
reason for the rejection of any Tender. Whilst 'DEWA' reserves the right to waive any
informality or irregularity in any Tender submitted, 'DEWA also reserves the right to reject
any Tender if the Tenderer fails to submit all details as required by the Tender Documents,
or if the Tender is in any way incomplete or irregular.

Invitation to the suppliers/vender of subject tender through advertisements (if applicable)
in the Newspapers. This advertisement (if applicable) is a complementary part of the Tender

12. LAWS and Procedure

12.1 Applicable Law

These Tender Conditions and the terms and conditions of the Contract shall be construed
and in all respects be governed by the laws and regulations of the Emirate of Dubai.

12.2 Procedural Law

The law governing the procedure and administration of any dispute instituted
pursuant to this Clause shall be the law of and applicable in the Emirate of Dubai.
12.3 Any dispute that may arise in connection with this Tender, shall first be resolved
amicably between the parties; failing an amicable settlement, either party may finally

Rev. 00 RFx- 2182400052 Page 4 of 14

General conditions of

refer the dispute to the Courts having appropriate jurisdiction in the Emirate of Dubai.

12.4 Compliance to Corporate Social Accountability Standard SA 8000 initiated by

CEPAA: The selected contractor / supplier / vendor shall endeavor to comply with
the SA 8000 standard practices which are in line with the applicable rules of the
Government of Dubai and UAE.
12.4 Self-assessment of compliance to SA 8000: The tenderers are required to fill in
the self-assessment form attached with this document in the Specimen Forms
section and submit it duly filled in, signed and stamped with required attachments
as evidence of compliance along with their offers.

12.5 Compliance to DEWA Information Security Policies, regulations and ISO 27001
Standard on Information Security Management System
The Selected Contractor / Supplier / Vendor during the course of execution of
contract shall comply with all DEWA policies and regulations on Information
Security and shall comply with all the requirement of ISO 27001 Standard on
Information Security Management System.”

12.6 Compliance to DEWA Cyber Security Requirements

For provision of any new Plant, Equipment or System, to be intrgrated to DEWA
Generation, Transmission and Distribution networks or for any System modification
/ Integration Services in them, the tenderer has to ensure that adequate Cyber
Security Measures are included in their offers in compliance with DEWA Cyber
Security Management System, Specifications, Policies and Procedures.
13.1. Open, Fax or E-mail Tenders are not permitted and will be rejected.

13.2. If the Tender Bond is submitted by a party other than the Manufacturer or the local
agent of the Manufacturer in UAE, the Tender will be liable for rejection.

13.3 If no Tender bond has been submitted in case of a Tender where Tender bond
submission has been made imperative, the Tender will be rejected or if the Tender
Bond has been submitted, but the Tender Bond value is found to be less than:

Rev. 00 RFx- 2182400052 Page 5 of 14

General conditions of

a) in case the Tenderer quotes for the complete scope of the Tender, the total fixed
Tender Bond value specified by DEWA in the Tender;

b) in case the Tenderer quotes for particular item (s) and / or Sections only, the
aggregate of Tender Bond values specified by DEWA in the Tender for such quoted
items and/or Sections, the tender shall be liable for rejection.

Further, if the Tender Bond in form of an authorized Swift message is not submitted
online three Banking working days prior to the Tender closing date and time to DEWA
nominated Bank M/s Emirates NBD Bank (P.J.S.C) , the Tender will also be liable for
13.4 The offer submitted by a tenderer shall be liable for rejection, if during tender
evaluation, the tenderer does not respond to post tender clarification request(s) by
DEWA or does not submit sample(s), when it is so specified in the tender document or
when a sample is requested by DEWA during evaluation process. Failing to respond or
failing to respond in time to a request by DEWA for providing clarification or a request
for submission of sample(s) shall lead to the Tenderer being considered a “non-
responsive participant” and may result in his future offers to DEWA being disregarded
or his being disqualified from participation in future tenders of the Authority.

13.5The offer submitted by a tenderer shall be liable for rejection, if during tender
evaluation or at any point or stage of the Contract , it is found that they have submitted
fraudulent document ,data or information in their offer or during execution or have
undertaken any act aimed to defraud DEWA or any Government Entity or aimed to
avoid compliance with an obligation under Government legislations in force. In such
case, in addition to rejecting the offer , DEWA shall be entitled to revoking the Contract
if awarded, banning future dealings with the Company , initiating any legal actions or
judicial proceedings against the company in accordance with the legislation in force,
and claiming compensation from the Company for any damage sustained by DEWA.

14. The tenderer (irrespective of whether his tender is accepted or not) shall treat the details
of the specification and other documents attached hereto as private and confidential.

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