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The Future Is systems are no longer built but rather

grown, pruned and evolved in short,
agile sprints based on the feedback

Already Here coming back from deployments in the

field.3,4,5 Rather than building ac-
cording to requirement specifications,
most systems evolve using experimen-
Jan Bosch , Chalmers University of Technology tal methods, such as A/B testing, and
engineers continuously adjust their
software in response to the data com-
// In this article, we argue that the traditional view on ing back from the field.6,7 Many ac-
the role of academic research in software is outdated ademics unfortunately have not yet
adjusted their view on software devel-
and present an alternative approach to academic
opment to reflect this new reality.
research. Finally, we exemplify our approach through Because of the two aforementioned
a concrete case, Software Center. // challenges, the position we present in
this article is that the role of academic
research in software needs to shift from
being the originator of novel ideas to
the identifier, generalizer, and accelera-
tor of new innovations occurring in
industry. The role of academic, inde-
pendent research is to identify novel
innovations in industry that are cre-
ated in highly specific contexts with
the intent of solving a unique problem
experienced by a company. Once identi-
fied, the role of research is then to gener-
THE TRADITIONAL VIEW on tech- academia, to the best of our knowledge, alize the approach, typically by studying
nology-driven innovation is that it is Python, which was created in 1989. incarnations of the same approach in
follows a process starting with basic multiple companies. Finally, the role of
research, applied research, advanced Introduction research is to accelerate the adoption of
engineering, and, finally, general engi- To quote William Gibson, the famous this novel but now generally applicable
neering.1 In this view, the assumption science fiction author: “The future is technology across industry and society.
is that the first two stages occur in already here; It is just not evenly dis- Rather than operating under the
academia, whereas industry becomes tributed.” The same can be said for assumption that all relevant new knowl-
involved as the technology reaches a software, data, and artificial intelli- edge is created in academia, academic
higher level of maturity and can be gence (AI). Some companies are creat- research needs to accept the reality
employed in commercial products. ing amazing solutions using bleeding of innovation in software and adjust
Although the traditional view may edge technologies developed in house, its role and ways of working accord-
be correct for some areas of technol- whereas many companies are years, if ingly. In the end, academic research
ogy, unfortunately, it is fundamen- not decades, behind in the adoption is to the largest extent funded by the
tally flawed in the area of software as, of these same technologies. public, and consequently, our respon-
for the last decades, all major innova- Also, the reality of software devel- sibility is to spend our time and en-
tions have occurred in industry.2 The opment in industry has changed quite ergy on the activities that will have
last major innovation originating from fundamentally. In the age of DevOps, the greatest positive benefit to soci-
ety.1 In software, this means identify-
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MS.2024.3358417
ing, generalizing, and accelerating the
Date of publication 25 January 2024; date of current version 11 April 2024. adoption of new technology.

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The contributions of this article are In parallel, the lean startup move- continuous, feedback driven, and evo-
threefold. First, we discuss the tradi- ment popularized the notion of the lutionary in nature.
tional view of the role of academic re- minimal viable product (MVP) as a
search in software, its consequences, mechanism to validate customer inter- Traditional Software
and why we question it. Second, we est early and against low cost.10,11 The Research
present an alternative approach to underlying notion is that customer and Research in software has stayed with
academic research in software and user responses to a new innovation are the old, waterfall-style practice of de-
digital technologies that focuses on fundamentally unknowable, and the velopment.1,13,14 Even today, students
identifying, generalizing, and acceler- only way to establish customer interest are taught to start with a requirement
ating adoption of innovations. Third, and, consequently, market opportunity specification, design a software archi-
we exemplify our approach through a is through experimentation. tecture, write the code, integrate, test,
concrete case, Software Center (SC), These developments have resulted and release. Also, most research pub-
a collaboration among more than in a paradigm shift in the engineering lications still assume the traditional
15 large, international companies and of software-intensive systems in indus- approach to software development as
five Swedish universities. try. Due to the high risk of building well, and we are stuck in a paradigm
The remainder of the article is systems without continuous customer that no longer matches the reality that
organized as follows: In the section feedback, the initial development phase the software industry is experiencing.
“Paradigm Shift,” we discuss the par- before the first deployment of the sys- The aforementioned development
adigm shift that software has seen in tem in the field is limited as much as is exacerbated by the view of many ac-
the last decades. Then, we explore the possible and will, over time, represent ademics that new technology innova-
traditional view on software research. a tiny percentage of the overall R&D tions originate in academia and, over
Subsequently, we present an alterna- effort invested in the system.12 time, move from basic and applied
tive approach to conducting academic Once the first release of the sys- research in academia to advanced en-
research in software. We present SC tem (MVP) is deployed and customer gineering in industry. If one believes
as a case in the section “SC,” provide feedback is promising, development one is at the wellspring, there is little
some examples to illustrate the cen- takes on an experimental, hypothesis- need to search downstream for water
ter, and conclude the article. driven nature where multidisciplinary sources. Of course, there are many ac-
teams consisting of user experience ademic researchers collaborating with
Paradigm Shift experts, product managers, and engi- industry, illustrated, for example, by
When Google launched Gmail in neers hypothesize new functionality the many publications discussing De-
2004, the company used the notion of to influence the key performance indi- vOps. However, many still take an
perpetual beta to indicate that Gmail cators the team wants to improve and “industry as a laboratory” approach.
would not be finished as a product run experiments, such as A/B test- Our point is that this viewpoint is
at any point in time but rather that it ing, to validate these hypotheses. This entirely inaccurate. It is the engineers
would continue to evolve and that it, process continues as long as the sys- in industry that have real, complex
in fact, would never be finished in the tem is deployed and monetized. There challenges to solve. These people are
traditional sense of the word. is no end to development, although as intelligent and well educated as the
Since then, virtually all software the amount of resources allocated average academic, and because they
as a service (SaaS) products use con- may vary over time. have skin in the game, it is in industry
tinuous deployment (or DevOps) as To summarize, engineering software- that the main breakthrough innova-
a way to continuously deliver value intensive systems is no longer about tions in research are created.
to customers. More and more indus- building systems according to the re- We can see the consequences of
tries are following suit. During the quirement specification as a project software research being out of tune
last decade, embedded systems com- with a clear start and end. Instead, it with industrial practice as for the
panies have also started to offer con- is about growing and evolving these last decades, not a single major in-
tinuous deployment of new software systems in the same way in which a novation in the field has originated
in their offerings. Ranging from tele- gardener will guide the growth of a in academia.2 Instead, ranging from
communications to cars, DevOps is tree. Except for the initial sprouting programming languages to databases
increasingly becoming the norm.8,9 (developing the MVP), the process is and from development methods to

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processes, it is industry that is driv- incredibly important, but it should fo- first step is concerned with describ-
ing the progress. cus on different activities, to be spe- ing the innovation independent from
In addition to industry, the open cific, identification, generalization, and the specific and concrete context or
source software community has also acceleration. Below we describe each contexts in which it was initially con-
had an enormous impact on the field in more detail. ceived. This allows us to assess where
in terms of tangible impact with Identification is concerned with rec- the concept could be applied with-
Linux running most of the servers ognizing novel techniques and ways of out adjustments and where it cannot.
in the world, Eclipse still being used working at companies. Every company For the cases where it cannot be ap-
by close to 10% of developers, Ja- is addressing a set of challenges, and plied without adjustment, we extend
vaScript being the most popular lan- engineers periodically come up with the concept with variation points and
guage among developers, etc. novel ways of addressing these chal- more generalized aspects in order
The commonality between compa- lenges. As an academic, it is easier to to maximize the applicability of the
nies and the open source community interact with engineers from multiple new concept. Finally, the third activ-
ity is concerned with validation. As
researchers, we may believe we have
identified a promising innovation,
Instead, ranging from programming but unless it is validated in one or
more companies and it delivers the
languages to databases and expected benefits, we are operating
from development methods to on beliefs rather than evidence.
The third activity is concerned
processes, it is industry that is with accelerating the adoption of the,
driving the progress. now validated, innovation across in-
dustry. From a societal perspective it
is best for innovations to be adopted
as rapidly and as widely as possible.
is that the solutions that put a dent companies and to identify patterns Hence, as academic researchers, work-
in the universe are created by people that capture novel ways of working. ing with companies to adopt the con-
that have a stake in successful, high- A second pattern for identifica- cept delivers on that societal benefit,
performing solutions. In many ways, tion is to recognize the differences as well as allows for the identifica-
the engineers building these solu- among industries. In practice, we see tion of limitations that need to be ad-
tions have skin in the game. It is up that many novel technologies and dressed as well as new innovations.
to them to solve hard problems for ways of working originate in SaaS Of course, especially when work-
their organization. companies, then transition to the ing with acceleration of adoption of an
We are not the first to identify embedded system industry, such as innovation, one may easily be accused
this; for instance, Wowk et al.1 raise automotive and telecommunications, of acting as a consultant. However, in
a similar concern related to the im- and finally are adopted by IT com- practice, the goal for an academic re-
pact of academic research on society. panies, such as banks and insurance searcher is always gaining additional
Also, the Stanford report on AI re- companies. When working with em- knowledge. In this case, new knowl-
search14 highlights the rapid increase bedded systems or IT industries, it is edge can be concerned with the pro-
in publications originating from For- consequently relatively easy to iden- cess of adoption, the limitations of
tune 500 companies. tify the next big developments. the innovation, or the identification
The second activity is concerned of new innovations triggered by the
Toward a Paradigm Shift with generalization. Generalization adoption of the validated one.
If we accept the premise that academic is concerned with three activities, In practice, many software re-
research is no longer concerned with i.e., conceptualization, increasing searchers are already working in the
being the wellspring of innovation, applicability, and validation. When way outlined in this section. How-
the immediate question is what its role having identified an innovation in ever, the prevalent paradigm in re-
is. In our view, academic research is still some company or companies, the search does not necessarily recognize

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these activities as real research as it bring in not the business units that are are evaluated both for academic excel-
does not match the underlying as- in the strongest head-to-head competi- lence, typically through publications,
sumptions of the traditional para- tion but rather less sensitive units and and for industrial relevance.
digm. Hence, we need a paradigm finally by focusing more on the “hows” One consequence is that Ph.D.
shift in software research in order to of software development, data-driven students, some of the primary recipi-
align the paradigm with the reality practices, and AI engineering solu- ents of funding in many academic
that many of us are experiencing in tions rather than the “what” (e.g., spe- contexts, are funded to a very limited
our day-to-day work. cific features, A/B experiments, or extent as it is so difficult to manage
ML models). This allows competitors situations where a project is stopped
SC to peacefully coexist in the center. before the Ph.D. student has finished
To illustrate the emerging paradigm Although initially implicit, SC em- their thesis and has graduated. SC
of software research, we introduce ploys the paradigm described in the funds one Ph.D. student per univer-
SC. SC was formed in 2011 in re- section “Toward a Paradigm Shift” sity but explicitly maintains the right
sponse to the realization by several
large companies in the Gothenburg
region in Sweden, specifically, Eric-
sson, Volvo Cars Corporation, AB In our view, academic research
Volvo, and Saab Defense, that soft-
ware was becoming increasingly is still incredibly important, but it
important for their products and of- should focus on different activities,
ferings to their customers. SC was
formed at Chalmers University of
to be specific, identification,
Technology and Gothenburg Univer- generalization, and acceleration.
sity with the aforementioned compa-
nies as founding members.
SC is funded by the member or-
ganizations and does not rely on
public funding, which has proven with identification, generalization, and to stop the project where the Ph.D.
an important aspect for its longev- acceleration at the core of its opera- student is employed. The majority of
ity as many centers struggle to sur- tions. However, successfully employ- funding is used to fund more senior
vive the end of a publicly funded ing this model is challenging, and to researchers such as assistant, associ-
project. Since 2011, SC has grown address this we put a number of mech- ate, and full professors.
to more than 15 companies and five anisms in place, including sprints, the The second mechanism is con-
universities. It started with three re- golden rule, prioritizing collaboration, cerned with “the golden rule,” which is
search projects, mostly concerned evolution, and constant feedback. often translated as “he or she with the
with testing, architecture, and met- Research in SC takes place in six- gold rules.” Every six months, a group
rics, and five researchers. In its 12th month sprints. Each project has a of company representatives, typically
year of existence, it now has over 20 long-term vision and set of desired out- technology experts, facilitated by the
research projects, ranging from soft- comes, but every six months a decision center director, prioritize the research
ware engineering to AI engineering is made concerning the continuation projects and recommend the projects
and from product management to of the project. As a consequence, each to fund, cut, and end. The recommen-
business model innovation, and in- project is intended to deliver some- dation is then taken to the steering
volves over 30 researchers.15 thing of value every sprint. The value committee, which consists of represen-
Several of the member companies can include problem analysis, solution tatives from all member groups, includ-
are competitors in certain business ar- development, or validation and does ing academic partners, and typically
eas. We have addressed this by ensuring not have to cover an entire research approved without adjustments.
that all intellectual property created in cycle. However, projects that fail to An important consequence is that
SC is available to all partners, encour- do so can see their funding cut or re- researchers of funded projects know
aging companies to, where possible, moved entirely. In addition, projects that they need to work with the

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member companies as part of their re- approaches, software ecosystems, AI any A/B experiment concerning that
search in order to build relationships and AI engineering, product man- functionality needs to be safety certi-
and a deep understanding of the re- agement, systems engineering, safety fied, significantly increasing the cost
alities in the member companies. The certification, and cybersecurity. The of experiments. Because of this, the B
advantage for researchers is that they research agenda is driven not by the in- variant in an A/B test often involves a
conduct empirically founded, longi- terests of the individual researchers but very small number of vehicles (often
tudinal research that captures valu- rather by the needs of the companies. employee or test vehicles), requiring
able results not just for the involved Although most research activities advanced statistical approaches to be
companies but for industry and soci- are conducted with member compa- able to draw conclusions in a highly
ety at large. nies, when a new topic is identified unbalanced A and B group setting.
The third mechanism is that proj- and there are companies that have al- Finally, continuous feedback is a
ects are, in part, prioritized based on ready adopted and are working with key mechanism to ensure that our
the number of involved companies. it, we may seek to engage with these research activities and other initia-
tives in SC are aligned with the pri-
orities of the companies. We employ
several techniques to accomplish this.
By engaging with several of these We conduct a survey for every sprint.
We periodically meet with the SC rep-
companies, we learned about their resentatives of every company. The
practices and were then able to leadership of the center, the theme
leaders, act as account managers for
start on translating this to the reality the member companies. In addition,
of the member companies. every meeting with one of the member
companies includes forms of informal
feedback that allows us to continu-
ously confirm that we are addressing
The more companies support and companies in order to learn from the key priorities of the companies.
are involved in the project, the more them how to operationalize. For ex- One valuable approach is the en-
likely the project is to be prioritized. ample, data- and experiment-driven gagement in research by individuals at
This results in practitioners from dif- practices such as A/B testing are the the companies. For example, some of
ferent companies meeting each other norm in SaaS companies. By engaging the senior researchers work with indi-
in project activities with significant with several of these companies, we viduals at the member companies that
knowledge exchange among member learned about their practices and were decided to pursue their Ph.D. degrees
companies as a consequence, with the then able to start on translating this to in parallel to their positions at their
research project simply providing the the reality of the member companies. respective employers. These individu-
meeting ground. Although one might claim that als provide invaluable bridges between
There is significant value for re- the aforementioned is not research, the academic research and the indus-
searchers as well in that research is many fail to appreciate the challenge trial practice and, among other bene-
conducted in multiple companies in of bringing a topic from one industry fits, also provide continuous feedback
parallel, allowing for significant trian- to another. For example, A/B test- to the center.
gulation of findings as well as vastly ing in SaaS companies is conducted In the section “Toward a Paradigm
improved validation of project results. in the servers of one’s own data cen- Shift,” we claim that a new paradigm
The fourth mechanism is concerned ter, and the cost of running experi- for software research is required and
with evolution. The center leadership ments is very low. In, for example, that many researchers are, in fact, al-
constantly scouts for new needs from an automotive company, the vehicles ready working in this new paradigm.
the companies. Since the founding of are owned by customers and might In this new paradigm, software re-
the center, we have added research be anywhere on the planet. In ad- search is concerned with three main
on data-driven development, includ- dition, many functions in a vehicle activities, i.e., identification, general-
ing A/B testing and other experimental are safety critical, and consequently, ization, and acceleration. SC embodies

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this new paradigm, and we can iden- technologies and ways of work- system contexts. However, as several
tify that many of the mechanisms de- ing in the member companies of the companies in SC are subject to
scribed previously as well as others are and to study the inhibitors and safety regulation, we needed to de-
concerned with one of these activities: other challenges. The earlier velop techniques to allow for the use
example concerning A/B testing of A/B testing in these contexts, spe-
• Identification: Through the is a good illustration of this as cifically, for managing unbalanced A
interaction with member com- the basic principle of A/B testing and B groups. Because of this work,
panies, observing the industry is trivial, and yet it is incredibly several companies in the center are
at large as well as through our difficult to realize in most com- now using A/B testing that likely
involvement in the research panies for a variety of reasons, would not have used this for many
community, we are continuously ranging from existing work years to come otherwise.
scouting for new topics that are practices to lacking infrastruc- We run a yearly survey to ask as
or are likely to become critically ture, as well as, in fact, compa- many company participants as we
important for the SC company nies often being unclear on what can to assess SC from the perspective
members. The mechanisms of to optimize for. The collabora- of accelerating the adoption of new
evolution and continuous feed- tion mechanism allows compa- functionality. Although we still have
back allow us to facilitate the nies to accelerate by learning not ample room for improvement, the
identification of new topics. In only from the researchers but perception of the companies is that
addition, the sprint mechanism also from each other. The golden we are indeed helping significantly
allows us to rapidly respond to rule mechanism ensures that we in the acceleration of adoption of
new topics by initiating new re- only focus energy on topics for digitalization practices.
search projects. which there is support within the

• Generalization: Frequently, there companies. The sprint mecha-
are already some small, scattered nism allows us to take frequent, he traditional research para-
initiatives around new topics at small steps toward the goal digm in software states that
several of the member compa- while facilitating frequent course research starts as basic and
nies. Our research activities and corrections where necessary. applied research in academia and then
close connections with the com- trickles down into advanced engineer-
panies allow us to study these Illustrating the Model ing and basic engineering in indus-
initiatives in order to understand To illustrate the model of identifica- try. Consequently, many researchers
the commonalities and varia- tion, generalization, and accelera- view themselves as working on the
tions among these companies. In tion, we share some examples from wellspring of innovation in software
addition, our interactions with SC. First, one of the companies in and feel little need to interact with in-
nonmember companies that have the center worked for years with dustry as these are viewed as down-
already adopted and deployed one of the researchers to develop a stream from the “real” research and
a new topic allow us to learn very advanced metrics system to in- consequently irrelevant.
about the specifics in deploy- strument software development in This view on research in software
ing a new technology or way of the organization. Other companies is outdated and out of touch with re-
working in the organization. in the center then requested the re- ality. For the last decades, not a sin-
The collaboration mechanism as searcher to work with them on gle major innovation in software has
well as the golden rule and sprint building a similar metrics system. In originated in academia. Instead, in-
mechanism allow us to general- this case, instead of years, one of the dustry has taken over the role of be-
ize the key aspects of novel tech- companies got the metrics system in ing the key innovator, and numerous
nologies and ways of working. place in three months. wonderful innovations in technology
• Acceleration: In line with Wil- As a second example, in our work and ways of working originate from
liam Gibson’s “the future is with SaaS companies, we identified brilliant companies around the globe.
already here” principle, much the importance of A/B testing as a We are in the midst of a paradigm
of the work in SC is to help ac- mechanism for determining the im- shift in software research where the
celerate the adoption of new pact of new functionality in complex role of academic research is not to

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ABOUT THE AUTHOR Art. no. 107200, doi: 10.1016/j.

8. L. E. Lwakatare et al., “DevOps in
JAN BOSCH is a professor at the Chalmers University of Technol- practice: A multiple case study of five
ogy, SE42196 Gothenburg, Sweden and the director of the Software companies,” Inf. Softw. Technol., vol.
Center. His research interests include AI engineering, data-driven 114, pp. 217–230, Oct. 2019, doi:
practices, software architecture, and digitalization. Bosch received 10.1016/j.infsof.2019.06.010.
his Ph.D. from Lund University. He is a Member of IEEE. Contact him 9. E. Reis, The Lean Startup, vol. 27.
at New York, NY, USA: Crown Business,
2011, pp. 2016–2020.
10. T. R. Eisenmann, E. Ries, and S.
Dillard. “Hypothesis-driven en-
come up with new ideas. Instead, References trepreneurship: The lean startup.”
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these mechanisms, the researchers in doi:10.1017/pds.2023.148. ating Digital Transformation: 10 Years
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Acknowledgments 7. A. Dakkak, J. Bosch, H. H. Ols- Stanford, CA, USA, 2021. [Online].
This research was supported by SC. I son, and D. I. Mattos, “Continuous Available:
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ration of this article. Technol., vol. 159, Jul. 2023, -intelligence-ai100-2021-1/sq8

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