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product research | dropshipping

This is a process that you need to understand properly if you want to have any success with
dropshipping, otherwise you're only relying on luck.

Before checking all the product research methods I'll share with you, you first need to install the right
mentality and approach into your head for when you look for products; because that's more important
than anything. Let's start.

a realistic way to look at this

Testing & failing products. I need all of you to literally become immune to failure. Unfazed. If you want
to be successful in any aspect of life, not just eCommerce, then you need to embrace your losses and
leverage them; learn from them.

Applying this to dropshipping - you'll pick up a few products, test them, and fail them. No problem. We
move on, and we do it better next time, using every single new detail that we learned. Upgrade your
arsenal with knowledge after every penny spent & burnt. Clear?

The most important thing you need to remember, and this is something that every single successful
business man or woman has lived and felt, is:

Your first win will make up for all the losses (mental & financial). Quickly.

Combine that piece of information with a ruthless mentality that never gives up, and you are bound to
make it. No doubts. Zero. Because, in the long term, there's nothing to lose. All reward.

products that are most likely to work

Although you'll eventually hit a product that makes you money, that doesn't mean you need to
recklessly test every single piece of junk that you find. We'll do this in a smart, calculated way in order
to increase our chances of success. Let's take a look at what all my winning products had/have in

they improve the user's life in some way

• make them better, more attractive

• increase their (or a loved one's) comfort, quality of life
• reduce/eliminate pain
• represent something meaningful for a loved one

Note: Each product had at least one of those benefits.

they have a great profit margin

• sell for over $30

• marked up at least 3x the cost (if the product + shipping cost = $30, you sell it for at least $90)

they're fairly new on the market (on the advertising channel we'll use)

• haven't been heavily advertised for more than 3-6 months.

Note 1: Normally, if the product has been advertised successfully by others on the same ad platform
that you want to use for more than 4 months or so, then it's likely that you'll require more budget to
make it profitable. However, if you find a competitor that started with that product recently, and they
are seemingly making it work, then there's a higher chance that you can, too.

Note 2: I'm not saying that your product shouldn't be "old" in general, I'm saying that it should be fairly
new to the social platform you're looking to advertise on (for it to have the best chance to sell). Loads
of winning dropshipping products were first created like 20-30 years ago; but people brought them to
advertising channels and made them work.

Note 3: You can bring back old seasonal products & make them work, but I'd stay away from the
extremely seasonal ones (like Valentine's day products). I like knowing I can sell them for at least a few

already have available content on the internet (in the order of importance)

• multiple TikTok videos that can be turned into ads

• YouTube videos
• someone else's ads
• Aliexpress & Alibaba videos
• Amazon videos
• Vimeo videos

Note: If you want to find your profitable product quickly, don't waste time testing anything that doesn't
already have available content that you can use. You can do that later when you already have 2-4
successful stores running. For now, focus on finding success as quickly as possible.

how do you decide what product could work

I'll show you how to look for products in a moment, but first, let me explain the logic behind picking

You will never find a product that is 100% guaranteed to sell for you (this can only be determined by
testing it with your own money), so erase that thought from your head. What you will find are
indications that a product might be selling. That's what we're working with: indicators.

So how will you pick a product to test? You combine the winning product attributes I listed (above) with
a multitude of clues that indicate that others are making money with a certain product. You're
basically reducing the risk that it won't work, and increasing your chance to succeed.

It will never be 100%, but by thinking this way, you'll be more likely to find a winner, and you'll definitely
do it more quickly than everyone else in my DMs asking if the random junk they found are good
products. Because we put logic into it.

where to look for products

There are multiple ways to search for products but I'll show you what's been working the best for me:

the facebook ads library

I honestly think that Facebook implemented this feature for people to get inspiration, find what works,
and replicate it. That way, you have the opportunity to make more money but - more importantly -
they will undeniably make more money from your ad spend; I, personally, found products on there that
made me tens of thousands of dollars in daily sales. Needless to say, it's extremely important to
leverage a tool that was intended to bring you success, in a very shady way.

I'll take you through the whole process:

First, we'll pick a term to search for. You need to get creative here; sure, "50% off" or "60% off" will find
a lot of products, but you can also try "sale ends soon", "15%/20% off", "low on stock", etc. Those are
search terms that will find retargeting ads. Who runs retargeting ads? Marketers who have already
found a product that makes them money. Brain emoji.

You can also look for products that generally work, like pain relievers, with terms such as "eliminate
pain", "no more pain", "pressure on your back", "pressure on your spine". I could go on forever. The
point is, you need to be smart about these terms. While some of you are complaining that you can't
find a winning product in the ads library, I'm scaling with what I found there in my sleep (those 2 hours
that I get per day).

Note: You can use quotation marks (") to force Facebook to find the exact search term in ads that
you're looking for.

Secondly, we'll add some filters. Pick the country you want to look for ads in, the United States is where
the bank is, but it's up to you. I look for videos only, there's a lot of crap if you look for images, too. The
language is always English, and I look for ads that had impressions within the last 2-3 days.

Note: I sometimes also check for ads that had impressions about a few weeks ago, within a week's
time window, so I can see potentially new stores that had started back then. Picking a date isn't so
important unless you scroll for hours because Facebook always shows you the newest stuff.

Now we'll look for ads that stand out and also have more than 3-4 copies running (because not all
marketers run a trillion duplicates of their ads). I found one as a quick example:

This ad stood out to me because the product clearly

solves a problem - anxiety.

It looks like a low effort dropshipping ad, which is exactly

what we want to see. Why? Because that's an indication
that we also could make it sell without much effort.

Next, we'll open their website. Every time I do this, I

realize I could create a product page that looks & sells
significantly better. However, the reason we're here is to
look for another indication on whether their products
are selling. For that, we'll use extensions such as PPSPY-
Shopify Spy & Dropship Tool (currently free) or Ali Hunter
- AliExpress Product Tracker:

Remember, this is only an indication, apps never track

those sales with full accuracy. However, I do give this
information a fair bit of weight when I take decisions.

This website seems to (possibly) be getting some orders,

but not that many, so I'll either keep an eye on it for a bit
longer, or skip it if it shows no promise. We're looking for
a product that gets multiple orders in an hour. Let me
show you a better example:

Note: Don't take a decision right away.

Keep the website open in a tab while you
look for other products.

Check later and in the next days to see if

the sales are consistent.

But remember, do not only rely on this

extension. It's not 100% accurate, so take
it as another indicator.

Anyway, we'll focus on the ring page for

now. They seem to have 7 duplicates of
this ad running, but if we check what
other active ads they have, we'll see
they're actually testing other similar
products. The one we found though
seems to be working the best.

We should also check to see how long

ago the page was created, to see if they
started running recently. This page was
created less than 5 months ago (at the
time I wrote this).

Note: If the page was created a long time

ago, but recently changed its name
(within the last 5 months), it's likely that
they've only recently started this store -
and they picked a new name that fits
better for it. The page could've been
bought, and it used to have a different

You can also check the engagement on their Facebook page posts to see if people commented
anything that could indicate orders, such as: "I got it and it works", "my order's late", "I never received
it", etc. We don't care if the comments are positive or negative.

If you want to find their ad posts, you'll have to do it with a spy tool. I have a link for a free AdSpy trial
that I don't think the owners know exists, feel free to use it:

You get all the benefits of a paid subscription. Enjoy it.

Another way to find their ads is by going on their website, adding an item to cart, and checking out.
This mostly works for American people, so it's not 100% reliable.

One of the most important things you need to check is whether there is enough content on the
internet to make ads from. I explained earlier where to look for it.

There are websites that don't allow you to

download videos (like AliExpress, Alibaba,
Amazon, etc.). It's not an issue.

Install the extension called Video

Downloader professional. Play the video
you need, and then click "Download".

The most important type of content is unprofessional videos, UGCs; and those are mostly found on
TikTok & YouTube. Leverage them and test multiple aspect ratios with Facebook ads (1:1, 4:5, 9:16).

spy tools

If you'd like to use spy tools to find products, filter by ads that were created in the last 1-3 months but
were seen (had impressions) within the last few weeks. The country I focus on is the United States
(unless you want to only advertise to a different, specific country).

The language I always use is English, and I filter by just videos.

Note: I don't like spy tools because they update the ads they curate very slowly. For example, these ring
ads weren't even showing in AdSpy at the time I wrote this PDF; they might need a few weeks to show
up, it's annoying. That's why I prefer the ads library.

the process

Here's what the process looks like, realistically:

You'll scroll through the ads library for a few hours, using different search terms, as I explained. You'll
analyze ads & products, and open each website that looks promising (after conducting proper
research, the way I showed above). Keep each of them open in their own tab, and check their
potential sales with extensions like PPSY over multiple days. Refresh each website when you turn on
your computer, so the sales start counting again.

Keep researching through the ads library, keep opening websites. After a few days, take a decision on
which 1-3 products are most likely to work out, based on all the indicators you've gathered so far.

Test them. Fail some. Repeat.

Note: The methods above are ideal for finding products to advertise on Facebook; but that doesn't
mean that they wouldn't work on TikTok as well.


There are multiple ways to do product research on TikTok. We'll start by creating a completely new
account - dedicated just to finding products. Here's how we'll do it:

a) searches & hashtags

On the new account, type the go-to hashtags that influencers & TikTok organic dropshippers use to
get their products to go viral, for example:

• #tiktokmademebuyit
• #topamazonfinds
• #besttiktokproducts

Sometimes I filter the results by the time they were

posted and the amount of likes they have. That's
because I'd prefer selling something fairly new, that's
popping now. Timing is extremely important, you don't
want to sell a super saturated product.

I'd go up to 3 months for products that I'll advertise

with ads, and up to a month for products that I'll
advertise just organically (because we want new stuff).

Note 1: Get creative, you can find a lot of gems by using

the search bar with simple search terms, such as "best
products" or "coolest products".

Note 2: When you see a video of a product that got a lot

of engagement and looks like it has potential, interact
with it (like, comment, and share it). Why? Because we
want TikTok to optimize our account's feed towards
winning dropshipping products.

In 1-2 days you'll start getting ads from other

dropshippers; when you do, keep interacting with them
and save all the ones that you might want to test.

b) follow accounts that review products

As simple as it sounds. Those accounts literally post videos reviewing and basically promoting products
that you can easily source from China. What you want to do is find multiple accounts like that and
follow them. This will not only help you find your next potential winner but it will also train your eye
towards what the masses like (based on the engagement each video gets). Especially when most
comments say "I love product x, where'd you get it?".

I'll give you some examples of such accounts:

• @devdoesreviews
• @cherishandfavor
• @rachel_meaders
• @lucymassad
• @giftgenius
• @julianna_claire
• @techdropp

Note 1: Same as before, when you see a video of a product that got a lot of engagement and looks
like it has potential, interact with it (like, comment, and share it).

c) popular sounds

This is another cool one to take advantage of. While you're looking for products using methods a) & b),
you'll inevitably also run into videos that use popular sounds. Click on those sounds and TikTok will
show you a long list of other people using them - most likely in the same way: to sell/review products.

Any of these products could be your next potential winner, so save the videos that you might use later.
Pretty simple, no extra explanation needed.

Note 1: The methods above are ideal for finding products to advertise on TikTok; but that doesn't
mean that they wouldn't work on Facebook as well.

Note 2: You can use spy tools to find products for TikTok as well, just like I already explained in the
Facebook part. Use similar filters.


There are other ways to find products, but they don't need such elaborate explanations, so I'll write
them here:

a) aliexpress

If you scroll down the page on, you'll find an endless list of items. Ideally, you do this in
an incognito browser so that AliExpress doesn't use your cookies to recommend products - because
you want to find new ones.

You can also use the feed tab on the AliExpress phone app to find products & even videos.

Note: I don't recommend this to beginners.

b) sourcing agents

This is an extremely efficient product research method. Once you build connections with multiple
sourcing agents, you can ask them every now and then what's selling really well by other dropshippers
to the main country that you advertise to.

They want to make more money, so they'll be happy to drop you some hints.

If you have any questions, write them in our discord server.

written by @eduardbeschea | mavenport


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