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Course: Services Marketing

Internal Assignment Applicable for June 2024 Examination

1. You have a retail store. There are various kinds of products that you have. It includes- consumer

durables, groceries, and clothes. You have been operating in an offline mode. With increasing customers

moving online, you intend to catch up to that trend. How will you build your online brand? (10 Marks)

Answer: Introduction

Transitioning from an offline retail store to an online brand can be a significant step in expanding your

reach and staying competitive in the evolving market.

Concept & Application

Here's a comprehensive strategy to build your online brand effectively:

 Market Research: Understand your target audience, their preferences, online shopping behaviors, and

competitors' strategies. Identify popular online platforms and marketplaces where your target

audience spends time.

 Create a User-Friendly Website: Your website is the first impression that many potential customers will

have of your store. Therefore, you want to make sure that it is easy to navigate, fast to load, and

responsive to different devices. You also want to showcase your products or services, your brand

identity, and your value proposition. A user-friendly website will help you convert visitors into

customers and encourage them to come back.

 Multi-channel Presence: Besides your website, leverage popular e-commerce platforms such as

Amazon, eBay, or Etsy to reach a broader audience. Social media platforms are powerful tools for

reaching and engaging your potential and existing customers. You can use them to share your story,

showcase your products or services, offer discounts or promotions, and build a loyal community. You

can also use them to interact with your customers, answer their questions, solicit their feedback, and

provide them with value. To leverage social media platforms effectively, you need to choose the ones
that best suit your audience and goals, create a consistent and appealing profile, post regularly and

relevantly, and use hashtags and tags to increase your reach. Utilize social media platforms like

Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest for product promotion, customer engagement, and driving traffic

to your website.

 Build Brand Identity: Develop a memorable brand logo, color scheme, and tagline that reflects your

brand values and resonates with your target audience. Craft compelling brand stories and product

narratives to connect emotionally with customers. Provide exceptional customer service to enhance

brand reputation and foster customer loyalty.

 Content Marketing: Create valuable content such as blog posts, how-to guides, and video tutorials

related to your products to establish thought leadership and attract organic traffic. Implement search

engine optimization (SEO) techniques to improve your website's visibility on search engine results

pages (SERPs).

 Offer Incentives and Discounts: Provide exclusive offers, discounts, and promotions for first-time

buyers and loyal customers to incentivize purchases. Implement referral programs to encourage

existing customers to refer your brand to their friends and family.

 Optimize your site for search engines : Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of improving

your site's visibility and relevance for keywords that your target audience is searching for. SEO involves

both technical and content aspects, such as using descriptive titles and meta tags, structuring your site

with headings and subheadings, using keywords naturally and strategically, and creating original and

engaging content. SEO will help you drive more organic traffic to your site and increase your chances of

ranking higher on search engine results pages.

 Secure Payment Options: Integrate secure payment gateways to offer multiple payment options such

as credit/debit cards, digital wallets, and online banking to accommodate diverse customer


 Fulfillment and Delivery: Partner with reliable shipping and fulfillment services to ensure timely

delivery and provide order tracking facilities to keep customers informed about their purchases' status.
 Collect and Analyze Data: Implement analytics tools to track website traffic, user engagement, and

sales performance to gain insights into customer behavior and preferences. Use data-driven decision-

making to optimize marketing strategies, product offerings, and customer experiences.

 Collect and display customer reviews : Customer reviews are one of the most influential factors that

affect your online reputation and credibility. They can also help you improve your products or services,

identify your strengths and weaknesses, and attract more customers. To collect and display customer

reviews, you need to ask your customers for feedback, make it easy and convenient for them to leave

reviews, respond to their reviews politely and professionally, and showcase them on your website and

social media platforms. Customer reviews will help you build trust, loyalty, and social proof for your


 Offer online customer service : Online customer service is the process of providing support and

assistance to your customers through digital channels, such as email, chat, phone, or social media.

Online customer service is crucial for enhancing your customer satisfaction, retention, and loyalty. It

can also help you reduce costs, increase efficiency, and gain insights into your customer needs and

preferences. To offer online customer service, you need to be responsive, friendly, helpful, and

empathetic. You also need to use clear and concise communication, provide accurate and relevant

information, and resolve issues quickly and effectively.


By implementing these strategies effectively, you can successfully transition your retail store into a thriving

online brand, catering to the needs and preferences of today's digital consumers. Once you are done with

all the steps mentioned above, you are ready to monitor your online retail business through your website.

The only thing left regarding promoting your retail store is to make sales. If you can connect your social

media pages with your website, it will help you to derive more traffic on your platform. You must

implement relevant search engine optimization (SEO) strategies so your target audience can easily

recognize you.
2. You intend to start a sandwich store. What are the possible challenges that you can possibly face,

while you are creating an offering – Product, Price, Place, Promotion, Physical evidence, process, and

people. (10 Marks)

Answer: Introduction

A product is what is offered in the market to satisfy the consumers’ needs and wants. Think of it as an

umbrella that describes what a business wants to introduce and sell to its customers. It is the crux of the

marketing mix. They can either be in the form of tangible, intangible, or services.

Concept & Application

There are several unique factors that will contribute to the success of a Sandwich Shop shop including the

location, market positioning, menu selection, and atmosphere. For instance, a high frequency sub shop

located along a busy walkway may not work the same in a more scenic area where people would prefer to

have a sit-down experience. The success of a Sandwich Shop shop is dictated by these unique factors,

which will also be used by investors as the basis to determine the profitability and detect risk levels

associated with your investment. Starting a sandwich store can be a rewarding venture, but like any

business, it comes with its set of challenges. Here are some potential challenges you might face in each

aspect of the marketing mix:

1. Product: This section of your sandwich shop plan must be informative, precise, and client-
focused. By providing a clear and compelling description of your offerings, you can help potential
investors and readers understand the value of your business.
o Emphasize quality: Emphasize the fact that customers can customize their sandwiches if your
sandwich business offers this option.
o Variety: Striking the right balance between offering a diverse menu and keeping it manageable can
be challenging. Describe the variety of bread options, available meats, cheeses, garnishes, and
condiments. Make sure to emphasize that clients can mix and match their personalized sandwiches
to suit their tastes.
o Fresh Ingredients: Sourcing fresh ingredients daily can be time-consuming and costly. Describe the
range of extras you provide to go with the sandwiches. Options may include soups, salads, snacks,
pickles, and desserts. Highlight any handmade or distinctive things that set your store apart from
the competition.
2. Price:
o Pricing Strategy: Determining the right price point that attracts customers while maintaining
profitability can be a delicate balance. You can mention any discounts you plan on offering to attract
new customers.
o Cost Management: Managing costs (ingredients, labor, rent, utilities) to avoid pricing yourself out of
the market.
o Budget Forecasts : When a restaurant is performing a budget forecast, it is more effective if they
based them upon quotes received from service providers, vendors, and contractors. This will help it
to avoid making speculative budget decisions and determine the amount of capital needed in order
to ensure that the appropriate amount is secured.
3. Place (Location):
o Choosing the Right Location: Finding a spot with high foot traffic, visibility, and proximity to your
target audience is crucial.
o Competition: Assessing existing sandwich shops nearby and understanding their customer base.
4. Promotion:
o Marketing: Creating awareness and attracting customers through effective marketing channels
(social media, local advertising, etc.). Discuss your marketing strategies to market your sandwich
shop. You may include some of these marketing strategies in your business plan—social media
marketing, brochures, content marketing, and print marketing.
o Promotional Offers: Designing promotions that entice customers without compromising
o Unique Selling Proposition (USP): Define your business’s USPs depending on the market you serve,
the equipment you use, and the unique services you provide. Identifying USPs will help you plan
your marketing strategies. For example, customization & personalization or local & sustainable
sourcing could be some of the great USPs for a sandwich shop.
5. Physical Evidence:
o Store Ambience: Creating a welcoming and appealing environment that encourages customers to
dine in.
o Cleanliness and Hygiene: Maintaining a spotless kitchen and dining area is essential for customer
6. Process:
o Efficiency: Streamlining sandwich preparation, order processing, and delivery to minimize wait
o Staff Training: Ensuring your team follows standardized processes consistently. Mention your shop’s
staffing requirements, including the number of employees, chefs, or waiters needed. Include their
qualifications, the training required, and the duties they will perform.
o Sales Strategies: Outline the strategies you’ll implement to maximize your sales. Your sales
strategies may include upselling-cross selling, discount on bulk orders, partnership with other local
businesses, etc.
7. People:
o Staff Management: Recruiting, training, and retaining skilled staff who can deliver excellent
customer service.
o Customer Relations: Handling customer complaints, feedback, and maintaining positive
o Customer Retention: Describe your customer retention strategies and how you plan to execute
them. For instance, introducing loyalty programs, group discounts, personalized services, etc.

Remember, each challenge presents an opportunity for growth and improvement. By addressing
these aspects thoughtfully, you can build a successful and thriving sandwich business


Addressing these challenges requires careful planning, market research, and flexibility to adapt to changing

circumstances. By identifying potential obstacles early on and developing strategies to overcome them,

you can increase the likelihood of success for your sandwich store venture.
3. ABCD is a coaching academy for IIT students. However, with more coaching institutions growing and

online options coming, prospective students are not opting for your services. You are receiving negative

reviews about your company recently and customer services is poor.

a. How will you build a positive image about your brand? (5 marks)

Answer: Introduction

Rebuilding a positive image for ABCD coaching academy will require a comprehensive approach that

addresses both the issues causing negative reviews and perceptions, as well as actively promoting the

positive aspects of the institution.

Concept & Application

Here's a strategy to rebuild the brand's image:

1. Addressing Customer Service Issues:

• Conduct a thorough review of customer service processes and identify areas for improvement.

• Implement training programs for staff to enhance communication, empathy, and problem-solving


• Establish clear protocols for addressing customer complaints and feedback promptly and effectively.

2. Quality Improvement:

• Evaluate the curriculum, teaching methodologies, and learning materials to ensure they meet the

standards expected by IIT aspirants.

• Engage with current and former students to gather feedback on their learning experience and areas

for improvement.

• Invest in hiring experienced faculty members and subject matter experts to enhance the quality of


3. Transparency and Accountability:

• Be transparent about the steps being taken to address past shortcomings and communicate a

commitment to improvement.

• Establish mechanisms for accountability, such as regular performance reviews for staff and

transparent reporting on student progress and outcomes.

4. Differentiation and Value Proposition:

• Identify and communicate the unique value proposition of ABCD coaching academy compared to

competitors, whether it's personalized attention, specialized curriculum, or a track record of success.

• Showcase success stories of students who have benefited from the coaching academy's services to

build credibility and trust.

5. Online Presence and Marketing:

• Enhance the academy's online presence through a professional website, active social media profiles,

and engaging content that highlights the institution's strengths and offerings.

• Implement targeted online marketing campaigns to reach prospective students and parents,

emphasizing the benefits of choosing ABCD coaching academy.

6. Engagement and Community Building:

• Foster a sense of community among students, parents, and staff through events, workshops, and

online forums where they can connect, share experiences, and support each other.

• Encourage alumni to become brand ambassadors and participate in mentorship programs for

current students.

 The brand is the personality of your business. A beautiful, branded coaching website adds character,

is more personal, and sets the tone you want to speak with your customers. This helps prospects form an

opinion about you and better evaluate whether you speak the same language and can have a fruitful


7. Continuous Improvement and Adaptation:

• Regularly solicit feedback from students, parents, and staff to identify areas for further improvement

and adapt to changing needs and preferences.

• Stay informed about industry trends and advancements in teaching methodologies to ensure the

coaching academy remains relevant and competitive.

8. Inspire trust:

A branded website shows you have invested time, effort, and money in your business. The uniformity in

colors, designs, and messaging inspires trust in potential and existing clients. This can set you apart in a

field as competitive as business coaching, while a lack of branding might cause skepticism.


By taking proactive steps to address customer service issues, improve quality, and effectively

communicate the value proposition of ABCD coaching academy, it is possible to rebuild a positive image

and regain trust among prospective students and parents.

b. How will you improve your customer service? (5 marks)

Answer: Introduction

When a customer service team acts responsive and shows concern for their customer's needs, customers

often perceive a business more favorably. A positive customer service experience promotes feelings of

loyalty to a company and creates a better brand experience. Learning strategies to coach individuals in

customer service techniques can help your team deliver high-quality service. Improving customer service

is crucial for regaining trust and attracting prospective students back to ABCD coaching academy.

Concept & Application

Here's how you can enhance customer service:

1. Listen to Feedback:

• Actively seek feedback from current and former students about their experiences with the coaching


• Encourage open communication channels for students and parents to express their concerns and


2. Training and Development:

• Provide comprehensive training programs for staff, including teachers, administrators, and support

staff, focusing on communication skills, empathy, and conflict resolution.

• Offer ongoing professional development opportunities to ensure staff stay updated with best

practices in customer service.

3. Streamline Communication Channels:

• Implement multiple channels for students and parents to reach out for assistance, such as phone,

email, online chat, and dedicated support desks.

• Ensure prompt responses to inquiries and complaints across all communication channels.

4. Empowerment and Autonomy:

• Empower frontline staff to resolve issues independently up to a certain extent, without the need for

constant approval from higher authorities.

• Encourage staff to take ownership of customer service interactions and go the extra mile to ensure

student satisfaction.

5. Establish Service Standards:

• Define clear service standards and expectations for all staff members, outlining the level of service

excellence expected in every interaction with students and parents.

• Regularly monitor and evaluate staff performance against these service standards.

6. Create a Positive Environment:

• Foster a positive and supportive work culture within the coaching academy, where staff feel valued

and motivated to deliver exceptional customer service.

• Recognize and reward staff for outstanding customer service efforts and achievements.

7. Implement Technology Solutions:

• Invest in customer relationship management (CRM) software to streamline communication, track

student interactions, and manage inquiries and complaints effectively.

• Utilize automation tools for routine inquiries and administrative tasks to free up staff time for more

personalized interactions with students.

8. Continuous Improvement:

• Conduct regular reviews and assessments of customer service processes and performance to identify

areas for improvement.

• Act on feedback and make necessary adjustments to enhance the overall customer experience.

9. Transparency and Accountability:

• Be transparent with students and parents about any challenges or shortcomings faced by the

coaching academy and the steps being taken to address them.

• Hold staff members accountable for delivering on commitments and meeting service standards.

The benefits of coaching for customer service:

Coaching for customer service improves how effectively your team meets the needs of your clients.

Customer satisfaction is important for businesses looking to develop lasting relationships with consumers.

Businesses that effectively and quickly address customer concerns and meet their service expectations

may be more likely to retain customers and receive positive endorsements, often leading to increased

profitability and a positive brand image.


By focusing on improving customer service through active listening, training, empowerment, and

technology solutions, ABCD coaching academy can rebuild its reputation and attract prospective students

back to its services.

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