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Ocean Science Journal (2024) 59:19 Online ISSN 2005-7172 Print ISSN 1738-5261


Dinoflagellate Cyst Assemblage, Abundance and Distribution in Three

Estuaries in Bone Bay, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
Nita Rukminasari1 · Sapto Andriyono2 · Andi Aliyah Hidayani1

Received: 3 July 2023 / Revised: 3 December 2023 / Accepted: 8 February 2024

© The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Korea Institute of Ocean Science & Technology (KIOST) and the Korean Society of Oceanography (KSO) and
Springer Nature B.V. 2024

Dinoflagellates are the main group of primary producers in freshwater and marine ecosystems. Some of these species can
produce toxins (only 10% from the total species) and cause the occurrence of harmful-algal-blooms (HABs) worldwide.
The purpose of this study was to examine the species assemblages, distribution, diversity, species richness, and abundance
of dinoflagellate cysts in three estuaries around Bone Bay, Sulawesi, Indonesia. Thirty-six surface sediment samples were
collected from the Teko, Tangka and Panyula estuaries, and dinoflagellates cysts were counted and identified. Multivariate
analyses were conducted to examine species assemblages, diversity and richness. Eighteen dinoflagellate taxa from 11 genera
and 8 families were identified. The three most abundant dinoflagellate species were Alexandrium minutum, Pentapharsod-
inium tyrrhenicum, and Scrippsiella lachrymosa. Species assemblages varied between sampling sites, there was no shifting
from autotroph to heterotroph dinoflagellate cysts, and based on species richness and diversity, Bone Bay was categorized as
oligotrophic. These findings indicate that cyst species could be good indicators for eutrophication and industrial pollution,
even though eutrophication was not detected at the sites in Bone Bay during the research period.

Keywords Dinoflagellate cyst · Distribution and assemblages · Bone Bay · Indonesia

1 Introduction Dinoflagellates are highly diverse, comprising both pho-

totropic autotrophs and heterotrophs, and this phytoplank-
Dinoflagellates are a group of protists that are bi-flagellated ton group plays an important role in marine and freshwater
and unicellular (Baxter et al. 2008). Red tides are a phe- ecosystem productivity (Schenepf and Elbrachter 1992).
nomenon caused by the blooming of dinoflagellates, some Furthermore, dinoflagellates have developed complex nutri-
of which produce toxins (Shen et al. 2010). During their life tional strategies (Stoecker 1999). Many dinoflagellates are
cycle, dinoflagellates can form cysts to survive in unfavora- meroplanktonic, and also develop a resting stage or cyst
ble environmental conditions. The cysts, also called dino- (dinocyst) as part of their life cycle (Dale et al. 2002).
cysts, are protected by a membrane of highly resistant poly- The analysis of surface sediment samples to examine the
mers called dinosporin, enabling the cysts to be preserved in changes in dinocyst assemblages by Harland et al. (2004b)
sediment layers (Ribeiro and Amorim 2008). Dinoflagellate and Wang et al. (2004) found that complex interactions with
cysts in both past and modern assemblages have been used environmental conditions could influence temporal varia-
as bioindicators for changes in several environmental param- tions in the composition of dinocyst assemblages. Harland
eters such as sea-surface temperature, salinity, sea-ice cover et al. (2004a, b) found that seasonal cyst abundance patterns
duration, and productivity (Richerol et al. 2012). could be determined by water stability and nutrient availabil-
ity. These studies indicate that cyst production patterns are
complex and unpredictable ecological processes require that
* Nita Rukminasari long-term surveys are carried out to collect representative
data to detect temporal scales of variation at several levels,
Faculty of Marine Science and Fisheries, Hasanuddin e.g. individual, population and community levels.
University, Sulawesi Selatan 90245, Indonesia In general, dinoflagellate cyst morphology is species-
Faculty of Fisheries and Marine, Airlangga University, specific and dinocysts can be identified based on several
Jawa Timur 60115, Indonesia

19 Page 2 of 13 Ocean Science Journal (2024) 59:19

characteristic traits such as their shape and size, ornamenta- island of Sulawesi in Indonesia and opens to the south into
tion of or processes arising from the cyst surface, wall struc- the Flores Sea (Ambo-Rappe and Moore 2019). The study
ture and color, and archeopyle type (Matsuoka and Fukuyo sites were three estuaries at Bone Bay, namely Teko Estuary
2000; Zonneveld and Pospelova 2015). These characteris- (Bulukumba Regency), Tangka Estuary (Sinjai Regency),
tics of cyst morphology and structure are widely considered and Panyula Estuary (Bone Regency) (Fig. 1). Sediment
essential features for cyst identification, although diversity in samples were collected from four stations within each estu-
such morphological characteristics is observed more often ary, with three replicates per station.
in organic-walled cyst morphotypes than in calcareous cysts
(Narale 2016). Notably, there can be considerable variation 2.2 Sediment Sample Collection and Preparation
in cyst morphological characteristics within a single species.
The most distinctive traits of dinoflagellate cysts are those Surface sediments were collected using a Wilder Hand Corer
related to the structure and composition of the cyst wall. The from the four sampling stations in each of the three estuaries
temporary or pellicle cysts can be distinguished from resting in Bone Bay (Fig. 1) during July 2022. At each station, three
cysts by the absence or presence of a thick wall. The outer replicate surface sediment samples were collected from the
layer of a pellicle cyst is usually thin, while in resting cysts top 2 cm of the sediment layer. The samples were stored at
there are one, two or three moderately thick to very thick cell 4 °C in dark conditions to ensure that cyst germination did
wall layers (Kremp 2013). not occur before the samples were processed. To obtain the
Factors that can influence cyst formation such as seawater whole cyst assemblage, chemical substances were not used
temperature, salinity, density and nutrient concentrations, on the sediment samples. A 4–5 g sediment was put into
can also affect the morphology of resting cysts (Mertens a small Baker glass and then 50 ml filtered seawater was
et al. 2011, 2012). In addition, eutrophication, sea-surface added. The sediment samples were then sonicated for 5 min
temperature, salinity, and coastal upwelling events are all in an ultra-sonic bath and then wet-sieved through 250 µm,
factors that can affect dinoflagellate species composition and 100 µm and 20 µm-mesh sieves using filtered seawater. The
distribution (Dale et al. 1999; Pospelova et al. 2002). last remaining fraction left on the 20 μm sieve was washed
Heterotrophic dinoflagellates have varied feeding strate- off the sieve using filtered seawater. The 20 µm fraction was
gies and prey preferences (Hansen 1991; Hansen and Calado used for further analysis.
1999; Jacobson and Anderson 1986), thus the abundance
and species composition of heterotrophic dinoflagellates 2.3 Assemblage Composition
could be influenced by nutrient concentrations, and therefore
by eutrophication. In addition, the response of dinoflagellate To identify the dinoflagellate cysts present, 1 ml of each
cysts to eutrophication in coastal waters is also influenced by sample was dropped onto a hemocytometer, and then
the physical and environmental characteristics of estuaries observed with a light Microscope (Binocular Olympus
(Pospelova et al. 2002). Dinoflagellate cyst assemblages in CX23 LED) with a magnification of × 40 to × 100. Photo-
estuaries vary by biogeographic province; however, within graphs were taken using a Canon EOS M10 camera. Empty
each biogeographic province the estuary type will influence cysts and cysts with cell contents were both counted and
dinoflagellate cyst assemblages (Price et al. 2016). recorded by species. Dinoflagellate cyst identification fol-
This study was motivated by the lack of studies on the lowed references (Alkawri 2016; Aydin et al. 2011; Bravo
characteristics of dinoflagellate cyst assemblages in Bone et al. 2006; Godhe et al. 2000; Joyce et al. 2005; Mohamed
Bay, South Sulawesi, Indonesia. We studied the diversity, and Al-Shehri 2011; Narale and Anil 2017; Nehring 1997;
overall and relative abundance, and dinoflagellate cysts col- Pospelova et al. 2004; Shin et al. 2011; Uddandam et al.
lected from recently deposited surface sediments in the estu- 2017). The parameters derived from the data were the cyst
aries of three rivers flowing into Bone Bay (Teko, Tangka morphotype composition, species diversity (Shannon–Wie-
and Panyula river estuaries). The main purpose of the study ner’s Diversity index (H’) and evenness (Shannon and
was to examine the differences in dinoflagellate assemblages Weaver 1949).
across these three estuaries in Bone Bay.
2.4 Creating a Dinoflagellate Cyst Distribution Map

2 Material and Methods To create a dinoflagellate cyst distribution map, each sam-
pling point is taken by taking the coordinates using GPS.
2.1 Study Site Each coordinate point that already has a cyst value is then
analyzed spatially to get the cyst distribution value in the
The Gulf of Bone, also known as Bone Bay, is the seaway waters. Analysis of data on the distribution of cysts in the
enclosed between the south and southeast peninsulas of the waters was conducted using interpolation techniques with
Ocean Science Journal (2024) 59:19 Page 3 of 13 19

Fig. 1  Geographical location

of the sampling stations within
Bone Bay. Yellow dots indicate
the sampling stations

the Inverse Distance Weighting (IDW) method. The IDW sets of categorical variables (family of dinoflagellate cyst
method directly adopts the assumption that things that are abundance) and environmental variables (salinity, tem-
close to each other are more similar than things that are perature, DO, TDS, C Organic, C Inorganic and N-total),
far apart. To estimate a value at each unmeasured location, Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA) was performed
IDW will use the measurement values that surround the using XLSTAT 2019 version.
location to be estimated. In the IDW method, it is assumed
that the degree of correlation and similarity between the
estimated points and the estimator’s data is proportional to 3 Results
the distance. The weight will change linearly, as a function
of distance, according to the distance to the estimator data 3.1 Abundance, Species Richness and Diversity
(Almasi et al. 2014). This weight is not affected by the posi- Index of Dinoflagellate Cysts
tion or location of the estimating data with other estimating
data. Dinoflagellate cyst abundance differed between and within
the three sampling sites (Teko, Tangka and Panyula estuar-
2.5 Data Analysis ies) (Fig. 2). The sites with the highest (289 cysts/g) and
the lowest (162 cysts/g) mean dinoflagellate cyst abun-
Diversity analyses followed Rukminasari and Tahir (2021). dance values were in Tangka Estuary (Sinjai Regency) and
Two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was implemented Teko Estuary (Bulukumba Regency), respectively (Fig. 2).
in GraphPad Prism 7 to evaluate the significance of differ- The dinoflagellate cyst abundance also varied significantly
ences in dinoflagellate cyst abundance and diversity indices (P < 0.05) between stations at two sites. Station II differed
at the 95% confidence level (α = 0.05). Non Metric Mul- significantly from stations I, III and IV in the Teko Estuary,
tidimensional Scaling (nMDS) analysis was conducted while station IV differed significantly from stations I, II and
in PRIMER Ver. 5 (PRIMER–E Ltd. Plymouth, UK) to III in the Panyula estuary (Fig. 2).
evaluate the differences in dinoflagellate cyst assemblages Based on dinoflagellate cyst morphology, we identified
between the three sites. To analyze the relationships between 18 dinoflagellate cyst species (Table 1, references used in
19 Page 4 of 13 Ocean Science Journal (2024) 59:19

Fig. 2  Dinoflagellate cyst abun-

dance at 12 sampling stations in
three Bone Bay estuaries. small
case superscript letters represent
significantly different values
(P < 0.05)

Table 1: Barokah et al. 2017; Furuya et al. 2010; Gurning (P > 0.5). Shannon diversity (H’) ranged from 0.5995 to
et al. 2020; Smayda and Reynolds 2001). These species 0.9964 (Fig. 6c).
belonged to seven families (Gonyaulacaceae, Gymnod-
iniaceae, Osteropsidaceae, Peridiniaceae, Polykrikaceae, 3.2 Spatial Distribution of Dinoflagellate Cyst
Protoperidiniaceae, and Pyrophacaceae) and a group of Abundance
uncertain taxonomic lineage labelled as incertae sedis. The
number of species present varied between families and The spatial distribution of dinoflagellate cyst abundance var-
between sampling sites (Fig. 3). Most of the dinoflagel- ied between the three sampling sites (Fig. 7). Dinoflagellate
late species found at all sampling sites belonged to the cysts were most abundant in the river and at the river mouth
Peridiniaceae family. The three most abundant dinoflagel- in the Tangka Estuary, while in the Teko Estuary, dinoflagel-
late cyst species from all sampling stations combined were late cyst abundance was highest in waters further offshore.
Alexandrium minutum, Pentapharsodinium tyrrhenicum/ In the Panyula Estuary, dinoflagellate cyst abundance was
Ensiculifera tyrrhenica and Scrippsiella lachrymose, with distributed fairly evenly across the site, including the river,
mean abundance values of 1321 cysts/g, 1316 cysts/g, and river mouth and offshore areas.
1267 cysts/g, respectively (Fig. 4).
Overall, the majority (66%) of the dinoflagellate cyst
species identified were classified as autotrophic species 3.3 Dinoflagellate Cyst Species Assemblages
and 34% as heterotrophic species. Station II in the Pany-
ula Estuary had the highest percentage of autotrophic spe- nMDS performed with ordination using the log of dino-
cies, while the lowest percentage was at station IV in the flagellate cyst mean abundance for each site. The nMDS
Tangka Estuary (Fig. 5). Furthermore, the highest and the plot (Fig. 8) shows that dinoflagellate cyst assemblages
lowest percentage of heterotrophic species were found at at each site are quite spread out. The Teko and Tangka
Tangka Estuary station IV (60%) and Panyula Estuary sta- estuaries each lie within an approximately oval shape
tion III (17%), respectively (Fig. 5). with no overlap. However, the Panyula Estuary sample
The ecological indices also varied between and within distribution is scattered more widely, overlapping both
sites. The number of dinoflagellate cyst species per station the other sites, especially the Teko Estuary, and several
ranged from 2 to 6. Species richness by station ranged outliers (Fig. 8). The relatively low stress value of 0.19
from 0.4147 (Tangka estuary, station II) to 0.8492 (Pany- indicates that the ordination gives a fairly good repre-
ula estuary, station IV) (Fig. 6a). Species richness was sentation of the distances between the assemblages. The
highest at station I in the Tangka Estuary, and lowest at assemblages in Group I are mostly from the Teko Estuary
station II in the Teko Estuary. Pileou’s evenness index (J’) (represented by green triangles in Fig. 8) and were mainly
was highest at station I in the Tangka Estuary (0.99964) dominated by Alexandrium minutum, Pentapharsodinium
and lowest at station II in the Teko estuary (0.9461) tyrrhenicum/Ensiculifera tyrrhenica, Cochlodinium sp.,
(Fig. 6b). However, Pileou’s evenness index was generally and Scrippsiella lachrymosa. Assemblages in Group II,
high and the between-site differences were not significant mostly from the Tangka Estuary (represented by round
symbols in Fig. 8) were dominated by Polykrikos kofoidii,
Ocean Science Journal (2024) 59:19 Page 5 of 13 19

Table 1  List of dinoflagellate cyst genera and species found at the study sites
Biological name Dinoflagellate cyct (Pal- Estuary HABs Species References
aentological name)
Teko Tangka Panyula

Dubridinium Dubridinium spp. Dubridinium spp. √

Gonyaulax Gonyaulax sp. Cyst of Gonyaulax sp. √ Smayda & Reynolds,
Cochlodinium Cochlodinium spp. Cyst of Cochlodinium √ √ √ √ Barokah et al. (2017);
spp. Furuya et al. (2010)
Gymnodinium Levanderina fissa Cyst of Levanderina fissa √ √ Barokah et al. (2017);
Furuya et al. (2010)
Alexandrium Alexandrium tamarense Cyst of Alexandrium √ √ √ √ Barokah et al. (2017);
tamarense Furuya et al. (2010)
Alexandrium catenella Cyst of Alexandrium √ √ √ √ Barokah et al. (2017);
catenella Furuya et al. (2010)
Alexandrium minutum Cyst of Alexandrium √ √ √ √ Barokah et al. (2017);
minutum Furuya et al. (2010)
Pentapharsodinium Pentapharsodinium tyr- Unknown √ √ √ Barokah et al. (2017);
rhenicum/Ensiculifera Furuya et al. (2010)
Scrippsiella Scrippsiella crystallina Cyst of Scrippsiella √ √ √ √ Barokah et al. (2017);
crystallina Furuya et al. (2010)
Scrippsiella lachrymosa Cyst of Scrippsiella lach- √ √ √ √ Barokah et al. (2017);
rymosa Furuya et al. (2010)
Scrippsiella rotunda Cyst of Scrippsiella √ √ Barokah et al. (2017);
rotunda Furuya et al. (2010)
Votadinium Votadinium calvum Cyst of Votadinium √ Barokah et al. (2017);
calvum Furuya et al. (2010)
Polykrikos Polykrikos kofoidii Cyst of Polykrikos √ √ Furuya et al. (2010;
kofoidii Gurning et al. (2020)
Polykrikos schwartzii Cyst of Polykrikos √ √ Furuya et al. (2010;
schwartzii Gurning et al. (2020)
Preperidinium Protoperidinium leonis Cyst of Protoperidinium √ Furuya et al. (2010;
leonis Gurning et al. (2020)
Trinovantedinium appla- Cyst of Trinovantedinium √ √ Furuya et al. (2010;
natum applanatum Gurning et al. (2020)
Protoperidinium subin- Cyst of Protoperidinium √ √ Furuya et al. (2010;
erme subinerme Gurning et al. (2020)
Tuberculodinium Tuberculodinium van- Cyst of Tuberculodinium √ Furuya et al. (2010;
campoae vancampoae Gurning et al. (2020)
Total 8 10 14 14

HABs Harmful Algal Blooms

Pentapharsodinium tyrrhenicum/Ensiculifera tyrrhenica, Interestingly, the species Pentapharsodinium tyrrhenicum/

Scrippsiella lachrymosa, and Scrippsiella crystallina. Ensiculifera tyrrhenica was the dominant dinoflagellate cyst
Group III from the Panyula Estuary (represented by square at all three sites.
symbols in Fig. 8.) was most strongly dominated by Pol- The pairwise between-site dissimilarity percentage ranged
ykrikos kofoidii, Alexandrium minutum, and Scrippsiella from 54.90 to 65.81%. The highest dissimilarity was between
lachrymose. the Panyula and Tangka estuaries, with Polykrikos kofoidii as
The nMDS, ANOSIM and SIMPER results show signifi- the taxa contributing the most to the dissimilarity. Dissimilar-
cant differences in dinoflagellate cyst assemblages between ity was lowest between the Teko and Panyula estuaries, with
stations at each site (Table 2). SIMPER results showed that Scrippsiella crystallina making the largest contribution to the
each site was dominated by one or several species from a dissimilarity.
particular family. Overall, the Peridiniaceae and Osterop-
sidaceae were the dominant families at all sites (Table 2).
19 Page 6 of 13 Ocean Science Journal (2024) 59:19

Fig. 3  Dinoflagellate cyst com-

position by family in three Bone
Bay estuaries: a Teko Estuary; b
Tangka Estuary; and c Panyula

Fig. 4  Abundance of dinoflagel-

late cyst species identified from
three estuaries in Bone Bay
Ocean Science Journal (2024) 59:19 Page 7 of 13 19

Fig. 5  Proportion of heterotroph

and autotroph species at 12
sampling stations in three Bone
Bay estuaries

3.4 The Relationship Between Dinoflagellate Cyst at those situated at the river mouth or further offshore. At
Family and Environmental Parameters these riverine sites, the salinity was low, in the range of 1–4
parts per thousand (data not shown). This finding indicates
CCA provides insights into the complex relationships that salinity may play an important role in dinoflagellate
between species distribution and environmental variables. cyst abundance and distribution at the sampling sites. This
The CCA results are shown in Fig. 9. The abundance of the is in line with Sildever et al. (2015) who found that dino-
Dinoflagellate cyst family Gonyaulacaceae at the Teko Estu- flagellate cyst abundance was generally low in areas of low
ary (Bulukumba Regency) has a strong relation with tem- salinity in the Baltic Sea (the Northern Central basin and
perature, while the abundance of the Osteropsidaceae family the Gotland basin), and suggested that salinity determined
shows a strong relation with the concentration of dissolved total dinocyst abundances. We found relatively low-aver-
oxygen. Furthermore, the abundance of the Gymnodiniaceae age dinoflagellate cyst abundance at all sampling locations
family at the Tangka Estuary (Sinjai Regency) is strongly (162–289 cysts/g) compared to a similar study by Rukmi-
related to the concentration of C-organic. For the families of nasari and Tahir (2021) at three estuaries in the Makassar
Polykrikaceae and Peridiniaceae, their abundances show a Strait, where dinoflagellate cyst abundance ranged from 35
strong relationship with N-total and C-organic. Similarly, the to 1135 cysts/g. One likely reason for the mostly lower dino-
abundance of the Pyrophacaeae and incertae sedis families flagellate cyst abundance at the Bone Bay sampling sites
at the Panyula Estuary (Bone Regency) strongly relates to could be the lower salinity compared to the Makassar Strait.
salinity. TDS exhibits a strong relationship with the abun- According to Kunarso et al. (2018), the waters of Bone Bay
dance of the Protoperidiniaceae family. are relatively fertile and tend to have comparatively low
salinity due to the large volumes of freshwater flowing into
the bay from rivers on Sulawesi Island. In addition, there
4 Discussion are exchanges of water masses from the Pacific Ocean to
the Indian Ocean through the Sulawesi Sea, Flores Sea and
It is well known that temperature, salinity and nutrient the Java Sea that can affect salinity levels. The dinoflagellate
availability control the distribution, abundance and species cyst abundance levels found in this study are also lower than
dominance of dinoflagellate cysts (Devillers and De Vernal those reported from other estuaries and coastal seas, includ-
2000; Vernal et al. 2001). Our study found that dinoflagel- ing in Europe (Harland et al. 2004a), and North American
late cyst abundance, taxonomic composition and distribution (Pospelova et al. 2004). Other studies have found that dino-
patterns varied between sampling sites. In general, dinoflag- flagellate cysts abundance was commonly higher than 1000
ellate cyst abundance was lower at stations in the river than cysts/g (Pospelova and Kim 2010) and even up to 1­ 04–105
19 Page 8 of 13 Ocean Science Journal (2024) 59:19

Fig. 6  Ecological indices at

12 sampling stations in three
Bone Bay estuaries: a Species
richness index: d, b Pielou’s
evenness: J’ and c Shannon—
Wiener’s diversity index: H’
Ocean Science Journal (2024) 59:19 Page 9 of 13 19

Fig. 7  Spatial distribution of dinoflagellate cyst abundance in three estuaries in Bone Bay. a Teko Estuary, Bulukumba District; b Tangka Estu-
ary, Sinjai District; and c Panyula Estuary, Bone District

Stress: 0,19 type of sediment was not conducive to the accumulation of

Teko Estuary dinocysts.
Dinoflagellates are found in two distinct environments:
within the water column as part of the plankton community
Tangka Estuary and at the bottom of aquatic ecosystems, where they are
considered benthic organisms (Bralewska and Witek 1995).
Furthermore, they explained that within this taxonomic
Panyula Estuary group, there is an extraordinary variety of trophic types,
ranging from entirely autotrophic species to mixotrophs and
fully heterotrophic organisms, including parasites. Each of
Fig. 8  nMDS ordination of Log (X + 1) transformation comparing the these categories comprises numerous individual species.
dinoflagellate cyst assemblages in terms of total number of cysts/g The dinoflagellate cyst species that were abundant in the
DW sediment for three estuaries in Bone Bay three Bone Bay estuaries were Alexandrium minutum and
Scrippsiella lachrymose that are mixotrophic species and
cysts/g (Radi et al. 2007). The low abundance of dinoflag- Pentapharsodinium tyrrhenicum/Ensiculifera tyrrhenica that
ellate cysts in this study could be related to the sediment is an autotrophic species. Furthermore, 66% of dinoflagellate
type, which was mostly coarse in the three estuarine sites cyst species were autotrophic species, consistent with the
in Bone Bay. According to Dale (1983), dinoflagellate cysts classification of Bone Bay as a fertile water body and one
could not settle in coarse sediment, and consequently this of the upwelling areas in Indonesian waters. Autotrophic
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Table 2  Results from nMDS ANOSIM Pairwise test and SIMPER analyses comparing dinoflagellate cyst assemblages between the three study
sites: Global R, Significance level/P value, Dissimilarity (%) and the taxa most responsible for dissimilarity
Pairwise SIMPER Results
Dissimilarity (%) 3 taxa most responsible for the
difference (%)

Teko Estuary vs Tangka Estuary 62.49 Polykrikos kofoidii (19.73)

Alexandrium minutum (13,88)
Cochlodinium spp (11.10)
Teko Estuary vs Panyula Estuary 54.9 Scrippsiella crystallina (11.57)
Cochlodinium spp (11.48)
Scrippsiella lachrymosa (11.08)
Panyula Estuary vs Tangka Estuary 65.81 Polykrikos kofoidii (19.35)
Alexandrium minutum (12.03)
Scrippsiella crystallina (11.08)
Pairwise ANOSIM Results
Global R Level of significance/P value

Teko Estuary vs Tangka Estuary 0.478 0.001

Teko Estuary vs Panyula Estuary 0.018 0.27
Panyula Estuary vs Tangka Estuary 0.339 0.001

Fig. 9  Biplot visualization of CCA Map / Symmetric

CCA to show the relationship (axes F1 and F2: 100.00 %)
between family dinoflagellate 1.2
cyst abundance (Incertae sedis, Sites
Gonyaulacaceae, Gymnodini- 1 Gonyaulacaceae Objects
aceae, Osteropsidaceae, Peri- Variables
diniaceae. Polykrikaceae, Proto- 0.8
peridiniaceae, Pyrophacaceae)
and environmental variables 0.6
(Temperature, Salinity, DO, Gymnodiniaceae
TDS, C_Organic, C_Inorganic, 0.4
F2 (28.94 %)

N_Total) within sites

0.2 DO
Protoperidiniaceae Temperature
0 TDS C_Inorganic
Salinity BN.I
C_Organic Polykrikaceae
-0.4 Peridiniaceae

-0.6 pyrophacaceae
Incertae sedis
-1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5
F1 (71.06 %)

dinoflagellate taxa have been utilized as indicators of long- of Kim et al. (2012) that low concentrations of heterotrophic
term variations in productivity, especially changes related to dinoflagellate cysts in shelf sediment were due to nutrient
upwelling intensity (Kim et al. 2010; Mertens et al. 2009). concentrations that were not favorable for heterotrophic
The low percentage of heterotrophic dinoflagellate cysts in species.
this study was probably due to unfavorable nutrient condi- Dinoflagellates cysts have been used as biological indica-
tions in the water column and sediment for this dinoflagel- tor for both modern and past environments. Diversity indices
late cyst group. This would be consistent with the findings that have commonly been used include species assemblage
Ocean Science Journal (2024) 59:19 Page 11 of 13 19

characteristics, diversity (Pospelova et al. 2002), and species that when there was eutrophication from agriculture or
richness (Pospelova et al. 2002). Rodrigues et al. (2019) also industrial pollution, generally accompanied by increasing
used dinoflagellate cysts to assess water quality to examine turbidity, dinoflagellate assemblage composition tended
seasonal patterns of pollution and eutrophication, using the to shift from autotrophic- dominated to heterotrophic-
Shannon–Wiener diversity index as a pollution index in dia- dominated, as a consequence of an increasing abundance
tom communities. Meanwhile, Pospelova et al. (2002, 2005) of suitable prey (Matsuoka 1999; Pospelova et al. 2002;
used dinoflagellate cyst-based Fisher’s α and species rich- Godhe and McQuoid 2003). The dominance of autotrophic
ness as indicators of environmental conditions in estuarine dinoflagellate cysts at all sampling stations and sites indi-
systems. In general, the less polluted the waters, the higher cates that there has not been a shift from autotroph to
the diversity index and species richness. The dinoflagellate heterotroph species in Bone Bay, and that this was likely
cyst species richness index (0.60–0.99) at the study sites because environmental conditions were more favorable to
in Bone Bay can be considered relatively low compared to autotroph species. We argue that the results of dinoflag-
studies at other sites. For example, Rukminasari and Tahir ellate cyst sampling in the three Bone Bay estuaries do
(2021) found the species richness index at three estuaries in not indicate the occurrence of eutrophication or industrial
the Makassar Strait ranged from 0.31–1.16. A low species pollution, but rather most likely reflect a combination of
richness/diversity in this study could indicate the presence oligotrophic waters and coarse sediment.
of nutrient pollution at the sampling sites, as Pospelova et al
(2002, 2005) stated that low-dinoflagellate cyst species rich-
ness/diversity could be an indicator for nutrient pollution
and sewage outfalls. A decrease in dinoflagellate cyst species 5 Conclusion
richness can also be a signal of organic and toxic pollution
in a water body (Pospelova et al. 2005). This study was the first to examine the dinoflagellate
However, (Rodrigues et al. 2019) stated that dinoflag- assemblages at three estuaries in Bone Bay. The study
ellate abundance and diversity are mostly low in tropical also used dinoflagellate cysts as biological indicators of
waters. Dinoflagellate diversity in this study was low (18 environmental conditions in South Sulawesi coastal areas.
taxa identified from 36 samples) compared with other stud- Our results show that dinoflagellate cyst assemblages in
ies on surface sediment in coastal areas around the world Bone Bay reflect environmental differences, suggesting
(including the Makassar Strait, South Korean coast, Izmir that dinoflagellate cyst assemblages may be important
Bay in the Eastern Aegean, Buzzards Bay in Massachusetts biotic factors in South Sulawesi coastal areas. The data
USA, Sishili Bay in the Chinese Yellow Sea, and the south- also suggested that eutrophication and industrial pollution
western Mexican coast) which mostly found more than 33 has not yet occurred at Bone Bay and that there had not
taxa (Rukminasari and Tahir 2021; Pospelova and Kim been a shift from autotrophic to heterotrophic dinoflagel-
2010; Aydin et al. 2015; Pospelova et al. 2005; Liu et al. late species. However, based on the species richness and
2012; Limoges et al. 2010). Oligohaline environments are diversity, Bone Bay was categorized as an oligotrophic
characterized by low cyst species diversity and abundance water body. Salinity also appeared to be a major factor
(Ellegaard 2002; Mudie and Rochon 2001), while Pospelova controlling dinoflagellate cyst assemblages and their dis-
et al. (2004) found that dinoflagellate cyst assemblages at tribution at Bone Bay. Three dinoflagellate species were
low salinity stations contained less than eight taxa. There- present and highly abundant at all sampling sites: Alexan-
fore, the study results indicate that the sampling sites could drium minutum, Pentapharsodinium tyrrhenicum/Ensicu-
most likely be classed as oligotrophic waters. lifera tyrrhenica and Scrippsiella lachrymosa.
Factors that influence dinoflagellate assemblages,
Acknowledgements We thanks to Director of Center of Excellent and
according to Rodrigues et al. (2019), include water col- Innovation of Seaweed Development and Utilization who has provided
umn parameters (e.g., salinity, light, food availability) and us with room and facilities for analyzing our samples. Also, thanks
sediment parameters (e.g., grain size, sedimentation rates, to Head of Bulukumba, Sinjai and Maros Regency who have given a
grazing rates, bioturbation, benthic suspension, and degra- permission for conducting sampling in their areas. This research was
funded by Directorate Research and Community Service, Ministry of
dation). Therefore, fluctuations in water temperature and Education and Culture, Republic of Indonesia and Universitas Hasa-
salinity could also cause variation in dinoflagellate cyst nuddin, under research scheme of Indonesian Research Collaboration
assemblages. In this study, the dinoflagellate cyst assem- (A Scheme) with the contract number: 1377/UN4.22/PT.01.03/2022.
blages were relatively homogenous between the stations Author also want to thank to our students (Nur Inda Sari, Andi Widya
Anugrah, Delfira, Umi Rintin, Nurul Kiswa and Rizky Amalia Rama-
within each of the sampling sites (three estuaries in Bone dhani) who helping us in sampling and processing our samples.
Bay). This may have been due to relatively small vari-
ations in environmental parameters such as temperature Data availability Not applicable.
and salinity between the stations. Previous studies found
19 Page 12 of 13 Ocean Science Journal (2024) 59:19

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