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Date: 03/11/2023


Respected Sir/Ma'am,

Sub: Request for reconsideration of_my Visa Application.

I am Bhag Singh S\o Banta Singh, Resident of Near Dera, village Jeondan, Bathinda, Pin: 151103
Punjab, India, was born on November 10, 1979. My passport number is 19483519. I requested
a visitor visa to travel to Canada for meeting my son, Dharampreet Singh, on his birthday in
December, 2023; however, my request was denied. My visa application number was
V339213693, and it was refused on October 27 th , 2023.

I apologize for any shortcomings in my previous application and will try to submit clarifications
towards the points raised by the honorab le visa officer.

The current application is· before your kind self for reconsideration _o( the same. The pdints
mentioned by the respected Visa Officer while not approving my Visitor Visa application are listed
as below:

• I am not satisfied that you will leave Canada at the end of your stay as required by
paragraph 179(b) of the IRPR (https://laws-·
227/section-179.html). I am -refusing your application because you have not established
that you will leave Canada, based on the following factors:
• You have significant family ties in Canada .
• The purpose of your visit to Canada is not consistent with a temporary stay given the
details you have provided in your application.

I fully understand and respect the decision made by the Canadian Embassy. However, I would
like to provide additional information and explanations to address the concerns raised and
demon~trate my strong commitment to abiding by the terms of a visitor visa. I kindly request
that you reconsider my application for the following reasons:

• Intention to Leave Canada: I want to emphasize that I have a strong intention to return to
my home country, India, at the end of my proposed visit to Canada. This intention is based
on several compelling reasons:

► Family Ties: It is essential to note that my elderly mother, Deep Kaur, resides with my
wife and me in India, and she relies on us for daily assistance. During our visit to
Canada, she will be cared for by our relatives, ensuring her well-being. We are fully
aware of our responsibilities towards her, and we will promptly return to India after
our short visit to Canada to resume her care.
► Strong Roots and Professional Commitment: As an agriculturist, my presence in India
is crucial, especially during specific seasons to ensure successful crop yields.
Prolonged absence from my agricultural responsibilities could result in significant
losses. The • impo.rtance · of a farmer's presence .during key s~ages of agricultural
activities is vital, and I am fully committed to fulfilling these obligations.

Both my wife and I are highly committed to our respective professions, with recognized
achievements in ou r fields. We have stable sources of income and lead comfortable
lives in India. We have built strong roots. in our community and enjoy a reputable
standing. Our commitment to our personal and professional growth in Punjab is
unwavering. I have no intention of staying permanently in Canada and am dedicated to
returning to my work and my elderly mother within the stipulated time.

• Temporary Natu re of the Visit: Our visit to Canada is intended to be relatively short,
spanning from November 25th, 2023, to December 27th, 2023, totaling 30 days. This limited
duration clearly demonstrates our intention for a temporary visit.

• Purpose of Visit: Our primary purpose for this visit is to reunite with our son, who resides in
Canada. We have been separated from him for over five years, and the emotional toll of this
separation has bee n significant. In addition, over the past few years, he has endured the
hardship of missing important family events, including his graduation ceremony, without
the presence of any family member. His determination and dedication have been admirable,
but the absence of his loved ones during these crucial moments has left a void in his life.

What makes our visit even more significant is the fact that his birthday falls on December 24th .
For our son, this day is not just a desire but a deep-seated wish . Being with him on this special
day wo'uld not on ly bri ng immense joy and warmth to his celebration but also help us bridge
th e emotional gap t hat has persisted due to our separation . The shared experience of
ce lebrating his birthday together would create enduring memories that we will cherish for a
lifetime. We are sincerely committed to ensuring our son's well -being and happiness during
our stay, and being· present for his birthday would be a source of great ,comfort and support
for him. We earnestly hope that o·u r request for a reconsideration of my visa application will
be granted, allowing us t o reunite with our son and create these cherished memories together.

W e firmly believe that t here is nothing wrong in requesting to meet our son and support him
du ring these importa nt events in his life. Family plays a central role in one's emotional well-
being, and our intention is to provide him with the love and emotional support that only
fa mily can offer.
Furthermore, my wife, Beant Kaur, was granted a valid visitor visa for Canada but was unable
to make the trip due to her apprehension towards air travel . It is crucial for us as parents to
be there for our son on his birthday and to provide emotional support during our stay.

I would like to reit erate my understanding and willingness to adhere to the terms and
conditions set by t he Visa Officer. If deemed appropriate, I am open to being awarded a short
visit visa to ensure my timely return. My sole intention is to spend quality time with my son
during the specified period and then return to my responsibilities in India .

I genuinely believe t hat our visit to Canada will be temporary and solely for the purpose of
reuniting with our so n during this special occasion . I kindly request that you reconsider my visa
application and gra nt me the opportunity to be with my family on this significant occasion.

Thank you for your ti me and consideration. I look forward to a positive response.


t}hcJ} S{~
Bhag Singh

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