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Table Of Contents

Introduction 3
1.1 Features 3
Project Schedule 4
2.1 crucial steps in developing the project schedule 4
2.1.1 Define your activities first 4
2.1.2 Arrange Activities in a logical order 5
2.1.3 Make estimations 5
3. Requirements Documentation 6
3.1 Functional Requirements 6
3.2 Non-Functional Requirements 7
3.3 Tools: 7
4. Risk Mitigation 7
4.1 Audit 7
4.2 Financial 7
4.3 Risk Register 8
5. Proposed Evaluation 9
6. Project Monitoring Approach 11
6.1 Set clear objectives for your AI Chatbot Project 11
6.2 Structure your AI chatbot team and assign them missions 12
6.3 AI Chatbot Project: Experiment with the “Test and Learn” mode 13
7. Conclusion 13
References 14

1. Introduction
This project's goal is to develop a chatbot that students may use to visit the college website and
quickly get answers to their questions. A piece of computer software known as a chatbot may
engage with users in real-time via text and/or voice. Chatbots may utilize artificial intelligence to
mimic human speech (AI). You may categorize chatbots into two groups. One sort of chatbot is
one that follows instructions and makes use of a database of potential replies and heuristics. The
user's requests must be very specific for the bot to react. As a result, these bots are limited in
what they can accomplish and can only react to a set of requests. The second category consists of
chatbots created utilizing AI or machine learning methods. Users do not need to be specific when
expressing questions because these bots can answer vague ones. Because of this, these bots use
Natural Language Processing to respond to the user's questions (NLP). The University Enquiry
Chatbot can help students identify reliable and up-to-date sources of information. It is in their
benefit if they have questions about paying fees or academic issues. Students can obtain the
information online rather than visiting to the college administration. Efficiency is increased by
performing tasks for which humans are not required. The University Enquiry Chatbot's sentiment
analysis feature reliably determines if a user's query is good, negative, or neutral and keeps all of
the conversations in the database (Bavishi, 2019). The great breadth and complexity of these
questions implies that sympathetic answers were only partially successful. On the other hand,
active learning may enhance the bot's capacity to reply to unscripted questions.

1.1 Features

The chatbot's skills may be expanded in the future to improve College Enquiry's current
capabilities, for example, by adding data for all departments, training with a range of data,
testing it on a website, or providing additional data based on user input. Future updates to the bot
might include the addition of functionality like (Aggarwal et al., 2022)

1) Because of the bot's speech recognition feature, kids may speak queries to it and receive
answers back from it.

2) The network has been connected to other social networking sites including Skype and Skype
for Business.

3) When the chatbot is aware of the context of a conversation being held with a student, it can
handle interactive, context-aware enquiries.

4) Integration with tools like password reset and course registration.

5) Providing the bot with the ability to do analytics depending on user sentiment, allowing it to
be retrained on how people feel and increasing its empathy.

2. Project Schedule

The project timetable assigns activities to be finished and specifies due dates for those activities
and deliverables. The following may be stated as the illustration of our project timetable or

● Estimates of the time period for all the activities within the project
● Tasks have to begin and end dates.
● Names of a group of workers contributors tasked with finishing the activities
● Tasks of their right order

Estimated Project Completion Date: [One year]

The WBS is a crucial part of the project schedule. The project work breakdown structure is
mediated withinside the project timetable.

2.1 crucial steps in developing the project schedule

These are the important steps that were taken into account when creating the project schedule:

2.1.1 Define your activities first

It involves WBS and guarantees that all relevant activities, as well as start and conclusion dates,
are included in the plan.

2.1.2 Arrange Activities in a logical order

The subsequent task is to reserve the activities and pick out dependencies (Finish to Finish,
Finish to Finish, Start to Start, Start to Finish).

2.1.3 Make estimations

To create a timetable, you'll need an estimate of what you'll do, how you'll accomplish it, and the
most important element of the equation: how long the project will take to complete.

Project Schedule

Activity Months Path

1. Project Scope Statement Jan-March A

1.1 Project introduction Jan B

1.4 Project planning Jan, Feb, March C

2. Operational concept March-Jul G


2.1 Develop OCD March H

2.2 OCD final review April I

2.3 Update OCD with changes May J

2.7 Project deliverables June, July N

3. Chatbot project April-Sep O

management plan

3.1 Determine project activities April P

3.2 Determine budget/resource May Q

3.3 Develop application draft June R

3.4 Draft final review July S

3.5 Update draft with changes July T

3.9 Project deliverables discussion Aug, Sep X

4. Chatbot requirement March-Nov AA


5. Chatbot design Jan-March AB

document (Top-level)

6. Chatbot design March-Nov AC

document (detailed)

7. Chatbot implementation July-Dec AF

7.1 Chatbot development Oct-Dec AG


3. Requirements Documentation

3.1 Functional Requirements

Users can ask Chabot questions concerning tests, such as those regarding the date sheet and test
rescheduling. The Chabot will also respond to the following inquiries:

● Inquiries pertaining to admissions, such as the start and end dates for applications.
● Concerns with the Registrar's Office, such as those relating to study program changes and
semester freezes/unfreezes

● For instance, the Directorate of Finance oversees Fee Matters BS and MS.
● Questions pertaining to the IT department, such as issues with mobile apps and LMS.
● Exam-related inquiries, such as those on the administration of tests and datasheets.

3.2 Non-Functional Requirements

The product's dependability, maintenance, and security are all covered by the non-functional
criteria. One of the most crucial elements of our project is security, which ensures that no
unauthorized party may access user, teacher, or course data. The whole registration, enrollment,
and course completion process must be automated, and the product must be simple to maintain.
Users who didn't finish or begin a course should be able to have entries in the database removed
after a certain amount of time. This should assist in preventing overflow, which might result in a
database maintenance issue. The database should function in a way that prevents data from users,
instructors, courses, and businesses from being mixed up and delivering the incorrect
information to the incorrect individual. The lessons should be designed such that exams and
quizzes don't duplicate questions or wrongly mark answers to questions.
3.3 Tools:

● Visual Studio Code

● Python/ PHP/ JSON
● Flask Framework, SQLite, Long short-term memory

4. Risk Mitigation

4.1 Audit
● Does your team actively manage risks or do you have a well-defined plan?
● Do you have someone or a team that is especially in charge of reducing risk?
● Does the project team discuss risk management at meetings on a regular basis?
● Do you regularly assess and evaluate your risk management plans?
4.2 Financial

● Do your projects’ budgets and cash flow predictions have a clear definition?
● Are your key stakeholders routinely informed of and able to comprehend your budget and
cash flow projections?

● Does your project team periodically assess its projected cash flow and budget against its
actual financial position?
● Does your project plan operate within its allocated budget?

4.3 Risk Register

Ris Likelihoo
k Risk Description d Impact Severity Mitigation Action Status
1 The size of the product Project Low Medium High The project team will Open
is very enormous. Manager define the student's needs
thoroughly (which
functionalities will be

2 Personnel the Project

from Medium High High The project manager will Open
project team leave. Manager offer the main developers
with good motivation
(benefits). It's also a good
idea to plan for backup

3 The definition of the Project Low High High Detail the scope and provide Open
project's activities and Manager a project charter.
deliverables is
4 Budget for the project is Finance Medium Medium High Keeping the chess club's Open
understated. Manager project scope to a minimal

5 Chatbot has flaws and Developme High High Medium In order to avoid software Open
faults. nt team issues, the project manager
and development team will
plan and execute an in-depth
testing and debugging
6 The programme does Project Low Medium Medium Developers should employ Open
not open properly with developme responsive technologies
a specific browser. nt team like proportion-based
grids, adaptable images,
CSS3 media queries, and
the @media rule in their

5. Proposed Evaluation

Team Acquiring

Inputs Tools & Techniques Outputs

1. Project initiative 1. Pre-assignment 1. Project Staff

background factors 2. Negotiation assignments
2. Project processing 3. Acquisition 2. Resource availability
resources 4. Virtual team 3. Staffing management
3. Team roles plan (updates)
4. Work Breakdown
5. Staffing management

Roles & Responsibilities

Role Name Responsibility

Investor A ● supplying the project

with the resources it
● role in the project's
design and

Project manager B ● coordinating,

directing, and
arranging all
● accountable for the
project's timely,
affordable, and

Finance manager C ● Assists in managing

the budget for various
activities within the
● Responsible for
keeping the project on
budget and on time

Chatbot developer D ● in charge of tasks like


design, programming,
or coding, etc.
● ensuring that
consumers engage
with the chatbot

Chatbot designer E ● responsible for

creating the chatbot
based on the needs of
the user
● responsible for
creating visually
appealing user

QA engineer F ● will review the test

results and look for
● responsible for
ensuring that the
chatbot runs smoothly

6. Project Monitoring Approach

6.1 Set clear objectives for your AI Chatbot Project

For instance:
● By introducing a new self-service tool, you may enhance the user experience in available
● Make the desktop site's navigation and information search simpler.
● Improved contact flow management:
● Cut down on calls with little added value.
● Reduce the number of emails that arrive from the desktop site.

● raising conversion rates

● enhancing student learning
Each of these goals must be quantifiable and qualitatively measurable. Therefore, it is essential
to carefully consider the metrics to track to ensure that the implemented solution satisfies these
KPIs once in production and to determine how it can be improved, if necessary.
For instance, the chatbot has handled the top 5 themes, reduced the volume of incoming emails
by 20 to 30%, and created a lot of quotations.

6.2 Structure your AI chatbot team and assign them missions

The next step is to specify how the various parties should collaborate. This may be, for instance:
● establishing a shared management tool,
● a typical texting device,
● establishing a shared email account for the project team,
● organizing daily meetings,
● coordinating weekly project team meetings,
● updating the steering committee often.
More broadly, each team member has to have a clear mission, whether it's for the planning, the
execution, or the stages of follow-up and monitoring. In fact, the following are the key steps in
putting up a chatbot project:
● the creation of a requirements specification,
● creating an editorial policy,
● Creating chatbot material and setting it up in a hierarchy of dialogues,
● creating a visual charter,
● establishing KPIs to track
● Developing user test scenarios and evaluating the outcomes
● technical integration of the test environment's chatbot
● The project's internal and external communication.
A methodology needs to be defined for each step of the project, and everyone on the team must
adhere to it.

6.3 AI Chatbot Project: Experiment with the “Test and Learn” mode

Working on such a cutting-edge solution as an AI chatbot in a traditional project methodology

and V cycle is challenging. You must be as flexible as you can if you want to swiftly install a
high-quality chatbot. The easiest approach to achieve this is to work iteratively: launch a first
version, test it, and make adjustments; deploy a second version, test it, and make adjustments;
and so on, until you have a finished product that you're happy with. To build the project in the
most shrewd manner, it is crucial to keep your primary aims in mind.

7. Conclusion

The suggested system would serve as a first step in putting in place a software for intelligent
query handling. The Nave Bayesian approach has been applied to the development of an
intelligent question-answering system. Using the chat agent that is being utilized, the system is
capable of interactively responding to the student's question. Although there is room for
improvement, the system does a reasonable job of finding questions with similar syntactic
structures, taking some semantics into account as well. Additionally, because we apply a filtering
procedure, the search space is smaller, increasing the algorithmic efficiency of the system.


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