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For: NEBOSH International General Certificate in Occupational Health and Safety

Open Book Examination


Available for 24 hours

Learner name Muhammad Usama

NEBOSH learner 00823817
Learning Partner name Qanmos College-1535

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Answer sheet IG1-0036-ENG-OBE-V1 Mar24 © NEBOSH 2024 page

Task 1: Demonstrating management commitment

Question 1

Managing director is demonstrating poor managements commitments

regarding to the health and safety standards which are given below:
1. The managing director neglects prioritizing health and safety by
spending most of their time in the office on the phone instead of
actively overseeing operations on site.
2. Despite being aware of an upcoming health and safety audit, the MD
does not make efforts to ensure compliance or adequately prepare
for the audit.
3. The MD provides outdated health and safety documents to the health
and safety consultant, indicating a lack of effort in maintaining
current policies and procedures.
4. The MD admits that the health and safety policy statement is not
displayed on the premises, showing the disregard for making essential
safety information easily accessible.
5. When asked about accident records, the MD falsely claims that there
have been no accidents, suggesting a lack of transparency in reporting
6. The MD consistently ignores concerns which are raised by the
workers about worker A’s behaviour failing to address potential
safety risks.
7. Despite being informed of worker B’s illness the md proceed with
tasks without ensuring adequate staffing levels or considering worker
8. The MD does not allocate enough sources or time for training,
believing once workers are trained, there is no need for further
9. Regarding to the safety protocols, the MD has poor communication
with workers.
10.The MD also neglects investigating faulty equipment’s like ladder
which leads to an accident involving worker A, showing a lack of
proactive maintenance and hazard identification.
11.After the accident MD fails to openly communicate with worker C
about what happened, displaying a lack of transparency in addressing
safety concerns.
12.Instead of expressing concern for worker A’s well-being, the MD
immediately contacts worker B to assign blame rather than prioritize
worker safety.
13.The MD’s response to worker C’s concern about the ladders use
implies a failure to acknowledge responsibility for ensuring the safety

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of equipment and enforcing proper procedures.
14.The MD fails to follow up with worker B regarding the incident, opting
to leave an angry message instead of engaging in constructive
dialogue or investigation.
15.Overall MD’s action demonstrates a lack of proactive leadership in
promoting a safety culture and addressing potential hazards or
concerns raised by workers.
16.Their approach to health and safety lacks genuine commitment as
evidenced by neglecting crucial safety measures, failing to address
recurring issues and reacting rather than proactively responding to
safety incidents.

Task 2: Improving communication at F&W

Question 2

Improving communication at F&W is crucial to encouraging a positive health

and safety culture. Here are the several ways through which the H&S could
be improved at F&W:
1. Conduct frequent safety meetings to address issues including
outdated policies and to discuss updates and concerns.
2. Create clear channels for employees to report incidents or safety
hazards taking into account addressing the lack of reporting
mentioned in the scenario.
3. Conduct regular safety training sessions to address the issue of
outdated training and make sure all staff members are
knowledgeable about safety protocols.
4. To promote knowledge and adherence, clearly display health and
safety policies around the building.
5. Establish an open-door policy for workers to discuss safety issues
with management addressing the MDs dismissive attitude towards
worker concerns.
6. Encourage management and employees to communicate back and
forth about safety making sure that issues are acknowledged and
quickly resolved.
7. Make use of visual aids and posters to help employees comprehend
more important safety messages.
8. Establish a buddy system so that inexperienced employees may pick
up safety procedures from experienced employees, guaranteeing
regular training and information sharing.
9. Motivate employees to actively participate in risk assessments and
safety inspections in order to find and solve any potential hazards.
10.To keep employees aware and involved in safety activities provide

Answer sheet IG1-0036-ENG-OBE-V1 Mar24 © NEBOSH 2024 page

them with frequent updates on safety performance and
11.Create a culture that encourages transparency as well as
accountability in health and safety communication, allowing
employees to communicate concerns about safety without fear of

Task 3: Advising on audits and inspections

Question 3

Differences between audit and inspection are given below:


 It concentrates on occupational safety and health management

 It completely scrutinizes paper work such as health and safety policy,
risk assessment reports and safe system of work.
 It contains records that were prepared for the verification of training,
maintenance and examinations.
 Audit is the expensive and time taking process, and it requires a higher
level of competence.
 Usually it is completed after 6moths or mostly monthly.
 The scope of audits is usually substantially larger.
 Audits are typically conducted by external parties.
 Typically, audits use a variety of techniques, including document
inspections, questionnaires, and interviews.

 An inspection is inclusive, documented and systematic process for
the risk assessment reports, equipment’s and work place hazards .
 Inspections are done by the occupational health and safety
professionals or by safety expert.
 A safety inspection reviews the involvement of hardware at
workplace including personal protective equipment’s.
 Inspections usually centre on the performance of an organization.
 inspection aims to give a comprehensive image of how well a
company complies with requirements.
 inspections typically utilize a single method, such as observation.
 A more casual report is usually produced after an inspection and
distributed to the appropriate managers or supervisors.
 Internal parties, such managers or supervisors, usually carry out
inspections like daily, weekly or monthly.
Answer sheet IG1-0036-ENG-OBE-V1 Mar24 © NEBOSH 2024 page
Task 4: Working within a health and safety management system

Question 4

Implementing a formal health and safety management system at F&W could

offer various benefits as follow:
1. Improved compliance: Ensures compliance with health and safety
standards and regulations addresses the outdated policies and lack of
compliance mentioned in the scenario.
2. Enhanced safety culture: Promotes a culture of safety among workers
addressing concerns about worker A's behaviour and the overall toxic
work environment.
3. Reduced incidents: Decreases the possibility of injuries and accidents
mitigating risks associated with faulty equipment and unsafe
4. Increased awareness: Ensures that all employees are aware of their
duties and responsibilities regarding health and safety.
5. Risk reduction: Recognizes and reduces possible risks and dangers in the job,
such as the faulty ladder and the absence of regular equipment.
6. Improved communication: Promotes a dialogue between employees
and management on safety policies and procedures.
7. Training enhancement: This addresses the issue of outdated training
and the MD's unwillingness to invest in training by making sure that
all staff members attend regular training sessions.
8. Proactive approach: Promotes a proactive rather than a reactive
approach to safety management in case of difficulties or accidents.
9. Efficiency: Safe management is more effective and efficient when
safety processes and procedures are streamlined.
10.Accountability: Clearly defines roles and duties in the areas of health
and safety, guaranteeing accountability throughout the business/
11.Continuous improvement: Encourages ongoing enhancements to
safety procedures and performance which helps to raise the bar for
safety standards as a whole.
12.Documentation: Assuring effective record keeping and accountability,
documentation offers a framework for recording safety procedures,
audits, inspections and remedial actions.
13.Emergency preparedness: This guarantees timely and efficient
reactions to situations such as the injury suffered by Worker A.
14.Investment attraction: By showcasing a dedication to safety and
compliance, the facility increases its appeal to investors.
15.Satisfaction of workers: By giving priority to their health and safety
issues, workers' contentment and morale are improved.
16.Legal protection: Lowers the centre’s responsibility by providing legal

Answer sheet IG1-0036-ENG-OBE-V1 Mar24 © NEBOSH 2024 page

protection by proving that it has taken reasonable precautions to
manage health and safety concerns.
17.Visitor confidence: Raises visitors' trust in the centre’s security, which
may draw more people and money.
18.Long term sustainability: By fostering a secure and healthful work
environment for everybody, this feature helps Feather & Wings
remain successful and sustainable over the long run.

Task 5: Obligations of employers to workers

Question 5

According to the recommendation 10(a, b, c, d and e) of ILO Obligations of

employer are as follows:
1. Ensuring a safe workplace (a): It appears that F&W did not fulfil its
duty to provide a safe workplace as shown by outdated training,
outdated safety and health standards the faulted equipment’s and
the existence of dangers such as the broken ladder.
2. Providing training and information(b): Based on the outdated
training records and the MD’s unwillingness to spend money on training
in spite of employee turnover and it seems that employer at F&W
failed to provide workers with sufficient training.
3. Supervision of work (c): There is a lack of supervision to the workers
and absence of collaborative approach to safety management and the
MD’s disregard of worker A's behaviour also demonstrate a lack of
engagement with workers regarding health and safety issues.
4. Organizational arrangements (d): There is a lack of organizational
arrangements on workplace activities at F&W regarding to the
occupational health and safety.
5. Providing PPE's(e): There are no arrangements of personal protective
equipment’s for the prevention of hazards.
6. Failure to provide a safe workplace: According to the
recommendation 10 (a), the existence of dangers like the faulty
ladder suggests a failure to provide a safe work place.
7. Inadequate information and training: The outdated training records
and MD's unwillingness to invest in training indicate the lack of
training and information as outlined in recommendation (10) b.
8. Lack of consultation with workers: In violation of Recommendation
10(c), the MD's disregarded the workers concerns over Worker A's
9. Inadequate organizational arrangements: According to the
recommendation 10 (d), there is lack of arrangements on workplace
which shows the failure of management directors.

Answer sheet IG1-0036-ENG-OBE-V1 Mar24 © NEBOSH 2024 page

10. Failure to provide PPE's: According to the recommendation 10 (e),
there is a lack of PPE's on risky workplace which is the great failure of

Task 6: Organisational factors

Question 6

Negative organizational factors at F&W are given below:

1. Financial difficulties: The ongoing financial difficulties faced by F&W
may have limited investment in health and safety measures,
impacting safety protocols and equipment maintenance.
2. Change in ownership: There may have been gaps in rules and
procedures as a result of the recent sale to Animal World, which may
have interrupted the continuity of health and safety management.
3. Management priorities: The MD's focus on office tasks rather than
actively overseeing safety measures may have resulted in neglect or
oversight of safety protocols on-site.
4. Lack of leadership: Worker A's behaviour, characterized by
superiority and ordering younger workers around, indicates a lack of
effective leadership in promoting a positive safety culture.
5. Communication issues: The MD's dismissive attitude towards worker
concerns and reluctance to address Worker A's behaviour may have
created communication barriers, hindering the reporting and
resolution of safety issues.
6. Training practices: The MD's opinion that training is not required after
the first few sessions and outdated training records point to
insufficient training methods, which have an adverse influence on
employees' capacity to manage safety risks.
7. Employees turnover: Worker B's observation that few employees
remain in a position for a long time suggests that there is a risk of
inconsistent safety procedures and a loss of institutional knowledge
due to employee turnover.
8. Allocation of Resources: The MD's apparent unwillingness to spend
money on safety precautions and training suggests that there may not
have been enough resources to provide maintenance and safety
9. Workplace Culture: Worker A's actions and management's lack of
response point to a toxic workplace where safety issues are not
adequately handled.
10.Inadequate Equipment Maintenance: The existence of a faulty ladder
suggests that the equipment has not been properly maintained,
endangering the safety of the workers.

Answer sheet IG1-0036-ENG-OBE-V1 Mar24 © NEBOSH 2024 page

11.Lack of Regular Safety Checks: The absence of routine safety audits
or inspections points to a lack of methodical observation of the
working environment's health and safety.
12.Ineffective Policies: It's possible that uncertainty and a disregard for
safety procedures resulted from the ineffective policies that haven't
been updated in the health and safety department since 2018 and the
absence of policy statements from display.
13.Lack of Proactive Measures: The MD's response to safety issues only
comes after incidents have happened, indicating a reactive approach
to safety management rather than a proactive one.
14.Inadequate Safety Culture: Taken together, these variables suggest
that F&W has an adequate safety culture in which employee health
and safety are not given priority or are not well managed.

Task 7: Reactive monitoring measures

Question 7

If anything goes wrong, reactive monitoring sets up. It involves investigating

the accident or incident reasons in order to identify lessons learned and
determine what may be fixed to stop a recurrence. Following are the
reactive monitoring measures that could be used for F&W:
1. Incident reporting: Provide a mechanism for employees to report
mishap, injuries, and near misses so that F&W can respond to
situations as soon as they happen.
2. Accident investigation: Carry out in depth investigations mishaps and
incidents in order to pinpoint the underlying reasons and implement
remedial measures to stop them for happening again.
3. Injury records: Keep track of worker illness and injuries in order to
see patterns and pinpoint locations where safety precautions need to
be strengthened.
4. Equipment failure reports: Keep track of any incidents of equipment
breakdown or failure in order to handle maintenance concerns and
avoid further mishaps.
5. Worker complaints: Encourage employees to voice any safety
concerns or dangers they come across so that F&W can deal with
problems as they arise.
6. Emergency Response Evaluation: Examine previous event responses
to see how well emergency response protocols are working and make
any required modifications.
7. Safety Inspection Findings: Address faults and put remedial measures
in place to raise safety standards in response to safety inspection

Answer sheet IG1-0036-ENG-OBE-V1 Mar24 © NEBOSH 2024 page

8. Workplace Hazard Identification: Take action to reduce risks by
putting controls and safety measures in place in response to dangers
that have been recognized at work.
9. Work Refusals: Address situations where employees decline to do
duties because they fear for their safety. Look into the causes behind
the refusals and take the necessary steps to address the problems.
10.Legal compliance audits: Audits or evaluations of F&W's adherence
to health and safety rules should be conducted to ensure legal
conformity, and any non-compliance concerns found during the audit
process should be addressed.

Task 8: Identifying induction content

Question 8

Following information should be prioritized in the induction of F&W:

1. Safety procedures and emergency protocols: New employees should
be trained on safety protocols, which include first aid stations,
emergency evacuation routes and ways to report dangers or
2. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): Make sure that newly hired
employees are aware of how to properly use PPE's related to their jobs
and how crucial is it to use it in order to avoid damage.
3. Risk assessment and hazard identification: Teach employees how to
recognize dangers at work and evaluate risks, stressing the value of
being attentive in order to keep a safe workplace.
4. Workplace procedures and rules: Provide new hires with an
orientation on F&W's health and safety rules and procedures,
including those pertaining to waste disposal, sanitation and
equipment operation.
5. Equipment Operation and Maintenance: Provide new hires with
training on the safe usage and maintenance of the equipment that is
relevant to their jobs, emphasizing possible risks and preventative
6. Chemical Handling and Safety: If relevant, include details on how to
properly handle hazardous chemicals, including how to store them,
how to use them, and how to handle spills.
7. Worker Rights and Responsibilities: Inform new hires of their rights
and obligations with regard to health and safety, such as the ability to
decline dangerous jobs and the significance of reporting potential
8. Worker Health and Well-Being: Talk about issues pertaining to
worker health and well-being, such as accessible options for mental
Answer sheet IG1-0036-ENG-OBE-V1 Mar24 © NEBOSH 2024 page
health assistance, ergonomics, and fatigue management.
9. Communication Channels: Provide new hires with information on
how to report safety issues, get assistance, and take part in
committees or conversations pertaining to safety.
10.Opportunities for Training and Development: Draw attention to
chances for further health and safety education and training, stressing
the need of ongoing learning and growth.
11.Supervisor and Management Contact Information: Encourage new
employees to ask questions or seek clarification as needed by
providing the contact details of supervisors and management staff
who are in charge of health and safety monitoring.

Your total
word count*
* please note that this form already has 0 words (excluding text boxes and footers), which
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Documents and ILO Website:

sources of ed_protect/---protrav/---safework/documents/
information you normativeinstrument/wcms_107826.pdf
used in your
examination HSE Website:
Nebosh study text book.
Course notes.

End of examination

Now follow the instructions on submitting your answers in the NEBOSH Certificate Digital
Assessment - Technical Learner Guide, English. All Open Book Examination guidance
documents can be found on the NEBOSH website:

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