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Be a

Be a first- During
Be an IATEFL first- Have certain job role / Submit via the
Scholarship time Be from or reside in Submit a speaker proposal Pre-conference agree to conference agree Post conference agree to
member time experience application form
delegate to
Be interviewed by the English Language
Teacher or trainer
English Language Centre Centre about experience at conference.
Yes interested in use of 400-500-word essay
Brighton Robert O’Neill Write a report on conference experience and
technology within ELT
follow up plan
Be interviewed by the English Language
English Language Centre Between 3 and 5 years’ Centre about experience at conference.
Yes 400-500-word essay
Eastbourne Graham Smith experience Write a report on conference experience and
follow up plan
Teacher trainer with
Speak - see text
Gillian Porter Ladousse Yes (TTEdSIG) between 3 and 15 years’ 400-500-word essay Yes Write 2 articles for the TTEd SIG newsletter
for proposal topic
an up to date CV,
be an active teacher of
an 80-word text on your
Glossobooks* Yes English, working in the
teaching philosophy,
private or state sector
and a 1-min video
have previously
Speak as part of Write a 700-word report on conference
IATEFL BESIG Facilitator Yes (BESIG) contributed to BESIG, e.g. 400-500-word essay Yes (in BESIG Showcase)
SIG Showcase experience
writing an article, etc.
Bulgaria, Czech
Republic, Hungary, Speak - see text Write a 250-word article on conference
IATEFL Bill Lee Yes 400-500-word essay Yes
Poland, Romania or for proposal topic experience
Speak as part of
IATEFL ESPSIG Mark Krzanowski Yes (ESPSIG) 400-500-word essay Yes (in ESPSIG Showcase) Write an article for the ESPSIG journal
SIG Showcase
Be a roving
reporter at the Write a report for the ESPSIG website and
IATEFL ESPSIG Roving Reporter 400-500-word essay Yes (PCE via Google form)
ESPSIG PCE and newsletter
IATEFL Gill Sturtridge First Time Between 3 and 10 years’ Speak - see text Write a 250-word article on conference
Yes Yes 400-500-word essay Yes
Speaker experience for proposal topic experience
Speak as part of Write 2x 500-1000-word articles on
IATEFL LAMSIG Practising ELT manager 400-500-word essay Yes (in LAMSIG Showcase)
SIG Showcase conference presentation topic and follow up
Watch a session from Report on
LTSIG 2021 Book technology Provide a review of LTSIG PCE and Showcase
IATEFL LTSIG Diana Eastment
Yes (LTSIG) Conference & related talks. &
Roving Reporter
400-500-word essay & Produce 1 article Produce video/audio clips
Video/audio statement at conference
Write 700-1000-word blogs on PCE and
Be involved in materials
IATEFL MaWSIG Yes 400-500-word essay Yes (in MaWSIG Showcase) Showcase, create a 30-second video and be
interviewed at a MaWSIG webinar
IATEFL PronSIG Classroom Research proposal using Present your research at a PronSIG Event &
Yes (Pron) Practising teacher
Research PronSIG Google Form Publish your findings in Speak Out!
Hong Kong, India,
Speak - see text
Indonesia, Malaysia, Write a 250-word article on conference
IATEFL Ray Tongue Yes 400-500-word essay Yes for proposal
Singapore, Sri Lanka experience
or Thailand
200-250-word statement
Write a 1000-2000-word report about your
describing your interest in
IATEFL ReSIG Yes (Re) PCE Conference experience for ELT Research,
teacher research
the SIG’s newsletter
60-100-word bio

*New for 2025

Be a
Be a first- During
Be an IATEFL first Have certain job role / Submit via the
Scholarship time Be from or reside in Submit a speaker proposal Pre-conference agree to conference agree Post conference agree to
member time experience application form
delegate to
3 Years’ Experience & Be interviewed about
200-300-word essay &
IATEFL TDSIG Early Career Recent graduate from a yourself Write a reflective price on conference
Yes Reference from a teacher
Teacher pre-service teacher Create a 1-minute video on experience
training programme teaching experiences
Create a video on conference experience &
Be interviewed about
IATEFL TDSIG Michael Berman Yes (TDSIG) 400-500-word essay Write a reflective price on conference
have an active
Yes Yes professional interest in 400-500-word essay agree to write a 1000 -1500-word report
Delegate* Showcase
testing and assessment
Teacher with an active
Speak as part of Write a 1000-2000-word report on your talk
IATEFL TEASIG Yes interest in testing and 400-500-word essay Yes (in TEASIG Showcase)
SIG Showcase and conference experience
400-500-word overview
Have prepared learners of an educational activity Write an article about how attending
IELTS Morgan Terry Memorial Yes
for taking IELTS which could help prepare conference has enriched your practice
IELTS candidates

The Lexical Lab Scholarship for Practising teacher or Speak - see text Write a blog post (including short video) on
Yes 500-750-word essay Yes
lexically-oriented teachers researcher for proposal topic your presentation website.

Practicing teacher &

Have prepared learners 400-500-word essay Speak - see text Write an article on your work and
for taking the TOEFL iBT® 50-75-word bio for proposal topic conference experience

Working in the field of

Trinity College London Language
examinations and 400-500-word essay Yes (in TEASIG Showcase)
assessment development

Trinity College London Teacher

Teacher trainer 400-500-word essay Yes (in TTEdSIG Showcase)

*New for 2025

1 Year's IATEFL
Scholarship PCE Conference Accommodation Flights/Travel Cash £ Details

English Language Centre Brighton Robert O’Neill Yes Yes Yes £750
English Language Centre Eastbourne Graham Smith Yes Yes Yes £750
Gillian Porter Ladousse Yes (TTEd) Yes £1,500
Glossobooks Yes £300
IATEFL BESIG Facilitator Yes (BESIG) Yes £750
IATEFL Bill Lee Yes Yes £1,000
IATEFL ESPSIG Mark Krzanowski Yes (ESPSIG) Yes Yes* Yes* Travel and accommodation costs up to a maximum of GBP 700.00 against receipts
IATEFL ESPSIG Roving Reporter Yes (ESPSIG) Yes (ESPSIG) Yes Yes* Yes* Travel and accommodation costs up to a maximum of GBP 700.00 against receipts
IATEFL Gill Sturtridge First Time Speaker Yes Yes £1,000
an economy flight to the UK up to a maximum of GBP 1000.00 (receipts will be required). This
IATEFL LTSIG Diana Eastment Roving Reporter Yes (LTSIG) Yes (LTSIG) Yes Yes* £500
includes the cost of flights but not the cost of stopovers.
Mentoring to support the preparation of your presentation/workshop at the IATEFL conference
IATEFL MaWSIG Yes (MaWSIG) Yes (MaWSIG) Yes Yes* Yes* £150 Up to 5 nights’ accommodation at a maximum of £100 per night (receipts necessary)
Travel expenses up to a maximum of £1200 (receipts necessary)
Support and mentoring to plan and complete your classroom-based action research project.
IATEFL PronSIG Classroom Research Yes (PronSIG) Yes £1,000
Support and mentoring to publish your findings in PronSIG’s biannual journal Speak Out!
IATEFL Ray Tongue Yes Yes Yes £1,800
IATEFL ReSIG Yes Yes (Re) Yes £800
IATEFL TDSIG Early Career Teacher Yes (TDSIG) Yes (TDSIG) Yes £1,000
IATEFL TDSIG Michael Berman Yes (TDSIG) Yes £1,000
IATEFL TEASIG First Time Delegate* Yes (TEASIG) Yes (TEASIG) Yes £800
a maximum of five nights' accommodation,
IELTS Morgan Terry Memorial Yes Yes (TEASIG) Yes Yes - 5 nights Yes* £275* *travel costs including, if necessary, an economy flight to the UK (receipts necessary)
*GBP 55.00 per day expenses
Mentoring for conference presentation
The Lexical Lab Scholarship for lexically-oriented
Yes Yes Yes* £120* *up to GBP 1100 towards flights, visas (where necessary) and accommodation
*GBP 30 per day for four days’ subsistence allowance
TOEFL Yes Yes (TEASIG) Yes £800 Mentoring for conference presentation
Trinity College London Language Examinations Yes Yes (TEASIG) Yes £1,000
Trinity College London Teacher Trainer Yes Yes (TTEdSIG) Yes £1,000

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