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Test in English (VI grade) Name _____________________________

I. Complete the sentences with a verb in the negative in PAST SIMPLE TENSE
1. I saw Joe this morning but I……………………Ben.
2.Jack came last week but he………………….. yesterday.
3.Sally worked on Saturday but she ……………….on Sunday.
4.The Smiths went to Spain but they……………… Madrid.
5.They likes the beach but they ………………the campsite.
6. I enjoyed the book but I ……………the film.
7. Sam took his shoes but he…………………his jacket. ……/14

II.Put the words in the right order and make sentences

1 match / ago / ten/ the / minutes/ started …………………………………………………….
2.was/ Lisa /born/ 1990/ in ……………………………………………………………………...
3.month/ Ben /bought / new/ car/ a /last ……………………………………………………….
4.ship/ last/arrived/Tuesday/the…………………………………………………………………
5.tidied /room/ my /I / week / last………………………………………………………….. …./10
III. Make questions with these verbs in Past simple Tense
1.Jay Z /the song Angels………………………………………………………………(write)
2. Matt and Jack / to France on holiday………………………………………………..(go)
3. They/ a good time ……………………………………………………………………..(have)
4. Claire/to be a film star …………………………………………………………………(want)
5. Alexander Bell/ the telephone ………………………………………………………..(invent)

IV. Complete the sentences.Use the past Simple form of the verbs:
1.My cousins …………………..(travel) in Asia for six weeks last year.
2.We went to a campsite .We………………..(stay) in a hotel.
3.Tom and Laura …………………..(not,come) to our party.
4.Annie had breakfast and then she ………..(get) ready for school.
5. They ……….(sail) in a boat from Greece to Turkey.
6. The hotel ……….(be) near the beach. …../8

V. Circle the correct words

1.It’s very wind / windy today. Be careful when you drive to work.
2.You should go out.The sun /sunny is shining and it’s a beautiful day.
3.We get a lot of fog / foggy here because we live in a valley near a river.
4.It’s very cloud / you think it will rain later?
5.It may rain / rainy later so take a coat.
6.It was a fog / foggy morning when Dad crashed into the car in front of him.
7.It’s a horrible rain / rainy day.
8.The weather was sun / sunny every day last May.
9.There will be a strong wind / windy all day so it will be great for windsurfing.
10. What a lovely day.There isn’t a cloud / cloudy in the sky. ……10

VI. Write down your own suggestions using the following clues:
1.Let’s ……………………………………………………………..(play)
2.How about………………………………………………………(go)
3.Shall we…………………………………………………………(watch)
4.Why don’t we………………………………………………….(ride) …../8

0-20=1 21-30=2 31-40=3 41-50=4 51-60=5

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