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When Mowgli was younger, before he left the Pack, he spent a lot of time with Baloo the bear.

Baloo took it upon himself to teach Mowgli the Law of the Jungle. Baloo makes Mowgli
memorize the various rules of life that dominate life in the jungle, including how one should and
should not interact with the various animals. Although Mowgli tries his best to follow Baloo’s
lessons, he often gets bored. When Baloo sees Mowgli is not paying attention, he hits him.
Baloo’s sudden outburst upsets Mowgli, who flees. After Mowgli’s departure, Bagheera arrives
and asks Baloo what is happening. Baloo explains that he is teaching Mowgli the Law of the
Jungle, which requires him to be harsh. Otherwise, Baloo believes, Mowgli will not absorb his
lessons, which are incredibly important for his survival.
After Baloo’s conversation with Bagheera, Mowgli comes back, having taken some time to
calm down. Mowgli correctly repeats everything Baloo taught him, including what to say to
different animals in the jungle to ensure his safety. These sayings are known as the “Master
Words.” Mowgli also tells Baloo that while he was away, he spoke to the monkey people, also
known as the Bandar-log.
Apparently, the Bandar-log saw Mowgli while he was upset and comforted him. The Bandar-log
encouraged Mowgli and told him that, one day, he would become their leader. Baloo warns
Mowgli not to trust the Bandar-log. They live away from the other animals and do not follow the
Law of the Jungle. Also, they will lie and manipulate others to get what they want.
After their initial meeting with Mowgli, the Bandar-log start following Mowgli around. They
see that he knows how to construct small wooden objects with his hands—an ability they wish to
possess. Because of Mowgli’s skills, the Bandar-log decide to make him their leader whether he
wants to be or not. One evening, while Mowgli is sleeping, the Bandar-log swing down from the
trees and kidnap him. Then, they swing back to their home, which is far away from the other
animals, as fast as they can.

As the Bandar-log swing through the trees, Mowgli calls out to a bird named Rann, and asks
him to send Baloo and Bagheera for help. He does not trust the Bandar-log and worries they will
drop him as they maneuver through the jungle. As the Bandar-log take Mowgli back to their
home, Rann seeks out Baloo and Bagheera and tells them what happened. Upon hearing the
news, Baloo gets upset and fears for Mowgli’s safety. However, Bagheera calms Baloo down by
reminding him that he taught Mowgli everything he needs to know to survive.
Bagheera and Baloo decide to seek out Kaa, the python, because he often eats the Bandar-log
and would know where to find them. When Bagheera and Baloo find Kaa, they lie to him and
say the Bandar-log have been insulting them. They correctly presume that these fake insults will
make Kaa angry and agree to help them.
After Baloo and Bagheera tell Kaa about Mowgli, Rann arrives and tells them where
the Bandar-log took him. According to Rann, the Bandar-log took Mowgli to the Cold Lairs,
where they live. The Cold Lairs are a set of ancient ruins that humans inhabited long ago. Now,
only the Bandar-log are willing to live there. The Bandar-log do not understand how the ruins
came into being, and they do not care. They simply use them to meet their needs.
Meanwhile, Mowgli watches as the Bandar-log go about their daily tasks. Although they are
supposed to be securing food, the Bandar-log spend most of the time bragging about themselves.
Quickly, Mowgli grows annoyed with the Bandar-log; he thinks they are useless and vain. As he
waits for his friends to come and rescue him, he wonders whether he could escape the Bandar-
log on his own.
Bagheera and Kaa arrive at the Cold Lairs before Baloo because they are faster. However,
Baloo shows up shortly after, prepared to fight to the death to save Mowgli. When the Bandar-
log see them, they get ready to attack. One of the Bandar-log takes Mowgli and throws him into
an abandoned building full of cobras. As quickly as he can, Mowgli says the Master Words
Baloo taught him so that the cobras do not attack him.
Bagheera, Baloo, and Kaa split up to take on the Bandar-log. Bagheera quickly gets
overwhelmed and has to seek cover in a tank of water. Meanwhile, Baloo aggressively takes on
every Bandar-log he can find and punches them. Although the Bandar-log do not fear Baloo and
Bagheera, they are terrified when they see Kaa. Kaa’s presence scares the Bandar-log away.
After the fight is over, Kaa finds Mowgli in the building with the cobras and rescues him. When
Kaa sees Mowgli, he comments that he looks scrumptious and that he might eat him one day. In
response, Mowgli thanks Kaa and promises to send goats to him that he can eat instead. Because
Mowgli stirred Kaa’s appetite, Kaa performs a hypnotic dance, which captivates the Bandar-log,
who are still in the area. Once Kaa hypnotizes the Bandar-log, he leads them away and prepares
to feast on them.
Baloo and Bagheera reunite with Mowgli and are pleased to see that he is safe. Unfortunately,
according to the Law of the Jungle, they must punish Mowgli for his actions. For his poor
behavior, Mowgli receives six hits from Bagheera. Bagheera does his best to be gentle, but he
knows that his hits cause Mowgli immense pain. After Mowgli’s punishment is over, everyone
travels back to their homes. Mowgli rides home on Bagheera’s back and falls asleep on the way
there. Bagheera does not mind and carries Mowgli all the way to the wolf cave.

**Kaa's Hunting" is an 1893 short story by Rudyard

Kipling featuring Mowgli. Chronologically the story falls between the
first and second halves of Mowgli's Brothers, and is the second story
in The Jungle Book (1894) where it is accompanied by the poem
"Road Song of the Bandar-log".**

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