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LESSON 1 – MANAGEMENT CONCEPTS 8. Help employees maintain a high level of work

UNIT 1 – THE MANAGERIAL PROCESS 9. Enhance the effectiveness of supervision of office
Administrative Office Management (AOM) personnel; and
10. Ensure the efficient and proper use of specialized office
o a profession involving the design, implementation, equipment.
evaluation, and maintenance of the process of work
within an office or organization, in order to maintain and
improve efficiency and productivity. UNIT 2 – THE ORGANIZING PROCESS
o a distinct ongoing process of allocating inputs of an Allen
organization (human and economic resources) by
typical managerial functions (planning, organizing,  “An organization is a process of identifying and grouping
directing and controlling) for the purpose of achieving the work to be performed, defining and delegating
output of goods and services desired by its customers responsibility and authority and establishing relationship
(environment). for the purpose of enabling people to work most
effectively together in accomplishing objectives.”
Managerial Processes
Knootz and O’Donnell
o are organizational routines that underpin the dynamic
capabilities of an organization by controlling and  “Organization involves the grouping of activities
reconfiguring the organization’s resource base, thus necessary to accomplish goals and plans, the
impacting on the organization’s ability to attain, sustain assignment of these activities to appropriate
or enhance performance in the long-term. departments and the provision for authority, delegation
and coordination.”
Four Functions of Management Process
T. Haimann
1. Planning and Decision making
o determining courses of action;  “Organization is a process of defining and grouping the
2. Organizing activities of the enterprise and establishing the
o coordinating activities and resources; relationship among them.”
3. Leading/Directing
o managing, motivating and directing people; and TYPES OF ORGANIZATION
4. Controlling
1. Formal Organization
o monitoring and evaluating activities
o refers to the structure of well-defined jobs, each
The Most Significant Thrust in AOM bearing a definite measure of authority,
responsibility and accountability.
1. Information Management (IM) o The structure is continuously designed to enable the
o it entails organizing, retrieving, acquiring and personnel of an organization to work together for
maintaining information closely related to data attaining common objectives.
2. Informal Organization
2. Knowledge Management (KM) o refers to the relationship between people in an
o involves managing the organization’s organization based on personal attitudes, emotions,
intellectual capital, human resources and prejudices, likes and dislikes, friendships and
strategic relationships. affiliations.
o Comprises range of practices used in an o These relationships are not developed according to
organization to identify, create represent, the rules and regulations implemented in the formal
distribute, and adoption of insights and organization
o Components of KM are people, process,
technology and structure. PRINCIPLES OF ORGANIZATION

Objectives of Administrative Management 1. Principle of Objective.

 A firm must have a clearly defined objective.
1. Ensure that relevant organizational activities are  It must be pointed that a firm is a means to an end,
designed to minimize individual and unit productivity; and not an end in itself.
2. Provide effective management of the organization’s  All efforts should be directed to the attainment of the
information common objectives and goals to the firm.
3. Maintain reasonable quantity and quality standards;
4. Develop effective work process and procedures; 2. Principle of Coordination.
5. Provide a satisfactory physical and mental working  People working towards a common objective must
environment for the organization’s employees coordinate their efforts.
6. Help the define duties and responsibilities of employees
assigned within the AOM function area; 3. Principle of Efficiency.
7. Develop satisfactory lines of communication among the
 The activities of the firm must be properly planned
employees within the AOM function area and between
to ensure the lowest possible cost of production
these employees in other areas within the organization
4. Principle of Unity of Direction. LESSON 2 – THE WORKPLACE AND ITS
 There should be one superior and one plan of action ENVIRONMENT
for each group of activities having a common
objective and everyone must work in accordance
with the plan towards the objective in one direction. Workplace

5. Principle of Unity of Command. • a place such as an office or factory, where people are
 Every person should receive orders from only one employed.
superior and be accountable only to him. • the place where one is employed or customarily does
one’s work, one’s office, laboratory, etc.
6. Principle of Specialization.
The Five Forces Shaping the Future of The Workplace
 The job of every person should be confined to a
single function.
 This will enable the worker to specialize his jobs. 1. Place
2. People
7. Scalar Principle. 3. Transport
 The line of authority should be clear, from the 4. Technology
superior down the lines of organizational hierarchy.
Office Design/Layout
8. Short Chain of Command. 1. Strip
 If the chain of command is short, it will enable better 2. Corner
communication at various levels within the firm and 3. L-Shaped
avoid delays in decision making. 4. U-Shaped w/ Peninsula

9. Authority and Responsibility. Building An Office Layout

 Personnel with authority should be willing to accept
• Improved office layout, right place of personal
responsibility for whatever the results may be.
computers and thermal control revealed the largest
impact on productivity.
10. Principle of Delegation.
• Optimizing worker productivity has moved up to become
 Decision making should be made at the lowest
important as building location.
competent level pf management.
• Optimizing workforce productivity, organizational needs
 This is to avoid delays in the performance of duties
and building location are equally important.
and responsibilities.
• The key to unlocking productivity may lie in office
11. Principle of Balance. facilities.
 There should be continuous reporting and Factors To Consider When Planning the Office
evaluations to be made among all functions Design/Layout
 This is to ensure proper balance and equilibrium in 1. Your requirements
order to avoid big problems in carrying out the o start by defining the top reasons and goals your
objectives of the organization. business has for a new space.
2. The importance of lighting
12. Principle of Change. 3. The right colors
 The organization should be flexible and capable of 4. Navigation and space
coping with change; it cannot be rigid or 5. Turning the workplace into a destination
 It has to be flexible to take care of the changing
needs of the organization. Economics

• the science that seeks to adapt a work or working

UNIT 3 – THE COMMUNICATION PROCESS conditions to suit the worker;
• the study of the problems of people adjusting to their
 is simply the act of transferring information from one
According To Ergonomist Sally Long Year the
place to another
Following Are Things of Importance to Be Aware Of:
The Different Categories of Communication
 Are your eyes really tired at the end of the day? If so,
1. Spoken or verbal communication you may need to adjust your display or lighting and to
o face-to-face, telephone, radio or television and practice eye fitness training
other media.  Are you’re your neck and shoulders often stiff and sore?
If so, your chair height, display or keyboard/mouse may
2. Interpersonal or oral communication skills need adjusting. Check your distance and phone
o are the ones most prized by employers in the posture.
new informal workplace atmosphere.  Do you ever feel pain or discomfort in your back while
working in your computer? If so, you might need to
Some employers test their employees in their ability adjust your backrest or posture.
to: 1. Follow oral directions
 Do you feel tingling, numbness or pain in your forearms, OFFICE FURNITURE
wrists, or hands? If so, your chair height or keyboard
mouse may need adjusting. Also, check your sitting  it comprises furniture that is part of the office’s
posture and wrist position. design and includes all large furnishings, such as
desks, tables, chairs and book shelves.
 Are your legs often stiff and cramped, or do you have
swelling and numbness in your ankles and feet? If so, FACTORS TO BE CONSIDERED IN SELECTING AND
your chair height might need adjusting or you may need MAINTAINING OFFICE EQUIPMENT AND FURNITURE:
a footrest.
 Do you feel exhausted at the end of the day? If so, 1. Cost
assess your lifestyle habits for possible contributing o major factor that affects the selection of office
factors: good nutrition, exercise, rest and stress equipment.
reduction. Good ergonomics at home and micro- breaks 2. Durability
at work can improve your health and comfort on and off 3. Compact
the job. o saving in space should be an important factor in
selecting office machine and furniture
If you answered “yes” to even one of the questions, your work 4. Move-ability
stations and work habits need improvement. If you answered “no” 5. Safety
to all of the questions on the test, congratulations! You are probably
6. Multiple uses
comfortable while working at your desk.
7. Design and standardization

• Temperature
o A comfortable temperature must be maintained
(between 20–26-degree Celsius)
o Low humidity can cause dryness of the eyes,
nose and throat and may also increase the SOURCES OF POTENTIAL OFFICE EMPLOYEES
frequency of static electricity shocks.
1. Internal Sources
o High humidity, above 80% can be associated
 It is better to promote an employee who meets the
with fatigue and report of “stuffiness”.
requirements of the position that hiring from the
• Ventilation
o Office should be ventilated either naturally or
Employee Referral
• Contaminated air o When this is used, employee recommend
o Contaminants in the office can include bacteria, individual for open positions within the
viruses, mold spores and dust, solvent vapors organization.
or chemicals generated or use in the building. Employee Promotion
• Ozone and Photocopiers o Morale is likely to increase and turnover
o Modern photocopiers and laser printers, are decrease when employees can be promoted.
fitted with an ozone filter and do not present any o Databanks
hazard to health, provided they are properly
maintained. 2. External Sources
• Lighting
o Light should fall from side rather than from the 3. Unsolicited Applications
front to avoid retraction on the work surfaces.  used to apply for a position without knowing whether
• Color an opening actually exists.
o an important factor in shaping the emotional o Advertising
needs ranging from the need for personal space o Educational Institution Placement Services
to feelings of self-worth of an employee. o Public Employment Agencies and Private
• Office Floor Space Employment Agencies
o Workstation should be comfortable with safe o Web-based Employment Services
and suitable chairs and sufficient space. 4. Outsourcing
• Welfare Facilities  Organization turns over certain of its function to any
o these are eating facilities, sanitary facilities, outside agency that has the specialization of
washbasins, etc. recruiting, selecting and hiring employees.
• Cleanliness
o The standard of cleanliness required will 5. Hiring people with disabilities.
depend on the use to which the office is put.  Employers cannot discriminate against an individual
with disability as long as a person is otherwise
qualified for the job.

 is a functional or mechanical item used to facilitate

production in the office, such as fax or copier
machine. Validation
 Office equipment may need to be replaced more
often that office furniture, particularly as new • the process of determining the predictive value of
technology is debuted and utilized. information.
Application form 8. Supervisor as producer
9. Supervisor as adviser
• an efficient method of gathering information about the 10. Supervisor as idea champion
applicant’s previous work history, educational 11. Supervisor as environmental watchdog
background, and other job-related demographic data. 12. Supervisor as international manager
Tests Skills of an Effective Supervisor
• test of ability, skill, aptitude or knowledge that is relevant • According to Mona Johnson, the owner of companies,
to a particular job. especially large companies, she does not have the time
Interview to supervise each and every employee who works for
• popular selection device. • She hires supervisors to ensure that employees are
using time productivity and effectively.
• The employees will follow the lead of their supervisor,
UNIT 2 – DEVELOPING OFFICE EMPLOYEES and if the skills of the supervisor are effective, it will
show in the department’s overall performance.
Beginning with employee orientation, the employee
development process continues with the training,
counseling, appraising and motivating of employees.
A. Training
- Assess Current Training Programs • the individuals who are the leaders in an organization,
- How well-trained are employees at all levels? regarded collectively. The activity of leading a group of
- What process is in place to propose and approve people or an organization for the ability to do this.
- What methods are used to train and develop Leadership involves:
people? 1. Establishing a clear vision
2. Sharing that vision with others so that they will follow
B. Appraising Performance of Office Employees willingly
- Performance appraisal 3. Providing the information, knowledge and methods
o a method by which the job performance of an to realize that vision
employee is evaluated typically by the 4. Coordinating and balancing the conflicting interest
corresponding manager or supervisor of all members and stakeholders
- Characteristics of Performance Appraisal
System Leadership Styles
o Appraisals Match the Job Descriptions
o Appraisals are Legally Compliant • Hersey and Blanchard characterized leadership style in
o Appraisers should be trained terms of the amount of Task Behavior and Relationship
o Appraisal Systems require Follow-up Behavior that the leader provides to their followers. They
categorized all leadership styles into four behavior
C. Promotion types, which they named S1 to S4.
- advancement of an employee’s rank or position in o S1: Telling.
an organizational hierarchy system. - This is characterized by one-way
- It is an employee’s reward for good performance. communication in which the leader defines the
- The opposite of promotion is demotion roles of the individual or group and provides the
what, how, why, when and where to do the task.

o S2: Selling.
UNIT 3 – SUPERVISING OFFICE EMPLOYEES - While the leader is still providing the direction,
SUPERVISING OFFICE EMPLOYEES he is now using two-way communication and
providing the socio-emotional support that will
Supervision allow the individual or group being influenced to
buy into the process.
• is managing others through leadership and personal
influence. o S3: Participating.
• A supervisor exercises hands-on influence and - This is now shared decision making about
leadership skills to guide others. aspects of how the task is accomplished and
Role and functions of Supervision the leader is providing less task behaviors while
maintaining high relationship behavior.
1. Supervisor ad communicator
2. Supervisor as trainer o S4: Delegating.
3. Supervisor as student - The leader is still involved in decisions;
4. Supervisor as goal setter however, the process and responsibility has
5. Supervisor as evaluator been passed to the individual or group.
6. Supervisor as human resource specialist - The leader stays involved to monitor progress.
7. Supervisor as computer expert
Of these, no one style is considered optimal for all leaders  With this style of leadership, it is a very top-down
to use all the time. Effective leaders need to be flexible, and approach and the employees simply do exactly what
must adapt themselves according to the situation. they are told.
UNIT 2 – THEORY OF LEADERSHIP Selling And Coaching
Behavioral Theory of Leadership  With the selling and coaching style of leadership, the
leader is still very involved in the day-to-day activities.
• Focuses on how leaders behave and assume the
 The decisions still ultimately lie with the leader;
leaders can be made, rather than born and successful
however, input is requested from the employees before
leadership is based on definable, learnable behavior.
the decision is implemented.
• According to this theory, people can learn to become
 With this style of situational leadership, employees are
leaders through teaching and observation.
still supervised but it is in more of a coaching manner
Advantages of Behavioral Theory of Leadership rather than a management manner.
 This style typically works well with those who are
1. It addresses key questions on an organization’s inexperienced and still learning.
leadership model.  It involves direct praise to increase their confidence and
2. It identifies the leadership style of your manager. self-esteem.
Disadvantages of Behavioral Theory of Leadership Participating And Supporting
1. Behavioral theories are a learned process and take  The participating and supporting style of situational
time. leadership passes more responsibility to the employers
2. Leaders have other considerations for how to or followers.
manage employees.  While the leader still provides some direction, the
Quotes on behaviors: decisions ultimately lie with the follower.
 The leader is there to provide feedback and to increase
“No one really knows why humans do what they do.” - David their confidence and motivation with praise and
K. Reynolds feedback for the tasks completed.
 Those who work well under this style of situational
“If you want to change attitudes, start with a change in
leadership have the necessary skills but lack the
behavior.”- William Glasser
confidence or motivation to achieve them.
“Behavior is the mirror in which everyone shows their
Delegating to Employees
image.” - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

“It's better to hang out with people better than you. Pick out  is the situational leadership style where the leader is
associates whose behavior is better than yours and you'll involved the least amount with the employees.
drift in that direction.” - Warren Buffett  The employees are responsible for choosing the tasks
and the directions they will take.
Situational Theory of Leadership  Although the leader may still be involved for direction or
feedback purposes, it is on a much lower level than with
• Is an adaptive leadership style. other situational leadership styles.
• This strategy encourages leaders to take stock of their  With this style of leadership, the employees know their
team members, weigh the many variables in their role and perform it with little supervision required.
workplace and choose the leadership style that best fits
their goals and circumstances Considering Development Level

Situational leadership  The development level of the follower determines the

situational leadership style of the leader.
 a leadership style that has been developed and studied
 Blanchard and Hersey have developed a matrix so that
by Kenneth Blanchard and Paul Hersey.
leaders can easily determine the leadership style
 Situational leadership refers to when the leader or needed by the employee based on their development
manager of an organization must adjust his style to fit level.
the development level of the followers he is trying to
 For those with high needs and little experience, the
directing style will be necessary whereas with those with
 With situational leadership, it is up to the leader to low needs and high competence, the delegating style
change his style, not the follower to adapt to the leader’s can be used.
 In situational leadership, the style may change
continually to meet the needs of others in the
organization based on the situation.

Telling And Directing

 In telling/directing, the leader of the organization is the

one making the decisions and informing others in the
organization of the decision.
 This style of leadership may also be referred to as
micro-management as the leader is very involved and pasadong midterms cutieeee!!!!
closely supervises the people who are working.

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