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6311 Human Computer Interaction

CT-3 Online

Which Norman’s principle is used here?

a. Constraints

b. Affordance

c. Mapping

d. Usability

Which Norman’s principle is used here?

a. Constraints

b. Usability

c. Affordance

d. Mapping

Which Norman’s principle is used here?

a. Affordance

b. Usability

c. Mapping

d. Constraints

The DVORAK keyboard differs from the QWERTY keyboard in that:

a. The QWERTY keyboard lays out the letters differently to achieve faster typing speeds

b. The DVORAK keyboard lays out the letters differently to achieve faster typing speeds

Which one of these would NOT be found in a good Human Computer Interaction?

a. Icons that can have specific meanings

b. Sounds that convey meanings

c. Common short cuts, like CTRL+Z for undo

d. A long command line to achieve a function

The primary interactive method of communication used by human is

a. Listening

b. speaking.

c. writing

d. reading

Which one activity is iterative?

a. Data gathering

b. all

c. Data analysis

d. Requirements determination

Which keyboard is more efficient?

a. QWERTY is the standard layout (developed in 1870s)

b. Alphabetic

c. Dvorakor (developed in 1920s)

Suppose for a 15-inch flat panel display, the average distance the cursor between the menu bars is 80
mm. Size of menu bar - Macintosh: 50 mm & Windows:5mm.Which one is faster to move the cursor to a
menu item?

a. Macintosh

b. Windows

Over a short period of time, we find it easier to remember the string of numbers "404894 6743"
because: The grouping of the numbers is significant

a. true

b. False

Which is not a basic activities of interaction design?

a. Gathering information for the design

b. Identifying needs and establishing requirements

c. Developing alternative designs

d. Building interactive versions of the designs

How to distinguish a menubar and a toolbar?

a. Toolbar – collection of small buttons, each with icons

b. Menubar – collection of small buttons, each with icons

How do you identify the user in the usability engineering lifecycle?

a. Draw up a user profile

b. Run a thinking aloud test

c. Observe representative Users.

d. Assume the role of an apprentice learning from the master craftsman

Which model is partial?

a. Conceptual model

b. None of Mental model and Conceptual model

c. Mental model

d. Mental model and Conceptual model both

What is not HCI Design?

a. A festival.

b. A creative activity

c. A goal-directed problem solving activity

d. A decision-making activity

What type of memory is computer ROM?

a. Sensory memory

b. Short-term or working memory

c. Its not a memory

d. Long-term memory

____ derives the logically necessary conclusion from the given premises

a. Deductive reasoning

b. Abductive reasoning.

c. Inductive reasoning

For a product to be successful, it must be:

a. Useful by humans

b. Usable by humans

c. Used by humans

d. All
Which of the following fields is not an influence on Human Computer Interaction (HCI)?

a. Statistics.

b. Ergonomics

c. Cognitive psychology

d. Computer science

The name of the document should be shown on the application’s ……………...

a. tool bar

b. title bar

c. menu bar

d. status bar

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