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APPSC -2023

1. Is India's 'Digital Rupee' another version of Cryptocurrency? Examine India's progress on

'Central Bank Digital Currency' (CBDC) and its implications.
2. India has become the fifth largest economy in the world. Can India further aim to reach
the top by actively engaging in the Co-operative ' Movement? Examine.
3. "The world is now in the middle of a new mobility revolution, - Examine India's efforts
at accelerating the deployment of electric vehicles (EVs).
4. "India possesses a countless number of soft power resources that could prove to be
greatly beneficial if harnessed properly. In this connection, examine India's soft power -
its challenges and opportunities.
5. Ek Bharat Shrestha Bharat is the call to forge national integration and the spirit of
collective consciousness. Examine whether India has succeeded to rise above the forces
of communal prejudice.
6. Examine the challenges and progress of gender equality and women's rights in the
world since the 1995, 'Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action' (BPA).
7. India is the second largest urban system in the world. In this connection, examine
whether India is equipped with adequate urban planning and governance
8. 'Beauty is Truth, Truth is Beauty'
1. The Draft Environment Impact Assessment (EIA) Notification of 2020: An Analysis
2. Chinese Aggression and India: A Strategic Response
3. Measures to Combat Outbreak of Covid 19: The Role of the Government and the
4. Should there be Reservation for Women in Politics?
5. Does the Rise or Fall of the Economic Growth Rate Really Make a Difference to the
Poorest of the Poor?
6. How to Maintain a Proper Balance Between Developmental Activities and Water
7. The Role of the Youth in Preserving India’s Cultural Heritage
8. Civic Sense and Public Spaces: An Urgent Need to Behave Responsibly
9. My First Public Speaking Experience
1. “Despite huge gains in economic output, our current social, political and economic
systems are exacerbating inequalities, rather than reducing them”. In view of the above
statement, discuss the importance of inclusive growth?
2. What is the present situation of Dalits in India? Despite numerous developmental
schemes and stringent laws for protection, why there is no substantial progress at the
ground level?
3. “Primary education is the foundation for empowerment of Children”. Discuss the
impact on the democratic rights of the children and discrimination between rich and
poor children, in light of heavy commercialization of primary education?
4. “Sedition laws have no place in a democracy” – Comment on the above sentence, in the
context of the recent conflicts in our country?
5. Discuss the progress in recent Indian efforts in evolving joint counter terrorism strategy
with different allies? What is the implication of current violence in Kashmir Valley on
these efforts?
6. Explain “BREXIT”? Discuss its likely impact on governance, politics and economy of
European Union?
1. Explain the concept 'Demographic Dividend' what are its advantages? Discuss the
different methods of reaping the benefits of Demographic Dividend.
2. "Indian democracy despite internal contradictions has emerged stronger in each
successive election". Explain.
3. Given the Dialogue among the BRICS countries, do you think the latter will emerge as
new power block that would challenge the hegemony of the US?
4. "New social Movements have introduced new discourses into politics but would not be
able to stop the march of globalization". Discuss with specific reference to anti-
globalization movements in India.
KPSC -2015
1. Examine the objectives and working of the International Bank for Reconstruction and
Development (IBRD or The World Bank). What contributions has it made for the
development of India?
2. Different methods of credit control by the Reserve Bank of India has been effective in
maintaining price stability - Discuss.
3. Discuss the challenges of poverty eradication programmes in India. How and when India
will become “Poverty Free India”? Elucidate.
4. Explain the problems associated with the borders of India with their historical
5. Emergence of Bengaluru as an international hub of information technology owes much
to its geographical as well as technological environs - Elucidate.
1. The New Education Policy, 2O2O (NFP,2O2O) ensures the youth to face the challenges
ln a challenging way
1. Forgiveness and Compassion: A Human Bliss
2. Personal Development through Community Service.
3. Diligence and Patience: Key to Success
4. Impact of Mass Media on Public Opinion
5. Online Banking: Pros and Cons
6. Welfare State: Instrumental or Detrimental to Society
7. Veganism: Health trend or Ethical Necessity
8. A Man is but the product of his thoughts and what he thinks he becomes
1. Responsibility of Society in Emancipation and Empowerment of Women.
2. Non-Performing Assets: A Threat to Economic Stability.
3. sustainable Development and Environment conservation.
4. Increasing Agrarian Distress in India: causes and Remedies.
5. Increasing Mental Stress among Youth in 21st Century: Reasons and Solutions.
6. sports: An integral part of Human personality
7. Role of Indian Diaspora in Enhancing Country's overall Image Worldwide.
8. organic Farming: Boon or Bane for Biodiversity.
1. Ignorance and Neglect of Health and Hygiene: A Human Disaster
2. Non-Performing Parliament: A Burden on the Tax payer and the Nation
3. Increasing Intolerance in Society: Causes and Remedies
4. Economic prosperity sans social justice: Inadmissible
5. Artificial Intelligence: Related Social Threats
6. Adaptability and Inclusiveness: A Significant characteristic of Indian Culture
7. Ecotourism: Future Prospects and Challenges
8. India’s Role in Contemporary International Politics
1. Roles and Responsibilities of Youth in 21st Century India
2. Effects of e-commerce on Indian Markets
3. Role and Significance of Indian Cultural and Literary Heritage in Indian Education System
4. Poverty is the mother of Crime.
5. Individual Freedom viz-a-viz Societal Responsibility
6. Drawbacks in Indian Administrative System: Need for Reforms
7. Worldwide Scarcity of Water Resources: Causes and Solutions
8. Is the United Nation Organization relevant in the multipolar World?
1. River Interlinking: A Solution to Water Problem in India
2. Skilling Youth: A Necessity for India
3. Kashmir – A Bone of Contention for India
4. Cyber Crimes – A Warfare
5. Relevance of Gandhian Principles
6. Honour Killing: Most Heinous Crime
7. Electoral Reforms and Indian Democracy
8. Knowledge Bereft of Character is Dangerous

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