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Agriculture in the desert

Agriculture in the desert can only be done in oases or in places where water can be used.

Dates are the main food in these regions, and they are found in all areas. Many types of additional
crops can be grown in places where it is easy to find water for watering.

Egypt can be considered a vast relief. Its fertility has amazed the work since the first pictures. It
produces cotton, grains, fruits, and many other types of crops. Huge efforts have also been made to
cultivate agriculture in the Nubian desert. The land that opens there is a long strip measuring the
size of a night's shoe, ranging in width from two cool places. For several miles, the water is raised by
streams to canals that run through the prepared land newly and the main crops there are corn and


The components of the Internet language threaten the Arabic language

An Egyptian study revealed that the emergence of a “parallel language” used by Egyptian and Arab
youth in their conversations other than the Internet threatens the fate of the Arabic language in

The daily life of these young people is enough to cast a negative mark on the culture and behaviour
of Arab youth in general. The study prepared by the National Center for Social and Criminological
Research in Cairo considered that choosing all young people with their own promise is the growth of
the social system, so they created a new colour of

Materialism cannot be deciphered by anyone but them

But educational experts said that young people’s use of their own language is not rebellion, but
rather a kind of escape from society, and that adults must respect the new charges and not mock
them if they do not conflict with public morals in the society.

The study focused on an aggressive segment of young people between the ages of 18 and 35 years
and monitored the presence of the effect of excerpts on the components of the language circulating
among young people on websites, blogs, and rooms.


It explained that the nature of the Internet as a quick means of reporting has been accompanied by
attempts to present several quick and concise information interaction between youth.


Competition is a natural desire that makes us try to be better than our competitors. There is
competition between companies that produce the same type of products, and companies work hard
to produce products of good quality and to keep prices at the lowest possible level so that their
products can be sold.


Middle Eastern countries produce more than half of the world production and The Kingdom of Saudi
Arabia was the first country in producing black gold. Then the last war broke out between the Arabs
and Israel. The Arabs stood up under the banner of Islam and decided to use all their resources, and
they played an effective role in the international field. Oil became the most powerful economic
weapons and did not The Arabs spared no effort in using this weapon immediately against their

The war may promise them quick decisions and broad opinions without exception, and the world
must know the strength of the Arabs, the strength of truth and Allah will help them continue their
glorious steps to the path of freedom, guidance and liberation.


Health has always been associated with happiness. Therefore, man must make efforts in search of its
source. How to get rid of pain, recover from illness, treat injuries, which plants to eat and which ones
to avoid, have certainly been matters that have captured human interest since the earliest times.

All ancient civilizations were created by their wisdom who used part of their knowledge in dealing
with the disease and with the arrival of the Babylonian-Egyptian Emperor, a great deal of good ideas
has been collected, some of which are considered correct, and others are extremely wrong
according to our current standards.


The wheel is one of the most important human inventions. It was found in graves in the Jordan East.
It is estimated to be 5,500 years old and was made of hard wood but to estimate the actual value of
the wheel, we must remember that anything that circle) must contain several (circular) parts.


Since the beginning of civilization, humans have been great seafarers. They left their homelands and
sailed in search of new countries, food and precious metals, and the great travellers of the twenty-
first century will be the men who will venture (themselves) into space.

They may search for new homelands to live on, or new sources of food for a crowded (populated)


Library of Congress

The Library of Congress is the national library of the United States of America. The library was
founded in 1800 and is located on Independence Street in Washington, DC.

The library has more than 115 million books, and it is the second largest library in terms of empty
shelves and number of books after the British Library from where the library receives two copies of
every American book published with copyright.

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