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 Introduce yourself
 I’d like to introduce myself. My name is Black Smith
 May I introduce myself? I’m Black Smith
 Let me introduce myself, my name is Black Smith
 I don’t think you know me. My name’s Black
 Hi, I’m Black
 Have we met before? I’m Black

Good morning
Excuse me, here I would like to introduce myself. My name is Lala. Just call me Lala. I was born in
Bandung, 23rd April 1995. Now I have been studying at Darussalam Indonesia. I am the fourth class.
My hobby is reading and watching. My dream is a lecturer. Ok. That’s all my introduction. Thank

 Introduce other people

 I would like to introduce you to miss / mr ….
 May I introduce you to..
 Hi / hallo my friend… he is Mike. Mike, he is Adam…
 Mike, have you met Adam before?
 Hi mike.. see/meet/this is Adam, Leo, and see/meet/this is John
 Have you two met each other?

Leo : good morning Mr. Adam

Adam : good morning Mr. Leo
Leo : I would like to introduce you to my friend, Mr. Adam, see Mr. A, B, and see Mr. C.
Adam : how do you do?
A,B,C : how do you do?
/ˌɪn.trəˈdʌk.ʃ ə n/

1. /ˌɪn.trəˈdjuːs/ Introduce : Memperkenalkan

2. /əˈkweɪn.t ə n t s/ Acquaintance : Kenalan
3. /spel/ Spell : Mengeja
4. /nəʊ/ Know : Mengenal
5. /miːt/ Meet : Bertemu
6. /ˈfɜːst/ /neɪm/ First name : Nama depan
7. /fʊl/ /neɪm/ Full name : Nama pertama
8. /nɪk/ /neɪm/ Nick name : Nama panggilan
9. /lɑːst/ /neɪm/ Last name : Nama terkahir
10. /wɜːd/ Word : Kata
11. /ˈlet.ə r / Letter : Huruf
12. /əʊld/ Old : Umur
13. /naɪs/ /miːt/ Nice to meet you : Senang bertemu dengamu
14. /lɪv/ Live : Tinggal

15. /seɪ/ /hælˈəʊ/ /fɔː r / Say hallo to one’s for me : Ssampaikan salam saya untuk

16. /ʃeɪk/ /hænd/ Shake hands : Berjabat tangan

17. /ˈkɒm.plɪ.mənt/ Compliment : Sanjungan
18. /prɪˈsiːd/ Precede : Mengawali
19. /ˌfeəˈwel/ Farewell : Perpisahan
20. /meɪk/ /ˌkɒn.vəˈseɪ.ʃ ə n/ Make conversation : Melakukan percakapan


“How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a

woodchuck would chuck wood?”

/e/ “It’s best to rest”, said the vet to the pet.

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