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Section A: Multiple Choice Questions (10 Marks)

1. Who founded the Chola dynasty? a) Alauddin Khilji b) Rajendra Chola c) Mahmud of
Ghazni d) Balban

2. The Delhi Sultanate was founded by: a) Akbar b) Iltutmish c) Muhammad Ghazi d) Qutb-
ud-din Aibak

3. Which Mughal ruler is known for introducing the policy of Sulh-i-Kul? a) Babur b) Akbar c)
Aurangzeb d) Humayun

4. The founder of the Vijayanagara Empire was: a) Krishnadevaraya b) Bukka c) Harihara d)

Rana Pratap

5. The Qutb Minar in Delhi was constructed by: a) Razia Sultan b) Iltutmish c) Qutb-ud-din
Aibak d) Alauddin Khilji

6. Who shifted the capital from Agra to Delhi and built the Red Fort? a) Babur b) Akbar c)
Shah Jahan d) Aurangzeb

7. The Battle of Panipat in 1526 marked the beginning of the Mughal Empire in India. Who
was the victor? a) Babur b) Ibrahim Lodhi c) Sher Shah Suri d) Akbar

8. Who introduced the Iqta system during the Delhi Sultanate? a) Balban b) Razia Sultan c)
Alauddin Khilji d) Muhammad bin Tughlaq

9. The Mughal Empire reached its zenith under the rule of: a) Babur b) Akbar c) Jahangir d)

10. The Qutb Minar in Delhi is associated with which dynasty? a) Chola b) Delhi Sultanate c)
Mughal d) Vijayanagara

Section B: Short Answer Questions (10 Marks)

11. What was Akbar's policy of Sulh-i-Kul, and why was it significant?

12. Describe one major contribution of Babur to the establishment of the Mughal Empire.

13. Briefly explain the Battle of Panipat and its impact on Indian history.

14. Who were the Rajputs, and how did they resist the Delhi Sultanate and Mughals?

15. Why was the Iqta system introduced during the Delhi Sultanate?

16. Describe one architectural achievement of the Mughals.

17. What were the major responsibilities of the Vijayanagara Empire?

18. Explain the decline of the Mughal Empire in simple terms.

19. What is one thing the Chola dynasty is known for?

20. Why was the Delhi Sultanate founded?

Section A: New Kings and Kingdoms (Total: 10 Marks)

1. Multiple Choice Questions (2 Marks Each) a) Who were the Rashtrakutas in the context of
Indian history? i) A dynasty of Delhi Sultans ii) A dynasty of the Mughal Empire iii) A dynasty
during the period of new kings and kingdoms

b) What was the primary occupation of the people in the Chola kingdom? i) Agriculture ii) Trade and
commerce iii) Fishing

c) Which river was important for the trade network in the Deccan region during the medieval period?
i) Ganges ii) Yamuna iii) Godavari

d) The Cholas were known for their advancements in: i) Architecture ii) Mathematics and literature
iii) Military strategy

e) Who was Al-Biruni, and what was his contribution during the medieval period in India? i) Persian
scholar; wrote extensively about the Delhi Sultans ii) Chinese explorer; documented the Mughal
Empire iii) European missionary; introduced new technologies in India

Section B: The Delhi Sultans (Total: 10 Marks)

2. Short Answer Questions (2 Marks Each) a) Explain the significance of the 'Iqta' system
during the Delhi Sultanate.

b) Who was Razia Sultan, and what challenges did she face as a ruler?

c) Describe the architectural contributions of the Delhi Sultans.

d) What was the impact of the Mongol invasions on the Delhi Sultanate?

e) Compare and contrast the rule of Iltutmish and Balban in the Delhi Sultanate.

Section C: The Mughal Empire (Total: 10 Marks)

3. Long Answer Questions (5 Marks Each) a) Discuss the administrative policies of Akbar that
contributed to the stability of the Mughal Empire.

b) Explain the concept of 'Sulh-i-kul' introduced by Akbar and its significance.

c) Analyze the reasons for the decline of the Mughal Empire during the later years.

d) Describe the artistic achievements and contributions of the Mughal Empire.

e) Compare and contrast the rule of Babur and Humayun in the establishment of the Mughal Empire.

2) paper 2

Section A: Multiple Choice Questions (10 Marks)

1. Who established the Chola dynasty in the 9th century? a) Alauddin Khilji b) Rajendra Chola c)
Mahmud of Ghazni d) Balban

2. The Delhi Sultanate was founded by: a) Akbar b) Iltutmish c) Muhammad Ghazi d) Qutb-ud-
din Aibak
3. Which ruler is known for introducing the Iqta system during the Delhi Sultanate? a) Balban b)
Razia Sultan c) Alauddin Khilji d) Muhammad bin Tughlaq

4. The Mughal Empire reached its zenith under the rule of: a) Babur b) Akbar c) Jahangir d)

5. The Battle of Panipat in 1526 marked the beginning of the Mughal Empire in India. Who was
the victor in this battle? a) Babur b) Ibrahim Lodhi c) Sher Shah Suri d) Akbar

6. The Mughal ruler known for his policy of Sulh-i-Kul (Peace with All) was: a) Babur b) Akbar c)
Aurangzeb d) Humayun

7. The founder of the Vijayanagara Empire was: a) Krishnadevaraya b) Bukka c) Harihara d) Rana

8. The Mughal Empire declined significantly during the reign of: a) Akbar b) Jahangir c)
Aurangzeb d) Shah Jahan

9. The Qutb Minar in Delhi was constructed by: a) Razia Sultan b) Iltutmish c) Qutb-ud-din
Aibak d) Alauddin Khilji

10. Which Mughal ruler shifted the capital from Agra to Delhi and built the Red Fort? a) Babur b)
Akbar c) Shah Jahan d) Aurangzeb

Section B: Short Answer Questions (10 Marks)

11. Explain the significance of the Iqta system introduced during the Delhi Sultanate.

12. Describe the administration and policies of Akbar during the Mughal Empire.

13. Who were the Rajputs, and how did they resist the expansion of the Delhi Sultanate and
later the Mughals?

14. Briefly discuss the impact of the Battle of Panipat on the history of India.

15. What were the major contributions of Babur to the foundation of the Mughal Empire?

16. Explain the concept of Sulh-i-Kul and its significance during Akbar's rule.

17. How did the Delhi Sultanate face challenges and changes during the reign of Muhammad bin

18. Discuss the architectural achievements of the Mughals, focusing on a specific monument.

19. Explain the causes and consequences of the decline of the Mughal Empire.

20. Describe the cultural and economic achievements of the Vijayanagara Empire.

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