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Klasteri po orijentacijama:

Final Cluster Centers


1 2 3 4 5

Zugodan_z1 ,44410 ,66011 -,11796 -1,22672 ,63210

Zsmislem_z1 -1,40719 1,30912 -,35111 -,37233 ,47247

Zdobar_z1 -,99179 1,58677 ,53485 -,49349 -,13520


Cluster Error

Mean Square df Mean Square df F Sig.

Zugodan_z1 31,253 4 ,363 200 86,180 ,000

Zsmislem_z1 32,620 4 ,390 200 83,653 ,000

Zdobar_z1 30,932 4 ,394 200 78,452 ,000

The F tests should be used only for descriptive purposes because the clusters have been chosen to maximize
the differences among cases in different clusters. The observed significance levels are not corrected for this
and thus cannot be interpreted as tests of the hypothesis that the cluster means are equal.

Number of Cases in each


Cluster 1 28,000

2 29,000

3 31,000

4 54,000

5 63,000

Valid 205,000

Missing 13,000
Značajne razlike po klasterima:
Test of Homogeneity of Variances

Levene Statistic df1 df2 Sig.

Uspjeh 4,372 4 186 ,002

ZADOVOLJSTVO 1,707 4 194 ,150

poz_emocije 2,774 4 199 ,028

neg_emocije ,823 4 199 ,512

omjer_pozitiv ,999 4 198 ,409

intrinz 2,217 4 194 ,069

ekstrinz 1,604 4 196 ,175

potrebe ,455 4 182 ,768


df F Sig.

Uspjeh Between Groups 4 ,624 ,646

Within Groups 186

Total 190

ZADOVOLJSTVO Between Groups 4 6,861 ,000

Within Groups 194

Total 198

poz_emocije Between Groups 4 6,400 ,000

Within Groups 199

Total 203

neg_emocije Between Groups 4 1,790 ,132

Within Groups 199

Total 203

omjer_pozitiv Between Groups 4 4,768 ,001

Within Groups 198

Total 202

intrinz Between Groups 4 16,604 ,000

Within Groups 194

Total 198

ekstrinz Between Groups 4 3,969 ,004

Within Groups 196

Total 200

potrebe Between Groups 4 4,505 ,002

Within Groups 182

Total 186

Test Statisticsa,b


Chi-Square 22,806

df 4

Asymp. Sig. ,000

a. Kruskal Wallis Test


pet_klas Subset for alpha = 0.05

s N 1 2 3

Student-Newman-Keulsa 4 54 4,3185

3 31 4,4903

1 26 4,6000

5 60 4,8700

2 28 5,4214

Sig. ,082 1,000

Duncana 4 54 4,3185

3 31 4,4903 4,4903

1 26 4,6000 4,6000

5 60 4,8700

2 28 5,4214

Sig. ,254 ,122 1,000

Scheffea 4 54 4,3185

3 31 4,4903

1 26 4,6000

5 60 4,8700 4,8700

2 28 5,4214

Sig. ,226 ,226


pet_klas Subset for alpha = 0.05

s N 1 2 3

Student-Newman-Keulsa 1 28 2,9107

4 53 3,2057 3,2057

3 31 3,4226 3,4226

5 63 3,4587 3,4587

2 29 3,7655

Sig. ,072 ,269 ,092


Duncana 1 28 2,9107

4 53 3,2057 3,2057

3 31 3,4226

5 63 3,4587 3,4587

2 29 3,7655

Sig. ,072 ,145 ,061

Scheffea 1 28 2,9107

4 53 3,2057 3,2057

3 31 3,4226 3,4226

5 63 3,4587 3,4587

2 29 3,7655

Sig. ,516 ,662 ,355


pet_klas Subset for alpha = 0.05

s N 1 2

Student-Newman-Keulsa 1 28 1,6731

4 52 1,7878

3 31 1,9852 1,9852

5 63 2,2998

2 29 2,3187

Sig. ,260 ,216

Duncana 1 28 1,6731

4 52 1,7878

3 31 1,9852 1,9852

5 63 2,2998

2 29 2,3187

Sig. ,140 ,114

Scheffea 1 28 1,6731

4 52 1,7878 1,7878

3 31 1,9852 1,9852

5 63 2,2998

2 29 2,3187

Sig. ,651 ,133

intrinzicni ciljevi

pet_klas Subset for alpha = 0.05

s N 1 2 3

Student-Newman-Keulsa 1 28 5,4786

4 50 5,4840

3 31 5,9914
intrinzicni ciljevi

5 62 6,0989

2 28 6,5167

Sig. ,971 ,477 1,000

Duncana 1 28 5,4786

4 50 5,4840

3 31 5,9914

5 62 6,0989

2 28 6,5167

Sig. ,971 ,477 1,000

Scheffea 1 28 5,4786

4 50 5,4840

3 31 5,9914

5 62 6,0989 6,0989

2 28 6,5167

Sig. 1,000 ,972 ,109


pet_klas Subset for alpha = 0.05

s N 1 2 3

Student-Newman-Keulsa 1 24 106,5417

4 47 107,0000

3 29 107,5862

5 59 114,2542 114,2542

2 28 118,3214

Sig. ,127 ,248

Duncana 1 24 106,5417

4 47 107,0000 107,0000

3 29 107,5862 107,5862

5 59 114,2542 114,2542

2 28 118,3214

Sig. ,782 ,051 ,248

Scheffea 1 24 106,5417

4 47 107,0000

3 29 107,5862 107,5862

5 59 114,2542 114,2542

2 28 118,3214

Sig. ,309 ,057

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