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LA – 1 Report


Submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirement for the award of the degree

Bachelor of Engineering

Computer Science and Engineering

Submitted by:

Mohan Acharya 1NT22CS116

Pradeep Badu 1NT22CS133
Lucky Ansari 1NT22CS104

Under the Guidance of

Dr. P Nagarathna
Professor. Dept. of CSE. NMIT
Department of Information Science and Engineering
(Accredited by NBA Tier-I)

Department of Computer Science and Engineering

(Accredited by NBA Tier-I)

This is to certify that the SRS Document on "Movie Booking System" is successfully carried
out by Mohan Acharya (1NT22CS116), Pradeep Badu (1NT22CS133), Lucky Ansari
(1NT22CS104), Bonafide students of Nitte Meenakshi Institute of Technology, Bangalore in
partial fulfilment for the award of the degree of Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Science
and Engineering of Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi during the academic year
2023-2024. It is certified that all corrections and suggestions indicated during the internal
assessment has been incorporated in the report.

Software Engineering Faculty

Dr. P Nagarathna
Professor, Dept. of CSE, NMIT
Table of Contents:
1.1 Purpose
1.2 Scope
1.3 References
1.4 Overview

2. External Interface Requirements

2.1 User Interfaces
2.2 Hardware Interfaces
2.3 Software Interfaces

3. System Features

4. Specific Requirements
4.1 Functional Requirements
4.2 Non-functional Requirements
1. Introduction

1.1 Purpose
The purpose of this document is to define the software requirements for the Online
Movie Ticket Booking System. It provides a detailed description of the system's
features, interfaces, and requirements to guide the development and testing

1.2 Scope
The Online Movie Ticket Booking System is a desktop application designed to
manage movie information for a theatre or cinema. It allows users to add, view,
update, and delete movie records, including details such as movie ID, name,
release date, director, cast, budget, duration, and rating.

1.3 References
- Python 3.x Documentation
- SQLite Documentation
- Tkinter Documentation

1.4 Overview
The system consists of two main components: a backend that manages the database
operations and a frontend that provides a graphical user interface for interaction.
The remaining sections of this document will detail the external interface
requirements, system features, and specific functional and non-functional
2. External Interface Requirements

2.1 User Interfaces

The system provides a graphical user interface with the following elements:
- Input fields for movie information (ID, Name, Release Date, Director, Cast,
Budget, Duration, Rating)
- Buttons for operations (Add New, Display, Clear, Search, Delete, Update, Exit)
- A listbox to display movie records
- Labels for each input field
- Scrollbar for the listbox

2.2 Hardware Interfaces

The system requires:
- A display capable of rendering the GUI (minimum resolution: 1350x750)
- Standard input devices (keyboard and mouse)

2.3 Software Interfaces

The system interacts with:
- SQLite database (movie1.db)
- Python 3.x runtime environment
- Tkinter library for GUI rendering
3. System Features
The main features of the Online Movie Ticket Booking System include:
- Adding new movie records
- Displaying existing movie records
- Searching for specific movie records
- Updating movie information
- Deleting movie records
- Clearing input fields
- Exiting the application

4. Specific Requirements

4.1 Functional Requirements

FR1: Add New Movie

- The system shall allow users to input movie details (ID, Name, Release Date,
Director, Cast, Budget, Duration, Rating).
- The system shall validate that the Movie ID is unique before adding a new record.
- The system shall store the new movie record in the database.

FR2: Display Movies

- The system shall retrieve all movie records from the database.
- The system shall display the movie records in the listbox.

FR3: Clear Input Fields

- The system shall provide a function to clear all input fields.
FR4: Search Movies
- The system shall allow users to search for movies based on any of the movie
- The system shall display the search results in the listbox.

FR5: Delete Movie

- The system shall allow users to select a movie from the listbox and delete it from
the database.

FR6: Update Movie

- The system shall allow users to select a movie from the listbox and update its
- The system shall save the updated information to the database.

FR7: Exit Application

- The system shall provide a function to exit the application.
- The system shall prompt for confirmation before exiting.

4.2 Non-functional Requirements

NFR1: Performance
- The system shall handle at least 1000 movie records without significant
performance degradation.
- Search operations shall complete within 2 seconds.
NFR2: Usability
- The user interface shall use a consistent color scheme (black background with
orange and white text).
- The system shall provide clear labels for all input fields and buttons.

NFR3: Reliability
- The system shall handle database connection errors gracefully.
- The system shall validate user inputs to prevent data inconsistencies.

NFR4: Security
- The system shall implement basic measures to prevent SQL injection attacks.

NFR5: Maintainability
- The code shall be well-commented and follow PEP 8 style guidelines for Python
- The system shall use modular design, separating the backend and frontend

NFR6: Portability
- The system shall run on any platform that supports Python 3.x and SQLite.

The Online Movie Ticket Booking System is designed to streamline the management
of movie information in theatres and cinemas. This system, built using Python,
SQLite, and Tkinter, provides an intuitive graphical user interface to perform
essential operations such as adding, viewing, updating, and deleting movie records.
The system ensures data integrity and security through unique movie ID validation
and basic SQL injection prevention measures. It caters to non-functional
requirements like performance, usability, reliability, maintainability, and portability,
making it a robust and user-friendly application. The well-structured codebase
adheres to PEP 8 guidelines, ensuring easy maintenance and scalability. This SRS
document serves as a comprehensive guide for developers and testers, outlining
detailed system features and requirements to facilitate efficient development and
rigorous testing, ensuring a high-quality end product.

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