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No: 0000000 (Account Number) Date:


This is to certify that Mr./ Ms. ,Address

is a respectable and financially sound customer of our branch, having savings Bank
account number: since dd- mm-yyyy.

The balance in his account as on today is Indian Rs. ( only)

that is equivalent to US (calculated on dd-mm-yyyy exchange rate @ 1US $ = Indian Rs

This statement is being issued at his specific request, for submission to the universities in the USA in regard
with his son’s graduate admission. The bank holds no liability on it’s part for funding / sponsoring of the
educational expenditure for the same.

Seal of the Bank Manager’s Signature


Affidavit from Notary

I/We ………………………S/O……………………….. Resident/s here by
solemnly affirm and declare as under:

1. That I/We the above named deponent/s do hereby declare to sponsor my/our son/
daughter…… for his/her……study in USA for the academic course of.................................Starting from
Jan 2014 / Sep 2014 for a period of 2 years. I/We shall bear the entire financial expenses in USA for the
requires duration of the course.
2. I/We further declare that I/We have sufficient funds to financially sponsor him/her for the
requisite period of education.



Verified at New Delhi /Chennai on this………………………….. day of ……… Sept ……

…………… that the contents of the above affidavit are true and correct to the best of our knowledge and
belief and that no material has been concealed there from.


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