Medical card application form

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Medical Card and GP Visit Card Form MC1 4 gE a e L ont iviedical Ga it Card, — hase caren . — A\ele = Feidhmeannacht na Seirbhise Sléinte Bh fa . Health Service Executive ae saan SEES WTEC Anyone applying for either a Medical Card or a GP Visit Card ~ you will be assessed for both. Did you know the quickest way to apply for either a Medical Card or GP Visit Card is online? Apply at [SOc ! Step 1. Understand that this form is long, as we want to get the information we need to process your application as quickly as we can for you. You will have to complete the parts of the form that apply to you. Parts 3 (unless you have dependent children), 4 and 5 do not always apply. The eight sections of the form are: Part 1: Declaration and consent (to read and sign) Part 2: Personal details four dependent children plying under EU regulations or UK agreement Part 5: Income details Part 6: Family expenses Part 7: Doctor of choice / doctor’s acceptance of you or your partner or family Part 8: Data Protection Statement Step 2. Know that we ask you for photocopies of documents and other evidence in this form, s0 you need to note what you need to send us for yourself and or for others (if relevant) along with your completed form. Please tick off evidences in the little boxes provided as you gather evidences for us. We ask you not to send original documents as we can’t return them. Step 3. Read the form and then start filling it in using a black ballpoint pen. Remember to sign Part 1. Only include or name any child dependants who live with you full time on this form. Step 4. Get your doctor and your spouse or partner's doctor to complete and stamp Part 8 of this form. The doctor(s) must have a contract with the Health Service Executive. Step 5. Read Part 8 about your Data Protection rights. Step 6. Email your completed application forms and copies of all the documents we ask for to: For further information on emailing your application, please see page 20 of the application form. Or, if you wish you can post your completed application form and copies of all the documents to National Medical Card Unit, PO Box 11745, Dublin 11. Read this page and the questions and answers (Q and A) on the next two pages for help. If you need further help, please visit, email or Lo-call 0818 224478. Waren 2028 ‘Scanned with CamScanner 2. Medical Card and GP Visit Card Form MC1 Anyone who is ‘ordinarily resident’ in the Republic of Ireland can apply. ‘Ordinarily resident’ means that you are living here and intend to live here for atleast one year. If you wish to complete an application form in Irish and receive all your correspondence in Irish, please contact Lo-Call 0818 224478 or visit to download the Irish version. Mas mian leat foirm iarratais a chomhlant i nGaeilge agus gach comhfhreagras i nGaeilge a fhail, déan teagmhail le Lo-Call 0818 224478 chun iarratas a dhéanamh né téigh chuig ETK We will look at your household income after tax, PRSI (pay-related social insurance) and the USC (Universal Social Charge) have been deducted. We also look at expenses like: rent * mortgage * maintenance costs ‘© mortgage protection * house insurance ‘+ nursing home * childcare + travel to work costs If the figure we see after we take away expenses from your household income is less than the ‘qualifying income limits’, you and your family dependants will be sent a card. Qualifying income limits are financial guidelines you would need to meet to qualify for a Medical Card or GP Visit Card. You can find further details on qualifying income limits on Q4r lf get a Medical Card mrend? FEV NaKeley> a REESE If your family income falls under the qualifying income limits, the card will cover: * you * your spouse or partner * your children under 16 years of age Children who are aged 16 to 25 will get a card if they are receiving weekly income less than €164, and living with you or living away from you to attend school or college in the Republic of Ireland. They must fil out their own application form and send it to us. — ‘Scanned with CamScanner Medical Card and GP Visit Card Form MC1 3 ene aavaaiplocie pol euceaegahe How you apply depends on your income. See which applies to you from 1, 2 or 3 below. 1. Is your weekly income €164 or more? You must complete all relevant parts of this application form. 2. 1s your weekly income less than €164 and your parent(s) or guardian(s) do not have a current Medical Card? They ‘must complete all relevant parts of a separate application form and send it to us with your fully completed form. 3. 1s your weekly income less than €164 and your parents or guardians have a current Medical Card. You must complete this application form and include parents’ or guardians’ Medical Card number on page 7. ANTE AMIBO eo Pons ed SN ghee pl ca aint Prelate aici) ‘ Es If this is the case, you and your family dependants may be granted a Medical Card or a GP Visit Card where you have ifficult personal circumstances that cause you financial pressure - for example, a family member with a chronic illness. You need to send us evidence of these circumstances with your completed application form, for example, a medical report and medical expense receipts. Ss OVA Hi linnyserinys3 Ti investments be taken into.a OIE ‘ WHEE RS Soyer It depends. We will not take into account savings or investments of amounts: * up to €36,000 for a single person, or * up to €72,000 for a couple. We will assess any savings or investments above these amounts. COX: 354 yoy TACs Com Taye ps coda C=¥e Hoey Meee Was eral SETN Y Regulations? You can apply for a Medical Card under EU Regulations if you meet both of the following requirements. You and or your spouse and dependants are: * insured under the social security legislation of another EU/EEA member state or Switzerland, so they are receiving a social security pension from that state or working and paying social insurance in that state, and © not subject to Irish social security legislation. (You are subject to Irish social security legislation if you are receiving a. contributory Irish social welfare payment based on PRSI contributors or if you are subject to PRSI in the Irish State. PRSI is pay-related social insurance.) If you meet the above requirements, you can claim your entitlement to “Health Care under EU Regulations”, See Part 4, ‘Scanned with CamScanner 4 Medical Card and GP Visit Card Form MC1 - intry, '¥ you are a frontier or posted worker or pensioner or dependent on a person insured in another eae °F Switzerland, you can apply for a medical card under EU Regulations bY: 1 form * Completing an online medical card application and uploading your and / or your spouse and Sere a |_| _ issued by the EU/EEA member state or Switzerland, | | or d /or *+ Completing parts 2, 2,3, 4 and 8 (doctor to complet) of this paper application and including a copy Your for your spouse and dependants S1 form issued by the EU/EEA member state or Switzerland. If you are a frontier or posted worker or pensioner or dependent on a person insured in United Kingdom, you con apply for a medical card under EU Regulations by: |_| + Completing an online medical card application and uploading a copy of a letter of old age pension confirmation | | from the Department for Works and Pensions Board (f you are a pensioner) ora recent paylip f employes | instead of an $1 form from the UK. | Or * Completing parts 1, 2,3, and 8 (doctor to complete) of this paper application and include a copy of a letter of old age pension confirmation from the Department for Works and Pensions Board (if you are a pensioner) or a recent | | payslip if employed instead of an S1 form from the UK. use or partner and dependants are not covered for Health Care under EU Regulations but require Me‘ lity, you must complete this application form in full ‘Scanned with CamScanner Medical Card and GP Visit Car Before completing this part of the form, please read the following important information carefully. It is about ‘what it means when you give us information for your application. Sign below where shown if you agree with the formation on this page —and add the date. By law, anyone who deliberately gives false information on this form, or who deliberately withholds information relevant to an assessment of eligibility for a Medical Card and GP Visit Card, could face a fine, imprisonment or both. Aso, by law, anyone who does not tell the HSE about a change in their eligibility for a Medical Card or a GP Visit Card could face a fine. Where appropriate, the HSE has the right to review and modify (change) Medical Card and GP Visit Card eligibility status at any time. Declaration and consent Please read these statements. If you agree with them, please complete and sign or mark the form below. Statements: + Ve declare that l/We are ordinarily resident in Ireland. “Ordinarily resident” means that you are living in Ireland and intend to live here for more than one year. Wve apply for a Medical Card/GP Visit Card. We declare that the information given as part of this application is correct to the best of my/our knowledge. * Wwe agree that the HSE, when assessing eligibility, in the absence of supporting documentation will contact other Government Departments including the Department of Employment Affairs and Social Protection ‘and Revenue through real time systems to confirm information that should be supplied as supporting documentation, + We agree to tell the HSE immediately of any changes that may affect my/our eligibility for health services. + We agree that the HSE, when assessing eligibility, may contact other Government Departments including the Department of Employment Affairs and Social Protection and Revenue to confirm the information that I/we have given. + We agree for a HSE PCRS Doctor to contact GPs or other doctors or other health professionals involved in the ‘care of people named on this application for further information relevant to the assessment of this application. [PCRS stands for Primary Care Reimbursement Service. The service that deals with applications.] * We agree to inform the HSE-National Medical Card Unit of any change in my address or other personal data so that the HSE can keep my personal data accurate and up to date. + _If/we provide a nominated contact person and confirm /we wish them to act on my behalf, | authorise the HSE to deal directly with that nominated contact person, on all aspects of my application. This may include the sharing of personal sensitive information. Da x eS D if you are not able to sign, your mark should be made below. Place your mark here: ircumstances that could affect their ola |ns| dole |5 omer an —————— | Nominated contact person (This section should only be completed by a nominated contact person if the applicant is unable to apply on their own behalf. It must be completed with the applicant's prior knowledge and agreement.) First name(s): Surname: Address: Daytime phone: Relationship to applicant: Maen 2022 d Form me ‘Scanned with CamScanner 6 Medical Card and GP Visit Card Form MC1 — FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ‘Application No. First name(s): [S[ALolulN Sneains® (Balu hlste Birth surname: PPS ber: aul @ wl AG Peomalriicsericerumte) — F1GL+1 3/4] |g [KL A) traiterenny oluly date of birth: = [A Gender: male EX Female Eircode: se Mobile phone: ols |) - [4/5/-]3/5] 2/2.) (We may text about this application if mobile number is provided.) Address: Tl ss) |plorlelr| |alol|s|s repeal Rlo|Ald cL |olv| dla |p| KIz |r| Daytime phone: [g 3 ; 2| du |ele}s|} 2] a ala 216. Email address: Is [ato Ju [al dal a Nationality: L -) FAI How long have you lived in Ireland? ye 1 IR Are you ordinarily resident in the Republic of Ireland Yes Xl No (This means do you live here or plan to live here for at least a year.) Do you live alone? Yes No M If No, who do you live with? Wis|r le] leds | [sTolny 9 EE Are you: cies Married §4] Cohabiting [_] in a Civil Partnership [_] widowed [_]Separated [_] pivorced [ Do you or your spouse/partner have, or ever had a Medical Card or aGP Visit Card? Yes DX] No If “Yes’, please tick the type of card and write in the number: Applicant: Medical Card GP Visit Card Cardnumber | 2)2}5/2|3|4|2) [A Spous Medical Card f<) GP Visit Card Cardnumber [2|2|5[2]2[4/2] Je Are you aged 16-25? Does your parent(s) or guardian have a Medical Card or a GP Visit Card? Yes (If yes, please provide their card number below.) Card number: Are you attending school or third level education? Yes No(_] Meh one ‘Scanned with CamScanner p visit Card Form MUt Medical Card and GI eye seladitsay First name(s): frJolu ls [A surname: [Cl [e [8 |v [CHIE ‘J pesnumber: [9/6 A [2/5]o [4 lalA | | pateofbirth: [o[¥[o]3i[ 4191S] 4) Gender mate [_] _Femate [X] Nationality: [Alp |e TE|RIT[AL How long have you lived in ireland? [A] [ale [2 Are you ordinarily resident in Ireland? (Live here or plan to live here for at least a year) Yes No aE ee claaietaaielery rss iy es MESENGER sa itor der cee oy 29 foes tere elder yee al Td cer us re A343) ss be included on this applications they must also\complete thei own application form. Please do not includes id EMO Gis ie | First name(s): [sla [nw] rlz [L surname: [®[o|v |L[t|¢ pesnumber: [8[312|4]2[y]0 [£14 Gender: Mal Female | | oateorbirth: [G]}[]G[ 2] w[Z]S] In2ndlevel education [_] or 3rd level education } __|_ Relationship to you: [S]o [uJ Receiving a 3rd level education grant: Yes| No —— a SS ——— || First name(s): ‘Surname: t PPS number: Gender: Male Female | | pateofbirth: [o.o]mIm]Y]y]y¥]v]_ In2ndlevel education |_| or 3rd level education || Relationship to you: Receiving a 3rd level education grant: Yes| No | First name(s): Surname: | PPS number: Gender: Male Female | | Dateofbith: [STo]m[M]y]¥]y]y]_ In2ndlevel education [| or 3rd level education | | Relationship to you: Receiving a 3rd level education grant: Yes| No First name(s): Surname: PPS number: Gender: Male Female Date ofbirth: [D[o[m|[M]Y]¥]¥ |v] In2ndlevel education [| or 3rd level education Relationship to you: Receiving a 3rd level education grai No Use a separate sheet of paper for additional children in this category een 2022 ‘Scanned with CamScanner | TEEN or Switzerland UK Evidence enclosed | | Applicant E106 or $1 form [Ly [Recent payslip | E109 or Si form |_| Spouse or partner | £106 or $1 form Recent payslip | £109 or $1 form O SAU iS NET AAS MTSE ieee ker ieseh dase ens elas form EU/EEA or Switzerland UK Evidence enclosed ‘Applicant E121 or $1 form [|_| Department of Works and Pension ‘| (DWP) Letter ‘Spouse or partner | £109 or 1 form Department of Works and Pension (DWP) Letter ra Do you wish your spouse/partner and/or family to be means assessed for a Medical Card if they do not qualify under EU Regulations? ves L_] wo O ‘Scanned with CamScanner Medical Card and GP visit Gard Form MCT 9 Amount Payment frequency Name of payment Evidence Weekly | Fortnightly | Monthly cocosed Applicant € 38,70| Kl Deseo Oe aa Xl € some | 38.%] 6 meee sli i. = ‘Scanned with CamScanner 10 Medical Card and GP Visit Card Form MC1 ‘Wage tater Payment frequency Employer name Evidence tax Pad enclosed Uscdeductes) | Weekly | Fortnightly | Monthly Applicant | € LO Spouseor | ¢ partner Back toemployment or education scheme {for example, Community, amas Scheme) Ree ee ‘Q. What do you and or your spouse or partner {if any) need to FNL ‘CTX x7 aT ob yous eC Pre eed eae es {Al You need to provide a letter(s) from the scheme supervisor(s) showing the start date and sents & CDR aa ate ne oleic grt spice baideseela sa ol a aan eye ACen) cra ee eres) Scheme | Start date Expected finish date Evidence type enclosed peplicent DjojmimiyJyly}y}olojmimiy|y|y]y Scheme Start date Expected finish date Bvidence type enclosed Spouse or see pjojmimiy}yjy}y]ojolmimiy|y]y]y ‘Scanned with CamScanner FormMC1 1 Medical Card and GP Visit Card ‘Amount Type of employment Evidence enclosed Applicant | ¢ Spouse or | ¢ partner Amount Payment frequency Country that pays this Evidence pension enclosed Weekly | Fortnightly | _ Monthly Applicant | € Spouse or | ¢ partner ‘Scanned with CamScanner 12 Medical Card and GP Visit Card Form MC1 Paysites Piel CNMIERC ES pe WER es rd acla Amount (iter tax, PRSH and usc deducted) Payment frequency Pension provider Weekly Fortnightly ‘Monthiy Evidence ‘enclosed Applicant © [a] c Spouse or partner Payment frequency Source of income an eae essai Beery | Baveonear Applicant. | € ao ee | oO Spoon ie oO Se Oo partner ‘Scanned with CamScanner Medical Card and GP Visit Card Form MC 13 Savings ancinvestments) Do you or your spouse or partner (if any) have investments in stocks, shares or savings with banks or building societies or other financial institutions? ‘Q. What do you need to provider} A. Evidence of your savings and investments that fe one of the following tire option: Hiss Sigs Sie eestht HEN ne REN ea Sitter wren Seka ASIII eC ETaTer lis if ICICE ny resi: Currentvatue | Name and address of financial | Type of savings or investments Evidence of savings and | institution where invested or enclosed shares invested | deposited or held in savings c oO « Oo « fe € O € oO € Ay If you don’t have enough room to complete this section, please write additional details on a separate sheet of paper and send these with this completed form. aren 2022 ‘Scanned with CamScanner 14 Medical Card and GP Visit Card Form MC1 Read this section if you or your spouse or partner (if any) own any property or land other than the house you live in, including land not personally used. Please provide the evidence sought. COTATI letras ata Paasche ssa ise [ ruttadaress | Detats of tandand property | Yearlyincome or | Yearly costs Evidence of property (for example, number of value of property | (for example, enclosed and land bedrooms, number of acres. | or land outstanding or if ita commercial unit mortgage) mention this) € € € € € € | € € € € a Ren Se a coos ca | Fascha a appicant | € Oo fea feces o eau seoweer | ¢ Oo Bee) Sy ‘Scanned with CamScanner Medical Gard and GP Visit Card Form MC1_ 15 a Gi} hen: ee Ut Sala a etn please send photocopies only please. Orginal enclosed Weekly | Fortnightly | Monthly | Sst Sa re) rie Teo Ye Amount Payment frequency lene Weekly, Fortnightly Monthly rere Bi Cl | TTS SS es aah ‘Scanned with CamSeanner 16 Medical Card and GP Visit Card Form MC1 | IAEA | SATE || amount Payment frequency Gr | ‘weeny | Forni | _ Monthy | Je 0 oO O oO | \Te o aie MW aie ue cia UAL FW GIN ea ceuiieMiclie alee cea "AGI id be dated | | Amount Payment frequency Evidence | paiel | a Fs fe Oo yment frequency Fertoientiy | aaomthiy ‘Scanned with CamScanner Address of employment Transport Ifyou use Ifyou get aie used, for acar, fill in public a ‘example car, | the distance | transport, busortrain’ | youtravel in | fillin the kilometers weekly each week costs Applicant Spouse or Partner ex] rn eteeacoses taster Payment frequency weekly | Foriniehtiy | Monthly svc € & oO oO o € 0 (5) = Oo ‘Scanned with CamScanner 18 Medical Card and GP Visit Card Form MC1 WSU ETC e scene AGE 4 NE ATA ltt y ceoMMbIe Wa A see Mean n SLUATR Jie ese MeAIo Satish ess ct, Bee Ari Evidence ofthe ering Halal BATA Me LC Let Ke Solstice Sede eedsel Sealine hn nities (oli PoaNGea relies = of the nursing enclosed home Weekly | Fortnientiy | Monthly Applicant « ( || Spouse or | Leaner € O oO Berle ier PRRRIREN OS TITS Korero? ‘A. Please give details of your jliness onilinesses, and thell costs, Please provide evidence Of triese.cOsts (bills Invoices and receipts) Expense costs inthe last | Evidence Details of illness 12 months enclosed c Other relevant medical information which you fee! may help with your application: ‘Scanned with CamScanner Medical Card and GP Visit Card Form MC1 19 ick) RS at the GEA aia sapasa as TEREUnIGE a BREET INET ens ARGS duh ec ehokcasa eich ase sgeteseeets Pipa Se ee Nala SUSAN e eRe R IOAN: PASSAU Sa mans Pepe ES agree to provide medical services to this applicant and their dependants, if any. Doctor's name: Doctor’s practice address: will your dependants (you have Yes[_] wo [] any) attend this doctor? Oo — agree to provide General Medical Services to the above named (and or their dependants). This is in line with my agreement with the HSE to provide services under Section 58 of the Health Act 1970 and Health Amendment Act 2005. |_| Signature of doctor: General Medical Services stamp here: | GMs no. pater folo[m|[mM|y|y|y fy If your spouse or partner requires a different doctor of choice, please have their GP complete Part 8A, a VAv Spouse's or partners doctor of choice and th ChTeTS sleqy VENTS Ask your Spouse's or partner s doctor to complete the relevant Information in this part, oF CS Doctor’s name: Doctor's practice address: 1 agree to provide General Medical Services to the above named (and or their dependants). This is in line with my agreement with the HSE to provide services under Section 58 of the Health Act 1970 and Health Amendment Act 2005. Signature of doctor: General Medical Services stamp here: | | | ems ne. | | pate: ‘Scanned with CamScanner Medical Card and GP Visit Gard Form MC1 20 | re 11935 i seraranals ese DURAN PI ees * PCRS is the Primary Care Reimbursement Service. Remember to send your completed and signed form, along with photocopies of evidences needed to: National Medical Card Unit PO Box 11745 Dublin 11. Did you know that instead of posting your application and supporting documentation, you can email this to us at You can take photographs or scans of each page of your application and these can be then emailed to us. Can you please ensure the following: 1, The photo or scan is not blurry 2. The full page is captured with all figures/details visible 3. Email the supporting documentation to We look forward to processing your application as quickly as we can. 2 PlainS> English Approved by NALA ‘Scanned with CamScanner

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